Moirai (Aberrant)

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Moirai (Aberrant) Page 6

by Silver, Ruth

  “Adelaide,” I told him. “Her name. I saved Adelaide.”

  I felt his breath as he kissed my cheek. “You saved Adelaide.” He affirmed, wrapping an arm around my waist. “You did amazing, Olive.”


  Waking up early the next morning, I heard the soft patter of footsteps against the floorboards. “Olivia?” The sweetest and softest voice pulled me from slumber as I rolled onto my back, glancing at the open bedroom door.

  Adelaide stood in the doorjamb watching me with bright, curious eyes. “Hey sweetie.” I smiled, sitting up in bed. I glanced at Joshua and climbed off the mattress, careful not to wake him. “How about we get you some breakfast?” I whispered, reaching out for her hand as I led her out of the bedroom.

  Together we descended the stairs and walked into the kitchen. I wasn't sure what we had to eat. Most days Josh and I ate in the cafeteria with the other members of town. It wasn't that we couldn't make our own meals, it was just easier. The new home we had acquired had been stocked full of groceries but I'd hardly spent any time cooking. I wasn't entirely sure how. Besides, we were busy with training. If not for the cafeteria we'd probably miss a day or two of eating. I glanced through the fridge, found some yogurt, and grabbed a few berries, mixing it together in a cup for Adelaide to eat. I didn’t know what she liked but I figured I'd find out soon enough. Adelaide climbed onto the chair, though she was scooted out much too far. Walking over, I pushed her chair in. “I'm hungry,” Adelaide announced.

  “Good, because I made you some yogurt.” Adelaide grimaced as I pushed the cup in front of her along with a spoon. She dipped the spoon in, watching the milky liquid fall back into the cup. “This looks gross. It looks like snot!” She giggled.

  I glanced back towards the stairs, wondering if Joshua would have any better an idea of what to feed Adelaide. “How about we get you showered, changed, and to the cafeteria where you can pick out whatever you want to eat for breakfast?”

  Adelaide nodded eagerly, hopping down off the chair. I led her back upstairs and grabbed her a t-shirt of mine before I turned on the shower, leaving her alone to clean up while I checked on Joshua. I knew I'd need to find her clothes that fit, but at least the oversized shirt would be clean.

  Heading into my own bedroom, I leaned down, pressing a kiss to Joshua's forehead and feeling him stir on the bed. “Hey, sleepyhead.” I grinned, running my thumb across his cheek. “Adelaide's in the shower. I'm going to take her to breakfast when she's done. Do you want to join us?” Joshua shifted on the bed, his eyes heavy as he slowly awoke.

  “There's nothing to eat here?” He asked sitting up in bed. He ran a hand through his tousled hair.

  “I tried to feed her yogurt,” I laughed, finding a change of clothes in the dresser for myself. “That didn't go over too well.” I took my clothes with me into the bathroom. “If she's looking for me, let her know I'll be right out.”

  I didn't hear Joshua's answer. I jumped in the shower and tried to be fast, not wanting Adelaide to wait too long. I knew we'd brought her in last night and she hadn't been awake when she met Joshua. I didn't want to upset her. Finishing my shower, I dried off and got dressed, coming out of the bathroom to see Joshua still on the bed. He was lying back down but he hadn't quite fallen asleep. “Hey,” Joshua yawned, glancing at me. “No sign of her yet.”

  I ran a towel through my hair before heading out into the hall. “Adelaide?” I knocked on the bathroom door, hearing the shower still running. The moment I knocked she turned the tap off. I waited outside in the hallway as I heard her tiny feet pattering around. A few minutes later she opened the bathroom door, my t-shirt much too big on her.

  “I promise we'll get you clothes that fit as soon as we can,” I assured her. “How about you and me grab some breakfast while we let Joshua sleep a little longer?”

  Adelaide nodded in response. I grabbed a hairbrush, combing through her long dark locks and drying her hair before taking her hand. I led her to the foyer, grabbed my coat and wrapped her in it before putting on our shoes and stepping outside.

  Adelaide shivered as the door opened and the cold gust of air assaulted us. I wore a long-sleeved shirt and sweatshirt. Not enough for this cold morning in Shadow. Quickly, we walked through town and north towards the recruit center. It housed the cafeteria along with the training facilities for the town. I waved at Chancellor Collins, seeing him as he opened the door and we walked into the warm cafeteria together.

  “Hello, there.” He smiled warmly at Adelaide. “I bet you're hungry.” Adelaide glanced up at me with wide curious eyes, not saying a word.

  “Breakfast at home wasn't too successful,” I admitted, leading her towards the cafeteria line. Adelaide pointed at the breakfast items she wanted—most seemed out of reach—and I piled them onto a plate, glad to see she had an appetite. “How are the others?” I asked, curious about the two we'd brought in from Thena. I knew they hadn't been well and didn't expect an overnight recovery but was hopeful. Collins shook his head no and I didn't ask anything more. I didn't have to, already knowing the answer from his grave expression. Even the best of Shadow's technology couldn't save everyone.

  I grabbed breakfast for myself, carrying it over along with Adelaide's to a table where we could sit down. Cate already sat at the table and although we'd never been much for friends, I sat down with her. I knew Adelaide had met her the previous day and at least it would be one more familiar face.

  “Good morning.” Cate smiled at Adelaide.

  Adelaide took a few sips of milk before glancing at Cate. “You drove the van yesterday.”

  Cate laughed. “That's right. You have a good memory.” She turned her attention towards me. “Where's Joshua?”

  I eyed the door, not sure why I expected to see him. “Still in bed.” I smiled.

  Adelaide tugged on my sleeve. “Maybe we can bring him back something to eat?”

  Cate smiled, averting her gaze.

  “I bet he'd like that,” I agreed, helping Adelaide out of her coat. I glanced back towards Cate, worried about her. I knew she was happy we'd found Adelaide but a part of her obviously had hoped to find her own family. After we saw the damage of Thena, there was no chance we'd left any survivors behind. I knew what it felt to lose someone you cared about. Although I didn't know what to say. Nothing would ease the pain. It never did.

  Adelaide kept eyeing Cate's strawberry sitting perched at the edge of her plate. Cate reached out, offering it to her. “Go ahead.” She handed Adelaide the fruit, watching her eyes widen as she plucked it from her fingers and brought it to her lips. Adelaide's lips curved into a smile, which seemed to bring a tiny smile to Cate's lips.

  “Stay here, okay?” I told Adelaide as I stood up, heading towards the Chancellor. She nodded eagerly and climbed onto her knees to lean closer to Cate. Walking across the room, I gave him a brief nod. “We need to talk.”

  “I know.” He stared at Adelaide and his look changed to something I couldn't quite recognize. He didn't say anything and I glanced at her small frame and dark hair as she giggled, talking to Cate.

  “What's the procedure for bringing an abandoned child into this city?” I asked. I didn't know who Adelaide would live with. I wasn't even sure how she felt about all that had transpired. No one had asked her. I knew it wasn't easy: she'd been through an ordeal but she didn't let it show. Even at six she was stronger than anyone I'd ever met.

  Collins glanced past me, watching Adelaide curiously. “We'll have a lottery to determine who will win the child.”

  “Absolutely not!” My eyes narrowed, appalled by his suggestion. “Children aren't prizes to be won!” I couldn't believe him. “You're not serious?”

  A faint smile broke out on his face. “I was kidding, Olivia. In all seriousness, Adelaide is the first child we've had brought into Shadow. We don't exactly have a procedure for this sort of thing. Besides, the town is a training camp, not a playground.” He paused, thinking of what to do. “I'll bring some clothes
to the recruit center. She can stay with Taron tonight.”

  “I'm not comfortable leaving her with a stranger,” I admitted, glancing back at Adelaide across the cafeteria. It was clear to me Taron didn't know her or at least didn't care enough about her. He hadn't come over to see who the sleeping girl was I brought back from Thena. He also hadn't come over in the cafeteria as he grabbed himself a plate of eggs after standing in line. Now he walked to a table across the room, refusing to acknowledge Adelaide.

  The Chancellor answered. “She can stay with you, if you'd prefer?”

  “Do you think that's best?” I remarked. What did I know about raising a child? I was barely eighteen and had enough trouble remembering to eat three meals a day! How would I look after someone else?

  The Chancellor glanced past me towards Cate, watching them interact. “She seems to be taking a liking to Cate,” he suggested.

  I didn't know what to do. Adelaide was so young, still a child. I wanted what was best for her and I wasn't sure what that was. I couldn't imagine choosing a random family in Shadow to take care of Adelaide. How would I know they were best suited for her? Maybe it was selfish of me to even consider raising a child since I could have one if I desired, but I wanted what was best for Adelaide. She deserved that much.

  “Olivia!” Adelaide climbed off the bench and ran over towards me, throwing her arms around me for a hug. I rubbed her back. “Hey sweetie,” I smiled, bending down to her level.

  “I'm bored,” she announced. “Can we go home?” I wondered what she thought home meant. There was no going back to Thena. I didn't want to tell her that.

  “Sure.” I offered her a faint smile, seeing the Chancellor looking quite pleased with himself. I didn't understand why. Had he wanted me to look after Adelaide all along? I couldn't see the benefit in it. I stood up, taking her hand, and walked over to the empty tray of food. I cleaned up Adelaide's breakfast before helping her into my coat again. I grabbed my breakfast, taking it with me back to the house.

  We walked back home, not wasting a moment as the cold air only made my arms tremble. I had to be careful not to drop our tray of food. Adelaide might have eaten but I'd barely touched my meal, and I carried enough for Joshua to eat too.

  Unlocking the front door, I saw that Joshua had already dressed and come down the stairs. “You're back soon,” he commented, smiling as he saw Adelaide standing beside me. “Hi.” He grinned and offered out his hand. “I'm Joshua.”

  Adelaide slipped behind my legs, poking her head out to the side to see him. Evidently she was shy. I handed Joshua our breakfast, letting him take it to the kitchen as I helped Adelaide out of my coat. I hoped someone would soon bring the girl clothes that fit. Together, we walked into the kitchen. I grabbed a seat at the table to eat breakfast as Adelaide ran into the living room, grabbing a book from the shelf. None had pictures but she stared at the pages. I wasn't sure if she was old enough to read but it kept her occupied for a while.

  “She's cute,” Joshua mused, getting a better look at her as he sat with me for breakfast.

  “Apparently, she's ours,” I remarked, eyeing him. I didn't know how he'd feel about us looking after a child. I wasn't entirely comfortable with the idea but I wasn't going to let her be given to a family at random.

  “Well, she has taken a liking to you.” Josh nodded slowly. “What's Collins think about all of it?”

  I took a bite of breakfast, trying to get it down. I wasn't entirely hungry but knew I needed to eat something. “He mentioned a lottery.” My fork picked at my food on the plate. “I shot that idea down.”

  “Good.” Joshua rolled his eyes. “He wasn't serious?” he asked me.

  “No. Adelaide's the first child to come here though, so they don’t exactly have a set of rules to follow. He mentioned Taron but you were there yesterday. Taron didn't so much as come up to us to see who the little girl was. I can't just hand her over to him.” I pinched the bridge of my nose, hanging my head slightly, eyes closed, trying to think. “Are we ready to be parents?”

  Joshua laughed softly. “To Adelaide? I don't know. Maybe we could handle it. I mean she's what, four?” he guessed. “I'm not crazy about having a child here. It's a huge risk considering everything we've been through,” he acknowledged. “But she's also a person who needs a family and parents who will love her. I see the way you are with her and I can't imagine anyone doing a better job, Olivia.”

  “She's six,” I corrected him. “And I'm eighteen, barely an adult,” I remarked. “I can't be anyone's mother.” The thought still terrified me.

  “Well that settles it.” Joshua smiled. “If she's six then it's much easier.” He tried to make light of the situation. “Any word about the other two survivors from Thena?”

  I sighed and put my fork down, having lost my appetite completely. “Not good news,” I remarked, glancing back at Adelaide. She sat on the sofa, turning the page of a novel she seemed to be reading.

  I felt Joshua's hand come to rest atop mine. “We'll look after her,” he assured me. “Between the two of us, we can handle it.” I wasn't sure we could. We spent most days training, preparing for an uprising. What would we do with Adelaide when we went off to war? I couldn't stay home and be a mother, raise a child and live my life on the sidelines. I knew it was probably the most selfish feeling in the world but I didn’t feel ready to give it all up just yet. “Relax.” He squeezed my hand. “We can teach her basic skills training. She'll be prepared for whatever awaits us.” I hoped it could be that easy.


  Only a few days had passed since Adelaide had come into our home. The community of Shadow had come together to help in any way it could. Adelaide was the youngest of Shadow. It was rare a child came into the town and everyone wanted to be a part of her upbringing. Some had stitched clothes for Adelaide to wear. Others had sewn together stuffed animals for Adelaide so she could have companions. I felt terrible knowing Adelaide would have no friends her own age to play with. Shadow had no swing sets or playgrounds like Genesis had provided. The only school that existed was the recruit center, training in weaponry and survival skills. As important as they were for Adelaide, there was so much more for her to learn about our world and about what was going on in it.

  Aidan brought books about our history and about the history of the world to teach Adelaide. I wasn't sure how much to share with such a young child. Incredibly bright, she was still a child. Shouldn't she be allowed some freedoms until she grew older? Freedom from fear, for instance. Although I knew she'd never have such a luxury. Her family had died. Her home had been destroyed. We were lucky the drones hadn't come back but I knew one day they would, and I would protect her like I had Hazel, no matter the cost.

  “Olivia, do we have to do this again?” Adelaide whined as she lifted the Bo Staff in her arms. Aidan had crafted it himself, making sure it was the perfect size for Adelaide. It was light but sturdy. I didn't want to hand her anything she could injure herself with. We were trying to train her to defend herself. Joshua and I had seen soldiers come in on foot while in Haven. It was possible with time they'd travel as far west as Shadow. We needed to be ready.

  “Yes.” I smiled. “We can take a break first,” I offered as she shook her head no.

  “Let's get on with it.”

  I laughed hearing her words and helped her practice. We spent twenty minutes at it before I heard a familiar voice. “Need a hand?” Hazel asked. I was glad to see she was doing better since our last encounter.

  “Just showing Adelaide how to use the Bo Staff.” I glanced behind me as Hazel came into the training facility.

  “I hear Aidan's making her a set of nunchucks next.” Hazel grabbed a Bo Staff, gesturing for Adelaide to try with her.

  I put mine down and walked towards the wall, grabbing a cup of water. “You're not serious?” Aidan hadn't mentioned it to me. Probably because he knew I'd be against it.

  Hazel laughed and her eyes widened as Adelaide seemed to be quick on her
feet and even quicker with her arms using the weapon in hand. “You're good,” she commented to Adelaide. “She might actually be ready for it. Can you believe that? She hasn't even been enhanced and she's brilliant.”

  My eyes widened as I stalked to the center of the room, stopping their interaction. “Enhanced?” I shook my head. “You will not do that to my daughter!”

  Hazel's voice dropped. “She's not technically your daughter.” It was a slap in the face. Something I knew but I treated Adelaide as if she were, because to me she was family. Nothing would change that. Not even one person’s opinion would make me think less of Adelaide. Hazel sighed, knowing she'd hit a nerve. “I'm sorry.” She put the Bo Staff down and Adelaide used it to her advantage, managing to knock Hazel on her back. Adelaide put a foot on Hazel's chest, keeping her pinned down.

  “Don't ever say that to Olivia again,” Adelaide demanded with a fierce intensity. “She saved my life and took me in. More than I can say about you.” She waited a moment before she moved her stick away along with her foot.

  A part of me knew I should have reprimanded Adelaide for her actions. I didn't though. Hazel rolled over, stood up, and walked out.


  The next two days I let Maya teach Adelaide self-defense. I thought it was best if I took a step back: I still had so much to learn. Heading over to the gymnasium, I opened the heavy metal door, hearing a loud creak. “Adelaide?” I called. The lights were off, the room empty. I walked further inside, flipping on the electricity as I had a look around. “Adelaide?” I tried again, hoping I'd find her. She was supposed to stay with Maya until I came to pick her up. I couldn't believe she'd just up and disappear. Heading out of the gymnasium, I searched the recruit training facility. The cafeteria was empty, as were the sleeping quarters. “Adelaide?” My feet pattered quicker against the hall as I checked every corner and crevice, including the bathroom. She was nowhere in sight. I knew she had to be somewhere. Shadow wasn't that big of a town and I could trust all the residents. Where could she have disappeared to? I headed back the way I came, through the gymnasium, shutting off the lights as I stepped outside and shivered. The wind whistled and I glanced up, glad the skies were clear of any drones. “Adelaide?” I tried again, walking along the crunched path where vehicles had traveled between the recruit center and town. It took no time at all to spot Maya talking to Collins. “Hey!” I jogged over towards her. “Have you seen Adelaide?” I caught my breath, feeling my heart slam into my chest. “She wasn't in the gymnasium.”


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