Fire in the Heart : The Princess and the Bandit (9781629020112)

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Fire in the Heart : The Princess and the Bandit (9781629020112) Page 23

by Slaughterbown

  Karam twitched at the sound of shuffling feet behind him. “The men are ready,” said the bandit.

  Karam tossed back his head, chuckling. “My time for glory is near!” he said as he glanced around at his army of bandits hidden on the rooftops. “Today we become kings! This city belongs to us now! The Prince has left, and has kindly taken the city’s army with it just for us!” He broke out in laughter. “Today, blood will run through the palace halls! Today, I will be named sultan!” A hushed cheer rose into the heat. “Today, we take the place of death itself! Come!” he motioned just as his bandits crept out of the shadows, hundreds of them. They filtered down the walls toward the rear of the palace. Karam came upon five guards as he approached the secret passage. His bandits dropped into position, their crossbows taunt. Karam quickly stepped to face the guards.

  “Who goes there?” came a shout.

  Under the dark clouds, Karam raised his hand to his chin. “Please help me. I have a sultan to kill,” he said as he stroked it slowly.

  The guards exchanged glances and immediately dropped their hands to their swords.

  Karam screamed. “Death to the sultan!” Instantly, his archers released their load as the narrow instruments of death rained down on the unsuspecting men. “Thud, thud, thud,” filled the gusty air. All five were down. Karam sauntered forward and yelled, “Zeke!”

  A lone voice replied, “Yes, Karam.”

  Pointing to the stone wall, Karam demanded, “Which one is it?”

  Zeke jumped forward and reached out. The grinding sound was quickly followed by a flood of light as the mass of stone took on a life of its own.

  Karam grinned. “Perfect,” he exclaimed and entered with his two blades extended. “Bring me the boy, Zeke,” he said chuckling. “I will be in my throne room.” He quickly disappeared in the passage.

  “Of course,” replied Zeke and he sprinted away.

  Karam couldn’t believe his luck as he approached a huge door with metal bars. Two men quickly ran up and thrust them sideways, causing the door to spring toward them. The sound of dishes being stacked filled the dim chamber. Karam peered out, ready to step into the spacious palace kitchen. He watched as several chefs stood over large barrels of water, dishes in hand. Karam glanced back smugly. “Kill them all,” he shouted. His men charged forward and attacked the unsuspecting chefs. Without warning, the men collapsed to the floor, all except for one. Karam knelt down and stared at the gaping wound across his stomach. “Hello,” said Karam, glaring. “Where is the sultan?”

  The fallen chef spewed out blood. “He…He was in the throne room last I knew….please don’t kill me!” he pleaded.

  He rubbed his fingers together as he glared, and then turned to his men. “Kill him,” he said. Three bandits quickly stabbed the dying man to death. A second later, Karam and his men found themselves in the great hall facing 20 or so guards. The elephant fountains flowed brilliantly as the sparse sunlight found its way through the keyhole windows. “Good evening!” he said.

  The guards spun around as they drew their weapons. Their eyes grew wide as the men approached.

  “I am going to have every last one of you beheaded!” said Karam as his laughter filled the room.

  Several guards shouted, “Get him!”

  Karam shouted, “Prepare yourselves! Attack!” he shouted as he lunged forward. Without warning, hundreds of sword-bearing bandits flooded the room. Karam didn’t flinch when several of his faithful collapsed beside him. His eyes were fixed on the great throne room doors. He felt his blood surge knowing that the silk-dressed monarch was only moments away. The great doors leading to the throne room were his only obstacle. He threw up the handle, but it wouldn’t budge. “Men! I need a little help!” Moments later, four heavyset men tore down a pillar and drug it over. They wrapped their arms around it and rammed it, over and over. Karam glanced around the room and followed the winding stairs. Where is the princess? he wondered, and then suddenly shouted, “Find the princess!” Two more men grabbed onto the pillar as it made its impact even more violent. A few of the bandits quickly ran upstairs as Karam watched the mighty doors buckle. Again and again, they rammed it into the door until, finally, it burst open. Prone, a flurry of men surged from the other side, immediately dropping the bandits holding the pillar. The others watched as blood ran from their throats and chests. But, the bandits had the advantage and quickly overran the remaining guards, killing them instantly. It was a bloodbath.

  Voices emerged from the hallway doors. “Save the sultan!” shouted one as they rapidly advanced. Karam watched briefly, and then entered the throne room.

  He eyed the two remaining guards and quickly turned to the sultan. “Ah! At last! The time has come!” exclaimed Karam. He stood alone except for four of his men and the cries and screams from the room behind him.

  The sultan’s eyes flared. “Kill him!” he screamed.

  Instantly, both guards lunged toward the bandit leader. Karam spun around, swinging both his blades wildly. One of them sliced through the air and effortlessly into one guard’s throat. Karam threw up his arm as the other’s came crashing down. Karam smashed the man’s leg, causing the guard to stumble. Karam grinned as he thrust his blade forward, into the man’s chest. As he collapsed, motionless, blood continued to spew from his mouth. He lowered his eyes and turned to the sultan.

  “How did you get in? How did get into my palace?” the man screamed.

  Karam chuckled. “Why, your daughter showed us the way,” he replied, suddenly scowling.

  “What?” the sultan shouted back.

  Karam’s hand raised high as the sultan’s tried to lift his hands. The butt of Karam’s sword came crashing down, forcing the man’s bloody head towards the floor. “You can’t die yet, Sultan. You can die in front of your precious city!” laughed Karam. “Tie him up!” he shouted. The four jumped forth and quickly bound his hands. “Now it’s time to find that precious little princess,” Karam exclaimed grinning. He walked briskly toward the stairs, noticing that some of his own men lay still, covered in blood. No guards remained. He glanced up to the sounds of screaming women, and smiling, bolted up the stairs. The crashing pillar caught his attention as he reached the top.

  “They are in here! The princess is in here! We chased her in there!” shouted one man.

  Karam was beaming now. “Perfect! Break it down, fools!” Another violent lunge forced a small gap between the two panels. “Hurry!” shouted Karam. ‘BAM!’ the pillar did its work as the doors splintered away. Karam ran through the debris and came face to face with Natalia, a maid, and a guard. The guard, sword above his head, charged Karam, but he never arrived. Four men quickly surround the lone assailant and plunged their swords into his body. Karam grinned as he sauntered over to the princess and the maid, both huddled up by the bed. He stood over them, glaring.

  “Come, princess. You’re coming with me,” demanded Karam. He extended his hand but the maid jumped and slashed Karam’s cheek with a small blade. He quickly stepped back, screaming in pain! Blood poured down the side of his face and over his chin as it fell to the floor. Several of his men ran to his side, but Karam raised his hand. They stopped in their tracks.

  “Mera!” cried Natalia.

  The woman clung to her waving blade. “Stay back, you pig!” she shouted, her voice quivering.

  The gruesome image stood above the maid as it dropped its blood to the floor. “You will pay for that,” he said chuckling.

  Mera shouted again. “Stay away from her, you pig!”

  “I’m not going after her anymore…,” he said as he winked. “I’m coming after you!”

  Fearlessly, Mera shouted again. “I said, stay back!”

  The blade sliced through the air again, but this time, he grabbed her arm and drove his elbow into her face. Karam quickly kicked the metal piece against the wall.
br />   Natalia jumped up from the bed. “Mera!” she screamed.

  But Karam was already in motion. His other hand rose and fell against the princess, forcing her to the ground. He grabbed a chunk of Mera’s hair, and repeatedly yanked her out of the room onto the balcony. He felt the warm flow of red as it continued to drop onto his clothes and feet. Mera wrenched herself desperately and threw her hand against the stone rail. Karam chuckled as he yanked her again. “Today is your day to…die,” he whispered and then slammed her head against the rail. Mera’s limp body tried to rise again, but Karam again slammed her onto the rail. He raised her head once again, blood streaming down her forehead, and slammed it down a third time, blood splattering everywhere.

  Karam grinned as he turned back to Natalia’s shouting. “Mera! No!” she screamed.

  Karam continued to slam her head into the rail, over and over, with her blood now caking her skin. She was lifeless. With one quick motion, he lifted her over and into the jaws of the awaiting chimera. In minutes, she disappeared as the two heads did their evil. The crazed man licked his lips and faced Natalia. She dropped to the ground, crying, as his shadow approached. Karam laughed as the color drained from her face. In one fast motion, his hand encircled her hair and pulled her toward him. ‘Slap’ went his hand as she fell back to the floor. “Get up, whore!” he screamed and kicked her in the stomach. “Get up!”

  She didn’t move.

  Karam’s eyes darted around the room. “Get up!” he shouted when he picked her up by the hair again. “Where is Zeke!?” he yelled.

  A voice shook from behind. “I am here,” answered Zeke when he stepped out of the crowd of bandits, holding Caleb by the ear. He quickly threw the boy down in front of Karam.

  Karam nudged Natalia with his boot. “Natalia, meet Caleb. Caleb, meet Natalia,” said Karam.

  Natalia, still crying, glanced nervously at the boy. Caleb’s eyes were wide with fright.

  Karam laughed. “Now that you have met, here is the plan. Now everyone. Listen carefully, because I will not repeat myself. You see, princess, Caleb helped your precious Elijah escape.”

  Natalia gasped. “Elijah?”

  “Caleb, this is Elijah’s love. The love that he would do anything for!” said Karam smiling.

  Natalia lifted her up on her arm. “Elijah is alive!” she muttered.

  Caleb nodded. “He is.”

  “Now, Caleb, I want you to be a good boy, and go tell Elijah, that in five days I am going to cut off his princess’s pretty little head,” said Karam scowling. “You have five days to find him and bring him back to me,” demanded Karam.

  “Kill me now! Why bring him into this?” pleaded Natalia.

  A smile crossed Karam’s face. “Because…,” he said as he knelt. “I want him to die by my hand.”

  Natalia sobs grew even louder.

  “He might be dead again! He was trapped in the ghoul’s gorge!” said Caleb.

  “Good!” exclaimed Karam, “but I want you to make sure. If he is not alive, boy, the princess dies, and that is all on you.”

  Caleb gulped hard.

  “Now, go be a good boy, Caleb. If you dare try to escape, we will find you again, and then…we will kill you,” said Karam.

  Caleb didn’t move.

  “Go,” shouted Karam.

  Caleb stared at the blood-stained face.

  “You heard him!” shouted Zeke as his hand crashed down on the boy’s head. “Go!”

  Caleb fell to the ground, and then, finally, ran outside of the room.

  Karam’s eyes fell down to the helpless princess.

  “What do you want from us?” cried Natalia.

  “I want to stand in front of the whole city, with you, your father, and Elijah, dead at my feet,” he chuckled. “Then, I will be sultan!” laughed Karam. “Finally! I will be sultan!”

  She stared at him with her tear-stained eyes. “Prince Anas is coming back! You won’t get away with…”

  A swift motion of his hand around the butt of his sword silenced the woman. Her still body immediately crumpled to the ground. Karam threw back his head and laughed. “Let him come! I will destroy him myself!” The room echoed with his bizarre sounds once again, this time, with the others in the room joining in.

  Chapter 36

  Elijah glanced ahead, only to see more rolling sand, complete with the wavy images of his mind. He sweltered under the overbearing weight of the sun, ever hoping his journey would finally reach its end. But no end was in sight as he tried to swallow. Keep your mouth shut, he thought. That will keep the moisture in. But still, the pain remained in his head. I know I am going in the right direction, he thought. He sipped out of his nearly weightless canteen and felt his feet sink below him. “I have to keep going!” he mumbled. If I stop now, Edward will never have a chance.

  Before him loomed a towering cliff, its shadow barely visible. Rocks slid and fell as he worked his way up the treacherous incline. It only seemed forever. A small flock of black birds suddenly took flight when he shouted, ‘ouch!’ The hot rocks reminded him how fragile his life had become. He fixed his eyes, and kept working his way up, slowly, hand over hand, until he finally crested. He smiled, even though the shooting back pain made him double over just as he planted his feet above. A deep valley, rutted with sand, rocks, and crags beckoned him back down the other side, for within it lay a huge camp. The barbarians! he reasoned as he scrambled closer. This has to be it due to its size, he thought. The smaller camps he had seen weren’t this big.

  As he drew closer, the merriment sounded better and better as people meandered between tent and shack. Smoke billowed into the air, taking with it the roasted smells of delicious survival. Oh, for a taste of that, he thought as he felt his mouth suddenly moistened. Glancing around, a thick hedge of bristle and thorn warned him away, but he kept walking. A break in the thicket lured him on. He couldn’t help but think of how inviting the dancing and smells seemed. They surely will welcome me. I don’t look anything like a crusader, he thought. An arid pain swept again down to his stomach. He knew that they had to have plenty of water. No one could be this merry, in the middle of such tormenting heat, without that cool, clear liquid, he thought.

  Nearly though the entrance, he noticed the markings on their arms and legs. It seemed that everyone had painted themselves in some manner, with tattoos of animals, faces, and intricate designs.

  He shouted out, “Excuse me!” Suddenly, all the barbarians, men, women and children stopped. “May I have some water? Please?” he cried.

  A second later, the people started to run toward him, screaming at the top of their lungs. Elijah froze, heart racing more violently with each passing breath.

  The pounding of feet rushed behind him and forced him to turn. Suddenly, a muscular barbarian, hair swinging wildly, came into view. He was a lean man, with arms bulging underneath his scarred skin and shoulders. His scarred chest swelled up and down as he hoisted a rounded, wooden stake above his head. Elijah tried to duck, but was able to only catch a glimpse of the man’s flying hair before the weapon smashed into his head. He flew backward and saw no more.

  Screaming and a splitting headache greeted him momentarily as sharp rocks cut into his back. The hoard followed the two as Elijah was pulled through the camp. Blackness descended again. The sun glared at him as he was drug further and further up a hill, and then the light disappeared again. The motion stopped. People crowded in as he rolled off his back and slowly wobbled to his knees. A huge man, covered in massive armor, hovered above and met his eyes. Elijah stared at the bone spikes rising from his shoulder and chest pads.

  The rest of the color in Elijah’s sunburned face quickly disappeared as the man’s enormous axe came into focus.

  “Who are you?” boomed the unfamiliar voice.

  No one moved except Elijah as he stagg
ered to his feet.

  “Who are you?” echoed the voice again, this time even louder.

  Trying to loosen his throat, Elijah swallowed hard. “Elijah! My name is Elijah,” he eked out.

  “What brings you to my home?” the massive shape before him demanded.

  Elijah reached up to his throat and rubbed it. “I come here seeking Anglican root and some water if you can spare any,” he whispered hoarsely.

  The barbarian glared. “You dare come in and make demands to my people?” he asked.

  Elijah managed a slight frown, but then quickly hid it. “What? No, of course not, I have a friend in dire need of help, and I need that root to heal him. He was attacked by a ghoul, and he was poisoned after the creature wounded him,” he pleaded.

  The man’s eyes widened. “Ghoul? And what happened to this Ghoul?”

  “Uh… We killed it,” claimed Elijah.

  Those close by suddenly broke out in laughter. “Are you saying you killed the immortal ghoul from the gorge? Impossible!” shouted the man.

  Elijah glanced around. “No, really. It lost its head in the fight,” he eagerly nodded.

  The man lifted his axe high in the air. “Well, looks like we have a warrior in our camp!” he exclaimed to a resounding chorus of cheers.

  Feeling more confident, Elijah tried to continue. “Well, I had some help,” he said.

  The man’s eyes narrowed as he broke into a grin. “I’m sure you did,” he chided. “Magnus! Take him to meet our other warrior.”

  The long haired man with the stake stepped forward, beaming.

  Elijah reached to his side, but his sword was gone. Somebody must have grabbed it from me when I was drug through the camp, he reasoned. His chest tightened suddenly.

  The huge man continued. “How much do you desire to get this root?” he asked.

  “With everything I have in me. I need it,” answered Elijah.

  “Then, let us barter. You entertain us, and I will give you your root. Deal?” said the man in armor.


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