Saved by Love's Blood

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Saved by Love's Blood Page 7

by Stephani Hecht

  “I told you, not until you get better,” Zeke protested weakly.

  “We won’t go all the way.” Ethan gave his cock a squeeze. “Like you said, we’ll just play around a bit.”

  “Shit,” the vampire moaned as he closed his eyes. “I really shouldn’t let you do this.”

  Ethan briefly pressed his lips against Zeke’s. “There’s no letting. I want this more than you do.” Dropping to his knees, he looked up at his vampire. “You wouldn’t deny your fledgling this one little request, would you?”

  “Oh God,” Zeke breathed, sweat beading at his temples. “How can I refuse you when you look at me like that.”

  “Like what?” Ethan slowly lowered the vampire’s zipper as he licked his lips in anticipation.

  “With those fuck-me eyes you get.” Zeke groaned when Ethan reached inside and pulled his cock out.

  “But I do want to fuck you,” Ethan replied simply as he stroked the long erection of his soon-to-be lover. Leaning forward, he slowly ran his tongue in and around the tip of Zeke’s leaking cock. It tasted salty and wild, much like his blood had. “I want you so bad that I can’t even think straight because my dick is always hard.”

  “That’s normal for fledglings. It will go away the more you drink blood.”

  “That’s not it.” Ethan blew across the head of Zeke’s erection. “I’m hard because it’s you.” He parted his lips and went to take Zeke into his mouth, but paused, aware that he now had a large set of fangs in his mouth to contend with. The last thing he wanted was to mess this up and end up hurting the vampire. Still not moving, he ran his tongue along the side of one of his sharp incisors as he tried to think of the best way to go about this.

  “What’s the matter?” Zeke looked down, a small frown marring his handsome face.

  “I’ve never done this as a vampire.” Ethan stared at the beautiful cock, wanting to taste it so bad his mouth watered. It was so unfair that he would get this close only for something like his fangs to block it, yet again.

  “The fangs throwing you for a loop?” One corner of Zeke’s mouth kicked up into a smile.

  “Yeah,” he admitted, more than a little frustrated. A drop of come glistened at the crown of Zeke’s erection and Ethan allowed himself the small pleasure of licking it clean.

  “There’s a technique to it,” Zeke explained as he tenderly ran his fingers through Ethan’s hair.

  “Tell me what it is, please,” Ethan begged. He closed his eyes and savored the small bit of come that still clung to his tongue. Nice, very nice and it made him so hungry for more. The thought made his fangs grow even larger, which didn’t help the situation at all, but he couldn’t help himself.

  “It’s better if I show you.” Zeke reached down and picked Ethan up by grasping him under the arms then hauling him to his feet.

  At first, he let out a frustrated whimper, sad that their fun was over before it’d even started. Then Zeke slammed him against a wall and rolled his hips against him, his hard, exposed cock pressing into Ethan’s stomach, which gave him the message that things were just getting started. “This isn’t fair to you,” he protested as Zeke started to fumble with the tie to his workout pants.

  “That’s not true at all. If you only knew how bad I’ve wanted to suck you off, you wouldn’t say that.” Zeke finally got the knot of the drawstring loosened so he could reach inside and wrap his strong fingers around Ethan’s cock.

  “But what about you?” Ethan hissed as pleasure ripped up his spine.

  “I’ll get my own turn soon enough and you want to know why?” Zeke dropped to his knees and looked up at him from under his dark lashes.

  “Why?” Ethan groaned as Zeke pulled his workout pants down just enough to free his cock.

  “Because you’re going to watch how I do this and learn. Aren’t you?” Zeke leaned forward and ran his tongue up the length of Ethan’s shaft.

  “Yes, I’ll do it,” Ethan agreed, anything to get Zeke to wrap his lips around him.

  Zeke parted his mouth and slowly took Ethan’s cock in. It was sheer torture having to wait as that moist heat surrounded him a mere inch at a time. It was almost as if the vampire were toying with him. But then again, his fangs never once cut into him, so maybe Zeke really was doing it to teach him something. Finally, after what seemed liked forever, he was all the way into the vampire’s sweet mouth. Just as quick as he could register that fact, Zeke pulled back, sucking in hard at the same time.

  “Fuck, that’s good,” Ethan said, reaching down with one hand to fist his fingers through the male’s silky, dark hair. Still sucking, Zeke looked up at Ethan. The tenderness in the vampire’s eyes made the breath hitch in his chest.

  Zeke started to worship his cock in earnest, using his lips and mouth to bring him to the brink repeatedly. Each time he seemed to sense when Ethan would come close to orgasm, the male would pull back and pinch his cock to bring him back down.

  “You’re killing me here,” Ethan panted.

  “I’m just giving you time to learn,” Zeke crooned as he swiped his tongue across the head of Ethan’s erection. The vampire’s pants were still open from earlier, his massive cock still exposed. Using his free hand, Zeke started to pleasure himself, his hand wrapped around his erection and moved slowly up and down.

  “You’re so big,” Ethan marveled as he watched Zeke.

  “And you’re going to love every inch of it while I’m fucking that sweet ass of yours,” Zeke promised with a growl. Opening his mouth, he started sucking Ethan again.

  Ethan was unable to tear his gaze from the erotic image of his cock sliding in and out of Zeke’s lips. To add to the sensual picture was how hot it was to see Zeke fisting his own dick. Pleasure started to build inside Ethan and this time the male continued to suck instead of pulling back. Ethan nearly cried in relief when he realized that he was going to get to ride it out this time.

  “Goddess, yes,” he hissed in pleasure as he fisted his hand tighter in Zeke’s hair and started to pump his hips forward. After a couple of thrusts, he went over the edge. A hot orgasm ripped through his body as he threw his head back with a hoarse cry. Zeke didn’t pull back, instead he gave a satisfied moan as Ethan’s semen shot inside his mouth.

  Zeke let out a muffled cry and Ethan looked down just in time to see the vampire’s juices shoot out over his fingers and hand as he brought himself to completion. The male’s face was a beautiful mask of passion as he moaned in pleasure, Ethan’s cock slipping from his lips.

  “Mine. Give it to me,” Ethan demanded in a harsh whisper as he stared at the come glistening on Zeke’s hand.

  Zeke stood up and Ethan grabbed the male’s wrist and jerked him closer. Slipping his tongue out, he slowly licked the tangy, sweet semen from Zeke’s fingers. He took his time, letting a sigh of satisfaction slip past his lips as he lapped away until there was nothing left. The entire time, Zeke was watching in silence, his intense gaze burning into Ethan.

  “How soon before we can really fuck?” Ethan asked, once he was done.

  “I’m supposed to be taking you to see Doc. When we’re there, you can ask her.” Zeke brushed a kiss against Ethan’s lips before pulling back to zip his pants up.

  “Yeah, like I’m just going to come out and ask her that.” Ethan chuckled as he started to get his clothes back into place.

  “Why not? With the way vampires like their sex, I don’t think anything would shock her anymore.”

  “So is this what all this is, just sex?” Ethan tired to sound as casual as possible, not wanting to give too much of himself up. Zeke reached out and cupped his cheek. Their gazes locked and Ethan sucked in a breath at the raw emotion he saw in the vampire’s normally flat eyes.

  “No, it’s a whole lot more. It always has been.”

  Chapter Seven

  As soon as he walked into the infirmary, Ethan wanted to leave. Even though the patient count was currently low, the smell of old blood, puss and suffering hit him so hard he actually stagger
ed a step back before Zeke reached out to steady him. White…white…white. Why did all hospitals, be they human, magic or any other paranormal creature, have to use damn white? The floors were that color, the walls, fuck even the sheets on the made-up beds lining both sides of the room were that stark shade. “I can’t do this,” he rasped, trying again to retreat, but Zeke held his arm too tight to allow for that.

  “It’s going to be okay. Dahlia may be mean sometimes, but she’d never hurt you,” Zeke’s words sounded light.

  Ethan still detected a hint of worry in his eyes. He was gazing at something and Ethan blanched when he realized had punched that hole into the wall during his transformation.

  “I may not be happy to be here, but I’m not going to start throwing shit around again,” Ethan protested, more than a little hurt that Zeke thought he would go there again.

  “I should hope not,” Dahlia sang as she came over to them. “You cost me a good heart monitor during your last fit.”

  The clan doctor was wearing the same white lab coat Ethan had usually seen her wear. Underneath, she had on a pair of jeans that hugged her long legs and a bright yellow tee shirts. He was a little surprised to see her dark brown hair down and swinging around her shoulders since she usually kept it up in a tight knot. “Did I catch you off hours?” he asked, pointing to her casual attire.

  “Yes, but don’t think you can use that as an excuse to get out of me examining you.” She pointed at a nearby cot. “Now get yourself to that bed and you’re not leaving until I’m done with you.”

  Ethan started to make a smartass comment on how she wasn’t the first female to give him that line, but when he saw her stern glare, he clamped his lips shut. Going over to the bed, he hopped onto the edge, but didn’t make a move to lie down.

  “What is it with you and hospitals anyway?” Zeke asked.

  Ethan didn’t answer, but caught the flash of emotion that passed over Dahlia’s gray eyes. She knew all right. She had treated him a couple of times and she knew all his dirty secrets, including the details about the brands on his body. He tensed, wondering if she was going to give him up, but in the end, she settled for flashing Zeke a weak smile.

  “A lot people don’t like doctors. You’d be amazed at some of the chickens I get,” she said airily.

  Ethan breathed out a sigh of relief. For some reason, Dahlia was willing to let him keep his secret and for that, he could have kissed her. He was just earning Zeke’s respect and the last thing he wanted was for the vampire to know all about what really went on during his days with the Nine. “This is a waste of time. I’m feeling okay,” Ethan grumbled.

  “Why don’t you let me be the judge of that?” She turned to Zeke. “You mind giving me some space so I can examine him?”

  “Sure. I’ll be right outside if you need anything.”

  “Actually, I was wondering if you would go to the cafeteria and get me a cup of coffee.” Dahlia gave him the sweetest of smiles. “The pot here is broke and I could really use a caffeine fix.”

  “Sure.” Zeke nodded slowly, not looking fooled for one second.

  After he left, Dahlia snapped the privacy curtain shut and turned back to Ethan. “Okay, he’s gone so it’s safe. Take off your shirt.”

  “Are you sure he didn’t see them when I was first found?” Ethan asked as he took off his shirt. Even though Dahlia had already assured him several times, he still couldn’t shake that nag of worry.

  “Yes, there was so much blood and other wounds on you at the time the brands blended in.” She reached out and touched and them with a clinical interest.

  The brands ran in a single row down his spine and her touch made him shiver—not in passion, but in revulsion for what the marks were. Even without being able to see, he knew exactly what mark she was touching as her fingers glided down his back...first the skull, then the inverted pentagram, before ending on the number nine.

  “What do they represent?” she asked softly.

  “The biggest mistake of my fucked up life.” He looked over his shoulder at her. “Come on, Doc, you’re not going to try to tell me you haven’t already done some research to find out what they mean. I may not know you that well, but I don’t take you as the type who would leave something like that unanswered.”

  “I tried, but there’s not much information out there and it’s not like I could go and ask any of the magics I know.” She pulled back her hand and walked around to face him.

  “Why not?”

  “Because they would want to know where I’ve seen them and I’m not about to betray your privacy like that.” She pulled her stethoscope out of the large front pocket of her lab coat.

  “Wow, and I didn’t even have to fill out one of those annoying privacy disclosures either.” He grinned. “How ethical of you.”

  “Are you sure it’s Rafe you’re related to and not Dante?”

  “Ouch, now that insult actually hurt some.” He chuckled.

  “You’re not going to tell me what they mean, are you?” she asked, getting serious.

  “No, trust me. The story would give you nightmares. I guess it would have been too much to ask that they healed away when I became a vampire.” He tried so hard to be flippant, he almost pulled it off.

  “No, as you already know from the bruises all over your body, severe injuries don’t always heal, especially brands.” She raised the sleeve of her lab coat and pointed out the D burned into her flesh. Before the rebellion, the Pure Born Vampire Regulation Force or VRF as most called it, made it a practice to mark all drones.

  “Does Zeke have one of those, too?” Ethan stared at the mark, remembering how even little Misty had one.

  “I thought you would already know that answer yourself, given the way the two of you were gazing at each other.” She lowered her sleeve and put the earpieces of the stethoscope in place.

  “I haven’t looked.” He didn’t add that was because they had always been too involved in other activities to explore too much.

  “Speaking of Zeke, when is the last time you fed?” She put the bell of the scope to his chest and listened to his heart.

  “It was right after I woke up,” he replied as soon as she pulled back.

  “You need to feed again. Until your body adjusts, you’re going to need more than vampires regularly do. Should I call Zeke back or do you want some bagged stuff?”

  Ethan paused, stupidly caught in a hard debate. He hated having to rely on anyone for anything, yet there was plenty of ways someone could get to the bagged supply and tamper with it. Crap if this new change in his life didn’t throw a wrench in his whole can’t-eat-what-isn’t-safe disorder.

  “I’ll call Zeke back,” Dahlia said, her eyes softening with understanding.

  Ethan cursed under his breath and ducked his head to hide his embarrassment. Every time he turned around lately, someone else in the clan knew about his weird hang-ups. What the fuck? Did someone go on Twitter and Tweet his whole life story or something while he was out of it?

  Ethan has weird food fetishes. LOL #the-warlock-is-a-loser

  “Damn vampires.” Ethan growled as he pulled his shirt back on. “My coven was never this nosey. We just kept to ourselves and didn’t cling to each other like you guys do.”

  “Ah, but you’re one of us now, so you are our concern.” She reached up and tapped one of his fangs.

  “What if I can’t fit in here?” He stunned himself by voicing one of his biggest fears.

  “Don’t be foolish. We already have a werejackal, a witch and a warlock. You’re just the icing on the cake. Plus, you have the six warlocks who boycotted your coven that are going to be living here now, too. You’re low on the list of misfits,” she teased.

  “Where are Kavan and the others?” Ethan suddenly realized that he hadn’t seen them since the attack.

  “They seem to think they need to earn their keep so they have been pushing themselves hard on patrol. Trust me though, they’re around.” She rolled her eyes. “They ki
nd of make a statement with all the leather they wear.” She went over and pulled the curtain open. Something made her pull up short and she turned back to give him a huge smile. “I think you have a visitor. You stay put and I’ll be back with Zeke in a minute.”

  Ethan looked up and saw Eric walking over to the bed, Misty trailing behind him. The small vampire had her hair in two tight braids and she was carrying a piece of paper in her hands. When she saw Ethan, her brown eyes grew wide with shock as she let out a wail of distress.

  “You lied to me!” she shrieked as she pulled free from her father so she could run the rest of the way to the bed. She stopped just a couple of feet from Ethan, her tiny hands balled up into fists and a look of outrage on her face.

  “What? When?” Ethan panicked under the glare from the little ball of fury.

  “You said that those bad guys wouldn’t hurt you if I ran and got help.” She sniffed and tears started to fall down her chubby cheeks. “But they took you away from me and Daddy couldn’t find you.”

  “Hey now, don’t cry. I’m here now and I’m just fine.” Ethan jumped down from the bed and went over to her, crouching down to give her a hug.

  “It was my fault,” she sobbed loudly into his ear.

  “No it wasn’t and I don’t want you to ever think that way again. You hear me?”

  “I was so scared for you.” She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him so tight it hurt his ribs, forcing him to bite back a grunt.

  “I was okay, and look,” he pulled back and opened his mouth, “I got fangs like you now.”

  She giggled through her tears. “They look silly on you.”

  “Do they?” Ethan reached up and touched one, putting a fake look of distress on his face. “I thought they made me look cool.” She started to laugh even harder and Ethan wasn’t sure that he hadn’t just been insulted.

  “I made you something.” She handed him the paper.


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