Special Mission

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Special Mission Page 16

by Debby Mayne

  “Want to eat first or start the movie?” Brian asked.

  “Let’s eat while we watch the movie,” she replied. That way, they would have something to do besides kiss.

  Brian grinned. “Good idea. Help me set up some TV trays.”

  They were halfway through the movie when the phone rang. Brian frowned, but he put the movie on pause. “I’ll get off the phone as fast as I can.”

  Kim noticed that Brian paused after looking at the caller ID. When he picked up the phone and answered, his voice cracked. She sat and watched him as he listened before saying, “Uh-huh, that’s great.” He got quiet again then added, “I’m sure she’ll be perfectly fine with that. Would you like for me to talk to her first?”

  After Brian hung up, he turned to Kim with a wide smile. “That was David. You’ll never guess what he just told me.”

  “What did he say?”

  “He called Mercedes, and they’re now dating. After you broke up with him, he ran into her at Blossom’s. They started talking, and before he knew what hit him, she asked if she could go to his place and fix dinner.”

  Kim tilted her head. “He called to tell you that?”

  Brian planted his fists on his hips, and the smile never left his face. “He called to ask if you’d be okay with him bringing Mercedes to church on Sunday.”

  “Wow.” As Kim thought back to the night they were all together, she wasn’t surprised. “David and Mercedes did seem to have quite a bit in common.” She snickered. “He didn’t waste any time, though, did he? Well, I’m glad he’s not sitting at home seething.”

  “I think this changes things for us, too, Kimberly.” Brian sat down next to Kim and placed his arm around her. “Would you like to go to church with me on Sunday—I mean as my—um, girlfriend?”

  She laughed and nodded. “I thought you’d never ask.”

  “You will be okay seeing David with Mercedes, right?” Brian looked her in the eye.

  “Of course, but I have to admit it’ll seem a little weird.”

  “I know what you mean.” Brian turned back to the TV. “Let’s finish watching this movie. I have to go to the office in the morning, so I can’t stay up too late.”


  Since Brian had to leave straight from church on Sunday to help a friend move, Kim agreed to meet him in the pew. They figured that would also feel less awkward if they ran into David and Mercedes on their way in. Kim arrived early to save a spot. She kept turning around to watch for Brian, who slipped in with five minutes to spare.

  “Before you ask,” he whispered, “I saw David and Mercedes in the parking lot. She didn’t look happy about something.”

  “I wonder what,” Kim said.

  “Couldn’t tell, but don’t worry about it.”

  The music started, so they turned their attention to worship God. After church was over, Brian took Kim’s hand and led her to the fellowship hall for Bible study. David and Mercedes stood outside the door of the big room, deep in discussion. Brian cleared his throat as they walked by.

  David glanced up and did a double take. Kim felt awkward as she smiled at David first then Mercedes, who broke into a very wide grin.

  “Hey, Kim!” Mercedes said a little too loudly. “I want to talk to you. Is there someplace we can get away for a few minutes?”

  Kim glanced at Brian, who nodded. “Bible study doesn’t start for another fifteen minutes. I’ll save you a seat.”

  Mercedes looked at David, who nodded and said, “Why don’t you go outside and talk to get away from all the ears?”

  Kim bristled. David still liked to be in control and tell people what to do. She turned to Mercedes. “Where would you like to go?”

  Mercedes pointed to the exit door. “Let’s go outside. I don’t want to start anything with David’s friends.”

  As soon as they were out the door, Mercedes stopped and turned to Kim. “Thank you so much for being understanding about David and me. He was worried you’d be upset.”

  “Why would I be upset?” Kim asked.

  “After he dropped you off that night we went bowling, I called him, and we talked for hours.” Mercedes let out a dreamy sigh. “I was crazy about him, but he’s loyal to a fault.” She paused. “I want to assure you that nothing happened between us.”

  Kim folded her arms and chuckled. “Oh, I believe you.”

  “I know he wanted Brian and me to hit it off, but he’s just not my type. I hope he’s not too heartbroken.”

  Obviously, David hadn’t told Mercedes all the details. “I think Brian is just fine. In fact, he would probably be the first to give you his blessing to be with David.”

  “Oh good.” Mercedes cast a nervous glance over her shoulder. “Now I have a really important question to ask. I’m way overdressed for this church. It’s been a long time since I’ve stepped foot in a place of worship, so I feel totally dorky and out of the loop. I didn’t know it was okay to wear pants in front of God. Is there any way you and I can—well, you know—get together, so you can fill me in on all the latest God stuff? I’m thinking about moving here permanently, and I really want to fit in.”

  Kim had to bite the insides of her cheeks to keep from laughing. She nodded, and when the urge to laugh subsided, she said, “I’d love to talk about the gospel sometime.”

  “Since you’re a hairdresser, maybe I can book an appointment, and we can talk then.” Mercedes patted her hair. “I’ve been doing it myself for the past year because—well, finances have been rather tight lately.”

  Kim rummaged around in her handbag and pulled out a card. “Give me a call, and we can set up an appointment. Your first visit is free.” She was so relieved not to have to worry about David being mad at Brian, she would have given Mercedes more if she’d asked.

  Mercedes nearly fell off her stilettos. “You’ll do that?”

  With a grin, Kim nodded. “Just call me early next week, and we’ll find a time you can come in.”

  “You’re a very sweet person, Kimberly. I think we just might wind up being best friends.”

  Kim had her doubts, but she wasn’t about to tell Mercedes that. “Let’s go back inside, okay? I think you’ll enjoy the Bible study.”

  “I hope so. To be honest, it kind of scares me. Will someone call on me and, like, expect me to know stuff?”

  “No,” Kim replied. “It’s actually the opposite. So many people want to talk, you have to really be on your toes to get a word in.”

  Mercedes visibly relaxed as they walked inside to join David and Brian, who’d saved them seats between them. Kim shared her workbook with Mercedes, who appeared to take everything in.

  After the Bible study was over, Mercedes invited everyone to her place for brunch. Brian immediately said he had plans to help his friend move. Kim didn’t want to hurt her feelings, and she didn’t want to make things any more awkward than they already were.

  “That sounds nice,” Kim replied. “What can I bring?”

  Mercedes touched her manicured finger to her chin. “How about juice? I have orange juice, but David said he prefers apple or grape.”

  That was the first Kim had ever heard this about David, making her think she might not have known as much about him as she thought. “Okay, I’ll bring both. How many people are coming?”

  Mercedes shrugged. “I’m not sure. David invited a few people, but we don’t have a count. Good thing I bought a bunch of muffins and bagels.”

  “Hey, Kim, I gotta go,” Brian said.

  Mercedes handed Kim a card. “Here’s my uncle’s address. It’s really easy to find.”

  “See you in a little while,” Kim replied.

  Brian walked Kim to her car and held the door while she got in. Then he leaned over and whispered, “Mind if I stop by your place after I’m done?”

  “That’ll be great!”

  “How long do you think you’ll be at your new best friend’s brunch?” Brian quirked a smile that Kim tried to ignore.

  “Not long

  He pushed back from her car. “I didn’t think so. I’ll have my cell phone on me, so call if you need me, okay?”

  “I can’t believe this is happening. It feels sort of strange.”

  “One of the things I love about you, Kim, is your ability to look past yourself and see someone else who needs to hear the gospel.”

  Kim left the church parking lot and stopped off at the grocery store. With four bottles of juice, she took off for Mercedes’ uncle’s house. All the way there, she did some mental role-playing about how to talk to David. The problem was she didn’t have any idea how he’d act toward her.

  The second she pulled into the parking space in front of the address, she spotted David coming toward her. “Kim! I’d like to have a word with you before you go inside.”

  “Okay.” She pulled the bags from the passenger seat and got out.

  He cleared his throat as he studied her face. When he spoke, his voice cracked. “Kim, I want you to know that I’ve thought about us.”

  She braced herself for anything. “David, I—”

  “Give me a chance to tell you what’s on my mind. I can’t say I blame you now that I’ve thought it all over. At this point in my life, I’m not good husband material, so I think this is for the best. When I met you, I got all caught up in the way you lived your life. I’d never met any other woman so committed to her faith. You’re a good woman, Kimberly Shaw, and Brian is a fortunate man.”

  She glanced down to hide her embarrassment before looking back at him. “Thank you, David.”

  “You did the right thing.”

  “I appreciate your understanding.”

  He took one of the bags from her and pointed toward the house. “Ready to face a roomful of people?”

  “Ready as I’ll ever be,” she replied. “Let’s go in.”

  Several people seemed confused, but David pulled a couple of the guys aside and explained what happened. Mercedes appeared oblivious to everyone and everything but David, whom she openly adored. Kim found herself feeling bad for Mercedes, until she got everyone’s attention for an announcement.

  After all eyes were on Mercedes, she grinned at David then turned to everyone else. “I’ve been thinking about going back to college for the longest time. When I told David, he encouraged me to go for it, even after I said I was too old.”

  “You’re never too old to follow your dreams,” David said.

  “I have two years left to get my nursing degree, and I’m going for it!” She pumped her fist into the air, eliciting a round of applause from everyone in the room.

  Kim saw the sparks between David and Mercedes, and that gave her a very good feeling. When she had a chance to turn her back without being conspicuous, she shut her eyes and softly said, “Thank You, Lord.”

  As soon as she was able to get away without being rude, Kim went home. Brian was in her driveway waiting for her. She ran straight to him.

  He wrapped his arms around her waist, and she placed her hands on his face. “I think we should have thought about getting together a long time ago,” he said. “Life would have been much simpler.”

  “Maybe,” she said, “but we might never have appreciated what we have.”

  “True,” he agreed. “The Lord’s timing is much better than ours.” He leaned down and dropped a quick kiss on her lips. “Wanna tell me how things went at the brunch?”

  “Later,” she said. “But right now I want another kiss.”


  As soon as Jack’s furniture was in place, he handed Brian a soft drink. “So tell me, when are you gonna propose to Kim?”

  Brian chuckled. “What makes you think I’m going to propose?”

  Jack chuckled. “You’re a smart man. You’re not about to let her get away again.”

  “You’re right. I thought I’d do it soon.”

  “Good idea.”

  Brian finished his drink and tossed the can into the recycling bin. “Enjoy your new house, Jack.”


  First thing Monday morning, Kim walked into the Snappy Scissors feeling all giddy. Jasmine glanced at her, turned away, then snapped back around. “I see you had a good weekend.”

  “Yeah, it was great.”

  Jasmine gave her a told-you-so smile. “See? Brian was the man for you all along.”

  “I should have listened to you,” Kim admitted. “But oh well. At least we’re together now.”

  “Don’t let him get away,” Jasmine said. “If he makes any sounds about making this relationship permanent, you’d better jump.”

  Kim laughed. “You don’t mince words, do you, Jazzy?”

  “Why should I?” Jasmine picked up the towel hanging on the back of the chair and shook it out. “I’m old enough to know what I want and go after it.”

  “Me, too,” Kim said.

  The day was busy, which was good, because it flew by. Kim had just picked up her handbag from the back room when her cell phone rang. It was Brian.

  “Hey, wanna go for a drive and grab some dinner in a little while?” he asked.

  She closed her eyes and allowed the contentment to fill her soul. “Sure, sounds good.”

  “I’ll pick you up in half an hour if that’s okay with you.”

  “Okeydoke. I’ll be ready.”


  This was it. The big moment of reckoning. His nerves were on edge as he headed straight for Kim’s place. She was standing at the door waiting for him.

  “You look beautiful,” he said as he gave her a hug.

  “Thanks.” She pulled back and winked. “So do you.”



  Brian laughed. “Then let’s go.” They passed the jewelry store on the way to the restaurant. If everything went as planned, they’d be there before the night was over.

  Kim ordered first; then Brian told the server what he wanted. Kim kept tilting her head and giving him an odd look.

  “Why do you keep doing that?” he asked.

  “You’re acting strange.”

  Brian opened his mouth then shut it. He grinned.

  “Okay, what gives?”

  He glanced down at the table then looked back into her eyes. He’d hoped to do this in a more romantic setting, but anywhere he was with Kim was romantic, so he figured he might as well let her know what was on his mind.

  “I love you, Kim.”

  “I love you, too, Brian.”

  “I was wondering. . .” He paused and made a face.

  Her eyebrows shot up, and she leaned forward with her hands on the table. “Out with it, Brian. What were you wondering?”

  He reached for her hands and held both of them. “How do you feel about spending the rest of your life with me?”

  Kim closed her eyes, and when she opened them, he saw the tears. “Absolutely, yes!”


  Six months later, Kim and Brian said their wedding vows. When it was time to walk out of the church as husband and wife, Kim glanced over her shoulder at Mercedes. “Be ready,” she mouthed.

  Mercedes gave her a thumbs-up. “I’ll be front and center.”

  Brian gave her a confused look. “What was that all about?”

  “I’ll tell you all about it later.”

  After they got outside, and people closed in on them, Carrie found her way to Kim’s side. “I’ll be standing over to your right. Just look at me, and I’ll let you know where she is.”

  “Huh?” Brian tilted his head and gave Carrie a questioning glance.

  Carrie laughed. “I figured if she catches the bouquet, it’ll at least get him thinking.” She gently pushed Kim and Brian toward the waiting limo. “Better get going so we can start the party.”

  Brian snorted as people continued to wave and blow bubbles when they passed. “Promise you won’t tell, and I’ll let you two in on a little secret.”

  “You’ve been keeping a secret from me?” Kim teased as Carrie helped her fold the bridal dress tr
ain into the car.

  “Just this one.”

  “C’mon, Brian,” Carrie urged. “Spill it so we can get this show on the road.”

  Brian winked at Kim then announced. “David’s been looking at rings.”

  “Good!” Kim wriggled her eyebrows. “All the more reason she has to catch the bouquet. She’s next!”

  “Better her than me,” Carrie said. “I’ll run interference and make sure she gets it.”

  After she turned and walked away, Brian pulled Kim toward him and dropped a kiss on her nose. “I love you, Mrs. Estep.”

  About the Author

  Debby Mayne has been a freelance writer all her adult life, starting with slice-of-life stories in small newspapers then moving on to parenting articles for regional publications and fiction stories for women and girls. She has been involved in all aspects of publishing—from the creative side, to editing a national health magazine, to freelance proofreading for several book publishers. Her belief that all blessings come from the Lord has given her great comfort during trying times and gratitude for when she is rewarded for her efforts.


  I’d like to dedicate this book to my editors, JoAnne Simmons and Rachel Overton, for all their time and attention to the details that helped make this book as good as it can be.

  A note from the Author:

  I love to hear from my readers! You may correspond with me by writing:

  Debby Mayne

  Author Relations

  PO Box 721

  Uhrichsville, OH 44683




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