Sealed Fate

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by Lia Connor

  Sealed Fate

  Lia Connor

  All rights reserved.

  Copyright ©2005 Lia Connor

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  ISBN: 1-59596-139-9

  Formats Available:

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  Changeling Press LLC

  PO Box 1561

  Shepherdstown, WV 25443-1561

  Editor: Margaret Riley

  Cover Artist: Bryan Keller

  This e-book file contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language which some may find offensive and which is not appropriate for a young audience. Changeling Press E-Books are for sale to adults, only, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase. Please store your files wisely, where they cannot be accessed by under-aged readers.

  Chapter One

  Breathe. Just… breathe. In… out. One… two. And relax.

  How the hell was she supposed to relax? Erin wished she could take her palms off her thighs and sink her chin into them. Now that she’d managed to twist herself into the lotus position, how was she ever supposed to get out of it?

  “God did not make women to be pretzels!” she muttered, her voice barely audible over the rush and swell of ocean waves. “Or pretzel sticks, either, for that matter. Or sticks of any kind. So I need to lose a few pounds. That’s my business. I know, I’m supposed to relax. Ha. Relax, my heinie. Actually, I wish I could relax my heinie.”

  She shifted uncomfortably. The cool ocean breeze tickled her bare skin. Dark blond hair pulled back into a ponytail, dressed in a tank top, with loose shorts on, she should be comfortable. Erin didn’t do things by half-measures. Every effort had gone into making this vacation a success. She’d picked her spot with care -- close to the ocean, on her own private beach, with a nice thick blanket to sit on. She had bottled water, her pepper spray, and a cell phone close at hand. Snug and reasonably safe, she had no reason not to relax.

  Trouble was, Erin just didn’t think she knew how.

  As Supervisor of Paramedics, she’d seen enough trauma that after five years with no time off, her psych review counselor had ordered her to take a vacation. Now she was attempting to make use of the investment she’d made in Relaxation Techniques and Personal Well-being. Trouble was Erin had as much trouble taking the book seriously as she did twisting her thighs into The Lotus.

  She sighed again, trying to breathe correctly. In… out. In… out.

  Relax. Relax. Relax.

  No good. She never had been able to shut her mind off. Relax -- hah. She could have done this from the comfort of her own home and had as much luck, what with the cable news shows, the phone, neighbors stopping by, shopping lists she needed to make…

  Desperation had led her to her dream vacation -- and a small rental cottage on the coast of Ireland. No TV. No phone. Solitude. A place to relax. Letting her breath out again, she opened her eyes and gazed at the white-capped waves as they rolled into shore. So she wasn’t meditating the way the book said. She’d dragged her ass halfway around the world to relax, and she could do that just fine with a little ocean-watching. Then she’d just lie to her counselor and say that yep, those techniques worked like a charm, so I’ll be heading back to work now.

  Not that she’d stay all that long. It gave her a mild case of the creeps to be out there by herself. Only one person had passed by so far. He shouldn’t have been there at all. This was all private property. Middle-aged and craggy-faced, dressed in worn jeans and a ratty T-shirt, his arms covered in thick Celtic tattoos -- Dogs of War, she thought -- he’d been creepy enough she’d reached for her pepper spray. Something about him set her senses on red alert. Luckily, he’d passed by before she could decide whether or not to lecture him for being on private property. She was just as glad. A man like that -- she’d seen his type enough to know he could be a pretty nasty character.

  Enough. Think about something else. She stared at the waves breaking against the rocky coast. This was nice enough, she guessed. But what would make it even better? A decent man. Yep, definitely a decent, not to mention hot, man. She’d been single for a long time, even in high school and college. A classic overachiever, she’d never had much time for guys. The odd date every now and again was all she could fit in. But when she came down to a moment of peace and quiet like she was finding here, she realized she was wishing for warm arms to wrap around her and cuddle her close -- not to mention a good strong pair of hands to untangle her legs from this damned lotus!

  After that, the man would lie down with her on the blanket and kiss her, soft and gentle. Sweet little kisses dotting her face, moving to her lips, growing eager for more. Hands that moved across her body, seeking out generous, sensitive breasts, running over the ample curves of her hips, then down between her thighs, sure and smooth as the tide, with the same stroking rhythm.

  Erin groaned. Great. Now she was stuck in a sailor’s knot of ankles and knees, and she’d gotten herself all hot and horny. What next?


  The voice brought her head up sharply. What the hell? How had she missed that? Two guys, splashing around in the shallow water near the rocky coastline. Two big guys, leanly muscled, wearing cut-off shorts and no shirts. One of them scowled darkly as the other smacked the water in a playful splash. “Knock it off, Devon,” his voice rumbled in an Irish accent.

  “Hey!” Erin called out, sitting up straight as she could. “Private beach here, guys! Move along!”

  The men straightened, clearly startled at her presence. “I’m sorry, miss,” the one called Devon said. Damon shot her a dirty look and shook his hair to get rid of the water, droplets flying. Walking together in perfect unison, they waded out of the shallows and up toward Erin, their long, lean legs carrying them in great strides. Watching them approach with such purpose, she gripped her pepper spray. Just try something funny. I dare you.

  As they drew closer, she blinked. The men were identical, down to their slightly crooked noses and large brown eyes. Twins, huh? Devon and Damon. It figured. What parents did to their kids was a crime. “I really do apologize, lass,” Devon said when he was closer. “We didn’t know someone had laid claim to this patch. We came in from further down the water. I didn’t see a sign.”

  Erin tried to look as dignified as possible for someone twisted up like a loaf of braided bread. “There are signs up here on the land.”

  Damon glowered. “No human can own the sand or waves.” Except for the tone, his voice sounded identical to Devon’s. “It belongs to the sea creatures.”

  “Tell that to the Tax Assessors,” Erin laughed. “You two be on your way now, OK?” She reached for her phone.

  Devon looked alarmed. “We mean you no harm, miss.”

  “And I’m supposed to believe you, why?”

  He looked puzzled. “Why would you not?”

  Erin rolled her eyes. “Did you just fall off the potato truck or something?”

  “Potato truck?”

  She gave up. “Oh, forget it. Mistakes happen. Look, you help me stand up, and we’ll call it even.”

  Damon shook his head. “Help yourself up. I’ve no mind to stay where I’m no’ welcome.” He turned to make his way down the shoreline, long legs carrying him away. He called back over his shoulder. “Devon, coming?”

  Devon glanced at Erin. “I think I’ll stay a bit. If that’s all right with you, miss?”

  Erin studied him. Probably not a very bright move, but a lady just couldn’t mistake the innocence radiatin
g from those huge brown eyes. She’d learned to get a good feel for people’s basic natures in her line of work, and she didn’t believe Devon would hurt her. “It’s fine,” she relented. “Now. Help me stand?”

  Damon snorted and stalked away. Soon he was just a dot on the horizon. Erin poked Devon in one long, thin calf.

  “Hey. That help you promised?”

  “Oh. Aye. I do apologize.” He bent and with swift, sure strokes pushed her left foot this way, her right foot that way, and ba-da-boom! she popped free of that damnable position. He reached for her hands with his own, strong and long-fingered, offering to help her stand. “Better, now?”

  Erin stretched out her legs with a huge sigh of relief. “You have no idea.” She glanced up at Devon thoughtfully. God, he was cute, wasn’t he? He’d never make an underwear model, but there was a warmth and pleasantness to his face that made you want to get to know him better. “Sit down beside me,” she offered impulsively. Maybe not so smart, but Devon just seemed comfortable. Cozy, as if she’d known him for much longer than a few minutes. Safe. “Relax a little.”

  He didn’t even ask why she giggled after saying that. He simply sat beside her, extending his own long legs, barefooted, and wriggling his toes in the sand. Turning to her, he smiled shyly. “Thank you, lass.”

  Erin grinned. Okay, the evening had started weird and was getting weirder, but at least it wasn’t boring. “No problem.”

  He leaned back on his wrists, seemingly content just to be there. Erin took the opportunity to check him out. One heck of a tall guy, leanly muscled, with soft brown hair rapidly drying. A friendly, cute face that made her want to see it grin and laugh. Soft lips just made for kissing. Erin shifted a little. He was cute. It’d been a while. Too long. This might be a very dumb move, but…

  Wonder if he’d be interested? And if so, how do I make the first move? Erin studied Devon carefully. Despite his muscles he looked thin to the point of being gaunt, his skin pulled tightly over sharp cheekbones. Erin shook her head. Not malnourished to her practiced eye, but damn close to it. Rummaging in her knapsack, she pulled out some supper leftovers. “Here. Do you want a sandwich?”

  Devon raised a hand. “No, truly, but thank you.” But even as he said it, his stomach rumbled out a loud protest. The Irish in his voice wasn’t strong, but it crept out from time to time.

  Erin rolled her eyes. “Don’t be macho,” she said in irritation, pushing the packet at him. “Any dummy can tell you’re starving. Now eat, will you?”

  “I --” He stopped, smiled, and shook his head. “Aye. Thank you.” Taking the sandwich from her, he unwrapped it with long fingers and stuffed a bite into his mouth.

  “Don’t get too grateful. It’s just cream cheese and grape jelly.”

  Which Devon had, apparently, discovered, from the face he was making. Still, he manfully chewed, swallowed, and even got another bite down. “You don’t have anything with fish, do you?” he asked, voice hopeful. “I had lox on a bagel, once. It was delicious.”

  “Sorry. I’m not a deli here.” Erin patted her knapsack. “But I do have a candy bar for dessert, if you’re interested.”

  His face lit up. “Chocolate!”

  She couldn’t help grinning back. His glee was just plain infectious. “Yep. Chocolate. All yours, for a simple trade.”

  He looked intrigued. “A trade? For what?”

  Erin wet her lips nervously. OK, now or never. “I give you the chocolate bar. You give me a kiss. Deal?”

  She expected a startled look. A “no way.” A “no, thank you, sorry.” A quick-time scuttle away from her across the blanket. But instead, Devon’s lips curved into a smile. He swallowed the last bite of jelly and cream cheese, then reached out to lay one broad, warm palm on her bare knee. “Aye. Deal,” he said, his eyes alight with warmth.

  Erin swallowed. Bet the Relaxation Book Gurus never had this kind of technique in mind.

  Chapter Two

  Erin nearly squeaked as Devon moved across the blanket toward her. “You -- you wouldn’t like the candy bar first?” she stalled, grabbing for her knapsack. “It’s the world’s finest chocolate.”

  Devon’s mouth curved into a smile. “I’d rather have the kiss, pretty one. If it’s all the same to you.”

  “The kiss. Pretty one. Right.” Erin moistened her lips nervously. Thanks a lot, hookup handbooks. They told you everything you needed to know except what to do when you came down with a case of the nerves. Well, what would Mae West do? That was an easy one. She could do this.

  Moving toward him as well, if a little more clumsily, Erin bumped against his warm, solid chest. His skin felt dry and slightly raspy to the touch, but not unpleasant. He needed a good rubdown with oils. You’d like to be the one giving it to him, wouldn’t you?

  She looked up at him, her eyes wide. Words were on her lips, explaining she was a little new at this, and pretty much out of practice, but then Devon was smiling again, leaning down, and his lips were resting gentle and sweet on her own. She stiffened in surprise, but forced herself to relax. He tasted salty, like the ocean, but with an underlying sweetness of grape jelly, and a taste that she figured was uniquely him. He didn’t press or push, either, just sat there with his lips brushing hers. She glanced up and saw that his eyes were closed, long lashes sweeping his cheeks.

  “Hey,” she whispered against his mouth. “You can move, you know. That’s allowed.”

  Devon’s eyes flickered open, gazing into hers. They twinkled like twin stars. “Then I’ll move,” he murmured back against her. He pressed his mouth on hers again, and oh, yes, this time his kiss was a different matter. First tracing the tip of his tongue against the seam of her lips as if melting away sugar stitches, he coaxed her mouth open just wide enough to slip his tongue in.

  Erin melted in his arms. Oh, yeah. This was nothing like the kisses she remembered from high school. Devon might come off as a little naive otherwise, but damn, did he know how to kiss. His tongue was gentle and enticing as he swept her mouth, slowly easing out and in, coaxing her own tongue into a lazy dance with him.

  When he drew back, Erin felt limp and lazy as if she’d been swimming for hours underneath the stars. She found she was lying in Devon’s arms. Good, strong arms. Felt like a natural enough place to be, so she figured she’d just stay there. He seemed able to hold her up, and from the delighted look on his face, he certainly didn’t mind.

  “Nice,” she whispered. “You have definite potential.”

  He thumbed her lower lip, a little swollen and tender. “And you are like no woman I’ve ever met… your name, what is your name?”


  “Erin.” He tested it out on his tongue. “Of Ireland, or of the sea. It’s a good name.”

  “It’s been good enough so far.”

  “It suits you. May I?” Devon leaned her back gently, moving himself, so that they lay down on their backs on the blanket, gazing up at the stars. The rush and swell of the waves moved in an intoxicating rhythm, filling those of Erin’s senses that weren’t taken up with the smell, feel, and taste of Devon. After a moment, she realized with slight amusement that his deep, even breathing matched the roar of the ocean coming in to shore. Her own was a little quicker than that, but hell, she hadn’t had a kiss like that since… well, ever, come to think of it.

  And she definitely wanted more.

  Turning onto her side and balancing on one elbow, she looked down at Devon. He seemed so peaceful, at one with their beach surroundings, as if they were natural to him as home. Every muscle in that long frame was relaxed, even his arms, tucked up behind his head. “You are a catch,” she said, voice soft, reaching out to touch his chest. Running her fingers across it, she found that the nipples pebbled up under her questing touch. He gasped a little when she touched them.

  “Never had anyone do that?” she teased.

  He shook his head. “Never.”

  She pinched one ever so gently. “We’ll have to remedy that.”

/>   His grin, the grin she was already starting to fall for, broke out over his face. “Anything you want, Erin. Beautiful Erin.”

  “Bah!” she scoffed. “I’m not beautiful.” She wasn’t. Cute, maybe, and she’d do in a pinch, but not beautiful. Her eyes were too far apart, and her chin too pointed for real beauty.

  “You’re lovely to me,” he said simply. “Can we do that again?”

  “Do what?” Erin was puzzled.

  He laughed. “You know. Kiss.”

  “Oh. Oh! Sure. But first…” Erin rummaged in her knapsack, and came out with the promised candy bar. Unwrapping it, she broke off a chunk and slipped it between her lips. Smiling around the treat, she bent to Devon’s mouth. He laughed as her mouth met his own, pushing the chocolate inside. It melted on both their tongues as they moved against each other’s lips, savoring the sweetness and sensation of velvety sugar, rich cocoa, and each other.

  When Devon had to swallow, he leaned back again, looking like a cat who’d just found the cream. He reached out to touch her, running his hand down her arm. “This,” he said, “is going to be a night to remember, Erin.”

  Mmm, I hope so. Erin found herself thanking those handbooks. Yes indeedy, a little spur-of-the-moment fling was no bad thing. And she wouldn’t even have to kick him out of her apartment if she decided not to snuggle. Just pack up her blanket and knapsack and move on.

  Although with those long, strong arms of his, and that warm, solid chest, she had a sneaking suspicion she’d want to snuggle. Bad Erin, she scolded herself. Casual sex does not involve spooning.

  Well, it doesn’t technically involve a real chocolate kiss, either.

  “Hmm,” he sighed into her hair, snuggling her close against him. “You smell like berries.”

  Erin blushed a bit. “That’s my shampoo.”

  “Your skin feels like silk.”

  “Body lotion.”



  “Stop it.”


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