Saving Grace (Wild Rose Book 1)

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Saving Grace (Wild Rose Book 1) Page 4

by Scarlett Jade

  The blond sidled up to Grace and the dark haired guy slid up to Christina. “Hey there, I'm Parker,” the blond murmured to Grace.

  “Hi, I'm Grace.” She grinned, suddenly emboldened by the little bit of beer in her system.

  “Has anyone told you that you’re beautiful?” Parker asked, his lips coming closer to her ear.

  She shivered and heat traveled up her neck. “No,” she admitted.

  “It's a shame, because a girl like you should be told all the time,” he mumbled smoothly, his lips getting closer and closer to the delicate shell of her ear.

  Her knees buckled slightly and she gripped the edge of the table. “Oh?” she squeaked out on a breath.

  “Oh,” he rumbled, his lips now touching her ear lobe. “Because I think you are absolutely gorgeous, Grace, and I'd love to show you how gorgeous I think you are...” His tongue snaked out to flick against her lobe and she sucked in a breath as her nipples tightened against the scratchy lace of her bra.

  Christina swiveled around and her eyes widened. “Grace! Come on, it's time to go home!”

  Grace batted her away as she gripped her arm. “Parker and I are just having a chat.”

  “No, Parker is about ten seconds away from going straight to home base! Let's go!” She yanked harder on Grace's arm. She followed Christina out of the room with a pout. “Girl! You are a lightweight. What, one beer and you're about to cream all over yourself from a guy whispering stupid crap in your ear?”

  Grace grinned wide. “I liked it. He said I was beautiful.”

  “Of course he did. Dark haired dipshit was keeping me occupied while he was about to score with you. God, I can't leave you alone for a minute. Let's go and walk off this buzz of yours.”

  Grace giggled. “I'm not buzzing, I'm not a bee. I just feel hot, and I want to dance.” Her hips swayed as Christina moved them out of the frat house and into the cool of the evening.

  “You're tipsy. You've obviously never drank before, have you?” Christina asked.

  “Nope. Well, I mean, I have drank like, water before.” She giggled, the sound seeming a whole lot funnier than normal.

  Christina laughed. “Wow, you really are a lightweight. Come on, let's get you back to the room.”

  Grace flung an arm across Christina's shoulders and she whispered loudly, “I have a secret.”

  “You do? Right now is probably not the best time to be divulging deep dark secrets, girl.” Christina grunted under her weight as Grace leaned against her.

  “You...are like the very best friend I've ever had.” Grace grinned. “That was my secret.”

  Chapter Five

  The next morning as the sunlight fingered its way through the blinds and poked Grace in the eyes, she woke up with a groan. “My head is killing me...” She rolled to her side and peeked hesitantly between her dark lashes. The room was quiet and her roommate was gone. Her phone lay on the pillow beside her and she reached up to grasp the pink encased cell.

  Sliding her finger across the screen she groaned as she realized her mother had called three times since the night before, when she was off being a heathen with Christina. Guilt flooded through her and she pushed back the comforter and stumbled into the bathroom to make herself presentable and Grace again.

  Staring up at the mirror, she didn't recognize the girl standing there. She wore the clothes from the night before and her hair stood on end. With a sigh, Grace turned the water on and splashed her face, the cool water refreshing against her heated skin. She hurried to brush her teeth and run a comb through her hair.

  Quickly she pulled her contacts out and blinked a few times as she fumbled for her glasses on top of the toilet. As she slipped the tortoise shell frames back on, she blew out a sigh of relief. No one has to know what happened last night but me.

  Feeling more like her old self, she hurried back to her bed and picked up her phone. Dialing her home number, one she had memorized since she was five, she prayed as it rang. Don't let them know what I did...

  “Hello?” Her mother's voice came across the line and Grace smiled.

  “Hi, Mom, I'm so sorry I missed your calls. I was just tuckered out after I got here,” she lied smoothly, her stomach clenching at her deception.

  “Oh, sweetie, that's okay. I just wanted to talk to you if you had a minute, and I was wondering if you had unpacked?”

  Grace smiled again. “Yeah, Mom, I did. I saw the dress and the money. Thank you, but it was so much.”

  “No, it wasn't. I figured you'd want to get yourself some things and you can always pay for books with it, right?”

  “Of course, Mom. I'll be responsible,” Grace promised, her stomach clenching harder.

  “I know you will be, Grace. That's sort of what I'm afraid of. That you'll always be responsible. Have a little fun,” Annie said softly.

  “I'll try, Mom.”

  “Well, I am glad you got settled in.” Her mother's voice came across the line a little louder this time. “I hope your classes go well, and that your roommate is awesome. What's she like?”

  Grace flopped back on the bed and blew out a breath. “Um,” she started. “Christina is fun. A hard worker, and very...unique.”

  “Wonderful. I certainly hope you girls can help each other out with your studies.”

  Grace smirked. “Oh, Mom, you have no idea. I have a feeling Christina will teach me a lot.”

  “Good! I'm so glad you found a roommate so like yourself.”

  “Me? Fun? Unique?” Grace spluttered, choking back a laugh.

  “Certainly. You are hardworking but know when to have a little fun! Remember that car wash when you and your club members soaked each other with the hose? The Glee Club had never gotten quite so much money before!”

  Grace groaned at the memory. She'd been foolishly wearing a white T-shirt and as the icy water had hit her breasts, her nipples had tightened and were delineated against the sheer fabric. The high school boys had gone wild, getting her to wash their cars. “Yeah, we did great, Mom.”

  “Well, just don't forget we're here, okay, honey?” Annie paused. “Oh wait, your father wants to talk for a minute.”

  “Grace?” Archie's voice came over the line.

  “Hi, Dad.” Grace sighed.

  “I found a good Baptist church for you to try tomorrow. I expect you to keep up with church, even in college, young lady.”

  Grace forced a smile, hoping it carried through to her voice. “Of course, Dad. Have Mom text me where it is and I'll be there, front pew.”

  “That's my girl. So responsible and good. I am proud of you.”

  Grace knew the praise from her father should have made her feel happy, but instead it made her feel like the obedient old farm dog that never chased the chickens or had any fun. “Thanks, Dad,” she managed to whisper. “I need to get some stuff done. I mean, classes start Monday, maybe I should read my textbooks in preparation.”

  “Yeah, it's always best to be prepared, huh, Gracie?”

  Grace winced at the nickname. “It sure is, Dad. I'll talk to you later. Love you.” She hung up before he could respond.

  Tossing the phone on the bed with a sigh, she sat up and tapped her toes against the floor. Reaching under her pillow, she pulled out her journal and pen. I need to write.

  Dear Diary,

  It's amazing how the space of a day can change so much. I have met the most interesting girl, and I had a guy hit on me at a party. I got my hair cut and I bought clothes that are really, really cute. I have spent my whole life being what everyone wants me to be, to make them happy. I love Archie and Annie, they are my parents, they have done so much for me, but maybe, just maybe, it's time for Grace to love herself. As she is. Because I don't want to be little Gracie anymore. I want to be Grace, a woman. I've taken the first steps to finding out who I am, and I'm ready to take some more. I don't want to be the good girl anymore. I want to be imperfect, flawed, and human. I want to know the thrill.

  I'm not Gracie anymore.
br />   Grace

  As she closed the diary and slid it back under her pillow, she felt renewed and ready to face whatever came. Rushing into the bathroom she stripped down and stepped into the shower, viciously scrubbing herself and rinsing her inhibitions down the drain.

  Shutting the water off, she pulled her robe on from behind the door and towel dried her hair. A noise from the front of the dorm alerted her that Christina was back. “Good morning!” she called.

  “Morning. How you doing, nun?” Christina's voice called back.

  “I'm not a nun!” Grace grinned as she finished drying her hair and opened the door. Christina sat in the chair in front of her desk, chewing on a toasted bagel and sipping a coffee.

  “I brought you breakfast. Hope you like coffee and bagels.” Christina pointed to a bag and cup on the other desk.

  “Hey! Thanks a lot. I was out like a light. My head is still bothering me a little.” Grace sat in her chair and unwrapped the blueberry bagel. “Yum, blueberry is my favorite.”

  “I took a wild guess after you said you liked blueberry muffins.” Christina smiled. “So what's on your agenda for today?”

  “Well, I was thinking,” Grace began, swallowing down her bite of bagel with a sip of the bitter brew. “That maybe we could go out tonight.”

  “Oh?” Christina's interest seemed to be piqued.

  “Yeah.” Grace grinned. “I really think it would be fun.”

  “Well, there is a bar downtown that has a band playing tonight. They have a five dollar cover charge and eighteen and older can get in.”

  Grace bit her bottom lip and forced down the excitement bubbling up in her belly. “That sounds cool,” she said simply.

  Christina smirked. “Yeah, it should be really fun. They start letting people in at seven, so we should probably be there and in line by six. What are you going to wear?”

  Grace mentally ran through the clothes she had purchased the day before. Nothing really screamed 'bar outfit.' “I don't know.”

  “What about that red dress? It was hot.” Christina offered. “I could even do your makeup.”

  Grace gulped thinking about being encased in the scarlet dress. Finally she mumbled, “Sure.”

  “Or you could go to the mall and find something else?”

  “No. I'll wear it.”

  “Awesome! I have a little black dress I can wear and we'll look like two hot mamas. We'll scope out the scene and maybe practice your flirting.” Christina finished off her bagel and coffee. “Well, I'm going to the library for a while. I'll be back around four. Does that work for you? Give you enough time to get ready?”

  Grace nodded. “I don't take long.”

  “Cool beans. I'll see you later.” Grace watched as Christina hurried out of the room and she sighed.

  I may as well get my schedule straight for Monday. She ate the last bite of her breakfast and threw her trash away before hopping up on her bed and rearranging her robe around her. Her backpack hung on a hook beside the bed and she pulled it down, unzipping it to rummage through the contents. New pencils. Check. New notebooks. Check. Schedule. Check.

  Skimming her schedule she sighed realizing that two of her classes almost overlapped. She would have to run from one side of the campus to the other to make it from English 101 to Statistics on Wednesday afternoons. American History and Psychology 101 rounded out her classes for the semester. Grace knew her future was bright, and she welcomed its warmth with open arms. I won't mess up my classes, I just want to have a little fun before I graduate and end up back home working out of a little office.

  Archie had planned out her life, gleeful that she had chosen psychology as her major. He had already put out feelers with two of the psychology offices in town, and both had said they would love to have Pastor Archie Evans' daughter working for them when she graduated. Grace felt suffocated a little by the pressure her father often put on her shoulders.

  I wish he would understand that maybe I want to spread my wings and leave the nest a little. Grace groaned as she thought about the argument that had ensued when he realized she had applied to Yale and not only been accepted but was being offered a full scholarship.

  “Gracie!” He'd admonished. “Why can't you live at home for two years and go to community college, just get your basics and then go to a big university? I hate to think about you being so far away.”

  Grace had argued back, “No, Dad, it's an honor to be accepted into Yale. This is where I want to be. They have the best teachers, the best classes. Please, Dad.”

  Her mother had gotten into the argument, taking Grace's side. “Archie, let her go. She's a good girl.”

  “Yeah, it's not her I'm worried about. God has her firmly in his flock. It's the wolves lurking at the edges I worry about. What if she gets hung up with some atheist or some boy?”

  Annie had soothed his ruffled feathers. “If she does, Archie, we have to trust that we have taught her all she needs to be able to make the best decisions. Let her go.”

  An agreement had been reached that she could go to the prestigious Yale, as long as she went to church weekly and didn't get into trouble. Grace had agreed, breathless with excitement that she was being allowed to go. Her father had always been extremely over protective, and while she appreciated knowing her dad was always there and expected a lot from her, the drive to leave the nest was stronger.

  I have four years to convince him that I don't want to stay home for the rest of my life. This is just the first step in my journey. Why would I barely step out of the door and go straight back inside?

  Grace shoved her schedule back into her backpack. I am going to live for me. Just for a little while. What's so wrong with that?

  Chapter Six

  Grace stood in the bathroom, wearing the crimson dress. Christina wasn't back yet and it was nearly four-thirty. The red bandage dress hugged her curves tightly, pushing her full bosom high. She blushed at the sight reflected in the mirror. Dad would definitely not approve. The thought brought a smile to her lips. Rinsing off her contacts, she carefully put them in her eyes and turned, smiling wider as the very bottom of the ruby fabric swirled around her knees. Glancing down at her feet, she wiggled her toes in the high heeled, glossy shoes that matched the dress perfectly. Picking up her brush, she ran it through her hair again, nerves getting the best of her as she waited.

  At four-forty, Christina burst through the door. “Hey! Sorry I'm late. I got hung up talking to some people.” She smiled. “They're gonna meet us at the bar later.”

  “Oh.” Grace sighed. “I see.”

  “They're really cool. We smoked a couple cigarettes and just chilled.” Christina finally paused long enough and her mouth fell open as Grace walked into the front of their room. “Holy shit, that dress is amazing!”

  Grace looked down at the dress and smiled. “Thanks. I like it.”

  “Well, let me get changed and I'll put some makeup on you. Do you want to go eat first?”

  Grace shook her head and averted her glance as Christina began stripping her T-shirt off. “No, I'm too nervous to eat.”

  “You should probably still eat,” Christina argued.

  “Maybe I'll grab something at the dining hall.”

  “Okay, or we could hit a little diner first.”

  Grace shrugged. “Sure, that would be okay.”

  “I'm dressed. You can look now, nun.” Christina chuckled, and Grace shifted her gaze back to Christina, who wore a skin tight black mini dress. Her blonde hair cascaded over her shoulders and down her back and her softly tanned skin was set off by the darkness.

  “You look great,” Grace mumbled, suddenly feeling less than hot.

  “Thanks, let's get you some makeup on.” Christina bent to pull her makeup bag from her suitcase and Grace blushed realizing yet again, Christina wore no panties.

  She glanced at the wall and then hurried to sit in the chair Christina pointed at. “Don't make me look too, you know...”

  “Like a ho?�
� Christina offered, and Grace nodded.

  “Like, whore.” Grace coughed.

  Christina giggled and unloaded her makeup. Grace watched in fascination as compact after compact of makeup was unloaded from the bag. “I won't make you look crazy,” Christina promised.

  Grace closed her eyes and only blinked or opened her lids when she was told to. Brushes swept against her skin and she tried to enjoy being primped and pampered. “How much more are you going to put on me?” she groaned some time later.

  “I'm nearly done,” Christina promised. A few more minutes passed, with Grace growing antsier. “Done!”

  Grace opened her eyes and blinked a few times. “Okay, cool.”

  Christina stepped back and propped her hand on her hip. “Go check it out.”

  Grace stood and moved into the bathroom, her dark rimmed eyes widening at the girl staring back at her. If I thought I looked different with just the dress, it was nothing compared to this. Her eyes stared back at her, the lashes lengthened with many coats of mascara, and her face was contoured, the skin matte and perfect. Ruby red lip stain accentuated her full lips and a coat of shimmery gloss had been applied over it.

  “What do you think?” Christina asked her as she came back into the room.

  “I like it,” Grace admitted. “I don't look like me.”

  “Yeah you do. All I did was accentuate what you already had.” Christina was staring into a little hand held mirror as she rimmed her eyes in electric blue liner.

  “Thanks.” Grace smiled.

  “Of course!” Christina stood and shifted her dress down her thighs. “I'm ready to grab something to eat, how about you?”

  “Okay.” Grace smiled, her stomach tight with butterflies. She followed her friend out the door, only pausing to pick up her purse as they left. Christina chattered about anything and everything on the way to the bus stop, and Grace barely listened. Her heart thundered beneath the crimson dress and nausea coursed through her.


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