Shadow of the Wolf

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Shadow of the Wolf Page 13

by Dana Marie Bell

  “That would be the question. If it’s something triggered by our presence, then we need to avoid your friend’s wedding like the plague. But if it’s something meant to go off at a specific time and place, regardless of our presence…”

  “They’d be sitting ducks. Two families of mundanes under magical attack.” She grimaced. “Not even Cole would risk the karma backlash on something like that, tame warlock or not.”

  “That little storm he pulled up didn’t start right over us, sweetheart. Odds are good he’s already hurt innocents.” His fist clenched in her hair. “What the fuck is wrong with him? He has to know there’s no way the king will name him his heir once he gets wind of this!”

  “Unless he hopes the king will be so far gone by the time he does that it won’t matter anymore.”

  Chris frowned. “The council would act. There’d be a civil war, those loyal to the new king, those who oppose the very idea of how Cole was crowned. It would throw us into total chaos.” He gasped. “Could you not squirm, sweetheart? I’m really trying to be good here but all I want to do is fuck you until we both scream, and I figure we should wait on that until after we talk.”

  Lana froze.

  “Damn.” His laughing groan was rueful. “Me and my big mouth.”

  She closed her eyes. He wanted her, she wanted him, but damn it, they had too much to do! “Not this morning. Okay?”

  She could feel every muscle in his body tense. “This afternoon?”

  She looked down into his hopeful face. Damn. Puppy dog eyes. “We’ll see.”

  His eyes closed on a swiftly muttered prayer of thanks before giving her a deep, hungry kiss that curled her fingers and toes. Her fingers weren’t too upset about that, since they were currently curling into warm, hard man.

  Which was why the slap on her ass was so surprising. She reared back with a yelp. “What was that for?”

  “You need to move. You’re late for work, and we have a wedding to prepare for.”

  “What about the danger?” She damn near swallowed her tongue when Chris got out of the bed and stretched, completely uncaring of his … oh boy. Pretty. Her fingers were itching to glide over all that smooth skin and drag him back into bed.

  “Do you think Annabelle can keep my brothers in line?”

  He walked towards the master bathroom, yawning. She tilted her head, enjoying the flex of his ass. “Hmm?” He turned. She suddenly found herself confronted by the most tempting bit of man flesh she’d ever seen. Not overly long, not too fat, it looked like mouthwatering perfection. The fact that it belonged only to her was finally beginning to sink in.

  His wicked chuckle dragged her gaze from his cock, now standing at full attention, to his face. “Can Annabelle keep my brothers in line?”

  That male smirk of his was going to get him into a lot of trouble, she just knew it. “I think Annabelle could keep the US Marine Corps in line if she wanted to. Why?”

  “Because between the four of them, we should be able to keep your friends, and you, safe from whatever Cole has cooked up.” He headed into the bathroom and started running water, probably to brush his teeth. “Besides, if we’re pretty sure he’s going to hit us at the wedding, it might be the perfect opportunity to lay a trap of our own.”

  Lana scrambled out of bed. “If Kerry and Kelly can be kept safe, I think it’s a great idea.”

  He didn’t answer, but that was all right. She had a few ideas of her own on how to keep her friends, and her family, safe the next day. For once she was going to do what Chris wanted without arguing.

  She was calling out sick.

  * * * *

  Christopher was startled at how Lana worked. Watching her work her magic was like watching an intricate dance, one he barely knew the steps to and couldn’t keep up in. She flitted from item to item, throwing seemingly random things into a pot on the stove, sniffing it, pondering it, before adding something else to the mixture. Annabelle was mixing dried herbs and oils together into a potpourri that smelled strongly of dried carnations and cedar. The two women chatted about the wedding, but something in the way they spoke let him know that this was somehow a part of what they were doing.

  He was this close to ordering pizza for dinner, because he didn’t think he’d get his kitchen back anytime soon.

  Zach was watching everything with an intensity Chris wasn’t used to seeing in him. He watched every move both Annabelle and Lana made, sometimes frowning, sometimes nodding, but mostly looking thunderstruck.

  Chris snuck out of the kitchen. He had one more thing to double check. If he was right, it would be a shock to everyone in the family, but he doubted it would be a shock to Annabelle.

  “Are they still in there?”

  Chris snorted. “I think they’re going to be in there for quite a while.”

  Daniel frowned. “What’s Zach doing?”

  “Watching them.”


  Chris almost answered him, but the casual contempt in Daniel’s tone stopped him. Daniel needed to learn to leave Zach alone; he was the one most likely to pick on Zach thanks to Zach’s apparent lack of power. And if Chris was right, Zach would soon be able to get some of his own back. “Do me a favor and order some pizzas, will you? I have some work to do.”

  “Sure thing. Move, Zach.” Daniel pushed his brother away, ignoring Zach’s growling response. “Pepperoni?”

  Zach’s verbal growling stopped, but his stomach piped up. “Sounds good.”

  “Oh, pizza? Can I have mushrooms and garlic and tomatoes?” Lana reached out for yet another dried herb, barely turning away from her pot.

  “Got it.” Daniel picked up the phone and prepared to make the call.

  Chris touched Daniel’s shoulder to get his attention. “Make sure you pick the pizza up; don’t have it delivered.”

  Daniel gave him a thumbs up. “Pick-up, please.”

  Chris headed for his workroom and the Registry. I wonder if I’m right, and Zach is a witch, not a wizard.

  Chapter Nine

  Chris woke from the most wonderfully erotic dream he’d ever had to the feel of something wet and warm lapping at his cock. He stretched and smiled, knowing just what, or rather who, was going on. “Morning, little witch.” He opened his eyes to the prettiest sight he’d ever seen. Lana’s hair hung over her face, hiding what she was doing from him. He reached down and gently pulled her hair back, enjoying the sight of her swollen lips moving up and down his cock.

  “Mmm.” Her smile was sensuous, her eyes tangling with his, her expression hot and hungry. She lowered down and down until her nose brushed his pubic hair, and he damn near lost his mind.

  “Shit, sweetheart. Do that again.” She pulled back and slowly, oh so slowly, lowered herself down on him again. “God. Oh fuck. Tongue. Use your tongue.” He watched, entranced, while she made love to him with her mouth. He longed to let go and fuck into her but he held back, terrified he’d hurt his beautiful mate.

  She shot him a heated look and turned, presenting her ass and that pretty pussy to him.

  “Swing your leg over, sweetheart.” She obeyed, and there it was, his favorite meal in the world, all spread out and ready for him to feast. With a growl, he tugged her down until he could taste her to his heart’s content.

  Her sweet mouth was about to drive him insane. He could barely concentrate on what he was doing to her, but from the moans he must have been doing it right.

  He began nibbling on her clit, sucking it into his mouth and laving it with his tongue. Her groan felt incredible around his cock so he did it again, and again, until she was fucking herself into his mouth. The suction on his cock increased until he thought she’d pull his brains out the tip, and right then and there he really didn’t care if she did. He was so damn close to spilling down her throat, but he wanted her to go over the edge first.

  Chris pulled off of her long enough to drench one of his fingers in her juices, making sure it was good and wet before pressing up against the pucker
of her ass.

  The suction on his cock paused, but he didn’t. He sucked her clit back into his mouth, earning him another mind-shattering groan around the crown of his cock. She bucked back into him, fucking him, pressing the tip of his finger into her ass without thought.

  She gasped, stilling. He waited, allowing her to get used to the feel of his finger there. If he had his way he’d eventually have his cock in the snug passage of her ass, preferably sooner rather than later. For now, he soothed her with laps of his tongue around her snug hole, fucking his tongue into her pussy and his finger into her ass. He used his free hand to thumb her clit, hoping the sensations would ease the burn he knew she felt when his finger stroked deeper.

  He wished he had another set of hands. He wanted so desperately to grab hold of her head, push her down onto him, show her the rhythm he liked best. Instead he stroked her clit harder and was rewarded by a low hum of approval that nearly blew his head off. His hips jerked, shoving his cock farther into her mouth. She rewarded him by sucking him in deeper, stroking him with her tongue, encouraging him to fuck her mouth by tugging on his hips with urgent fingers.

  She was getting close. He could feel it in the trembling of her thighs, see it in the way her toes were curling. He pulled his tongue from her pussy, holding her steady with one hand while he fingered her ass and nipped at her clit. He kept a steady suction on her clit, tonguing it until she was screeching around him, her orgasm shuddering through her, damn near squeezing his finger off.

  He wriggled out from under her, determined to finish what he’d started a month ago. Sinking into her wet heat he rode her hard, more than eager to spill into her warm depths. Bending down he nipped her neck, biting through the skin, tasting her blood on his tongue for the first time.

  It was too much for both of them. Lana came with a scream, her pussy walls clamping down so hard on him he was afraid his cock would pop off. His orgasm ripped through him, pouring into her until he had nothing left. He collapsed next to her, pulling her tightly to him. He looked down at his little mate, loving the way she cuddled up against him. He fingered the mark he’d left on her neck, smiling. He whispered the final words that would finish the spell and mark her for all time as his. The bite mark turned, twisting, darkening, until the shadow of a black wolf rested on her skin.

  She’d accepted him whether she knew it or not. If she hadn’t, he could whisper those words for eternity and the shadow would never have shown itself.

  His hands stroked down her sweaty back, tangling in her hair again and tugging her mouth to his. His taste mingled with hers, exploding on his tongue. “I’ve decided something.”

  She panted on top of him, burying her face against the crook of his neck. “You can think?”

  He grinned. “Oh yeah. Want to know my decision?”

  “Mmm.” She kissed his shoulder, and his cock twitched.

  Hell, she breathed, and his cock twitched, so that was no surprise. “I could really come to love morning people.”

  Lana’s shoulders stiffened. He waited, continuing to stroke her back, wondering if this was the point where she’d back away from him, try to put some distance between them. “Could you?”

  “I’m certain of it.” Hell, he’d already fallen. He just didn’t have the courage to tell her yet. She was strong, feisty, funny and the sexiest damn thing he’d ever seen. How could he not love her?

  Her shoulders relaxed. “See? Mornings aren’t all that bad, are they?”

  “They’re becoming my favorite time of the day.”

  Her head lifted, and she squeaked. “Oh my God!” She leapt out of bed and stumbled, catching herself on the dresser. “Shower. Chris! It’s Saturday!”

  He sat up, watching her pull a dresser drawer open frantically. “What time do you have to be at Kelly’s?”

  “Nine a.m.”

  “Hair and makeup?” His cousin Linda had been a frantic mess just before her wedding when one of her bridesmaids was late for the hair appointment. The maid of honor, his girlfriend at the time, had finally called him to track down the missing girl and drag her to the beauty shop. He still shuddered whenever he thought of his normally cool cousin flipping out with curlers in her hair and half her makeup on, screaming so loud she’d set off a car alarm. She’d looked like … what was the phrase?

  Oh yeah. Bridezilla.

  He was snapped back to the present by the frantic flapping of his mate. “Yes! Oh Lord. Where’s my dress?”

  He got out of bed, trying not to laugh at the panic on her face, and went to the closet. “Calm down, sweetheart. Go jump in the shower. I’ll have clothes laid out for you and your dress ready to go. You’ll just need to grab the right underwear.”

  “Thanks!” She raced for the bathroom, pausing at the entrance. “Chris?”

  “Hmm?” He smiled at her, wondering at the happy expression on her face.

  “I could grow to love mornings too.” Before he could reply, she shut the door, leaving him standing in the bedroom with what he was certain was the stupidest grin ever to grace a man’s face.

  She was his.

  * * * *

  “Stop worrying, everything will be fine.” Kerry patted Kelly’s hand, their blonde heads close together. “You look beautiful, the bridesmaids look beautiful, and I look beautiful. What’s left to worry about?”

  “That’s what you said five minutes ago.” Kelly started to bite at her nail, looked at her manicure, and dropped her hand. “Dennis is here, right?”

  Kerry sighed. “Yes, Dennis is here. He even looks vaguely humanoid.”

  Lana rolled her eyes and discreetly stepped on Kerry’s foot.

  Kerry moved her foot with a strained smile. “Your flowers look great.”

  The organ music started up behind the closed church doors. Kelly jumped, the panic back on her face. “Oh God. I’m going to throw up, I just know it.”

  Lana grabbed Kelly’s face. This last minute hysteria was typical Kelly. “Look at me. He loves you. You love him. You’ve dreamed about this day, and that man, your whole life. You’ve had a crush on him since grade school! So get your ass in there and get married.”

  Kelly nodded, the fear fading from her face. “Right.” She took a deep breath and blew it out. “I can do this.”

  The doors swung open, and Lana took her place in line. “Yes you can.” She threw Kelly a kiss and a wink. “Here we go!”

  She started down the aisle, smiling at the man standing at the altar. Dennis looked ready to puke himself, his handsome face slightly green, his eyes glued to the doors of the vestry. Beside him his best man was fidgeting, totally ignoring Dennis and the bridal procession.

  Lana looked to the left, seeking out Kelly’s mom, but before she could find her, she saw Chris. He was seated at the edge of the aisle, close enough to touch her. She walked past with a smile just for him. His expression was full of pride and a wistful longing that damn near brought tears to her eyes. She bit her lip, desperately holding them back. She took her place next to the altar, behind Kerry, and looked towards the doors.

  The organ music changed to the wedding march, and Kelly stepped into the doorway on the arm of her father. Lana smiled at her friend. The traditional princess-style wedding dress was stunning on her. Lana looked out of the corner of her eye to see Dennis’s reaction.

  Dennis, old stick in the mud Dennis, was smiling, tears in his eyes. He watched his bride walk down the aisle, so obviously in love the tears Lana had been trying to hold back slipped from her grasp. Visibly trembling, he took Kelly’s hand in his, mouthing the words I love you. They turned back to the priest, Kelly relaxing, her body leaning towards her future husband’s. Dennis bent his head towards his future wife protectively. Lana hoped Kerry finally understood what it was that drew Kelly and Dennis, two such opposites, together. The love between the couple was so strong she doubted anything could dim it.

  Blinking the tears away, she looked over at Chris, only to find him watching her instead of the wedding. His
expression held the same look she’d seen so often on Dennis’s face when he looked at Kelly. Protective, possessive, it was full of some indescribable sense of awe that left her feeling bubbly and vaguely lightheaded. The butterflies were back in force, but this time they were practically rioting in the pit of her stomach.

  Lana reached up and fingered the small golden wolf’s head he’d slipped around her neck that morning. The delicate tingle of magic danced under her fingertips. She’d known it for a protection amulet the moment it had touched her skin. She’d been stunned to find out it was his own personal amulet, leaving him without some of his protections against Cole.

  But she hadn’t argued with him. The look in his eyes had been stark. “You wear this. We don’t think he has anything personal of yours, but he managed to get to you anyway. If he tries again, I need to know you’re protected to the best of my ability, especially while we’re out in the open.” He’d stroked the wolf’s head, his expression fierce. “We’ll both keep you safe.”

  She’d known he’d been talking about his wolf. The intensity he’d shown would have scared her if it had come from anyone other than Chris. She stroked his cheek, smiling when he nuzzled her. “We don’t have to go. I could call Kelly, tell her I’m at death’s door or something. Maybe it is too dangerous, even with all the precautions.” She’d been up late the night before, working with Grammy and a curiously helpful Zach to create some protection spells they’d be able to pepper around the wedding party, church and reception. She’d already dropped some of Annabelle’s sachets in the limo. The reception area was being seeded with some of the sachets and Lana’s “protection water” by Zach. Chris, Daniel and Gareth had also done their part, creating amulets for everyone to either wear or carry on them. Grammy had also done something for Gareth and Chris, but by the time she’d started it, Lana had been so tired she’d been sent to bed, exhausted from all the spellcasting.

  Chris had shaken his head. “No. Besides, the boys will pout if they don’t get to use the toys we came up with last night. We’ve done everything we can think of to make this outing safe. Enjoy it. It might be the last one for a while.”


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