Bob Woodward
Page 63
Transformed (Zelikow and Rice), 387 Gerson, Michael, 186, 342, 351-52, 362-63, 371-73, 377-78, 408-9, 421 Gfoeller, Mike, 221-22 Ghorbanifar, Manucher, 259-60 Giambastiani, Admiral Edmund R, 53, 55, 57 as replacement for Quinn, 39-41 Gibson, Charles, 33 Gillespie, Ed, 356 Gingrich, Newt, 83, 178, 245, 250-51, 252-53, 274-75, 332, 431, 434
Giuliani, Rudy, 361,369 Goldman Sachs, 455 Goldwater-Nichols defense reform
act (1986), 18, 38, 55-56, 58,
63 Gonzales, Alberto, 294, 356, 362 Gonzales, Chief Warrant Officer
Richard Monty, 165 Good to Great (Collins), 55 Gorbachev, Mikhail, 4 Gordon, Michael, 147-48 Gore, Al, 4, 361, 363 Goss, Porter, 329, 332-33, 363, 376,
386 Graham, Billy, 342 Graham, Bob, 232 Grand Mosque (Mecca), 87-88 Grand Rapids, USS, 40 Gray Beards panel, 213, 428 Great Britain, 90, 197, 209, 231,
371, 436, 458 intelligence in, 280, 387,
400-402 SIPRNET access not given to,
318-19, 380-81 Great Depression, 463 Greeneville, USS, 36 Greenspan, Alan, 23, 402 Greenstock, Jeremy, 136 Green Zone, 231, 290, 292, 294,
295, 374, 388, 421, 465, 469 Grenada, 115 Gridiron Dinner, 449-50 Gross, Colonel Thomas, 129 Guantanamo Bay, detainees at,
275-76, 486-87 guerrilla warfare, 229-30, 247, 266,
309 Gulf Coast, 427 Gulf War (1991), 2, 11, 13, 18, 21,
61, 70, 75, 102, 104, 213,
285,312 war planning for, 82
Haass, Richard N., 128 Hadley, Stephen J., 10-11, 79, 87, 92, 109, 196, 240-41, 251, 253,255,289,294,312,318, 331,334,361,368,372-73, 378-79, 391, 392, 399-400, 408,419,436-37,447,455, 456,458,469,490-91 Armitage, and, 230, 328, 363-64,
369 background, 10 evaluating George W. Bush's first
term, 384 George W Bush Cincinnati
speech, 97 George W. Bush, meetings with,
153,155,383-85 George W Bush's reelection, and,
335, 348-350 on Iraq: as abused child, 234, 393 deBaathiflcation and disbanding
military, 197-98 elections, 370, 375-76 electricity, 400 Iraq strategy, 301-2, 427 Iraq transfer of sovereignty,
264-65 lack of military strategy, 302 oil infrastructure, 443 postwar planning, 111, 112, 169, 177 as national security advisor, 358,
364, 366, 367 responsibility for 2003 State of the Union speech and, 231-234 Hagel, Chuck, 398-400 Haifa, Princess, 411 Haiti, U.S. occupation of, 130, 143,
193 Hakim, Mohammed Bakir, 175 Haldeman, H. R. Bob, 316 Halliburton, 83, 151 Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, 486-87
Harlow, Bill, 277-78
Harvard Business School, 297
Harvard University, 196, 240, 336
Hasten, Dennis, 424
Hayden, General Michael V, 99
Hazmi, Nawaf al-, 79-80
Heartbreak Ridge (film), 115
Henry, Christopher Ryan, 157-58,
162, 166,220,432 Henry, Delonnie, 23, 157, 168 Herbits, Steve, 20, 39, 42, 166-168,
169 Bletchley II and, 84-85 Cheney, discussions with, 168 memos of: on Doug Feith's performance,
208 Getting Post-Iraq Right,
167-168 presidential envoy to Iraq,
173 Summary of Post-Iraq Planning
and Execution Problems,
316-317 Rumsfeld, discussions with,
31-32, 35-36, 43, 65, 103-4,
316,481 Wolfowitz and Gingrich, dinner
with, 250-251 Heritage Foundation, 265-66 Hersh, Seymour, 305 Hertling, General Mark, 290 Hezbollah, 238, 415, 474 Hillah, 205, 221 Hoffman, Martin, 20, 21 Holbrooke, Richard, 166 Holcomb, M. Staser, 20, 53 Home Box Office (HBO), 467 Homeland Security Council,
323 Homeland Security Department,
324, 333, 369, 401 Honduras, 307 Horan, Hume, 270-71 Horse Holders, The, 21
House of Representatives, U.S.,
284-85, 286, 287, 417, 424, 430, 491 Armed Services Committee of, 42,
306,310 Intelligence Committee of, 329, 332 Howard, John, 319 Hubbard, Al, 7
Hughes, Karen, 6-7, 170, 172, 335, 351-52, 356 campaign theme of, 6-7 Hughes, Colonel Paul, 129-30, 161, 184, 188-89, 194, 206, 207, 208 Hungary, 254 Hunter, Duncan, 42, 424 Hurricane Katrina, 427, 430, 447,
449, 457 Hussein, Qusay, 242, 267, 278 Hussein, Saddam, 2, 7, 11, 13, 22, 25, 47, 77, 81, 82, 84-85, 87-89, 90, 92, 93, 98, 99, 102, 103, 104, 105, 107, 118, 120, 152, 163, 165, 186, 196, 198,205,211,220,223,229, 230, 232, 247-48, 261, 267, 291,292,297,300,313,374, 382, 387, 398, 420, 421n, 477 appointments made by, 229 bodyguards of, 88, 194 and brutality of regime, 270 capture of, 275, 290 chemical weapons and, 139 defensive strategy of, 98,
121-22 fall of, 261
intelligence service of, 254 power of Sunnis under, 296 prisoners freed by, 122 suspected link between al Qaeda
and, 120-21, 135 toppling of statue of, 161 wife of, 287
Hussein, Saddam (cont.) WMD and, see weapons of mass destruction (WMD) Hussein, Uday, 152, 267, 279
Imam Ali Mosque (Shrine of Ali),
322-23 improvised explosive devices
(IEDs), 300, 412, 414-15, 449, 467, 472, 474, 475 Independent Women's Forum, 284 India, 240 intelligence: black, 324 coordination of, 443 counterinsurgency, 397 failures in international
coordination of, 318-19, 386-87, 400-402 failures in U.S., 279-82 police and, 397 technical side of, 397 U.S., 421, 474
see also specific agencies and countries interagency cooperation, 198, 208-9, 230, 255, 367, 379-80, 404 formal, 197 Interior Ministry, Iraqi, 187, 412, 462 disbanding of, 194-95 International Atomic Energy Agency,
242 international law, 195 International Monetary Fund, 440 International Police Liaison Officers,
397 In the Loop (Kamen), 240, 374 Iran, 8, 28, 84, 130, 224, 238, 246, 259, 264, 329, 342, 372, 373, 395, 400, 409, 414-15, 434, 444, 447, 458, 461, 469, 474 Iran-contra, 28, 107, 259-60, 273 Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, 415, 474
Iran-Iraq War, 89
Iraq, 7, 8, 11-12, 25, 45, 53, 77,
148, 213, 241, 246, 259, 264,
265, 274, 332, 342, 360, 387,
437, 455, 480 alleged Niger uranium deal of,
218-19,231-32 al Qaeda in, 401 approval ratings of leaders in,
421 Biden-Gelb proposal for, 481 Bremer as presidential envoy to,
180, 190-91, 207-8, 263 budgets for postwar operations in,
125,133, 137-38 civil service in, 158-59 civil war and, 445, 453-54, 469 congressional authorization for
war with, 100 constitution for, 176, 222, 223,
229, 249, 261-64, 268, 392,
453 conventional weapons caches in,
122 corruption in, 436 de-Baathification order for, 191,
193-94, 196-98, 205, 207,
209,219-20, 224-25,
276-77,292,295,316 democratic self-government in,
153, 196, 220, 248-49,
268-69, 315, 370, 372-73,
417, 444, 464 elections in, see elections, Iraqi ethnic conflict in, 118 exiles from, 128-29, 447, 461 exit strategy for U.S. in, 408,
481 as failed state, 388, 414 frozen assets of, 137 humanitarian relief to, 107, 117 IMF approval for, 440 independence from United
Kingdom of, 313
insurgency in, 118, 121, 244, 245-48, 256, 265-66, 275, 277, 291, 293, 296-97, 300, 301,313-14,315,327, 336-37, 360, 368-69, 373-74, 381, 395-96, 397-98,410-11,422,423, 426, 429, 435, 437, 452, 454, 471-74, 475, 476, 480
Kissinger on, 407-9
lack of human intelligence on, 93-96, 101
lack of U.S. strategy in, 336-37
looting in, 164-65, 170, 171, 179, 183, 188, 193, 201-2, 237
militias in, 469, 473-74, 481
ministries of, 150-51, 152, 157-58, 162, 187-89, 194-95, 412, 441, 462
national identity in, 407
national intelligence service proposed for, 254-55
National Library in, 187-88
no-fly zones of, 22, 25, 92-93, 96
no-strike lists for, 107
overbearing U.S. p
resence in, 125, 180, 333-34
parliamentary system in, 458, 461
Phase IV in, 111, 125, 142, 170
political prisoners in, 122
postwar governance in, 117-18, 125, 138, 392, 434, 452
postwar planning for, 103, 104, 107, 117-19, 122-34, 153
postwar security in, 118-19, 122, 125-26, 132, 188
potential nuclear program in, 97
prime minister selection of, 431
proposed buyout program for, 163-64
proposed presidential envoys to, 166-67, 173
provisional government of,
174-76,312-14,382,412 public opinion on U.S. occupation
of, 241, 250-51, 290-91 reconstruction in, 290-93, 302,
421, 422, 444, 453, 462,
473 refugee estimates in, 107 retirees in, 163 Rumsfeld on best outcomes for,
486-87 sectarian conflict in, 131, 376,
411,444,477 spies in IAEA offices of, 242 transfer of sovereignty in, 248-49,
261-64, 268-71, 274-75,
294-95, 298-99, 302, 306,
312-14, 315, 330, 333, 383,
392, 395, 434, 443, 453, 458,
464 transition from military to civil
control in, 192 under U.S. military occupation,
250-51, 261, 263-64, 275,
320, 328, 372 U.S. aid to, 411,436 U.S. embassy reopening and,
306-8, 312, 314, 371, 374 U.S. troop estimates for postwar,
118, 190, 191 U.S. troop levels in, 137, 248,
249, 256-57, 259, 301-2,
312,360,413-14,416,426 war plan for, 80-81, 97-98, 100,
102 WMD in, see weapons of mass
destruction (WMD) women's experiences under
Saddam in, 270 Iraqi Civil Defense Corps, 291,
295 Iraqi Council of Elders, 177 Iraqi Fallujah Brigade, 300
Iraqi insurgents, 244, 256, 266-67, 271-72, 277, 289, 291, 296-97, 300, 301, 308, 313-14, 315, 336, 373-74, 388, 390, 397-98, 408, 410-11,412,413-15,416, 417-18,425-26,429,431, 435, 441, 444, 445, 452, 468-69, 472, 474, 476, 477-78, 480, 482-84 in Mosul, 369-70 numbers of, 319-20 oil and natural gas pipelines destroyed by, 316, 374 Sunnis as, 315, 383, 394, 406, 483-84
Iraqi intelligence service
(Mukhabarat), 163, 184, 295
Iraqi Interim Governing Council,
197n, 234, 246, 264, 294-95, 298-300, 392
Iraqi militias, 330-31
Iraqi National Accord, 175
Iraqi National Congress (INC), 128, 148-49, 156, 172
Iraqi Rejectionists, 476-77
Iraqis: perceptions of U.S. by, 202-3,
205, 372-73, 413, 478 protests by, 206
Iraqi security forces, 163, 316, 362, 414, 418, 426, 472 training of, 309-10, 398, 429
Iraq Operations Group, 89
Iraq Relief and Reconstruction Fund, 312
Iraq Stabilization Group, 258-59
Iraq Survey Group, 185, 210,
214-15,216,227-28,243, 271-72,277,311
Iraq War, 152, 240, 317, 325, 326, 332, 353, 358, 359-60, 361, 364, 367-68, 377, 387, 404, 407-9, 415, 416, 424, 438,
443, 446, 447, 457, 475-76, 482, 484, 490 Irbil, 394 Islam, 84
radical, 408, 413, 466 Israel, 25, 47, 102, 248
intelligence in, 215, 238, 280
reprisals by, 46, 47 Israeli-Palestinian conflict, 75-77 Istanbul, 314 Italy, 111 Ivory Coast, 270
Jafari, Ibrahim al-, 175, 197n, 392, 394-95, 432, 444, 446-47, 452-53, 458-59, 461, 468 Japan, 248, 263 Japanese army, 124 Jawbreaker, 78 Jeffrey, James F.:
as coordinator of Iraq policy, 400,
410, 440, 467 and Rice's visit to Iraq, 392-93,
394 and Shiite-Sunni conflicts in government formation, 394-95, 396 at U.S. Embassy in Iraq, 308, 315, 322-23, 370, 375, 390, 392-93 Jesus Christ, 222, 224 Jiang Zemin, 33 jihads, 372 J-LIST, 101
Johnson, Lyndon, 285, 407 Joint Chiefs of Staff, 10-11, 22, 24, 31-32, 34, 53, 54, 67, 70-71, 261, 303, 320, 333, 365, 371, 441, 460, 470, 483 chairman's role in, 18, 58, 67-68 Franks's opinion of, 82 Goldwater-Nichols reform of, 379,
404 operations director of, 60
Rumsfeld's hobbling of, 403-5,
420 Rumsfeld's mistrust of, 22-24,
57-58 staff of, see Joint Staff studies and reports kept from, 57-58 jointness, as future of military, 53,
59,62 Joint Staff, 19, 34, 38, 40, 72-73, 115,290,308,333,380 intelligence division of 0-2), 471,
480 role of, 67
Strategic Plans and Policy 0-5), 321 Jones, Colonel Jon Jake, 157 Jones, General James L., 53-54, 71,
104, 403-4, 460, 470 Jones, Jeffrey, 170, 290, 293 Jordan, 46, 277, 287, 372, 401, 477 intelligence service in, 255 Joseph, Robert, 329-30 Jumper, General John R, 70-71 Justice Department, U.S., 219, 276,
284, 323, 391, 450 justice system, Iraqi, 389, 410n, 412
Kafka, Franz, 419
Kamen, Al, 240, 374
Kappes, Stephen R., 254, 363
Karbala, 159
Karl Rove Company, 15
Karzai, Hamid, 130-31, 274-75, 482
Kay, David, 213-218, 227-28, 238-39, 242-43, 248, 259-60, 271-73, 277-78, 280,284,311,329-30,488 George W. Bush, discussions with,
236-37, 278-80 Cheney and, 237-38 resignation of, 277
Tenet and, 213-15, 216, 217-18,
234-35, 236, 243-44,
257-58, 272, 280, 281-82 Keane, General John M., 141-42
Garner's briefing of, 142-43 Keating, Frank, 166, 356 Kellogg, Brown and Root, 151 Kennedy, John F, 372 Kennedy, Joseph R, 3 Kerry, John, 286, 332, 335, 338-39,
341, 343-52, 353 Khalilzad, Zalmay, 116-17, 175,
176, 182-83, 191, 374-75,
391,421 as ambassador to Iraq, 400, 431,
434, 436, 442-43, 454, 458,
461-62, 465 new government assembled by,
446 Kimmons, General Jeff, 138-39 Kimsey, Jim, 426 kinetic warfare, 444 Kirkuk, 291-92, 294, 389 Kissinger, Henry, xiii, 173, 240, 241,
256, 384, 406-10, 427, 431,
446, 450, 455 Kosovo, 7, 118, 130, 162,285 Clark's experience in, 60-61,
63-64 overly optimistic assessments of,
60-61 Kurdistan, 104-5 Kurds, 105, 107, 117, 174, 184, 196,
234, 279, 388, 389, 394, 407,
481 humanitarian aid to, 104 pesh merga militia of, 301 Kuwait, 2, 11, 13,82,92,98,
L-3, 105
Larry King Live, 397
Law Order, 357
Lebanese Cooking Channel, 231
Lebanon, 28, 238, 259
Ledeen, Michael, 259-60
Lehrer, Jim, 258
Les Halles, 250
Lessons for an Exit Strategy
(Kissinger), 408 Levin, Carl, 404, 415-17 Lewinsky, Monica, 283 Lewis, Bernard, 83-84 Libby, I. Lewis Scooter, 109, 120,
128, 182, 237-38, 251, 259,
295, 346, 356, 406 indictment in CIA leak case of,
419, 448 resignation of, 419, 456-57 Lieberman, Joe, 361, 363, 369 Lima, Ohio, 181 Lodge, Henry Cabot, 307 London, July 7 bombing of, 400-402 looters, looting, 164-65, 170, 171,
179,183, 188, 237 Bremer's suggestion of shooting
of, 193, 201-2 Los Angeles International Airport,
50 Lott, Trent, 42-43 Luck, Gary E., 387 Luti, William, 177
Ml Abrams Main Battle Tank, 27, 181
MacArthur, Douglas, 130-31, 263
McCain, John, 361, 419
McCullough, David, 326
McCurry, Mike, 347, 348
McKiernan, General David D., 92, 98, 101, 139, 142, 151, 153, 158, 165, 170, 179-80, 182, 192,200,214,292,311
McLaughlin, John, 78, 109, 319,
324, 478, 213, 235, 254-255, 261-262, 273n, 282,311
McManaway, Clay, 199, 236
McMaster, H. R., 61
McNamara, Robert, 61, 93, 407, 487
McPhee, Colonel Richard, 103,
159-60, 1
65 MacPherson, Malcolm, 221-23 Madrid, 292 Malaysia, 468 Maliki, Nouri (Jawad) al-, 461-67,
469, 475 Management and Budget Office,
U.S., 356, 455 Marines, U.S., 17, 71, 161, 297, 299,
301, 309, 320, 321, 360, 361,
382, 403, 423, 433, 438, 459,
460, 470 Marks, General James Spider, 92,
93-96, 98-99, 100-101, 102,
103, 115, 121, 138-39,
152-54, 157, 159-60, 165,
184-85, 192, 210, 214, 236,
311 Marshall, General George, 416 Martinez, Roman, 196, 263, 264,
330 Massoud, Rihab, 24-25, 45, 80, 334,
400-401 Matalin, Mary, 344-45, 346, 348-49 Mecca, 87-88, 287 media, 209, 349, 357, 429 analysis in, 279 Arab, 206, 211,230-31,360,
395 Dole's criticism of, 450-51 Iraqi, 370, 410n U.S., 395 Meet the Press, 274 MegabriefTwo, 176 Meigs, Montgomery C, 449 MET units, 159, 165 Mexico, 307 MI6, 280, 387, 400-402 Middle East, 358, 383, 398, 408,
465, 469-70, 479 stability of, 325 Miers, Harriet, 356, 447-48, 449,
457 Mihdhar, Khalid al-, 79-80
military, U.S.:
commanders in chief of (CINCs), 55-56
Joint Chiefs of, see Joint Chiefs of Staff
jointness as future of, 53, 59, 62
service chiefs of, 55-56, 58, 62
transformation of, 8, 17, 19, 24, 25-27, 34-35, 60, 83
unity of command issue in, 191 Military Industrial Commission, 228 Military Review, AAA militias, 469, 473-74, 481
pesh merga, 301
sectarian, 481 Miller, Frank, 108-9, 132, 177, 209, 212, 289, 300, 302-3, 320-21, 332, 333-34, 374, 375
Iraq fact-finding trip of, 289-93, 294-95,397,411
O'Sullivan and, 330-31
and SIPRNET access for allies, 318-19, 380-81
worries about Abizaid of, 298-99 Miller, Judith, 147 Milosevic, Slobodan, 61 Ministry Teams Newsletter, 187-88 missiles, 227, 258 Mississippi, 339 Missouri, USS, 186 Mongolia, 463 Moore, Michael, 424 Moore, Powell A., 41-42, 43 Moorer, Admiral Thomas H., 73 Morocco, 204, 321, 365 Mossad, 215, 238, 280 Mosul, 205, 321, 369-70, 396, 422 Mozambique, 280 MREs (Meals, Ready to Eat), 171 Mubarak, Hosni, 46, 372 Mueller, Robert, 324, 333 Muhammad (Prophet), 222 Mukhabarat (Iraqi intelligence), 163, 184,295