The Flu (A Novel of the Outbreak)

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The Flu (A Novel of the Outbreak) Page 24

by Jacqueline Druga

  “Oh, yeah,” Jeff gasped out. “We’re starved. “ How’re the burgers here?”

  “Pretty good. The place is famous for its country fried steak.”

  With a pleased look, Darrell glanced at Jeff. “That actually sounds really good.”

  The old man nodded again. “Don’t it though. Welp....” he stepped back. “Gonna go sit down. Sorry I can’t help you out.”

  “Whoa. Wait,” Jeff called out. “What do you mean?”

  Slowly, almost too slowly, the man spoke. “I mean...I cannot help you out.”

  “We’re...we’re hungry,” Darrell stated.

  “Go fetch yourself something. Might be something in the back. Might not.” The man responded. “Can’t tell ya. Ain’t been back there. In fact....” He looked toward the kitchen. “No one’s been back there for a while.”

  “What are you doing here?” Jeff questioned.

  “Sitting. Having coffee. They have the best.” The man sat back down. “Don’t taste as good when you have to brew it yourself. Still good enough, though.”

  Darrell, offended, asked, “Wait a minute. You mean no one’s here in the diner to serve food?”

  The old man looked oddly at Darrell. “What’s it look like to you? Now, I am not a college-educated man, but I’d say, no one’s here to serve the food. The diner’s not open.”

  “We’ve been here twenty minutes,” Jeff argued. “Why didn’t you say something?”

  “I wanted to see how long you’d wait.”

  Darrell gasped. “That’s not right. And...the sign on the door says open. That’s very misleading.”

  “To morons,” the man quipped. “Who in God’s name would drive into an empty town in this world now, and expect to get full service at a local diner? Morons.”

  Darrell looked across the booth to Jeff. “I hope he’s not referring to us.”

  “I don’t think so,” Jeff replied. “That would be rude. Then again he let us sit here for twenty minutes, and again, this is Ohio.”

  “True,” Darrell agreed. “Let’s just hope Lodi isn’t this bad.”

  “Let’s hope.” Jeff let out a loud sneeze. “Damn cat.”

  * * *

  Reston, Virginia

  “Send them home,” Kurt spoke seriously and firmly to Henry. “It’s ridiculous.”

  “No.” Henry shook his head. “They’ve been there this long, what is nine more days?” Henry questioned.

  “A long time,” Kurt said. “It’s useless. It’s over. Reston was one of the last bigger cities to get hit. And look outside. It died with a whimper. So unlike LA, New York. Quietly. It’s over. In two days, Lodi will have made it.”

  “That’s not true. They have nine left to go until we can declare this epidemic over.”

  “What’s going to happen?” Kurt tossed up his hand. “No one has tried to get in there. Everyone has pretty much resigned themselves to this flu.”

  “Except Lodi. No, Kurt.” Henry shook his head. “I don’t smell it. I don’t smell the feeling of victory yet, and I know I will when it’s done with and we have proceeded to save one entire town. Besides, they won’t take the order from me. Who am I?”

  Kurt laughed. “Yeah, right. You, Henry, have become the head of the CDC, the WHO, FEMA and Dwight fuckin’ Eisenhower to the military men at the Lodi post. They’ll listen to you. Send them home.”

  “As much as I want to, call it a hunch. Not yet,” Henry spoke rationally. “Not yet.”

  “Fine.” Kurt gave up. “Change the subject....what did the Vice, I mean, new President say?”

  “He is currently reorganizing his restructuring plan,” Henry explained. “That’s his answer. But if you want my opinion, not that he isn’t trying, I don’t think he knows what to grasp for the means to pull it off.”

  “Do you think he will eventually?”

  “Let’s just say I hope so.” Henry said. “Despite what it looks like, there are a lot of people left. And people in general, they tend to be followers. I’ll tell you, Kurt. If out of this whole mess a strong voice doesn’t rise above the ashes, we’re basically fucked. The masses need someone to lead them, give them direction. If someone doesn’t, mankind stands a good chance of fading away.”

  “Why don’t you do it?” Kurt asked. “Be the voice?”

  “Who, me?” Henry chuckled at that notion. “I’m not a leader.”

  “You don’t think?” Hand extended, Kurt motioned around. “Look around. Look at how you kept all this going. Against the odds and in spite of a lack of technology, you managed to keep me alive and the Center operating. You have stats. You have it all. You haven’t left this post.”

  “That wasn’t the leader in me. That was the diehard optimist screaming to see this thing end.”

  “Guess what? You have. We’ve seen the last of this flu.”

  Henry closed his eyes. “Let’s hope.”


  Lodi, Ohio

  Patrick couldn’t believe it was in. He had been waiting all week to get his hands on that new release, constantly stopping in Tom’s store to see if it was there. Of course, it actually wasn’t a new release seeing how Tom hadn’t received a shipment in nearly a month. But Patrick had it, and pleased, he walked up to the counter.

  “Here, Tom.” Patrick laid the movie down. “Quite the selection tonight. Usually the shelves are empty.”

  “Usually people aren’t getting ready for the festival tomorrow night. Not gonna help?”

  “Oh. I’m helping, but I stay up pretty late. That’s for later.”

  Tom peered at the box. “Will you stop pestering me now?”


  “Good flick.” Tom nodded. “Watched it last night.”

  “Wait a second....” Patrick said. “You said you’d call me as soon as it came in.”

  “Never came in. I was on my way out, Wayne dropped it off. I took it.”

  “Figures. I was bored, too.”

  “Must happen to you a lot.”

  “Yeah.” Patrick hunched down and peeked in the mostly empty candy case. “No chance of any chocolate covered peanuts in the back?”

  Tom lifted a finger and pointed.

  Marian, with a pleased expression on her face, came from the back room with a box. “I knew you were in here. Had to find that box.” She smiled and gave the candy to Patrick.

  “Thank you.”

  “You are brushing after those. They tend to....”

  “Marian,” Tom cut her off. “You can’t be badgering the customers about good oral hygiene. It isn’t gonna help business if things go back to normal.”

  Embarrassed, Marian giggled and went behind the counter. “Did you tell him?”

  “Shush,” Tom shook his head. “Getting there.” He pushed the box forward. “Got you logged.”

  “Thank you.” Patrick gathered up his things.

  “Say…” Tom spoke up, stopping Patrick, “did you know, since this whole thing went down and we just been logging movies, you’ve rented a whopping fifty-three movies?”

  “That’s…that’s just pathetic,” Patrick commented. “That many?”

  “Yep. Pretty much tied with one other person.”

  Shocked, Patrick shook his head. “I guess I have nothing else to do.”

  “Bet you get lonely sometimes being the single guy and all,” Tom stated.

  “Yeah, kind of,” Patrick nodded.

  “Bet you’d like nothing more than to have someone to watch that movie with. Discuss it, laugh over it.”

  Patrick gave a shrug. “That wouldn’t be bad. I think Mick is getting tired of me going over there with him and Dylan. Lars, he argues with me over the movies.”

  “It’s tough when the world shuts down before you get a chance to meet someone. I mean, a nice home cooked meal....”

  “That,” Patrick lifted a finger, “would be nice.”

  “Would you like a nice home cooked meal, and someone to watch that movie with tonight?”
  Patrick smiled, his eyes shifted to Marian who seemed to have on her best Donna Reed look. “I’d love it.”

  Tom’s eyes lifted at the ring of the doorbell and he smiled. “Well, you’re in luck. Eunice?” Tom gave a wave of his hand. “He said ‘yes’. How do you like that?”

  Eunice? Patrick didn’t want to turn around. He felt her presence near him.

  Tom leaned closer to Patrick and whispered. “Eunice is a nice woman. Has dinner all ready. Loves this movie. Go on, have a good time. She ain’t married.” Tom winked.

  Thinking, Maybe Eunice just had a case of bad luck and got a really shitty name, Patrick grinned and turned around with an extended hand. He felt every facial muscle freeze when he forced the smile to stay put. His neck muscles felt the strain as well from looking up at the extremely tall, thin woman in her late forties, with obviously dyed jet black hair. To Patrick, the sourpuss look she had all but shouted one of the reasons she wasn’t married. Patrick swallowed. What was he gonna do? Nervously he pulled his hand back, while trying desperately to find a single positive detail about Eunice.

  Eunice’s thickly painted lips parted and she smiled widely. “We’ll have fun.” She continued to smile.

  That was it. Patrick knew where he would focus...on her mouth. She had great teeth and her mouth wasn’t bad. Patrick only hoped that Eunice never noticed that he never looked anywhere else.

  * * *

  The tiny tug on Mick’s tee shirt sleeve made him turn his mouth from the fork full of pasta to Tigger. “Yes?”

  “What’s a maggot?” Tigger asked.

  The fork lowered from Mick’s mouth. “What the hell kind of question is that to be....” His eyes raised across the picnic table to Dustin and Chris, who were snickering. “What did you guys tell him?”

  “Nothing,” Dustin laughed.

  “Nothing,” Chris repeated in the same manner.

  Rose Owens shook her head. “Mick, wipe that fuckin’ look off your face, they’re just being boys.”

  “They made Tigger bring up maggots,” Mick defended then lifted his fork again.

  Tigger gave a pull on his sleeve. “What’s a maggot?”

  Laughing, Dylan decided to intervene, “A maggot is a baby fly. Little disgusting worms.”

  Tigger nodded his understanding. “Oh. Hey, Mick, so are there a zillion maggots on the bodies outside of Lodi?”

  Mick opened his mouth to answer only after sending a scolding look to Dustin and Chris. “Not a zillion. A few.”

  Tigger let out a little shriek. “Oh, they lied. They said maggots were crawling in and out of dead people’s bodies and....”

  “Enough,” Mick grumbled. “And boys, why are you talking about this?”

  “Check this out, Mick.” Dustin leaned into the picnic table. “Jerry got a hold of a scope for the camera. We were snapping off pictures of the bodies from Diggins’ roof.”

  “What the—”

  Rose cut off Mick. “How very entrepreneur-like of you, Dustin. Getting the scope.”

  Dustin nodded. “Did you know when the Spanish flu hit no one took any really disgusting pictures for the public to see?”

  “That’s because they saw it,” Mick commented.

  “Yeah, but,” Dustin continued, “generations to come wouldn’t have seen it. Right?”

  Rose noticed the look on her son’s face. “I hope you aren’t being fuckin’ discouraging about the career choice Dustin here is making. A photographer is a—”

  “Mom,” Mick silenced her. “Who said I’m not being...Tigger!” Mick reached down to the ground, then, with his free hand lifted Tigger. “You have to use the booster seat.” Mick set the seat on the bench, then Tigger on the booster. “Use it.”

  “I’m not a baby,” Tigger grumbled.

  “I know you aren’t a baby,” Mick argued. “But you don’t eat when you have to kneel. If you don’t eat, you won’t grow.”

  “I’m not growing anyhow.”

  “Yes, you are,” Mick said.

  “No.” Tigger folded his arms. “Look at me. I’m not gonna grow.”

  “I did.” Mick said.

  “What’s that got to do with me?” Tigger asked.

  Rose interceded. “Mick is trying to tell you that just because you’re little today, don’t mean you won’t be a big fuckin’ ox tomorrow.” She gave a wink to Dustin and Chris who laughed. “Mick was short. God, Dylan, wasn’t he less than five feet in the ninth grade?”

  “I think so,” Dylan stated. “Definitely shorter than me.”

  “And round,” Rose whistled. “Mick was as round as they came. Called him Orca.”

  “Mom.” Mick groaned.

  Rose ignored him and continued reminiscing. “Had to get a steel toilet seat. Mick broke three of them his eighth grade year.”

  “Mom!” Mick cowered behind his own hand.

  Chris shrieked. “You broke toilet seats? Ah, man, Mick. That’s funny.”

  “It isn’t funny,” Dustin said, offended. “Mick couldn’t help it he was heavy. And the toilet seats were probably weak; he didn’t break them because of his weight, did you, Mick?”

  Groaning, Mick just wanted to eat. “Can we just enjoy one of the last warm days before it gets cold? Please? And eat.”

  “I fuckin’ hate Indian summer. Get cold. Stay warm. But make up its goddamn mind,” Rose bitched.

  Getting ready to close his eyes in one of those ‘God get me out of this’ moments, Mick saw Dylan solemnly get up and go inside. “Excuse me.” He wiped his mouth and stood.

  Dylan wasn’t doing much but staring at the coffee spot on the counter by the sink. She jumped a little when she heard the screen porch door shut. She turned around.

  “You OK?” Mick asked.

  “Oh, yeah. Fine.” Dylan smiled. “I was getting some soda. We didn’t have any on the table.”

  “And you’re fine?” Mick took a step to her. “I didn’t say something to upset you?”

  “No, not at all. Go on, I’ll be right back out.” Dylan watched him, but as soon as he reached for the door, she called out. “Mick?”

  Mick turned around. “Yeah?”

  “Did you....did you ever notice how good you are with the boys?”

  The corner of Mick’s mouth raised with a smile. “I should hope I’m good with the boys, I’ve been around them all their lives.”

  “I’m talking natural. It’s nice they have that with you.”

  “Thanks. It’s nice to hear that from you.” Mick tried for the door again.

  “Mick, before you go,” Dylan spoke up. “I just...I just want you to know. When I look at you, when I see you with my sons, I really do see my future. I’m gonna grow old with you, Mick Owens.”

  He was going to leave, but he didn’t. How could he? Mick walked right up to Dylan, slipped his hand behind her neck, and kissed her. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  After a smile, Mick kissed her quickly and walked back to the door. “See ya outside.”

  Rose looked up when she heard the thump of Mick’s heavy steps on the porch. “She all right?” Rose asked.

  “Yeah.” Mick took his spot at the table. “Cramps.” He enjoyed the cringes that came from the boys. “Hey, guys, I wanna ask you something real fast before your mom comes back out.” He waited until he had their attention. “Answer me honestly, okay? No holding back. How would you guys feel if I asked your mom to marry me?”

  “Good fuckin’ Lord, Mick,” Rose snapped. “Could your timing be any worse? It’s not a good time.”

  Dustin lifted his hand with a smile. “No, Mrs. Owens, it’s fine.” He smiled at Mick. “I’m fine with it. Mick’s been around a real long time. It would be nice. Real nice.”

  Mick felt relieved to hear that. Of course, he’d expected no backlash from Dustin. He looked to his right. “Tigger?”

  Tigger shrugged. “It’s fine.”

  After a nod, Mick turned to Chris. “Chris?”

�Well,” Chris exhaled, “I’m fine with it, too. But, you know Mom has never had a husband stay with her the entire time. Not that she had all that many, she only had my dad, but he was always leaving and hurting her. You aren’t gonna leave my mom when you get mad, are you, Mick?”

  Dustin jumped in before Mick could. “What the heck is wrong with you? Of course he’s not gonna up and leave Mom. He didn’t leave her over the lesbian thing did he? No. And Mick isn’t gonna take a hike when things get rough…are you, Mick?”

  Getting ready to do his stock groan, Mick stopped when his radio hissed.

  “Chief Owens, come in.”

  Mick picked up his radio. “Yeah, this is Mick. Go on.”

  “Sir, you’re gonna have to come down to the main check in. We...we got a couple of live ones here and they’re insisting on speaking with the law.”

  “I’m on my way.” Mick stood up, hooking his radio to his belt. “I’ll be back.” Turning to leave, he saw Dylan.

  “What’s going on?” Dylan asked.

  “Check this out. We have people at the front wanting in.”

  Dylan stared for a moment. “It’s been so long. Maybe it’s a sign, Mick. Maybe it’s a sign that all the world didn’t go to hell.”

  Mick darted a kiss to her cheek. “Maybe it is.”

  * * *

  Suits? Mick couldn’t believe it as he dismounted his bike. The arrivals were wearing suits? Pulling on his surgical mask, Mick grabbed his rifle and walked near the check-in point. He kept his distance. “What’s the problem?”

  Sergeant Dion rolled his eyes as he merely pointed to Jeff and Darrell and their cat.

  “May I help you gentlemen?” Mick asked.

  “Hey! You’re the Harley Cavalry!” Jeff said in recognition. “No wonder you’re running things here.”

  “What?” Mick asked, confused.

  “The Harley Cavalry. Six weeks ago, some other Ohio town. A kid held up in a store,” Jeff explained. “We were there.” Fumbling with the cat, Jeff reached into his pocket. “We’re FBI agents.”


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