Knight's Dominion (Knights of Hell Book 4)

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Knight's Dominion (Knights of Hell Book 4) Page 25

by Sherilee Gray

  “Did I say you could touch yet?”

  “You want me to,” she said, looking up at him. “I know you do. Let me give you this.”

  She was decimating his control, trying to take it from him at the same time. His female was so damn strong. He cupped her jaw and tilted her face up. "Do you know how much I want that mouth on me?"

  She shook her head and licked her lips.

  He’d been inside her a short time ago, hot and wet and so fucking snug, it had been torture to pull out, to not lose himself in her. He needed to feel the wet heat of her mouth wrapped around him now. “Give it to me, then, show me how good you can suck me.”

  A shiver moved through her, and she shoved his jeans down to the tops of his thighs, took his dick in her hand, and looked up at him as she darted her tongue out, licking the head of his cock, tasting herself there, driving him wild. She made a little sound of pleasure.

  He hissed.

  She gripped the thick base and wrapped her lips around the head, sucking gently. Her other hand slid from his hip down to cup his balls, and he thrust forward, stuffing her hungry mouth full.

  He let her have her way for several more painstaking minutes, let her think she’d won the control she thought she needed, enjoying the show as she sucked and licked him like she couldn’t get enough. It was going to kill him to pull away again, but she wasn’t going to get her way, not tonight.

  He was walking a razor’s edge, and when tingles shot up from the base of his spine, he knew he had to make his move. “Stop.”

  She shook her head and sucked harder, taking him deeper.

  He snarled, nearly blowing down her fucking throat. Gripping her upper arms, he dragged her to her feet.

  “Why did you stop me?” She grabbed his dick and pumped his iron-hard flesh in her fist, and fuck if he didn't thrust up, working himself against her tight grip.

  She got up on her tiptoes and he couldn’t deny her the kiss she was asking for. He leaned down, letting her suck and lick his lips, letting her kiss him.

  "Please, don't say no. I need this...I need you," she gasped out, the last closer to a sob. Her words sliced through him. Christ, deep down she still believed he was a fucking monster, that he would mistreat her some way, deny her.

  He cupped her beautiful face, brushing his thumb over the smooth skin of her jaw. “You think I would leave you wanting?”

  She shook her head, too quickly, her cheeks rosy, hair wild around her face. She truly thought he was that much of a bastard.

  He held her gaze. “When my mate needs to come, I make her fucking come. I would never leave you unsatisfied, understand?”

  “Glad to hear it.”

  She was holding on, still trying to top him, his little warrior. But he knew she was faltering, that tremor to her voice told him how much she needed what he was going to give her. How much she needed to hand control over to him.

  He slid his thumb along her pouty lower lip and gave her what they both desperately wanted, even if she didn’t understand it yet. “But because you’re being punished, how and when you get there is up to me.”

  Her little white teeth sunk into that sexy, puffy lower lip.

  Chaos’s gut gripped tight, and he lifted her off the ground, carrying her toward the bed. She wrapped her legs around his hips and rubbed herself against his aching dick.

  He grabbed her hips, stilling her.

  She growled in frustration, and he had to bite back a smile.

  He planted her in the middle of the bed. “Lie back.”

  Christ, he needed to find some fucking self-control, and fast. Not easy when his female lay in the middle of his bed, every bare inch of her smooth, tanned skin revealed to his ravenous gaze.

  He had to lock his knees so he didn't fall into the bed with her and take her like a male possessed.

  “Grip the headboard and spread your legs. Show me how wet that pussy is.” She did as he asked, and he bit back a growl. She was drenched and puffy from his cock and so fucking beautiful. “You feel empty, don’t you, angel?”

  Her back arched and she closed her legs, pressing them together, like his gaze between her thighs was a physical touch. She squeezed them tighter and rolled her hips, the scent of her need spiking.

  Jesus, she was killing him. “Legs apart and keep them that way,” he demanded and stroked his achingly hard cock.

  Her eyes followed his movements and her lips parted on another moan.

  “Now, Grace.”

  She did what he said, perfect tits shaking from her panted breaths, lips full and red from sucking him.

  “Good. That’s good.” He wanted inside her so badly his balls were drawn up tight as hell. “You need to stay just like that. If you move your hands, I’ll stop. If you touch me, or yourself, I’ll stop." Or I'll fucking lose it. “Yes?”

  “You’re loving this, aren’t you?” she said, eyes flashing, a mix of anger and desperate need.

  “Yeah, I fucking am, and so are you.”

  She didn’t answer but let out a shaky breath, making those pert tits jiggle again. Her nipples were dark pink and tight. Hard little peaks aching for his mouth. Shit, he’d never had so much trouble keeping it together. He had to draw on every ounce of his control not to cover her body with his, slam inside her again, and own her pussy until she screamed. “Watch me,” he demanded.

  Her gaze slid over him and she gripped the iron bars of his headboard tighter, fucking writhing against the mattress.

  Fuck me.

  He kicked off his boots before he shoved his jeans off properly. Naked, he climbed onto the bed, crawling up between her spread thighs.

  Taking her in, so fucking beautiful, he licked his lips and pressed four fingers to her soaked cleft, pressing down, spreading her pretty lips, her juices.

  Her hips bucked off the bed and she slammed her legs closed again, holding his hand there. From the sounds she made, she was close to coming just from that barest of touches.

  He pulled his hand free and shoved her legs open again. “You don’t get to come yet, Grace.”

  “Sadist.” Her voice broke.

  He slapped her pussy, not hard but enough she’d feel it, and she cried out, her hips bucking.

  She gasped, her thighs trembling. “Oh my God.”

  “If I was a sadist, I wouldn’t have let you come once already tonight.” He shook his head. “You closed your legs again without my permission. Next time, I’ll restrain them.”

  His fingers were coated in her arousal, and with the way his dick was leaking constantly now, he sure as fuck wouldn't need lube to fuck his fist. “I was about to fill you with my cock, but since you disobeyed me, you can watch me get myself off instead.”

  “You can’t be serious. Chaos, please…”

  Taking both of her ankles in one hand, he held her legs straight up, exposing her tight ass and sweet pussy. Christ. But instead of thrusting into her, he moved in closer, so his knees were spread, pressing against either side of her ass and sat back on his heels. “Eyes on me,” he said and draped her legs over his thighs, forcing hers wider and keeping them that way.

  With glazed eyes, she took him in, watched as he fisted his cock and started stroking. She gasped, her slim hips rolling again, nostrils flaring. “Please, dammit, I…I need you inside me.”

  He nearly came right then. He wanted to give her the fucking moon. Make her come so hard and so thoroughly that any male from her past would cease to exist in her memories. And he would. He’d show her tonight that he was the only one who could give that to her.

  His cock was so hard, it stood up straight. He leaned forward, pressing it down, dragging it against her weeping pussy, sliding through her sweet lips, getting his shaft nice and wet, covering himself with Grace and growling at the sounds she made as he did.

  “Keep your eyes on me. Do not look away.”

  She cursed as her gaze moved over him like she’d never seen anything she wanted more. He loved it, her eyes on him, the way it made h
im feel.

  He sat back on his heels and started stroking again, faster, squeezing and pulling on his cock with fuck-all finesse. This was all about getting off as quickly as possible and it wasn't hard with Grace watching what he was doing between her thighs. With her naked and laid out for him. With her scent filling his head.

  His balls tingled and he felt his orgasm at the base of his cock. “Let go with one hand only. Use your fingers to spread yourself wide for me.”

  One of her hands released the bar and slid between her thighs, doing what he asked, exposing herself for him. The sight of her, along with her gasps and moans, were more than enough to tip him over the edge.

  He fucking snarled as he pumped his cock hard and fast, coming all over the beautiful, delicate, pink, glistening flesh she'd displayed so prettily for him, coating her with his seed.

  Grace panted, hips rolling, face flushed, a sound of frustration, of the deepest, sweetest kind of need coming from her on an agonized whimper.

  Not even allowing himself to catch his breath, he took her hand from between her thighs, lifting it above her head again, and pressing her into the mattress with one hand to her chest, so she couldn’t thrash around. He coated his fingers in his come and shoved two deep inside her.

  She groaned long and low.

  Rubbing his thumb in what he'd just decorated her with, he slid it across her clit, and fucked her with his fingers hard and fast.

  Flinging her head back, she cried out, hanging on to the bars over her head, opening her legs wider, asking without words for him to go deeper harder, begging him for more.

  He gave her more until he felt her tightening around his fingers, until she was right on the edge, about to come—

  He pulled his fingers free.

  Grace screamed, her beautiful body shaking hard, glistening with sweat, right there, right on the edge. And Chaos planned to keep her there a while yet.

  She moaned. “P-please, Chaos.”

  He felt her plea right behind his ribs. “I know you want release, angel, and I promise you’re going to get it.”

  Her fingers had turned white from gripping the bars of his headboard and her thighs were trembling so hard he knew she was desperate to slam them shut. She could if she wanted to. He hadn’t restrained her again for that very reason. She could get up and go. He wasn’t forcing her to do this.

  This was all her. And when she finally let go for him, when she flew, he wanted there to be no doubt that it was exactly what she wanted. How she wanted it.

  Grace played by her own rules, he knew that better than anyone, and right now, she wanted this. She wanted what only he could give her. Badly.

  “Do you do this with all the females you fuck?” she rasped.

  He covered one of her breasts with his hand, squeezing, teasing her tight nipple. “They don’t exist. Not anymore.”

  Her mahogany gaze shot to his, her body shaking harder.

  He didn’t remember what he did with any other females before Grace. It didn’t matter. Grace was all that mattered. “Don’t move.” He strode to the bathroom, grabbed a washcloth, and when he walked back in, Grace was still in the same position, hands gripping the bars of his headboard, trembling legs spread wide.


  She had no idea how much that pleased him. In this moment, this brave, strong female—his beautiful, relentless little warrior—trusted him with her body, trusted him to give her what she needed.

  Her gaze tracked him.

  He sat beside her and took his time cleaning her off, wiping his come from between her legs, toying with her as he did it, watching as she writhed and whimpered, skin flushed and slick with sweat. She was still riding that edge but unable to take it where she needed so desperately to go, not without his permission.

  Grace needed this, maybe even more than he did.

  Tossing the washcloth aside, he climbed onto the bed again, sliding up between her thighs, and licked his lips. She stilled, chest heaving, her gaze locked on him as he nuzzled his way up her inner thigh. She’d waited long enough, had been so damn perfect. His female deserved to come, and come hard.

  Chaos covered her pussy with his mouth—no more teasing, not anymore—and sucked and licked and ate her like she was his last meal, groaning at the soft, silky texture, the sweet addictive taste of her.

  Grace tasted like heaven and was so close to coming apart already that when he pushed his tongue inside her, he felt the first pulse of her inner muscles. He wanted her heat squeezing his cock when she finally came, though. He wanted her eyes locked on his, wanted to feel her come apart for him.

  Right before she toppled over the edge, he rose above her, covering her.

  Grace cried out, tears glistening in her eyes, and her beautiful strong body quivered so hard her teeth chattered. God, she broke him, in every way.

  “Shhh,” he said against her lips as he looked down at her, as he took her hands from the bars above her head and curled them around his neck. “I’ve got you.” Then he slammed into her so hard and deep she screamed.

  Her nails dug into his back as she clamped down on his cock so tight he was lost, bucking and pounding into her while she came for him, crying out his name over and over.

  He wanted more of her, all of her, all the time. More than he'd ever wanted anything in his entire life.

  And when she came again, he let himself go with her, pumped her full, marking her with his scent and relishing the marks he knew she’d left on his skin. He hadn’t lied, there was no one else before her, they were gone, washed from his memory. Grace was everything. All he needed.

  He dragged his nose along her skin, nuzzling and kissing the spot between her shoulder and neck, sucking and kissing his way up along her jaw, then lifted his head and watched as she caught her breath and slowly opened her eyes.

  “That was…I’ve never…holy shit,” she whispered.

  He couldn’t speak for several seconds, not without saying something that might freak her out and send her running.

  Reluctantly, he slid from her body, and she let out a lusty sigh.

  He didn’t know how it was possible, but she’d never looked more beautiful than in that moment. “Making you scream my name is my new favorite thing to do,” he said to lighten the moment, ignoring the weight in his chest, the words on the tip of his tongue.

  She laughed, low and husky, and his cock started getting hard again. "Who knew such a serious male could be so creative?"

  He grinned at her, and he knew it looked deviant as fuck when her eyes widened slightly. “You haven’t seen anything yet.”

  She reached out and traced her finger over the markings on his arm, the tattoo-like designs that all knights had, telling the story of what he was and where he came from. "I'm sorry I worried you. I'm not used to relying on anyone else… Since my parents, no one’s ever—” She shook her head.

  His heart jumped against his ribs. “I know it’s hard for you to understand what this is, what we are, but you can trust me, angel. I will never…fuck, could never, hurt you.”

  She still looked uncertain. “This whole thing, it’s just so confusing.”

  “I know, but we’ll work it out. We just need to talk to each other. You can ask me anything, tell me anything, yeah?”

  She nodded, but again didn’t look totally convinced.

  It cut him deeper than it should. They were mated, but they still didn’t know each other, not really. It would take time to earn the total trust he so desperately wanted from her. He forced himself to climb out of bed and pulled the sheet up, tucking it around her. “You should get some sleep."

  He stood to leave the room. The way he was feeling, some distance from her might be a good idea. She wasn’t where he was. It was hard to accept, but pushing for more would only push her farther away.


  "Yeah?" He couldn't bring himself to look at her as a wave of need washed over him so fierce it took all his strength not to turn around, get into bed, and h
old her like she was the most precious thing in his life.

  “Why do you call me angel?”

  He swallowed, a lump forming in his throat. “Because you’re what I imagined one would be like when I was a little boy…fierce, intelligent…breathtakingly beautiful.”

  She was silent several beats, and he worried that he’d said too much.

  “Your mother was an angel,” she said softly. “How is it you’d never seen one?”

  He turned back to her and the way she looked, all rumpled and soft, made his gut ache. “They had their servants take care of us until we were old enough to train.”

  “But your mother…”

  “I have no idea who she is.”

  Sadness filled her eyes, for him. He turned to leave again, before he kissed her, kept on kissing her.

  “Chaos?” she said again.


  “Are you coming back?"

  The uncertain way she'd asked, giving away a piece of herself in that moment, was something he’d been worried he'd never get. Fuck, just dropping her guard, that tiny bit of vulnerability, and it made him feel…shit, full, warm—whole. “Yes.”

  She relaxed, and until that minute, he hadn't realized how tense she was, afraid that he wouldn’t come back to her? That he’d leave her after what they’d just shared, like it meant nothing? Jesus. He watched as she snuggled down under the covers and closed her eyes.

  Fuck it. He’d talk to his brothers about what they found in that penthouse in the morning. He didn’t want to leave her, not even for a second. He switched off the lights and climbed back in beside her, then wrapped her in his arms.

  Grace didn’t freeze up or pull away, no, she sighed in pleasure and pressed closer, like she was seeking comfort from him.

  Along with the sound of his name on her lips when she came, it was the most satisfying sound he'd ever heard.

  Chapter 29

  In a dungeon at an unknown location.

  A whisper of sound jarred the male awake. His eyes flew open, but in the intense darkness he couldn't see a thing. All that nothingness matched the darkness in his mind. An empty void, that no matter how hard he searched, gave up nothing.


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