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Foreshadow Page 13

by Brea Essex

  After we helped Mrs. Nicholls, Logan and I stood off to one side and observed the party. Neither of us felt like celebrating. Just as Mr. and Mrs. Nicholls brought in the huge, three-tier, pale pink cake with candles ablaze, my phone chimed. I figured it would be Genevra or Tanis, but I pulled the phone out of my bag anyway and glanced at it out of curiosity.

  When I saw the name attached to the text, my heart plummeted into my stomach. I had been hoping I could get through the day without having to deal with Andrei, but no such luck.

  Logan saw my reaction and leaned toward me. “What’s wrong?” he whispered in my ear.

  I didn’t answer. I just tilted the phone so he could read the message. Where are you? I waited for you after school. I need to talk to you. NOW!

  Logan and I stared at each other in horror. As everyone began to sing “Happy Birthday” to Cady, Logan grabbed my arm and took off running for the door. It slammed behind us and probably disturbed the singing inside. I knew Cady would be hurt, and I would be hearing about it later. I would just have to beg her forgiveness and find a way to make it up to her once this blew over.

  We sprinted towards the car and jumped in. Logan peeled away from the curb and started to rush back toward my house. “I knew this wasn’t a good idea!” he yelled.

  “It’s not like he was there,” I protested.

  “Still, we were in a place with a large crowd where it would be hard to escape.”

  “It wasn’t hard to escape,” I pointed out. “We just ran out.”

  Logan didn’t respond for a minute. Finally, he said, “I would feel better if you were safe at home.”

  “Andrei knows where I live, remember? He’s shown up there before.”

  “I guess no place is truly safe for you right now.”

  “I guess not,” I agreed.

  “But it doesn’t mean we don’t keep trying our best to keep you safe. I will protect you, Raena.”

  I smiled at him, but he didn’t see it as he pulled up in front of my house. We headed inside and were bombarded by Genevra, Shane, and Tanis.

  “What happened?” Genevra demanded.

  “How do you know something happened?” I asked.

  “You’re early. It’s only eight o’clock. You didn’t need to be home for another hour.”

  “Well, I got a text from Andrei asking where I was. Logan and I kind of freaked, and we came home.”

  “Were you followed?” Shane asked.

  “I don’t think so,” Logan responded. “I checked the mirrors the whole way there and back, and I didn’t notice anyone following us.”

  Everyone seemed relieved. “So what does everyone want to do for the rest of the night?” Tanis asked.

  We spent a few hours playing board games and watching a movie. The rest of the evening passed uneventfully. No one seemed to want to go to bed. Genevra didn’t even suggest that Tanis go to bed, even though she had to go to school the next morning. I planned to stay home for the day, just to be on the safe side.

  Logan finally stood. “I should get home before my parents start worrying.”

  I walked him to the door. He hesitated in the doorway. “I hate leaving you alone,” he admitted.

  “I’m not going to be alone,” I reassured him. “Shane and Genevra are home, and Tanis is just on the other side of the bathroom if I need her.”

  “I know,” he said. “But I still don’t like it. I can’t protect you if I’m not here.”

  “Unfortunately, you can’t watch out for me all the time. I’m sure I will be fine with everyone home.”

  He stared at me for a few seconds. “Okay,” he said, “but I’m staying home from school tomorrow, and I’m coming over. I know Shane needs to go to work, and I don’t want to leave you and Genevra without protection.”

  I knew he didn’t mean to be chauvinistic, but I had to correct him. I didn’t want him to think we couldn’t take care of ourselves. “I appreciate it, but we’ll be okay.” His face fell. “Not that I don’t want you to come over,” I added hastily. “I’m just worried about you missing too much school.”

  “Let me worry about it, Raena. Once I explain to my parents what’s going on, they won’t have any problem letting me miss school to come over here. You won’t be at school for me to protect you, so I would like to be here with you in case anything happens.”

  “Well, I would feel a lot better if you did come over,” I admitted.

  That seemed to satisfy him. “I’ll be over around eight, okay? I want to be here early in case Genevra decides to drive Tanis to school. I don’t want you to have to be alone at all.”

  I just sighed. I knew he meant well. He had seen how terrified I had been earlier and, to be perfectly honest, Andrei still scared me. I just didn’t want Logan to stress about this, and I hated to keep taking him away from school. It was bad enough I had to keep missing classes. “Okay, I’ll see you at eight.”

  He hesitated, then leaned forward and kissed me. I instantly felt warmth come over me. My fingers and toes started to tingle. I didn’t have the presence of mind to remind him that I still needed some time. I felt my cheeks flush as we broke apart. “See you tomorrow, Raena,” he whispered. “I hope you sleep well.”

  After watching him get into his car, I went back inside and closed the door. I headed upstairs to my room, determined to avoid Tanis’ unavoidable bragging.

  Oddly enough, my sleep was surprisingly dreamless that night.



  I felt sick at the idea of leaving Rae at home defenseless. I knew her family was home, but who knew how much help they would be if Andrei showed up? Shane might be able to deal with him, but I didn’t think Genevra or Tanis could. Andrei would dispense with them easily. I shuddered at the thought of Rae, or any of her family, being hurt by Andrei just because I’d had to go home.

  I should have stayed. I have a black belt in Taekwondo, although I hadn’t shared that fact with her yet. I also know a little about sword fighting. It was kind of an obsolete art, but it had drawn me for some reason. I needed to teach her some self-defense the next day.

  I sat in my car in Rae’s driveway, considering going back, knocking on the door, and insisting on staying. I could sleep on the couch. I would be out of the way, but still there if Andrei appeared in the middle of the night.

  I dismissed that idea. Genevra and Shane did seem to like me, but I didn’t think they would agree to me staying the night. After all, Rae and I weren’t even technically dating yet. It would probably be uncomfortable for all of us. But wouldn’t it better for everyone to be a little uncomfortable if it kept her safe?

  I decided there was no way Genevra and Shane would agree to it. I thought about staying in my car, either in their driveway or across the street. No, it would be too stalker-like if I did that. I finally turned on my engine and headed home. I would keep my phone on, with my ringer on loud, and sleep with it next to my bed. Rae could reach me easily if she needed me—I would be just a phone call away. I didn’t live far from her, and I could be there quickly if she needed me. I sped home, hoping I hadn’t made a mistake.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  I woke to a knock on my door. Sunlight streamed through my window, so I knew it must still be pretty early. “Come in!” I called. The door opened a little and Genevra poked her head around the corner.

  “Your boyfriend’s here!” she announced.

  I stared at her, uncomprehending. “Are you serious? What time is it?”

  “Around seven-thirty,” she informed me.

  “I thought he was coming at eight! I’m not even dressed yet! Why didn’t you wake me up sooner?” I demanded.

  She laughed. “Well, I didn’t expect him so early either. I figured since you were staying home today, you could use a little more sleep. It’s been a crazy couple of days. You need some time to recover.” She paused at looked me curiously. “So, is he your boyfriend now?”

  I sighed. “Yeah, I suppo
se you’re right. And Logan’s not my boyfriend—at least, not yet. I told him I needed some time to deal with this whole Andrei fiasco.”

  “That was very wise and mature of you, Raena,” she told me approvingly. “As to Logan not being your boyfriend yet…well, I don’t think it’s going to last long. I saw the way you two were looking at each other yesterday. Shane and I definitely approve of him.” She looked at me sadly. “Your mother would, too.”

  I felt tears spring up and pressed the heels of my hands against my eyes to keep them from falling. “Thanks. It means a lot.”

  “I didn’t mean to upset you, but I thought you should know.”

  “I appreciate it. Would you mind keeping Logan company while I get ready?”

  “I suppose I could, at least for a little while. I do need to leave soon to take Tanis to school, so I suggest you hurry up,” she said, gesturing at my nighttime ensemble.

  I bounded out of bed as Genevra backed out of my room, closing the door behind her. I dashed for the shower, grabbing my robe off of my desk chair as I went.

  I got ready as quickly as I could, knowing I had less than thirty minutes. I left my hair curly and put on only minimal makeup. I was brushing my teeth when Tanis appeared in the adjoining door.

  “So, you get to stay home again and you get to spend the day with your almost-boyfriend? I have to say, I’m a little jealous.”

  I dropped my toothbrush into the toothbrush holder and whirled on her. “Tanis, why would you be jealous?” I asked disbelievingly. “I’m being stalked. My life may be in danger. I can’t get rid of this crazy guy! I’m not staying home for fun, and my ‘almost-boyfriend’ is here to help protect me. This is serious!”

  She held up her hands in front of her, as if to ward off my tirade. “Okay, okay, sorry! I was being sarcastic. No need to freak out. I understand this is serious. I won’t joke about it anymore.”

  I glared at her for a moment longer. “I need to get dressed. Logan’s already here, and I don’t want to keep him waiting. Besides, I think Genevra is about ready to take you to school.”

  Her face softened. “Raena…” She hesitated.


  “Stay safe. I don’t want anything to happen to you.” She came closer and hugged me, and then headed back into her bedroom.

  I felt a little stunned, but I had to get dressed and get downstairs to Logan. I chose jeans and a camisole, adding a cardigan over it. I didn’t want to risk Genevra seeing my bruises and questioning me about them. No need to worry her any more than necessary.

  I thought about not putting on shoes. We would be staying inside. But I finally donned a pair of black, pointy-toed leather flats. Better to have shoes on, just in case Andrei showed up, and we needed to run. I prayed I hadn’t just jinxed us.

  I bounded down the stairs. Logan waited in the living room, talking to Genevra and Tanis. A smile lit his face as I appeared.

  “Oh good, there you are, Raena!” Genevra exclaimed. “I’m going to take Tanis to school now. I’ll be right back. Stay down here while I’m gone, okay?”

  I picked up easily on her hint. “You can trust us. We’ll be right here when you get back.”

  She stood up and grabbed her purse from the table. She dug her keys out of the inside pocket. “I have my cell phone if you need to get hold of me. Lock the door behind me. Stay safe.”

  Tanis stood up as well and picked up her school bag. She lingered in the doorway. “Yes?” I asked her.

  “Just remember what I said earlier,” she told me, following Genevra out to the car.

  After they’d gotten into the car, and I had closed and locked the door behind them, Logan asked, “So, what did Tanis say earlier that she wants you to remember?”

  “Oh, it’s nothing. She just told me to stay safe.”

  “That’s reasonable. We all just want you to be okay.”

  “I know, I know,” I said. I was getting annoyed by everyone babying me. “So, what do you want to do today? Watch TV?”

  “No. I’m going to teach you self-defense,” he announced.

  I laughed at him. “Are you serious?”

  “Of course I’m serious, Raena. You need to know how to defend yourself in case Andrei comes after you when no one else is around. We’re trying our best to make sure you’re not by yourself, but what happens if, say, Andrei sneaks into your bedroom at night, and no one can get to you in time? You need to know how to fight back.”

  “All right, all right!” He seemed so passionate about it. I decided it might be better if I just went along with whatever he wanted to teach me. “Just show me.”

  He stood up, grabbed my shoulders, and positioned me across from him. “Okay, put your feet shoulder-width apart and bend your knees a little. This helps keep you balanced and makes it less likely he’ll be able to knock you over.”

  I did as he instructed. “Is this right?”

  “Yes. Okay, first I’m going to teach you how to block a punch.” He demonstrated. “Now you try it.”

  We proceeded along through the proper way to make a fist so I wouldn’t break my thumb, and on to punching, kicking, and how to break someone’s nose. Genevra arrived home in the midst of Logan’s instruction. She just glanced into the living room at us and headed into the kitchen.

  At last, I was too worn out to continue. It seemed like we had been drilling for hours. The clock read eleven fifteen. We had been drilling for hours. “Can we just sit down for a little while?”

  Logan checked the time as well. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize how long we had been at this. Of course we can take a break. You can’t defend yourself against Andrei if you’re exhausted.”

  We collapsed next to each other on the floor. I knew Genevra would freak out if we sat on her couch. We were both somewhat sweaty, and I decided I would need another shower.

  Genevra chose that moment to walk in with a tray laden with glasses of water, raw vegetables, dip, and pretzels. “Here you go! I thought you might be hungry and thirsty after all that exercise. This should tide you two over until lunch.” She placed the tray on the coffee table. As she straightened, she caught sight of the still-prominent bruises on my arms. I had removed my cardigan while Logan and I had been drilling, forgetting to put it back on. I cringed as I watched her eyes grow wider and wider.

  “Raena!” she exclaimed. “What happened to your arms?”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  I glanced at Logan, panicked. Tell her, he mouthed.

  I took a deep breath. “Andrei happened. Remember I told you he grabbed me?”

  Her fists clenched in a rare display of anger. “Well, I suppose we should add this to the police report. I wish you had told me this sooner, Raena.”

  She had made the police report the day before when she had returned home from picking Tanis up from school. She headed for the phone now, dialing the station.

  Not knowing what would happen next, I figured it was time for a shower. I asked Logan if he would be comfortable hanging out in the living room by himself while I took a shower.

  Hanging up the phone, Genevra said, “The police said they’ll notify us of their progress within twenty-four hours.” She glanced at Logan. “Logan, you can shower in our bathroom while Rae’s in hers, if you want.”

  “Sounds like a great idea. Thanks,” Logan told her.

  “No problem. I’ll head upstairs and get you a towel. I’ll set out some of Shane’s things for you to put on when you’re done. You look like you’re about the same size as he is. Just set your clothes outside the door, and I will put them in the washing machine for you.”

  I stayed downstairs with Logan while Genevra went upstairs to get things ready. “Are you sure you’re okay with this?” I asked him.

  “Okay with what? Taking a shower at your house or wearing your dad’s clothes?”

  “Foster dad,” I corrected him absentmindedly. “And yes, I meant both.”

  “No, it’s not weird to me at all. It’s nice of Genevra to
offer. I should have thought to bring a change of clothes. I don’t want to sit in my dried sweat all day,” he laughed.

  Genevra returned quickly, and we all headed upstairs. I ducked into my room while she showed Logan to the other bathroom.

  The hot water felt good on my sore and tired muscles, but I didn’t want to linger under the spray for too long. I also didn’t want to keep Logan waiting like I had earlier that morning. After I dragged myself out of the shower, I dressed quickly, grabbing the first things I found in my closet. I slipped my shoes back on and walked back downstairs.

  Logan already sat on the couch when I reached the living room, inhaling the snacks Genevra had made for us. Shane’s clothes fit him surprisingly well.

  Genevra appeared before I could say anything. “Don’t eat too much, Logan. Lunch is ready. Why don’t we take this tray into the dining room?”

  Logan stood and picked up the tray before Genevra or I could reach it. “You don’t have to carry that, Logan,” she protested.

  “It’s fine. You’ve let me take a shower, given me clothes to wear, and you’re feeding me. Carrying a tray into the dining room is the least I can do.”

  We ate lunch slowly. I needed the time to relax, and just enjoy Logan’s and Genevra’s company. After lunch, Logan and I did the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen.

  Genevra disappeared upstairs.

  We were just finishing a movie when she came down again a couple of hours later.

  “I have to go pick up Tanis from school now,” she told us. “Lock the door behind me and be safe!”

  “Of course,” I told her. “We’ll see you when you get back.”

  “I’ll be back soon. Don’t answer the door for anyone,” she warned.

  “I know the drill. We’ll be fine. I’ll even start dinner while you’re gone.”

  “You don’t have to do that,” Genevra said.


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