Fire in the Heart : The Princess and the Bandit (9781629020112)

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Fire in the Heart : The Princess and the Bandit (9781629020112) Page 27

by Slaughterbown

  The men quickly disbursed and the camp suddenly filled with the rustling of collapsing tents and poles. The only one who lagged behind was a sneering Darrel.

  Edward limped over to Elijah.

  Elijah’s voice started to falter. “Thank you…,” he said. “Thank you so much.”

  Edward’s worn face broke into a smile. “Thank you, Elijah. We will show this bandit leader true justice,” he said.

  The wind gusted again, and quickly quieted down. “I know we will,” claimed Elijah smiling.

  Edward turned to go. “Well. You better be off. Be careful, friend,” he said.

  “I will. You do the same,” replied Elijah. As he watched his friend head back to his tent, thoughts of the barbarians and the herb venture flooded his mind. He remembered how the job seemed nearly impossible as he trudged through the desert. But he still couldn’t believe how well it turned out thanks to Kun’s help.

  Edward turned back quickly. “See you tomorrow,” he said nodding.

  “What about the boy? He has our statue!” asked Kun.

  Aiken responded. “We will take him with us. Trust me. He won’t get away.”

  Kun nodded. “Well. We better be heading out, Elijah.”


  “Um, Elijah…?” said Sam gently.

  “Yes, Sam? What is it?”

  “Can I talk to you in private?”

  Elijah immediately stepped away from the others. “Well, of course.”

  Sam started grinning. “I know that things look pretty bad right now considering the odds you must face tomorrow. But I have something that may cheer you up,” she said and reached into her satchel. Suddenly, Elijah caught a glimpse of brilliant silver and green.

  Elijah’s eyes grew wide. “Where did you get that?” he exclaimed.

  “We snatched your pouch when you were unconscious. I don’t need it. We don’t have money in our clans. We believe it is evil. Here. You can have it back,” Sam said.

  “Thank you, Sam. I promise, though, it is only evil when the person’s intention to use it is evil. That is not my intention,” he said.

  Sam nodded. “I believe you.” They stood there for a moment before she continued. “Can I come with you?”

  “It’s too dangerous, Sam,” exclaimed Elijah.

  Sam nodded. “Yeah, but I really don’t want to be stuck with all these disgusting crusaders.”

  Elijah grinned. “Right. Well, I guess it wouldn’t hurt.”


  “Not a problem,” replied Elijah laughing. He couldn’t believe his great fortune. Immediately, he started thinking about his gift for Natalia. He had to get back to Karim’s friend and have him make something so special for the princess. Now, he once again had his silver and emerald.

  “I will go get us some water for the trip!”

  “Thanks,” replied Elijah.

  Aiken stood, waiting patiently.

  “Thank you, Aiken. I couldn’t have done it without you,” began Elijah.

  Aiken grinned. “It was my pleasure.”

  Elijah glanced down. “You know. You never gave me that magic. You know the one that makes my heart’s desires come true?”

  Soon, they both were staring at the ground. “No Elijah, I suppose I didn’t,” said Aiken nervously.

  “I’m kind of guessing there is no magic,” replied Elijah, glancing back up.

  Aiken drew in a deep breath. “I am…. I am so sorry, Elijah. I was a fool. I was a helpless fool that should have never lied to you. I was just afraid for my life, and I know it is not an excuse! But…,” said Aiken as his voice trailed off.

  Elijah reached out to his friend. “Aiken, I think you gave me my heart’s desire,” he said beaming.

  Tears suddenly appeared in Aiken’s eyes.

  Elijah’s voice quivered slightly. “You gave me hope, friend. You kept talking about this magic, and it gave me a goal to achieve. And now, here I am, crusaders at my back, ready to take on an insane bandit, so that I might save the one I love the most. It wouldn’t have been possible without you. Thank you for the hope you brought me, Aiken. I don’t regret a thing.”

  Aiken stood before his friend quietly as a tear rolled down his cheek.

  “I love you, friend,” said Elijah, gently embracing him.

  Aiken reached around and hugged him tightly. “You be careful! And remember, the crusaders will be ready! Karam has no idea what is in store for him tomorrow!” he whispered.

  Their arms dropped. “Goodbye, Aiken. I will see you tomorrow at dawn.”

  Aiken nodded as Elijah, Kun and Sam turned to leave.

  Chapter 44

  Elijah stared off into the distance in hopes of finding a reference point close to the tunnel entrance. Mounds of sand covered Caleb’s recent tracks, and completely changed the landscape. Where is the outcropping of rock? he wondered. It all looks the same, he thought as his eyes tried to focus, but everything blurred into a huge, sandy mess. It has to be here, he thought as he tried to convince himself that he was close. Then, suddenly, the grey image of stone came into view. It shot up almost out of nowhere. He sprinted to the split in the rocks and felt his shoulders drop. The entrance was blocked by a fresh sand dune. He turned just as Kun and Sam arrived. He couldn’t say a word when he lifted his hand toward the enormous mound.

  Kun immediately dropped his packs and fell to his knees. Sam joined him as sand flew everywhere. Before long, all three were, heads down, scooping as fast as they could. Suddenly, Elijah felt something hard and then wooden planks came into view. Yes, he thought as he worked even faster. He knew that their time was running out and they still had to travel the long length of the tunnel. Kun grabbed one of the loose boards and yanked on it with both hands. In seconds, it gave way as tons of fine golden granules slipped into the darkness.

  Sam jumped onto the stone steps and disappeared first, with Kun and Elijah quickly following. Within minutes, Kun expertly struck the awaiting stones together, igniting three resting torches. Elijah swooped up one and took off into the narrow space. They only slowed down to a walk when Sam cried out. Elijah counted the times, rolling his eyes at the third. They stopped for a couple minutes and drank out of their canteens, and were again off. Shortly after the break, they rounded a curve that broke out into a mid-sized cavern. Elijah immediately recognized it. The rope used to tie Caleb’s hands still lay on the wet surface.

  Kun thrust his flickering light forward, and then turned toward the tunnel curve. Once again, they half walked, half ran until Sam again cried out. As Elijah led their way, he started thinking about what he had left behind. He wondered if Natalia was all right in captivity with Karam. Suddenly, his heart started to pound away so he decided to think about something else. Thoughts of Aiken rushed in, especially the prison fight and their previous trip through the tunnel. He couldn’t believe he was willingly going back to this city of misfortune. What if Natalia scoffed at his attempts to help her and her father? he wondered. What will I do then?

  A ray of unexpected light suddenly flashed up ahead. “This is too soon,” he reasoned. “I thought we had further to go.” But the light appeared again, this time even stronger. Suddenly, a faint torch flickered into view.

  “All right. We are finally here,” said Elijah in a hushed whisper. He glanced up at the stars through the cracks around the door.

  Kun jumped up to the narrow landing. “I will go take care of my business now,” he said, hand on the latch.

  Their eyes met. “Right. What are you going to do?” asked Elijah.

  Glancing out the doorway, Kun whispered. “Let me handle it.”

  Elijah’s hoarse whisper shot up the stone steps. “Meet me here in the morning, Kun.”

  Kun crouched. “Of course,” he whispered and darted into the night.r />
  Sam was right on Elijah’s heels. “What are we going to do?”

  “I am surprised Karam’s men weren’t guarding this door. I bet there are some inside,” replied Elijah, breathing deeply.

  “So, where are we going again?”


  The flickering torch glistened off the whites of her eyes. “What?”

  “They are going to carry weapons and armor in here that we desperately need.”

  Sam raised her hand to her chin. “Um…,” she said.

  Elijah looked her up and down. “You can wait out here,” he said, almost gruffly.

  “What!? I am not going to wait out here by myself,” she quickly retorted.

  Elijah stared at her for a moment. “Okay. Well, come on.”

  Sam scowled as Elijah motioned for her to climb the stairs. “Urgh!” she muttered. Soon, they stood at the top and Elijah creaked open the thick wood door. The smell instantly reminded him of Aiken and their escape. He felt his chest tighten as he sprinted over to the stair well and up to the second floor. Peering over the threshold, a snoozing bandit popped into view. His head rested on the wall behind him as he perched on a small chair. Nearby, a large club, covered in knots, lay across the table. Elijah kept his eyes on the peaceful man as he tip toed around his dangling legs. Sam just sauntered by, grabbed the bandit’s club and slammed it down on the unsuspecting bandit’s head. Elijah stared at the grinning blonde girl. The man groaned only once as he slumped to the floor.

  “Unbelievable!” exclaimed Elijah. He couldn’t take his eyes off the club.

  Still grinning, Sam turned around. “So, where are the weapons?” she asked.

  Slowly, his eyebrow fell back down in place. “Follow me,” said Elijah as he started to creep down the stone stairs. Five bandits talked wildly, pacing back and forth, except for one. He took another mouthful of a greasy lamb shank at the table.

  One of them said, “You really think the boss is going to kill the princess?”

  Another laughed. “It looks that way. I don’t know. I think she can be more useful alive if you know what I mean.”

  A third one cautiously replied. “Don’t let the boss hear you say that. He will eat you alive! Don’t ever think he has a bad idea. You should have seen what he did to my wife’s cousin. Fed the poor guy to the chimera.”

  The second man suddenly exclaimed. “That is crazy. We aren’t even safe from Karam.”

  Slowly, Elijah pulled out his sword. He felt his thighs try to give way, but he shook it off. He thought about Radwan, the ghoul, the tiger, and beast tamer, and then stood up to his full height. He was ready.

  Sam crouched behind him, blood-stained club in hand.

  The third bandit’s voice drifted across the room. “I am excited to see the execution tomorrow. It’s not every day you see a princess and a sultan lose their heads!”

  That was all Elijah could take. He suddenly charged from behind the door frame, thrusting his sword into the first bandit, killing him instantly. The bandits spun around and stared as they slowly raised their swords. Sam bolted out from behind Elijah, dropping her wooden weapon atop the nearest bandit’s head. ‘Snap’ echoed against the walls and the man dropped instantly. The other one turned around, opening his back to Elijah’s well-planned swing. Blood gushed instantly as the man collapsed. The other two bolted toward the stairs, but not fast enough. Sam released her club, hitting one square across the back. He sprawled forward onto the floor. Elijah sprang over the table, sending the lamb shank flying. His sword found its mark through the middle of the fleeing man’s back. Elijah turned quickly to the sound of Sam’s fallen victim’s screams.

  An unexpected shout filtered through the wall. “Help us!” it cried.

  Elijah towered over the fallen bandit. “Who is that?” he shouted.

  Holding his back, he groaned out. “It’s the city guards!”

  Elijah lifted his sword against the man’s neck.

  “We locked them up! They were supposed to get executed tomorrow along with the princess and sultan!” he cried.

  “Where is the key?”

  The bandit raised his hand toward the dead man across the floor.

  “Go get it,” shouted Elijah.

  The man staggered to his feet and hobbled across the room. Moments later, Elijah held onto a rusty ring of keys. Sam stood nearby, swinging her club.

  Elijah scowled. “Watch him,” he said to Sam.

  Once again, her club swung through the musty air. A loud thud followed. “No need,” she said grinning.

  Elijah jumped down the steep stairs into the basement where he saw at least 40 guards with Ghais in the midst.

  Immediately, Ghais shouted, “Elijah? You! You’re still alive!”

  Elijah just stared at him.

  “I should have known you were working for Karam! You rat thief!” shouted Ghais again.

  Elijah clenched his jaws as he walked to the cell door. His eyes met Ghais’s as he turned the key.

  A frown settled over Ghais.

  “Tomorrow at noon the princess and sultan will be executed. I need your help to stop Karam,” said Elijah, refusing to waste any more time.

  “What!? You mean…,” yelled Ghais.

  Elijah shrugged. “It’s your choice, Ghais. I have help on the way. We need to retake this city. We need to take out Karam.”

  But Ghais continued. “You’re nothing but a little thief! You can’t do anything!” he shouted. The men around him started to murmur.

  Sam stepped out from behind Elijah. “He has crusaders on his side,” she said.

  “Impossible. Now you’re working for the enemy?” said Ghais, shaking his head.

  Elijah felt nearly 80 eyes glaring at him as he stood toe to toe with the unsavory man. “An enemy willing to help us take back our city. Are you in, Ghais?” he asked gruffly.

  “This is crazy,” exclaimed Ghais.

  Elijah glanced around. “We need your help. We need all your help,” he said.

  The men remained silent, staring.

  “Meet us behind the prison at dawn if you choose to help. We will plan our attack there,” barked Elijah as he turned to go. “Come on Sam.”

  Sam glared at Ghais before she joined Elijah. As they walked up the stairs to the weapons, he waited until Sam was right behind him. “What do you think, Sam?” he asked.

  She leaned over and ran her fingers over the smooth handle of a large axe. “I think this one will do just fine,” she said grinning.

  Elijah thought about Aiken’s sword training and decided upon a perfectly curved sword. “I think this one will do for me,” he added.

  “Where to, now?” Sam asked.

  Elijah glanced around one more time. “I have three more spots to hit. Come on,” he said just as Ghais and his men started filing out of the landing.

  The two men stopped and stared at each other while Ghais spoke. “We have been enemies since as long as I can remember.”

  Elijah slowly walked up to Ghais. “Today, I don’t ask you to help me, Ghais. I ask you to help our princess, our sultan. Let’s team up just this once, for them.”

  Ghais’s eyes narrowed. “You’re still a rat in my eyes, Elijah.”

  Elijah grinned. “And you’re still a pot bellied pig. But I think we can put our differences aside for now, especially on this special occasion.”

  Shaking his head, Ghais continued. “I thought you worked for that monster Karam.”

  Still grinning, Elijah replied. “No! Never. I want to stop him just as badly as you do. Meet me here tomorrow at dawn. We will figure this out.”

  Ghais’s last word sounded out as Elijah reached for the door latch. “Right.” And then, Elijah and Sam disappeared into the desolate alley.

pter 45

  The stillness blanketing the city center forced chills down Elijah’s sweaty back. He had never seen the once bustling stall areas completely empty. No one was there. Sam stood with him as his eyes darted across the wide plaza. Suddenly, a voice shouted out. Elijah turned his head, but it was nothing other than a little boy running after a ball. In seconds, the alley covered him again. Elijah grabbed Sam’s arm and pulled her behind a wall when he saw two bandits enter from the other end. His chest pounded as he watched them get closer. The plaza emptied itself again as the two sword-bearing bandits turned a dark corner.

  Elijah could hear Sam’s breathing as she crouched beside him. “Where are we going now?” she asked.

  He pointed across the way. “We are going to get more help.”

  “Do we have to sneak into another prison?” she asked evasively.

  He looked at her wrinkled forehead. “No,” he answered grinning. “We are going to my home.”

  “Oohh… interesting!”

  They took off along the wall, careful to cling to the darkness. It didn’t take long before the silhouette of their hideout emerged. Elijah peered across the flat roofs as Sam shuffled nearby. He reached out his hand and she stopped.

  He watched the shadows carefully, trying to detect any movements, but saw none. Slowly, they approached the dark structure. The air was completely still as Elijah continued to stare. He took a deep breath and said, “This is it.”

  After a quick wave of the hand, he whispered, “Come on.” The two scaled up the wall to an awaiting door at the top. It wouldn’t budge so Elijah tried a window. After a second shove, it broke free and he jumped into his room. Immediately, he was filled with emptiness when he remembered saying goodbye to all his friends. His nostrils filled with the familiar scents of home as he slowly paced. He shuddered in the dead quiet with Sam by his side.

  The floor creaked and Elijah jerked around. “I didn’t expect you to come back,” said a familiar voice when out stepped his friend Karim.

  Instantly, Elijah beamed. “Karim! It’s you!” he exclaimed and threw open his arms.


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