Saved by Love's Blood

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Saved by Love's Blood Page 4

by Stephani Hecht

  Moving so quick he was blur, Ethan charged Zeke. Ethan threw Dante to the side as he grabbed onto the front of Zeke’s shirt and slammed him against a wall. Adrenaline shot threw Zeke’s system, but so did desire. Even though he should have been thinking of a way to fight back and get away if Ethan meant to rip him apart, all he could focus on was how good it felt to have his hard body pressing against him.

  Zeke fought to keep his face impassive as Ethan leaned forward so their faces where only inches apart. Blood was still coating his blond hair and the face wounds hadn’t healed all the way yet, but to Zeke, he couldn’t have looked more desirable. Which just went to show how sick he was to be lusting for a guy who was so injured.

  “I’m not yours,” Ethan said in gravelly voice. His eyes were wild with pain and fear, but there was no mistaking the sexual spark there, too. “You want to know why, vampire?”


  “Because you’re mine.” Ethan rolled his hips forward and there was the unmistakable bulge of his erection.

  “Shit,” Zeke moaned. Even though they had a roomful of vampire voyeurs, he’d never been so turned on. Glancing over Ethan’s shoulder, he could see the clan doctor, Dahlia, slowly approaching, a syringe in her hand.

  Keep him distracted, she mouthed.

  Zeke gave a slight nod to show he understood.

  Ethan buried his nose in the crook of Zeke’s neck and inhaled. “Now that I’m near you, the fire inside me has stopped. It doesn’t hurt so badly.”

  “Maybe it’s because I’m your sire,” Zeke reasoned as he brought his arms up and wrapped them around Ethan’s waist. Someone had given him a tee shirt, but he was still wearing the bloody pants they’d found him in.

  “That’s bullshit and we both know it,” Ethan murmured in a low voice, but everyone around them still probably heard. He rubbed against Zeke again and moaned. “Damn, I thought I had it bad for you before. Now I want to fuck you so bad, I can’t think of anything else.”

  Obviously not or else he would have realized he’d just made that admission in front of others. Zeke caught the dark glare Rafe was tossing him and he slid his hands down so they were on Ethan’s hips.

  “We have plenty of time to do that later. Right now I just want a kiss,” Zeke said, covertly watching as Dahlia got closer.

  “Just a kiss?” Ethan’s full lips spread out into a sly smile. “Are you sure? I’ll let you do anything you want to me.” He leaned closer and whispered, “And I do mean anything.”

  At those words, Zeke’s cock throbbed with need. It took all his control not to take Ethan to a more private place so he could take him up on that promise. Then he reminded himself that the only reason Ethan was acting this way was because he was out of his mind from the transformation and he really didn’t mean any of it.

  “Let’s just start with a kiss for now,” Zeke replied, putting a damper on his desire. As soon as he was done here, he would go run laps in the training center until he collapsed from exhaustion. Maybe that would help him get rid of the erection that was making his pants uncomfortably tight. That and about a dozen cold showers.

  “You know that one kiss isn’t going to be enough for either of us, but I guess I’ll take what I can get.” Ethan ran his tongue over his lips before he closed his eyes and moved in.

  Zeke met him halfway, a happy sigh slipping out of his mouth before he could stop it. As soon as Ethan’s soft lips touched him, he was lost. Letting out a moan, he slid his tongue inside Ethan’s mouth. He encountered his new fangs and Zeke took some time to caress and suck them, making the warlock gasp in response. Then he saw Dahlia stepping back, the syringe now empty and Zeke realized that hadn’t been why Ethan had gasped after all.

  “Why is it every time I kiss you I get cock blocked?” Ethan asked, his words already slurring.

  “I’m sorry.” Zeke felt guilty as he saw the betrayed look on the male’s face. Ethan’s legs gave out and Zeke struggled to tighten his grip on him so he didn’t crash to the floor.

  “Just promise me you’ll take me back to my room. I can’t stand the light and smells of this place. It makes it hurt even more.” Ethan’s request came out slow and thick as the drugs Dahlia gave him continued to pump through his system.

  “I promise,” Zeke said right before Ethan passed out. Not waiting for help, he scooped the male up and left the infirmary.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” Dahlia demanded.

  “You heard. He wants to be in his room,” Zeke replied, not turning around.

  “He needs to be here where I can watch over him,” she protested.

  “I’ll take care of him.”

  Dahlia muttered something uncomplimentary under her breath about stubborn male vampires.

  Zeke ignored her.

  “At least take some restraints with you,” she pleaded.

  “I’m not going to tie him up…not after what he’s been through. If he gets out of control again, I’ll think of a different way to keep him down.”

  “I’ll bet you will,” Dante smirked, earning a dirty look from Rafe.

  “Fine you can go, but I’m coming, too,” Rafe demanded.

  Zeke knew it would be useless to argue with him. “Okay, bring Morgan and Dominic with you. They can burn those herbs and oils all the magics like. Maybe that will soothe him some.” At this point Zeke was willing to do anything to bring any amount of comfort to Ethan. Tucking the male tighter to his chest, Zeke carried him to the bedroom.

  The warlock looked so peaceful in sleep. The agony that had marred his face was now gone. The grime and dried blood was still there and Zeke decided that one of the first things he would do would be to clean him up some. It wasn’t much, but it was all he had to offer for now. He wondered again what it was Ethan had been screaming in the infirmary.

  Then again maybe it was better he didn’t know. Dante may be an ass at times, but he may have had a point. What if Ethan resented being a vampire? It wasn’t exactly as if he’d been given a choice in the matter and it was no secret that despite the alliance they had, magics and vampires didn’t think too highly of each other.

  Zeke recalled the first time he’d kissed Ethan. During the moment of passion, he’d lost control and drank from the warlock. Just as things were getting good, Zeke had pushed him away and he’d made it perfectly clear that he’d done it because of whom Ethan was. The hurtful words he tossed at the warlock came back to haunt him.

  No I can’t. Not even with you. It’s not what you did, it’s who you are. I can’t get close to anyone who’s a magic. Not after what your kind did to me.

  That had been right before the vampires captured Ethan. What was even more damning was how Zeke hadn’t even licked the bite wounds closed after he finished drinking from the male. In the vampire world, that was the ultimate sign of disrespect. Zeke hadn’t meant to deliver that insult. With him so fucked up after the kiss, he’d truly forgotten. Yet the slight had been there all the same. After everything Ethan had done for the Drone clan, he deserved better.

  “I’ll make this all up to you somehow,” Zeke whispered to the unconscious male. “If it takes me the rest of my life, I’ll make it right.”

  Chapter Four

  Ethan slowly opened his eyes and tensed, waiting for the pain to follow. Blessedly though, none came. He felt warm, clean and more alive than ever. Someone had washed the blood out of his hair and put him in a fresh pair of sweats. Slowly, he realized there were a set of strong arms around him, a hard body spooning him protectively. Breathing in deep, he detected the familiar dark and wild scent of Zeke.

  Oh wow, this was even better than he’d always imagined it would be. So many times he’d wondered how it would be to wake up in Zeke’s arms. It made him feel so safe, protected and cherished. Something he’d never known before.

  “You’re awake,” Zeke’s voice rumbled into his ear.

  “Yeah,” Ethan answered, suddenly feeling awkward. Even more so as he noticed they weren’t the only on
es in the room. Rafe, Morgan, Dante, Dominic and Kane were all asleep in various chairs situated around the bed. Almost like they’d been keeping a vigil there. Yeah right, the trauma his head had taken must have knocked a screw loose. There is no way they would give a kobold’s ass about him. Maybe Morgan did because they’d always been friends, but that was it.

  “You’re not going to go crazy on us again are you?” Zeke asked, making no move to let go.

  Ethan wasn’t about to complain. Not when it felt so good. “No.” He swallowed hard, his earlier behavior at the infirmary coming back to him. “Fuck,” he moaned, closing his eyes in humiliation. “I’m not going to be able to look at any of you in the face ever again.”

  “It’s okay. We all did crazy things during our transformation. Well, not Rafe and his brothers since they were born this way, but they’ve seen other turnings enough to know what you did was pretty standard behavior.”

  “Was it really?” Ethan gazed over at Rafe, glad he was asleep and not hearing all this. “I recall Dahlia saying I was reacting different because I used to be magic.”

  Goddess, how it hurt to say that one single word, used. Of all the things that they had done to him during his captivity, the loss of his magic ranked number one. Not because of how painful it had been when they ripped it from him either. It was because when they took his magic, they took what he was. Even when he knew that he had nobody to love him, no family, no respect, at least he could take comfort in the knowledge that he was one of the most powerful warlocks. Now he didn’t even have that.

  “Ethan, look at me,” Zeke commanded.

  Ethan shifted around in the male’s embrace so he could turn on his side to meet Zeke’s gaze. He had a day’s worth of stubble on his face and his hair was messed in a just-woke-up way that was so sexy.

  Locking gazes with him, Zeke said slowly, “I’m sorry for what I had to make you into, but I’m not sorry for saving your life.”

  “Why, since you’ve made it so clear that you wanted nothing to do with me?” Ethan asked as he searched Zeke’s face for some clue to what he was feeling. All he saw was a soft concern. Not anything near the bone crunching desire he was feeling for the vampire.

  “I’m so sorry for all that. If I could, I would take it all back.”

  “Even those two times we kissed?” As soon as he asked that, Ethan wanted it back. The last thing he needed or wanted to hear was that Zeke had regrets in that area.

  “No, those I would keep.” The vampire smiled, suddenly looking almost boyish.

  “Not that I mind, but why are you in bed with me?”

  “While the drugs kept you mostly under control, you were still mumbling and thrashing around a lot. When I got close though, you calmed down. Must be because I’m your sire and you feel that whole blood connection thing with me.”

  “Must be,” Ethan replied although he didn’t believe it for one goddamn second. The hard cock and blinding desire he was suffering from right now didn’t have shit to do with a blood bond.

  “I know you hate beds, but Doc insisted we camp out here and not in the spot you made on the floor,” Zeke explained.

  Ever since he’d spent most of his childhood sleeping on the cold hard floors of the Nine’s coven temple, Ethan had never been able to get used to sleeping in a bed again. Not only were they too soft, but he felt more protected if he could wedge himself against the wall and tuck his knees to his chest. He’d learned quickly during those hellish years at the Nine that it was best always to protect yourself from attack, especially while sleeping.

  “So are you really feeling okay?” Zeke asked, his eyes narrowing with concern.

  “Yes, I just feel different.” Ethan hesitantly touched his new fangs with his tongue. “Everything seems sharper, more in focus and brighter. Not only that, but I can hear better, everything is so loud that it’s jarring.”

  “You’ll get used to it. It was hard for me at first, too, but I adjusted and so will you.” Zeke pulled back one of his arms so he could brush the back of his knuckles against Ethan’s jaw.

  “I can hear your heart beating, the blood rushing through your veins,” Ethan confessed, the words coming out slurred because his fangs had dropped.

  “Are you thirsty?” Zeke asked. His eyes grew dark with passion as his incisors grew. They were long and wickedly sharp.

  “Are you offering?” Ethan hungrily eyed up the vampire’s thick jugular vein. His mouth watered in anticipation. A small part of him was still shocked and disgusted at the thought of drinking blood, but it’s not like he hadn’t done it before. The Nine were notorious for blood rituals and shameful as it was to admit, they’d forced him to participate more than once. As those memories came rushing back, he blanched, his stomach twisting in self-hatred.

  “Hey, now. It’s not like that,” Zeke soothed, somehow knowing the dark path Ethan’s mind had gone down. “I’m offering and you’re not taking.”

  “What if I didn’t deserve a second chance?” Ethan whispered.

  “All that stuff wasn’t your fault. That’s not the real you. The true Ethan is the one who gave himself up to save a little girl, the Ethan who died instead of giving away the clan’s secrets,” Zeke returned fervently.

  “But I—” Ethan started, but Zeke cut him off with a heated kiss. The need already flowing inside him surged to a full-grown fire as he darted his tongue out to meet the vampire’s. Zeke growled in approval as he rolled over onto his back, taking Ethan with him. Now that he was sprawled on top of Zeke, there was no way Ethan could hide his erection, but he didn’t care anymore. Whimpering with need, he thrust forward so it rubbed against the hard body under him.

  “Easy, we’re not the only ones in here,” Zeke reminded.

  Ethan darted a quick glance around and saw the others were still sleeping. “They don’t know what’s going on,” Ethan moaned as he thrust his throbbing cock against Zeke. The friction made for a delicious feeling and he hissed in pleasure.

  “Still, you need to feed now, while we have some semblance of privacy.” Zeke cupped him by the back of his head and urged him down.

  Ethan found his lips inches away from the male’s fluttering jugular. “How should I do it? I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “Trust me babe, as jacked up as I am right now, pain will be the last thing I feel.” To prove his point Zeke lifted his hips so Ethan could feel how hard he was. “Just give in and let instinct take over.”

  Ethan bared his fangs and hesitated a moment before the blood lust took over, washing away all his misgivings. It was primal, hard and he could not deny it. Striking fast like a viper attacking prey, he sank his fangs into the taut flesh of Zeke’s neck. There was a pop as he broke through the skin and then the male’s blood hit Ethan’s tongue, tasting better than a fine rich brandy. More! Just one sip wasn’t enough. Angling for a better position, he splayed his hands on Zeke’s tight chest and sank his fangs in even deeper.

  “Fuck, that feels so good,” Zeke choked, sounding like it was taking everything he had not to yell louder.

  Ethan took another swallow, the lust inside him building with each passing second. Grinding his cock against Zeke, Ethan cursed the clothing separating them. He let out a snarl of frustration, the sound muffled because he still had his lips pressed against Zeke’s flesh. Sliding his tongue over the puncture wounds to seal them closed, he gazed down at Zeke.

  “Fuck me, please?” He couldn’t remember a time where he was this aroused. It was painful and made him half-crazed with need. He’d heard about how intense it felt for a vampire when they were in the throes of blood lust, but he’d never thought it would be this bad.

  “I can’t. Not with everyone else in here,” Zeke replied in a strained voice. The veins on his temples were standing out and a fine sheen of sweat was covering his brow.

  “Please, I hurt.” Ethan hated begging, but if he didn’t get relief soon, he feared he was going to lose his frigging mind.

  “That’s okay, I’ll tak
e care of you in another way. I’ve got you, babe,” Zeke whispered. The blanket had ended up twisted in their bodies and the vampire awkwardly maneuvered things, until the covering was back up around their waists. Then sliding his hand between them, he reached into Ethan’s pants and grabbed his aching cock.

  “Oh Goddess, yes,” Ethan cried as he bucked forward.

  Zeke stilled his hand and tsked under his breath. “Be quiet or you’ll wake everyone up. If that happens, all the fun will stop and you don’t want that, do you?”

  “No.” Ethan shook his head as he bit his bottom lip so hard he cut himself with his fangs.

  “Then be good and don’t say a word. I hear one sound from you, I’ll have to stop,” Zeke said, the warm sensual tone of his voice taking the bite out of his threat.

  Once Ethan nodded to indicate he understood, Zeke started to move his hand up and down. Ethan closed his eyes and gave in to the pleasure, biting his lip again to hold back the moans. Thanks to the position, it wasn’t the best hand job he’d ever had technique-wise, but the fact that is was Zeke giving it, made it the most exciting experience of his life.

  “I’ve wanted to touch you like this for so long,” Zeke confessed, his voice so low it was almost nonexistent. “I would look at that hard body of yours and wonder how your cock would feel in my hand. Now that I’ve finally get to stroke it, I’m so glad that it didn’t disappoint me. It’s so thick and hard and now it’s all mine.”

  Damn, how did Zeke expect him not to react when he was saying stuff like that? The need to groan as the vampire fisted his cock was so strong that he choked a bit from the effort of holding it in. Shifting his hands so they were gripping the vampire’s shoulders, Ethan started to pump his hips back and forth, his erection sliding in Zeke’s fist.

  He moved faster and harder, the passion ruling his mind. Then Zeke gave him a non-to-gentle squeeze and that threw Ethan over the edge. Throwing his head back, he totally broke the no-noise rule by letting out a hoarse cry as he came. Hot shots of semen left his cock, going all over him and Zeke. The vampire didn’t seem to mind though, he just kept stroking him until he was finished.


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