Fire in the Heart : The Princess and the Bandit (9781629020112)

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Fire in the Heart : The Princess and the Bandit (9781629020112) Page 11

by Slaughterbown

  The warm glow of the hideout seemed to offer a calming reassurance as he stepped through the front door and saw Karim sitting, sharpening his blade.

  Karim glanced up. “Good evening, Elijah,” he said.

  Elijah felt his chest tighten but knew he must ask. “Karim. I need your help.”

  His blade slid across the stone a few more times before he turned. “Of course you do. What is it now?” he replied, grinning.

  Elijah raised his voice. “Karam!”

  “What about him?” asked Karim, frowning slightly.

  “He…he is killing people around the city, and now I think the princess is in danger,” blurted Elijah.

  Karim’s blade screeched again across the smooth stone. “She is only in danger because you put her in danger.”

  Elijah glared. “Karim! How could you say that?”

  Karim quickly stood up and sheathed his blade. “Elijah, I am your friend, and as your friend, I will tell you the truth. You are a bandit, she is a princess. Did you really think it was going to work out?” he said, shaking his head.

  Elijah glanced down. “Karim. It’s not like that! It’s not my fault Karam is insane!”

  Karim nodded. “No. It’s not. But this is your world, Elijah. You live in a dangerous world, a world in which you never know when you’re going to get a next meal, a world where guards hunt you down to kill you.” Karim clenched his jaws. “Her world is the opposite. A world of safety, prosperity, and wealth. A life where other people live to serve her and make her happy!”

  Elijah listened to the rushing wind as it fluttered the rug across the doorway. “Then what would you have me do?” he whispered as his voice cracked a little.

  Karim hesitated. “Do you care for her?” he asked.

  Elijah’s next words caused their eyes to meet. “With all my heart.”

  Karim frowned. “Then end it between you two. The more you lure her out here, the more danger she will be faced with. It’s your choice, Elijah. But remember. Any choice you make will affect others. There is no denying this,” he replied.

  Elijah clenched his jaws and walked over to his blanket roll under the table. He noticed how flat it looked and immediately ripped it open. The silver and emerald were nowhere to be seen! “What!” he shouted. “Who took my belongings?”

  Karim jerked around. “What are you talking about?” he yelled.

  “Who took it?” Elijah demanded as his face turned red.

  “Took what, Elijah?”

  Elijah turned to Karim. “Who took it?! Did you take it?” he demanded, veins bulging.

  Karim pleaded, “I do not know what you talking about!”

  Elijah quickly scanned the room. “Who was here last?” he shouted.


  Elijah’s color slowly began to return to a healthy tan. “Of course…where did she go?” he asked, fists clenched.

  Karim shrugged. “She went with Nizar somewhere.”

  Elijah’s strained voice started to rise again. “How is she not here? She is always here at this time of night!”

  Karim yelled, “Elijah. You are always gone. Most of them see you as their leader. How are they supposed to follow when their leader disappears?”

  Elijah moved over to the table. “I need to find her! Especially if she is with Nizar,” he said as he reached out for his sword.

  Karim turned to follow. “Are you planning to fight them?”

  Elijah glanced back. “No…I plan to use this on Karam, if necessary.”

  “Elijah! You need to settle down. You have a lot to consider. Collect your thoughts.”

  Elijah smiled. “Don’t worry. I know what I am doing. You should come. This will be so much fun!” he said as his eyes slowly narrowed.

  Karim pulled back. “How so, Elijah?”

  “Because I also have to stop a prince from getting to the princess,” replied Elijah, grinning.

  Karim threw up his hands. “What! You have lost your mind!” They both stood there, staring at each other.

  Smiling, Elijah replied, “Maybe. But it’s all for the best.”

  “So let me get this straight. You’re first going find a leader of the biggest gang in this city. Then you’re going to find a friend who stole a precious item from you. Then you’re going to stop a prince from getting to the princess?” said Karim, shaking his head.

  “Something like that,” said Elijah as he turned away.

  Karim slowly smiled. “Okay,” he replied.

  After one more glance at Karim, Elijah said, “Let’s go.”

  Karim shook his head and followed Elijah out the door.

  Chapter 15

  The moon hid behind swollen, black clouds as Elijah and Karim clung to the sparse cover along the way to Karam’s hideout. Elijah peered straight ahead while Karim kept glancing behind them. Karim bumped into Elijah when he stopped abruptly in his tracks. Thunder boomed in the distance.

  “I hope you know what you’re doing, Elijah,” exclaimed Karim as Elijah shook him off.

  Elijah stared at the looming tower of a building just ahead. “I have dealt with Karam before. It’s nothing I can’t handle,” he replied, ducking behind some low-lying bushes.

  Karim turned around. “Well, remember. You foiled his plans to assassinate the sultan and the princess,” he said as he glanced at the narrow sharp-edged structure.

  Elijah could make out the entrance of the crumbling building and realized that it was going to be a climb to reach it. It looked like it would fall at any moment because of the rocks and foundation that had already given way. The lower floor’s exposed corners looked like they had been destroyed by some powerful force, with huge sections completely gone. The three floors above the enormous gaps rose to the sky as if still fully supported. Elijah saw a movement several floors above the rocky ground, what looked like an archer, but he wasn’t sure. Someone was there, though as he motioned toward Karim.

  Elijah whispered, “I know, and I can’t have him getting another shot at killing the Sultan and princess.”

  “I heard he is building an army,” replied Karim with a nod.

  Elijah shrugged. “He doesn’t scare me, Karim.”

  “Maybe he should.”

  Suddenly, some rocks crashed down the nearby embankment, landing with a thud. Two men emerged from behind a teetering mound of rubble in front of the abandoned house.

  Elijah and Karim ducked behind a pile of broken stone as the two men took position in front of the open entrance to the building.

  Elijah grabbed Karim’s sleeve and stepped out into the open. One of the men jerked around and unsheathed his sword. “Are you here to be recruited?” he shouted.

  Elijah looked him up and down before he replied, “No. I’m here to talk to Karam.”

  The other bandit yelled back, “Who’s asking?”

  “Elijah,” he shouted.

  The first one to speak scratched his chin. “That name sounds familiar,” he mused.

  Elijah’s calm voice echoed across the rock-strewn surface. “It should be.”

  The man pointed his sword at Elijah and said, “Hold on.”

  The remaining bandit clung to his sword as Elijah approached. “Do you like working for Karam?” asked Elijah.

  The man immediately burst forth. “It is glorious! Soon, we will rule this city!”

  “I am sure you will,” replied Elijah with a grin.

  Karim kicked up some dirt as the minutes ticked by. Finally, the messenger reappeared and said, “He is expecting you.” His sword pointed toward the entrance.

  Elijah nodded. “Good. Well, we’re ready.”

  The man then jumped in front of Elijah and Karim and stepped into the cool, dark passageway. “Follow me.”

hey quickly arrived in the basement after passing over crumbled steps and mounds of trash. As they turned the corner, over two hundred sets of eyes surrounded Karam, seated in an overstuffed chair. They all seemed to turn in unison with their arrival and erupted in confused shouts of victory. Several men stood and slammed their closed fists against their own chests, shouting, “Karam, Karam, Karam.”

  Karim grabbed Elijah’s arm from behind. “This is not good,” he said.

  Elijah whispered, “We will be fine.”

  Karam leaned back. “Ahh, Elijah. What brings you to my base of operations?”

  Elijah stepped forward and stopped. “It’s simple, Karam. Leave me and the princess alone.”

  Karam launched out of his chair. “You don’t give the orders here,” he shouted above the din of his men’s laughter.

  Elijah winked. “You having fun playing sultan?”

  Karam’s curt reply came quickly. “I’m not playing,” Two steps later, he was breathing in Elijah’s face. “I am sultan,” he shouted, causing his men to erupt in screaming.

  Elijah turned away slightly. “You have lost your mind,” he whispered.

  “Have I?”

  Elijah glared back. “Quit following the princess and me!”

  Suddenly, Karam held on to his swords. “Oh, really?” he chuckled as he circled Elijah. “I am sorry. I am afraid you have been kept in the dark for too long, Elijah. This city…this city is my city!” He lowered his head and thrust his swords into the air. “I can capture the princess at any moment I choose! I have her lover right here in my home.” Elijah clenched his jaws as the man continued to rant. “I have a secret passage into the palace! I have men! My army grows daily! Desperate men from all over the city are tired of being beggars! There is a storm coming, my dear Elijah!” Karam turned and faced him. “And whoever gets in my way will perish!”

  Elijah stared into the man’s black eyes. “You have lost your mind! Do you really think you can take over the entire city?” he shouted.

  A hush filled the room as it awaited Karam’s answer. And then it came. “Yes.”

  Elijah’s eyes darted to Karim and then down to his sword.

  Karam continued. “In fact, I will be generous,” he said as the turned away. “I will give you one more opportunity to join me.” He abruptly turned back to Elijah. “It is your choice. Die today or live tomorrow. Which is it?”

  Chills ripped through Elijah’s body as he listened to the shouting men.

  Karim slowly unsheathed his sword.

  “What will it be, rat thief?” demanded Karam.

  “I will never join you,” shouted Elijah, hand on sword.

  Karam leaned in. “Then you will die,” he said.

  Elijah and Karim stood back to back, swords thrust out, as the men’s shouts grew ever closer. The clash of metal suddenly filled the cavernous space as they readied their weapons.

  Karam stepped back and smiled, not taking his stare from Elijah, “Wait!” Elijah shouted.

  Karam quickly lifted his hand.

  Elijah’s voice filled the room. “I have a proposition.”

  With eyebrows raised, Karam replied, “Oh, the rat thief has a proposition for me! I am very interested.”

  Elijah drew in a deep breath and continued, “I have something that will benefit us both.”

  “What is that?” asked Karam.

  Elijah turned to the rebel leader. “There is a prince coming to take the princess’s hand in marriage. He is coming soon, maybe tomorrow morning. If we could ambush them, take their weapons and armor, and send them home running scared, it would be perfect!”

  Karam rested his chin in his hand.

  Elijah continued. “Just think, Karam. You would strike fear not only into our city, but all the nations around us! They would truly fear your name! A bandit who robbed a prince!”

  Karam suddenly broke out in laughter, causing several of his men to do the same. “And let me guess. I get my glory and you get to keep the princess for yourself? Is that it?”

  Elijah clenched his jaws.

  “How much will you sacrifice for this woman?” asked Karam.

  Elijah smacked his fist to his chest. “I would give my life for her,” he exclaimed.

  Karam’s laughter again filled the room.

  “Do what you want with the city. Just leave her out of this!” shouted Elijah.

  After a pause, Karam nodded. “If you stay out of my way, then you can have your princess.”

  They both passed a solemn nod.

  “You know. You are making a deal with the devil,” Karam whispered.

  Elijah scoffed. “You are not a devil, Karam. You are just a man.”

  But Karam turned to go. “Let us go see this prince.”

  Elijah suddenly hit his blade against a rock. “No killing, Karam.”

  “Of course,” grinned Karam. “I just want my glory.”

  Within minutes, Karam and his men stood ready and headed out to the mountain pass leading into the city. The morning light had just broken through the grasp of night as they positioned themselves high above the winding road.

  Elijah and Karim peered over the cliff as they stood next to Karam. Elijah watched the man bark out orders and put the men where he wanted them. A darkness covered Karam’s eyes in a way that Elijah had never seen. His face now had sharp lines that only ruthless men seemed to have. He thought about how much Karam had changed from a child. He was no longer the same kid he used to play with in the streets. No more smiles, laughs, and jokes. The only thing that seemed somewhat similar was his black hair, still parted in the middle, still ruggedly long and handsome as it blew in the desert wind.

  Karam walked away, leaving Elijah and Karim alone. “I don’t think this is a good idea,” whispered Karim.

  Elijah turned to his friend. “What do you mean?” he asked.

  Karim continued in his low voice. “You are putting too much trust in Karam. You know what he is capable of.”

  Elijah immediately started thinking about Natalia. “If this protects Natalia, it’s worth it.” He felt that same fear creep in that he had felt at the secret entrance to the palace.

  Karim’s eyes grew wide. “And what of everyone else? Do they not matter?” he pleaded.

  Elijah shook his head. “It’s not like that.”

  “Yes, it is,” replied Karim.

  They were interrupted by a loud cry. “I see them!” a random bandit yelled just as a long caravan with thirty guards and a carriage emerged around a distant bend.

  Elijah felt his heart skip a beat. “That must be them.”

  Karam walked back up and raised his nose in the air. “I smell glory,” he shouted.

  “How are we going to get past all those guards?” quizzed Elijah, but only the wind replied.

  The caravan creaked across the ruts just below when Karam shouted. The drivers pulled hard on the reins. Scanning the rocky inclines, the soldiers pointed toward Karam’s fast advance. They readied their spears and swords and the few archers raised their bows.

  Elijah, eyes wide, glanced at Karim. “What is he doing?”

  Eyes peeled on the caravan, Karim replied, “What he does best…go crazy.”

  Elijah heard the voice of a random guard as he watched Karam scale down the mountain side. “Who goes there!” the man shouted.

  Karam continued his solo advance with arms extended upward and eyes sparkling from the first rays of the sun. “I am death in the flesh!” he shouted.

  The guard shouted to an archer. “Get rid of him.”

  He fired, but not fast enough. Karam ducked behind a huge rock and shouted at the top of his lungs, “Attack!”

  Karam’s men streamed out like rats running from a rising flood, unleashing their arrows in rapid
succession. The caravan was covered, almost instantly, as its guards started dropping to the ground. Five to ten arrows impacted some before they stopped their deadly screams. The unprepared guards ran for cover, mostly under the caravan, but that didn’t stop the slaughter. Karam charged into the chaos and slashed relentlessly. Elijah watched as he thrust his sword through one soldier’s midsection, dropping him instantly. He was shocked as he wondered what he had gotten himself into. All he wanted to do was protect Natalia, and there wasn’t supposed to be any killing. Suddenly, Elijah screamed, “What is he doing?! He’ll kill them all!” He felt his mind go black for a second until the screams from below brought him back. His stomach heaved violently.

  All of the bandits came out finally, landed at the bottom and began jumping on the soldiers, hacking and slamming their blades on anything that moved. In minutes, only Karam’s men stood tall. The few guards who survived the initial onslaught felt their life slip away at the hands of the merciless bandits. The carriage stood alone, unprotected when Karam opened the small wooden door and pulled out a silk-covered man. Karam slammed him into the ground.

  Elijah instantly took off, running down the treacherous slope. He reached the tall, skinny man just as Karam yelled, “Get up!”

  Elijah shouted, “Please stop! Why are you doing this?” His heart raced in his throat as he sucked in breath after breath.

  Karam screamed again, “Get up!”

  The white-faced man pushed himself up and Karam slammed his fist into his head, knocking him right back down.

  Karam and his men’s laughter ricocheted off the surrounding rock walls.

  The bleeding man shouted, “You won’t get away with this! The sultan will hear of your treachery!” His voice quivered as it trailed off.

  Karam paused, grinning at the ground. “I am the sultan,” he shouted as he lifted his head toward the sun.

  The quivering voice spoke again. “You…you are…Please let me go! Please let me go! I will cause you no harm!”

  Elijah screamed above the men’s laughter. “Karam! Stop this!”


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