Broken (Broken Trilogy Book 1)

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Broken (Broken Trilogy Book 1) Page 15

by Drake, J. L.

  “Wow, where’s the fire?” Paul asks, holding up his coffee mug.

  “Have you seen Savannah?” Abigail asks breathily.

  “Yes, she’s out on the patio.” Dell points outside. “Everything okay?”

  Cole doesn’t answer. He moves through the dining room his stomach in knots, there she is dressed in a white sweater and light pink tight-fitting pants sipping a cup of coffee. Her hair is hanging in big curls around her shoulders. Christ she takes his breath away. She must have sensed him watching because she turns to look at him her eyes light up then drop quickly after looking over his shoulder.

  “That girl is getting a goddamn tracking device in her neck this time!” Keith shouts storming into the dining room. “Cole, this is the second time she’s done this,” he complains.

  “Calm down, Keith,” Abigail says just as she hears Savannah open the door behind them. She is biting her lip looking guilty her eyes downcast.

  “Why are we shouting?” Mark hisses, looking like he got two hours of sleep.

  “Sweet boxers, man.” Cole points to his Ironman underwear. Mark flips him the finger.

  “Savannah, I warned you.” Keith points a finger at her. Her eyes flip to Mark’s. He catches the look and suddenly looks more alert.

  “I’m so sorry, I fell asleep in the entertainment room. I couldn’t sleep.”

  “Wrong answer, Savi, I watched the tape.” She runs her hands through her hair as Mark mirrors the same action. What the hell is going on here, he wonders looking from one to the other?

  “Keith, I’m here. I’m okay.” She starts looking nervous again her eyes shifting over to the kitchen.

  “That isn’t how this house works.”

  “Keith,” Mark whispers, “give her a free pass just one more time, okay?”

  Keith looks at him shaking his head. “Last time, Savi, so help me God.” He holds up his hands stopping himself then turns and leaves muttering into his radio.

  “T minus fourteen hours, pretty eyes,” Mark mutters to Savannah.

  “Anyone care to fill me in?” Cole asks crossing his arms sitting on the edge of the table, both of them stare at the ground but saying nothing. “Well here’s the problem. Mark, you don’t make eye contact with me when you’re hiding something. You’ve been doing since you were a kid and Savi,” she looks up at him running her fingers through her hair, “you do that,” he points to her hand, “when you’re not being honest or you’re scared.” He sighs when they both look at one another. “What happens in fourteen hours?”

  “Cole,” Savannah steps closer holding up her hands, “you asked me a little while ago to have trust in you and I do. Could you have a little in me when I ask you to just give me today? Please?” Her eyes hold his for a moment. God, he’s falling hard for this woman but this secret feels like it is going to end badly.

  “This isn’t going to be good is it?” Her face flushes as she looks over at Mark. “Do I need to be worried about anyone’s safety?” Savannah’s face flinches.

  “I’ve got this for now,” Mark says. “Savannah has her reasons for keeping quiet and though I don’t quite agree I respect her wish to wait until tonight to share it with you or I will.”

  Okay, this sounds big. “Mark can you give us a minute?” Cole waits till they are alone then angles his back to block the security camera. Watching her as she nervously plays with the candle on the table “Baby,” he whispers. She looks up at him her face waiting to tell but she won’t. “I won’t push this issue. I feel like Mark’s got it handled for right now but you have to tell me where you go at night?” She sits the candle down turning it between her fingers thinking. “What if something happens and I need to get to you? Besides you almost killed Abigail with worry this morning.”

  She slowly nods her head. “Your mother’s library,” she says quietly. “I feel safe there.”

  He let out a sigh a little surprised that he was unsure for a moment he didn’t know what she was going to tell him for just a moment he thought it was another man’s room and immediately felt guilty for even going there in his head.

  “I’m sorry for using that back passage but I just really feel safe in there,” she repeats. “It’s been a rough few days, and I overslept. I was hoping to slip in and out without anyone noticing. I really am sorry, Cole.” He reaches for her hand settling his on top.

  “Don’t be sorry, I’m just relieved it wasn’t someone’s room you were seeking out. It makes me happy you feel safe in there, use it anytime.”

  “Truthfully,” she moves a little closer, “I wanted to go to your room.” He inhales sharply, her eyes lock with his. “Lie in your bed, smell you all around me,” she whispers as a corner of her mouth goes up, looking damn sexy.

  As she stands in front of him smiling he shifts, feeling his temperature rise, his fingers curling around the edge of the table. She is making him painfully hard.

  Straddling one of his knees and leaning to one side she reaches for her coffee cup and continues, “Sleep in nothing but one of your T-shirts.”

  Her breath against his neck has his hands in a death grip on the table.

  She pulls away chuckling into her mug. Oh she is good, she knows he is about to burst!

  “Savi,” he growls, “left top drawer—my T-shirts.” He hears her laugh as she heads into the kitchen.

  “Two can play this game, baby.” She smirks over her shoulder with a sway in her step.

  God damn, that ass.


  A scream from the entryway has him hopping to his feet and out to the dining room.

  “Ahh! I can’t believe you’re finally here!” Abigail shouts into her sister’s shoulder.

  Cole shakes his head, rubbing his chest. What is it with women and shouting when they greet each other?

  “Coley!” Aunt June grabs his face smacking a kiss right on his lips. “How’s my handsome young man doing?”

  He grimaces at her nickname for him. “Fine, thanks.”

  “So I’ve heard.” She winks at him. “Oh my!” She looks over his shoulder. “And you must be Savannah.”

  “I am, nice to meet you.”

  June pulls her in for a hug making her wince slightly, her face quickly recovers but he still caught it. June steps back to get a good look at her. “I bet you’re a nice change of scenery for the guys, huh?” Savannah’s face reddens.

  “Oh June, leave the poor girl alone. Come on, Savi, let’s find you something to wear tonight.” Abigail links arms with Savannah pulling her toward the stairs.

  “Must be some girl to put a look on your face like that.” June elbows him in the ribs.

  Cole smiles he has no intention of lying to her, not like he can anyway he thinks wryly.

  “That she is.” Aunt June is always so observant.


  Cole sits at his desk. He doesn’t even get his email open before a knock at the door interrupts him. He glances at his second monitor seeing Keith.

  “Come in.”

  “Look we need to talk about this whole Savannah disappearing act—.”

  “She’s been going to the private library,” Cole interrupts while studying his computer screen.

  “What? How does she know about that place?”

  “She saw it when I was bringing her back to her room after she got poisoned.”

  “And you’re okay with that?” Keith’s tone makes him look up.

  “Something happened while we were gone; she felt nervous and went to a place where she felt safe. She only knows the code to her own room.” He leaves out the fact that she knows his too. “She can roam all the hallways in this place, but she can’t access any room without the codes, you know that.”

  “What if she finds the door to the bottom floor?”

  Cole leans back in his chair he doesn’t like being questioned so much. “Then she sees a door that looks like every other door in the hallway. No codes no access.”

  Keith nods then takes a seat.

sighs, seeing this is going to be a long day. “What do you know about what happened?”

  “All I know is that she and York got into it over dinner. She was talking to the new guys and Dell slipped up admitting that Los Servientes were blackmailing someone.”

  Cole’s jaw clenches, he is going to have to have a word with Dell.

  “I guess that got Savi upset and she pressed on for information but York had a power trip moment and the two of them got into it.”

  “How badly?”

  “Bad enough that York actually threatened her.”

  Cole instantly gets angry, Christ, York needs to tame it down, he thinks.

  “A few more words were exchanged and she left. Abigail came and got Mike he caught her in the hallway—nearly scared the poor thing to death. She seems a bit rattled but other than that she was all right. So I don’t know if the blackmailing thing is playing on her or if it was the dinner fight. She just seems different. She’s been hiding away from us till you all came home.” Keith rises. “Look, Dell felt terrible about what he said, don’t be too hard on him. It’s York’s power trip that needs to be brought down a few pegs. That man’s a loose cannon and I swear he has it out for Savi.”

  “Sounds that way.”

  “Anyway it’s all on the tapes so you can see it for yourself.”

  Cole runs his hands over his face. “I can’t do anything until I get this report finished and sent over.”

  “Well, I’ll leave you to it.”


  Cole fusses over his tie in the mirror preferring his army boots and camo gear over a suit and tie any day, but it has been a long standing tradition to go to Zack’s restaurant in town for Thanksgiving.

  Zack had worked for Shadows many years ago and when he retired, he didn’t like the idea of leaving the area so he opened a restaurant and bar with his younger brother. Cole’s father and Zack now live two doors down from one another, best friends attached at the hip since they were kids. Abigail now teases he and Mark for having the same kind of friendship. She’s right, he laughs at himself. He couldn’t imagine not having Mark around.

  Normally the ‘guests’ that stay at the house are kept at arm’s length and a relationship forming with one of them like the one Savi enjoys simply doesn’t happen. They certainly have never had one included at their own off-site holiday dinner. Zack doesn’t shut down his restaurant completely for them but with the number of Agents going tonight he isn’t too worried about taking Savannah out in public. “Though you can never be too careful,” he mutters to himself, tucking his gun into the holster on his hip.

  He shrugs on his jacket, inspecting himself. He’s wearing a black suit with a red tie his hair is gelled down slightly and slicked back. He shakes his head. “I look like a fucking attorney from Wall Street.” he curses, “fuck!” He knows he can’t handle the city life. He wonders if Savannah misses it. If they did end up together, would she want to go back to New York? The thought makes him uneasy, so he pushes it aside.

  Cole heads downstairs to find Keith and Mike waiting for him. As they hurry outside he notes that the temperature has dropped dramatically. His cell phone shows it's twenty-six degrees out.

  Paul opens the door letting him hop in the Escalade SUV.

  Savannah is sitting in the back and he makes his way directly toward her purposely ignoring his two grinning aunts until he is sitting beside her.

  “Ladies, you look lovely this evening.”

  “Same to you, Logan.” June winks.

  His grin widens as he takes in Savannah’s appearance. A long, white fur coat is wrapped around her small frame. Sparkly earrings peek through her curled hair and that heavenly apple smell is lingering around her. “You look lovely, Ms. Miller.”

  “Why, thank you.” She smiles making her eyes dance. “You look quite handsome yourself.”

  “It’s the tie,” he grunts, tugging it away from his neck.

  They drive in a convoy of four, two Escalade SUV’s and two spotter cars. He doesn’t like driving the mountain roads at night, there are too many high areas where a sniper could sit and wait. Cole doesn’t notice Savannah is picking up on his vibe until he sees her face. Reaching for her hand he threads his fingers through hers figuring since they are in the back no will notice and June is keeping the conversation going with Paul and Mark up front. She squeezes it but he can see she’s anxious. He leans in and points with his free hand.

  “See over there, those lights, that’s the city. Not much longer.”

  “You’re nervous,” she whispers.

  “Not nervous, just alert.” He leans in till his lips brush over the shell of her ear. He breathes her in as her grip tightens. “I like having you tucked away on my mountain, where I know you’re safe.”

  She looks up at him looking with worry but before he could ask her about it his phone begins to vibrate.


  “It’s Keith, we’re at the restaurant in position. Place looks busy but Zack is ready for us. Your parents are here along with a few of their friends.”

  He glances at his watch. “Copy that, six minutes out.” He snaps it shut and gives Paul a nod, letting him know everything is a go.

  “Savi, what do you say if someone approaches you that you don’t know?” Mark asks from the front seat.

  “That my name is Nicole and I’m here with family on a ski vacation.”

  “Perfect, and if you feel uncomfortable or nervous in a situation tonight, what’s your safe word for us to step in?”


  Cole looks down at her and hears Mark turn around too.

  “Okay, Blackstone.” Mark glances at him puzzled. Cole hops out the side door scanning the parking lot then helps everyone out, keeping close to Savannah as they walk into the restaurant. His parents sit at a very long table with Will, a guy he grew up with—it is great to see him—and as they all exchange greetings his mother gives him a nudge when as she meets Savannah. Good lord is everyone aware that he has feelings for this woman? Or was Abigail just on the horn again?

  He gasps as he helps Savannah take off her jacket; her black dress is like a second skin it is so tight, the sleeves hit right above her elbows, the length a little lower than mid-thigh, and it has a deep V-neck. Scowling at Abigail, who is avoiding his stare, he realizes he is clutching her coat still. He 'smoothly' tries to wrap it back around her.

  “You should keep this on! You’ll freeze!”

  “I’m all right, thanks.” She waves a hand, taking her seat.

  He grumbles as he hangs the coat on the rack. He sits next to her, watching the guys at the table take in her beauty—or her chest—which York is gawking at. He has to fight with his arm not to wrap it around her chair and claim what’s his.

  Drinks are served and Cole's father rises to deliver a familiar holiday toast to friends. After dinner arrives everyone dives into various dishes and conversations.

  “So when are you guys heading back to TJ?” Kyle asks. He is one of Cole’s childhood friends who joined the army Cole did.

  “Possibly next week.” He sighs, seeing Mark glance at Savannah. “But I—ah, I’m not sure if I’ll be attending that trip.” He wants to see who is listening to them.

  “I’ve never known you to skip out on a chance to snap someone’s neck,” York comments, taking a bit of his turkey.

  “York!” Cole’s mother hisses. “That’s totally inappropriate.”

  York shrugs, seemingly unfazed by her recriminations. “No secret you have more kills than any of us.”

  Cole can’t believe he is hearing this, his mother pointedly looks at Savannah who is downing the rest of her wine. He stabs his finger at York. “One more word like that and you’ll be finding your own way back.” He doesn’t shout but his clipped tone says it all. The guys are all good buddies but there is still rank in his house, and he will be damned if he is going to let York forget that.

  Cole shakes his head looking back at Kyle. “I have a lot
to catch up on. Frank is breathing down my neck.”

  “Yeah I get that,” Kyle says, moving his attention over to Savannah. “So.” She shifts slightly. “Tell me something about yourself.”

  She leans forward, resting her forearms on the table, her bracelets making a pretty noise as they clink together. She pulls her dark hair off one shoulder, showing off her slender neck that his tongue is begging to taste. “What do you wanna know?”

  He shrugs. “Something that none of these guys know yet.”

  Cole leans over letting her know she can be honest with these guys—they’ve all signed NDA contracts.

  She presses her lips together taking a moment to think. “I love the blues. Give me a local pub with bad food and live music and I’m a happy girl.” She smiles as she remembers. “My friend Lynn and I would spend every Friday night at this little hole-in-the-wall pub in Queens just to listen to a musician named Flat Street Tony. He played the cello and had a voice that would make your soul dance.” She let out a little laugh. “One night Tony came over and gave us a signed copy of one of the first vinyls he ever recorded. I have it mounted—” she stops herself, “had it mounted in my living room.” Her mouth twists as she looks down at her fingers. “No paparazzi, no daddy to disappoint, no one cared who I was. It was my little slice of heaven.” She looks up seeing the entire table is listening to her story. “So to answer your question, I like the blues.” She runs her hands over her lap.

  “A girl who likes a dive pubs, bad food, and mellow music. Jesus, Savannah, you’re like every man’s dream.” Kyle laughs into his beer bottle. “Don’t let this one leave.”

  “Didn’t you hear Kyle?” Savannah says leaning toward him lowering her voice. “I’m taking over Agent Black’s job.”

  Cole turns to look down at her only to find her grinning ear to ear her eyes sparkling. It takes some major self-control not to grab her through her up against the wall and take right then and there.

  “Savi, are you trying to get me in more trou—” Mark laughs stopping mid word. “Melanie?”


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