Dragon Isle Boxed Set, Books 4-6: Lost to the Dragon, Beware of Dragons, and Catching the Dragon

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Dragon Isle Boxed Set, Books 4-6: Lost to the Dragon, Beware of Dragons, and Catching the Dragon Page 5

by Stern, Sophie

  “I want to train her myself,” Skye’s dragon said. “Starting now. You can come in.”

  Her heart started to pound loudly in her chest, and she wondered if this was for real. He couldn’t know she was just outside the door, could he?

  “Yes, you, Skye. Come in. Now.”

  The other dragon chuckled, and she frowned. She had no choice now, but didn’t like being played like that. How long had they known she was just outside the door? Probably the entire time. Skye pushed her head up and her shoulders back and walked into the room.

  Alan was leaning against the counter with his ankles crossed, as if he didn’t have a care in the world. Another man – dragonman, obviously – was sitting at the counter on a barstool. At his feet, a beautiful woman with long, dark hair knelt at his feet. The dragonman was wearing a pair of loose-fitting pants. The woman wore nothing.

  Long and lean, the woman reminded Skye of the girls she had envied her entire life. Though Skye knew she herself was beautiful, she was curvier. She was softer. She didn’t have that pristine, classy look going on the way the dragonman’s submissive did. The woman who knelt at the dragonman’s feet could have been a model. She was slender, but more than that, she was poised. She looked perfect, as if she knew exactly how each part of her body should be presented to the man she knelt for.

  Skye tried not to stare at the woman’s breasts, but she could tell from Alan’s soft chuckle that she had failed. She turned back to him and bit her lip, suddenly nervous. She was naked, too. She didn’t try to cover herself, though it was her first instinct. Something told her that neither man would appreciate modesty at that moment. Besides, it wasn’t like they hadn’t seen a naked woman before.

  “Did you enjoy eavesdropping?” Alan asked Skye. He raised an eyebrow, but didn’t look angry.

  Honesty. She needed to be honest. She remembered that from her books. Even if she lied and he couldn’t tell simply from her facial expressions, Alan would be able to scent Skye’s extreme guilt.

  “A little,” she admitted. She blushed and looked at her feet. They were bare of everything: even nail polish. The kneeling woman had toenails that were a bright, vibrant red. Skye wondered if they matched the color of the woman’s bottom after a spanking. Why was she thinking things like that? She hadn’t even been on Dragon Isle a full day and already she was hornier than she’d ever been. She had always been a little kinkier than her friends, but she had never been someone who only thought about sex.

  Maybe things on Dragon Isle were going to be even stranger than she thought.

  Alan strode to Skye and raised her chin with his finger, forcing her to meet his gaze.

  “Thank you for telling the truth,” he said simply. Skye nodded. Alan dropped his hand and turned back to the counter, where Skye noticed an assortment of foods had been laid out. Her stomach suddenly growled loudly, and both dragonmen chuckled.

  The woman didn’t move.

  “Are you hungry?” Alan asked. Skye nodded and started to reach for a bite, but he held up his hand to stop her. “Your training begins now,” Alan said. “I believe we said two weeks.”

  Skye hadn’t said anything, but she wasn’t about to argue. She knew by the tone of his voice that she was going to have to work for her food. Is that how he was going to force her to eat regularly? He was going to make her earn her meals? Would she appreciate them more? Would she pay more attention to her body that way?

  “Answer me.”

  “Yes, Mr. Dragon. Two weeks was the arrangement.” The new dragonman raised an eyebrow and shot Alan a questioning glance, but said nothing.

  “This is my friend. His name is Kade, but you may call him Sir.”

  “Nice to meet you, Sir,” Skye remembered her manners.

  “His slave is named Lindsey.”

  “Nice to meet you, Lindsey.”

  Lindsey said nothing, but winked at Skye. Somehow, that small movement made Skye feel more at ease and comfortable with whatever was about to happen.

  That was good, because she had a feeling she wasn’t going to like whatever it was.

  “Isn’t Lindsey beautiful?” Alan asked.

  “Yes,” Skye said quickly. She regretted the way her voice was husky with arousal, but she couldn’t help herself. She’d never liked just men or women. Skye liked a variety of lovers, and she definitely liked Lindsey.

  Alan picked up a croissant sandwich and took a bite. He moaned in pleasure as he chewed and swallowed. Then he held the sandwich out to Skye. She hesitated, wondering if it was a trick. Was he going to pull back at the last second so she bit on air?

  “It’s okay,” he said softly. “Take a bite, Skye.”

  Skye stepped forward and bit the sandwich. She ate it directly from Alan’s hand, but she didn’t mind. It was good.

  “Turkey and cheese,” she said quietly, secretly relieved it wasn’t ham, which Skye thought was the worst of all the sandwich meats.

  Alan set the croissant down and turned to Kade.

  “May I borrow your slave?”

  “Absolutely,” Kade motioned to Lindsey. The woman rose gracefully and walked around the counter so she was standing in front of Alan. Alan whispered something to her that Skye couldn’t hear, and Lindsey went to get a chair from the dining room table. She brought it back and placed it near the counter.

  “Here,” she turned to Skye. “Let me help you get comfortable.” Skye shot Alan a questioning look, but he was busy with the food, so she listened to Lindsey. Skye sat in the wooden chair. It was cushioned, and she worried that whatever was about to happen might make a mess on the chair, but no one else seemed to notice or care.

  Lindsey’s touch was soft on Skye’s body. Skye sucked in a breath as Lindsey traced her fingers along Skye’s thighs. Lindsey smiled up at Skye, and she couldn’t help but feel at ease. No matter what was about to happen, it would be okay. Everything would be okay.

  “Now, Skye,” Alan turned back around with a bowl of fruit. “Since you seem to have trouble taking care of yourself, Lindsey is going to help me remind you that it’s important to eat regularly.”

  “How will she do that?” She asked softly, already fighting the growing ache between her legs. She didn’t care that Kade was watching. She didn’t care that she didn’t know Lindsey. She only cared that she was about to become Mr. Dragon’s own person toy, and that was something she wanted. Needed.

  “Lindsey,” said Alan. “Please lick Skye’s pussy.”

  Skye’s mouth dropped open.

  Lindsey smiled. “Gladly.”

  “Don’t let her come,” Alan warned. “She hasn’t earned that yet.”

  Skye shot him a questioning look. What was about to happen to her? She had a feeling that whatever lesson Alan wanted her to learn, she was going to learn it quickly.

  “Yes, Sir,” Lindsey answered. Then she swiped her tongue along the inside of Skye’s thigh, and Skye closed her eyes and leaned back.

  “No, none of that,” Alan said, flicking her nipple. Skye perked right up and looked at him with wide eyes.


  “You aren’t allowed to come. You’re going to eat. Then maybe later, after you’ve shown me you can behave, you’ll be allowed to come. You’re here in my house, living by my rules. You’re mine, little Skye. Do you understand?”


  “Do. You. Understand?” Alan bit the words out in a low growl.

  “Yes, Mr. Dragon. I understand.”

  “Really,” Kade piped up from his position at the counter. “It should be Dr. Dragon, you know.”

  Skye looked up at Alan. “You’re a doctor?” That she didn’t know.

  He sighed. “Later. Right now, I need you to focus.”

  Oh, that was one thing she was not going to be able to do. Lindsey chose that moment to finally swipe her tongue along Skye’s pussy lips, and she almost came undone. Skye moaned loudly, wiggling in her seat, but Alan flicked her other nipple.

  “Stay still,” he said. Then h
e pressed a strawberry to her lips. “Open,” he whispered. He fed her the strawberry as Lindsey continued to lick and torment her. Skye began to lose focus as her arousal grew. Soon she couldn’t see anything but a haze of desire.

  “Slow down a bit, love,” Alan said to Lindsey. “I think she’s getting close.” Lindsey obediently backed away from Skye’s pussy and Skye whined in protest, but Lindsey stayed close, licking up and down Skye’s legs.

  Alan pressed more fruit to her lips and she obediently ate it as he rubbed and played with her nipples. Lindsey didn’t move from Skye’s body. She simply licked and teased her legs and thighs with her tongue. Skye would have done just about anything to get Lindsey to move just a little bit higher, but no one seemed to notice how wet she’d become.

  When Skye had finished the bowl of strawberries and another mini-sandwich, Alan looked at her closely.

  “How do you feel, Skye?”

  “Horny,” she breathed heavily.

  Alan chuckled and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

  “Lindsey, thank you, darling. That’ll be all.” Lindsey rose obediently, then before Alan could say anything, she leaned forward and pressed a kiss to Skye’s mouth. Skye opened immediately, allowing the woman’s tongue to slide inside her body, allowing it to consume her for just a moment. She tasted herself on Lindsey’s tongue, mixed with a bit of strawberry and wine. She arched upward into Lindsey’s kiss and her hand started to reach for the woman, but Alan pulled them apart.

  “That’ll be all, Lindsey,” Alan repeated, but he looked amused: not angry.

  Lindsey returned to her spot by Kade’s feet, and Kade pet her hair softly.

  “I think it’s time for my pet and I to return home,” Kade said after a few minutes. He stood and slipped his pants off, depositing them in a basket by the kitchen door. Skye had noticed a couple of small baskets with pants in them, but hadn’t realized until that moment what they were for. These men were shifters, so of course they couldn’t bring clothes with them when they flew in dragon form. How polite was it that they kept loose-fitting clothes for one another? If someone came to visit you in their dragon form, they wouldn’t have to just sit around naked at your house.

  Despite the fact that Skye had just been eaten alive, literally, by a woman she’d never met, she couldn’t help but think that Alan was kind of polite and quite gentlemanly. It was a nice change from the type of men she knew in the real world.

  When he returned from seeing his friends to the door, though, all thoughts of manners flew from Skye’s mind.

  “Everyone’s gone,” Alan said to her. “It’s time to play.”


  Alan swept Skye up into his arms and carried her to his bedroom. He had called Kade out of desperation. He didn’t feel ready to take on the training of a submissive, yet something dark inside of him craved it.

  He wanted to take her, to feel her.

  He wanted to own her.

  Skye was gorgeous and sweet and pulled out every protective instinct Alan had inside of him.

  He wasn’t about to let her go back to her boring ol’ life. Skye deserved to be happy. She deserved better than some dull office job or whatever she was planning to do when she returned to the real world. If what she said about wanting to write a book was true – and he suspected that it was – he would give her something to write about. He’d give her a lot to write about. She wouldn’t have to take some awful job just to get by.

  He’d show her exactly how much she could accomplish.

  Alan was going to train her, yes, but he was also going to believe in her. He had the feeling that no one ever thought Skye could do anything. He was going to show her just how wrong that was.

  He set her down in the middle of his bed and pushed on her chest. She complied and lay back, allowing him to get a good look at her.

  “How do you feel?” He asked. He was a doctor, first and foremost. He wasn’t about to let her be in pain.

  Well, not in pain he didn’t inflict himself.

  “I feel okay,” she answered quietly. He waited for a moment. Sure enough, the silence got to her, and she elaborated. “My shoulders still hurt a little.”

  He motioned for her to roll over, and she did. Alan climbed on the bed and checked her bandages. She didn’t have any serious wounds, which both surprised and pleased him. Someone who had been in a boating accident usually didn’t just walk away. Skye was luckier than she knew.

  Her wounds weren’t bleeding.

  “Everything looks okay,” he told her softly. “Are your muscles sore?”

  “Yes,” she murmured. She closed her eyes. She looked peaceful, but he wasn’t about to let her sleep. Oh no, he’d given her the entire day for that. After he’d sobered up, he called Kade and spent the afternoon planning how he’d train Skye to be a good submissive for him or any other man she chose.

  The idea of letting her go didn’t appeal to him, but he was a realist. At some point, she’d want to leave Dragon Isle. It would likely be before the two weeks was up. He wouldn’t be surprised if he woke up one day to simply find the house empty. That was how these things went.

  “Keep your eyes open,” he warned her. Then he began to massage her shoulders and back. In addition to being an amazing obstetrician, Alan had trained in massage therapy. He worked her muscles over, eliciting soft cries and whines when he worked over a particularly large knot.

  Skye was obedient, though, and that pleased him. She didn’t try to crawl away from him or close her eyes. When he finished, he kissed her softly on the forehead and flipped her back over.

  “How do you feel now?” He asked. She wiggled her legs and hips to get comfortable, then looked up at him.

  She bit her lip.

  “I feel okay,” she said, suddenly shy. Alan wasn’t falling for it. He could tell she was horny from her scent and from the look on her face. She was ready for more. She was ready for the dragon. She was still human, though, which meant she was fighting years of people telling her that sexuality was wrong, that there was something gross or dirty about the way she felt.

  That wasn’t going to work on Dragon Isle. Skye needed to learn quickly that when she was aroused, she would tell Alan. She would be honest and up front about her feelings. He couldn’t help her if he didn’t understand what she was going through. The best way to deal with that would be for her to be blunt.

  “Try again,” he told her.

  To his surprise, she took a deep breath, smiled, and spoke again.

  “I feel aroused,” she whispered. A blush crept over her neck and face. She wasn’t used to being blunt about her feelings. He knew that now. She had been brave, though, and he had to give her credit for that. He hadn’t had to spank her or do anything else to coax the words from her. All Alan had to do was ask.

  “You’re gorgeous, Skye,” he propped himself up on an elbow and rested next to her. “And I think you are very brave. It’s not easy to talk about our feelings.”

  She shook her head in agreement. Skye didn’t know it yet, but Alan had spent years learning to pinpoint exactly how he was feeling and what he needed from people. Part of being a doctor meant saying exactly what someone needed. Sometimes that person was a patient and sometimes it was himself, but he couldn’t expect nurses or other doctors to work with him if he couldn’t communicate well. When a patient’s life was on the line, Alan needed to be able to quickly say what he wanted. That ability to communicate had poured over into his personal life.

  Now he looked at Skye and wondered how his brave little darling would be in two weeks. She was already flourishing with him. He couldn’t wait to see how well she did after he’d been feeding her for a few days, after he’d been fucking her senseless.

  With his free hand, he traced lines over her breasts and stomach. Skye didn’t try to cover herself, which he loved. Most women were unbearably insecure about their stomachs, but not this little human.

  Not his Skye.

  “Thank you,” she whispered. “You’
re beautiful, too.” He chuckled.

  “Not many women say that to me, darling,” he admitted.

  “What do they say to you?” She asked quietly, curiously.

  “I don’t usually get in relationships, Skye,” Alan said honestly. “Most of the time, I play at our local sex club. It’s called The Dungeon. Pretty fitting, isn’t it?”

  “Yes,” she nodded, her eyes still open and watching him.

  “The women I play with have certain desires.”

  “What kind of desires?”

  “They like pain, Skye.” She didn’t respond, so he just sat quietly, continued to play along her skin. “So they don’t tell me I’m gorgeous, little one. They tell me how awful and scary I am. They tell me how much they want to worship my cock. They tell me how they want me to hurt them, and when I’m done, they want more. They want to please me.”

  Skye looked up at him, suddenly. “I want to please you,” she said.

  “Do you?”

  She nodded.

  Alan leaned over and bit her nipple, hard. She screeched and tried to pull away, but he pinned her in place, holding her firmly beneath his grasp. He bit until she began to cry, then he started to suck on her breast. Soon her soft, creamy skin was red and he moved to her other breast, repeating the treatment. When he finished, he pulled away and looked down at her.

  Her cheeks were stained with tears, but she was quiet.

  Alan leaned down.

  “Thank you,” he whispered in her ears. Then he slowly licked her tears until her face was clean and her breathing had regulated.

  Skye didn’t speak, but she was still aroused, and now Alan was, too. His cock was rock hard. Who was he kidding? It wasn’t the crying that got him off. It was her. He’d been hard since the moment she woke up in his guest room and now he was ready to plunge into her.

  “Are you ready for this?” He whispered, licking her ear.

  She nodded. Her breathing sped up. Her pulse quickened.

  “Yes, Dragonman,” she murmured. “I’m ready for you.”


  Skye wondered what she was doing. Was she insane? Maybe a little. She’d basically just invited a dragon who had captured her, kept her, and made her cry to make love to her.


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