Saving Grace (Wild Rose Book 1)

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Saving Grace (Wild Rose Book 1) Page 9

by Scarlett Jade

  Grace pushed the nausea coming up her throat down with a long drink of the cocktail he handed her. “Oh, boy,” she mumbled.

  Christina batted her lashes. “Thanks for the drinks!”

  “You'll be thanking me for more than that later!”

  Grace took another sip of the drink and winced as he threw his arm around her again. “Suddenly, I gotta pee!”

  Christina took a big drink of her cocktail and nodded. “Oh my goodness, me too! Hey, sailor, can we catch you in a few after we freshen up?”

  “Oh yeah, babes, I'll be right here waiting for you.” He held his arms wide and didn't seem to notice his beer sloshing on the floor. “You know you're gonna come back for some Mack Attack!”

  Grace grasped Christina's hand as they hurried to the bathroom. “Oh my God! He is so gross!”

  Christina tossed back the last of her drink. “Drink up, then we'll slip into the bathroom.”

  Grace followed suit, wincing slightly at the alcoholic taste. “Oh, boy!”

  “We'll hide in the bathroom for like ten minutes, then slip back out. He should be suitably entertained by someone else by then.” They hurried into the dimly lit, grungy bathroom and waited.

  As the minutes passed, Grace felt a warmth build in her belly and course through her limbs. “I feel so hot!” She fanned herself and lifted her hair off her neck.

  “You're tipsy.” Christina giggled. “Come on, we should be good to go back out there.”

  Hurrying from the bathroom they moved into the front of the bar and tried to blend back into the crowd. “Babes! There you are! I was beginning to think you’d ducked me!”

  Grace groaned as he caught her arm. “Oh hey, there you are...”

  Christina pasted a big smile on her face. “Aren't we lucky to find you again? So many people in here.”

  Grace jumped as the man's hand suddenly cupped her left breast. “Hey! Watch your hands.”

  “I am.” He grinned widely, his teeth flashing in the low light. “I bought you drinks, I get some action.”

  Christina slid between them. “What's your name, sailor?”

  “Uh, Mackenzie. What's yours?”

  Grace watched in horror as Christina fluttered her lashes and pressed her body up against Mackenzie. “Anything you want it to be, Mack, baby.”

  “Christina?” Grace whispered urgently, gripping her friend's arm.

  “Mack, honey, can you go get us another round of drinks?” Christina grinned up at the very inebriated Mackenzie.

  “No, I want my payment now.” Mackenzie pushed Christina out of the way and reached out for Grace again.

  Grace stepped back and gasped as her back bumped against a table. “Look, don't touch me!”

  “You bitches, you were just using me for drinks, weren't you?” Mackenzie suddenly seemed very big and very angry. He was no longer funny and drunk.

  “I'll pay you back for our drinks,” she started, pulling out her wallet. The feel of his hand coming across her face knocked her sideways and her wallet fell to the dark floor. Tears came to her eyes and she gasped in pain as she gripped her face.

  Christina shrieked like a banshee and Grace watched as she jumped onto Mackenzie's back. “How dare you hit my friend?”

  The next few moments moved as if in slow motion. A man came between Grace and Mackenzie and pulled Christina off Mackenzie's back, then he drew back a fist and punched Mackenzie in the face. The sound of bones crushing filled the air and Mackenzie jumped back, a hand cupping his nose. “What the fuck, man!”

  “Pick on someone your own size!”

  Grace's heart froze in her chest. It's him...

  She jumped as Christina wrapped her arms around her waist. “I'm so sorry, Grace,” she mumbled. “Are you okay?”

  Grace nodded, unable to speak as she watched the two men. A bouncer came through the melee and began asking questions. Mackenzie was led out of the bar and only when he was outside the door did their savior turn.

  “What the hell are you two getting into?” Drake asked them, his voice low and angry.

  Grace couldn't stop a shiver of desire from quaking through her body. “You're here,” she mumbled dumbly.

  “I'm here with my girl-my friend,” he stuttered. “You two have been drinking.”

  “It's none of your business,” Christina snapped.

  “Maybe not, but I saved your ass. You two need to get out of here.” Grace lost the ability to breathe as he stepped forward and brushed a tender finger over her swelling cheek. “Go put some ice on that.”

  Grace stared up at him, her lips parting. Kiss me! her brain screamed. His eyes were dark in the low light but even with the dusk, she could see desire coursing through them. The intimate moment was shattered as a willowy blonde stepped up.

  “Honey, what the hell happened?”

  Grace shifted her gaze to the beautiful woman and her heart dropped. “He was just being a gentleman,” she choked out. Gravity ceased to exist as he pulled away, visibly uncomfortable with his girlfriend seeing the tender moment they had shared. Grace felt her knees give way and she dropped to the floor. As she came to her knees, she reached forward. “Just looking for my wallet.”

  “Thanks for your help, but it's no longer needed,” Christina growled. “I will get my friend home.”

  “You do that,” Drake agreed.

  Grace glanced up for a moment, halting her search. His girlfriend was tugging at his arm, and as their eyes met, a frown crossed his lips. Grace looked away and shifted forward on the floor, gleeful as her fingers closed over her wallet.

  “Oh my God!” Christina squeaked as she dropped to her knees. “What the hell was he doing here?”

  “He was with his girlfriend, didn't you see that?” Grace quipped. “The perfect, leggy, beautiful blonde. Who isn't me.”

  “Are you okay?”

  “No. I'm not okay. I want to get the hell out of here.” She stood and shoved her wallet back in her purse. “My face hurts.”

  “Yeah, Mack Attack wasn't messing around when he popped you. Let's go get some ice on that.”

  Grace allowed her friend to lead them out of the bar. She kept her gaze straight ahead, but still felt his eyes on her as they left the bar. The street was still busy and they moved down the sidewalk to the bus stop.

  They sat on the bench and waited for the bus and Grace rummaged around in her purse for her phone. A text message had come through from a number she didn't recognize. Her heart rate picked up as she read the words.

  I'm not afraid.

  Biting her bottom lip and sneaking a quick glance at Christina, she wrote a quick message back.

  What about blondie?

  A few moments later another message came back.

  She is nothing to me. I don't want her.

  Shivering in spite of the heat, Grace debated on what to write back.

  Who do you want?

  The phone vibrated and her breath caught.


  The bus rolled to a stop in front of them and Grace shoved the phone back in her purse and paid her fare. They sat down in a seat and Christina sighed. “So much for having fun and taking your mind off things.”

  Grace turned to stare out the window at the pattern the streetlights made on the pavement. “Did you see how he decked that guy?”

  “I did, but don't you go getting ideas. He has a girlfriend.”

  “For now,” Grace replied.

  Chapter Twelve

  Drake slid his phone back in his pants pocket and tried to turn his attention back to the girl he had come to the bar with. Guilt flooded him at texting Grace while being on a date, even with someone he didn't particularly care about any longer.

  “Did you hear me?” Patricia huffed.

  “I'm sorry, my mind was elsewhere.”

  “Does it have anything to do with that girl in the red dress?” Patricia suggested, her blue gaze turning green with jealousy.

  Drake groaned and rubbed at his forehead. “No,
I just have a lot going on with midterms. I think I need to cut our date short.”

  Patricia frowned, her thin lips pulling down. “I see.”

  “I’ve wanted to talk to you about something for a while, Trish. I think I need to focus on my career for a little while. I'm not ready for anything more than just casual dating...and you deserve more than that,” Drake lied smoothly. He flinched as Patricia burst into tears.

  “My biological clock is ticking, Drake. I just want someone to make babies with and settle down with. Why have you wasted my time?” She hurried to pick up her purse and shift out of the booth.

  Drake reached forward and touched her arm. “I wouldn't say it's been a waste of time.”

  “Oh my God, we've had like seven dates. I had already told my parents you were coming for Thanksgiving and everything.”

  Drake recoiled. “You told them I was coming? After seven dates?”

  “I thought you were something special!” she hissed. “But I was wrong!”

  “Trish, I am hoping we can keep this professional. I don't want any hard feelings,” Drake begged, sliding out of the booth and catching up with her as she rushed out of the bar.

  They stepped into the sultry night and Patricia turned quickly, causing him to run into her. “If you wanted professional, you shouldn't have fucked me, Drake. I assumed with sex that meant we were getting serious. Do you think I give my lotus blossom freely to everyone?”

  Drake winced. “Look, Trish. I'm sorry you assumed there was more going on here, but I thought we were just casually dating.”

  Patricia snorted and put her hands on her hips. “I don't casually date, Drake Stone.”

  “I'm sorry.”

  “Me too,” she finally whispered as she turned to walk down the sidewalk.

  Drake groaned and leaned against a brick building. Patricia's steps were fast as she hurried away and he felt bad for hurting her, but she had been crazy to assume there was more going on. He had never agreed to anything more than just casual dating. His phone buzzed in his pocket and he pulled it out. Grace's name flashed across the screen. She had sent another text message.

  Where do we go from here?

  He closed his eyes and sighed. Grace had been at the bar, drinking, acting crazy and had been hurt. If I hadn't shown up when I did? He shuddered at the thought of Grace being beat worse than she had been, or raped. Her friend Christina was maybe one hundred and ten pounds soaking wet and was far from something to keep her safe. Why were they even out drinking and messing with guys? Jealousy flooded him. Is she trying to find someone?

  Moving his fingers over the keys, he blew out a breath before sending. I'm probably making the biggest mistake of my life...

  Meet me outside your dorm in half an hour.

  Pushing away from the building, he hurried across the street where he had parked his car. Patricia hadn't come to the car, so he assumed she was catching the bus or a taxi. Frankly, it didn't matter anymore. Unlocking the car, he opened the door and slid into his seat. His hands shook as he stuck the key in the ignition and turned it, the engine purring to life. Pulling out of the parking spot, he drove through the city, back to the college.

  As he rounded the last curve to her dorm, his pulse picked up seeing Grace standing there. She had changed out of the curve hugging red dress, which was probably for the best. He slowed the car and parked before jumping out and running around to her side to open her door. “You didn't have to do that,” she whispered softly.

  “I'm trying to maintain a little of my manners.”

  She slid into his car and Drake closed the door before ducking his head and hurrying back to his side. His car was inconspicuous, everyone had a blue Honda Accord, but he still worried about being seen. “Thank you for being here,” he said softly as he slid behind the wheel and buckled his seatbelt.

  “I was just waiting for you to call,” she replied, her voice breathy and high.

  Drake chuckled as he drove off into the night. “Seeing you in the library...”


  “I’ve done all I could to forget your offer, Grace. But I couldn't,” Drake finally admitted both to Grace and himself.

  “Oh?” Came another breathy squeak from the passenger side of his car and he clenched the steering wheel.

  “Why were you at the bar?” he growled. “Don't you realize that guy could have pummeled you?”

  “Yeah, I know. I didn't want to get drinks from him, but Christina said it would be okay...” She sighed and he fought against the urge to reach across the car and stroke her hand.

  “Why did you go along with it?”

  “To forget you,” she replied and Drake groaned.

  “I thought this was for the best. I didn't know if you knew what you were getting into. I didn't want to risk my job, risk your education...” He ran his hand through his hair and tugged at the strands.

  “Then why did you text me?”

  “Because I can't pretend I don't want you anymore.”

  “ how are we going to do this?”

  Drake laughed, the sound grating to his own ears. “I don't know.”

  “How about we go somewhere to eat? I could use something to eat.” Grace offered.

  “We can't do it in town. If someone sees us together and they realize you're a student, and I’m a professor, we're screwed.”

  “Oh. Well, let's go out of town.” He heard her softly murmur.

  “For food? Yeah, we could hit something off the interstate.”

  “No. For the weekend.”

  Drake fought the urge to slam on the brakes and stare at her in shock. Instead, he coughed nervously. “What?”

  “For the weekend, take me somewhere.”

  “Grace...” he started, unable to form a coherent sentence due to desire flooding his senses.

  “I want you. You want me. That's simple enough, isn't it?”

  “I'm finding out that nothing is simple with you, Grace. If I take you away this weekend, I need you to understand that I'm going to touch you. Until you can't breathe and you're begging me for more. I'm going to worship every inch of your flesh. But know this. If you tell me to stop, I will stop. I won't push you for more than you're willing to give.” He gritted his teeth as he waited for her response.

  “Me getting into the car with you should tell you I don't want you to stop.”

  “God dammit, Grace.”

  He pressed the gas pedal and the little car sped along the interstate, leading them both straight into the devil's lair.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Grace stared out the window and watched the streetlights pass. As they hit the interstate, her stomach clenched and she bit her bottom lip. Am I really doing this? A space of silence shorter than a breath was all it took for the irrevocable yes answer. She shifted her gaze back to the very silent Drake and licked her lips.

  He was going to be hers for the weekend and the thought left her breathless with nervousness and desire. Her cheek ached from the slap of the ballsy Mack at the bar, but the throb she felt elsewhere masked any pain. I've never done anything like this, why now? A small smile flitted across her lips. Because it's him.

  “We should pull off for some, um, necessities.” She heard Drake mumble.

  “Okay, I could use some toothpaste and stuff.” His laugh made her look at him curiously. “What are you laughing at?”

  “I was thinking of condoms.”

  Color drained out of her face. “Oh! Oh!”

  “Unless you don't want me to get them. I figured it would be best to be safe in case things get...out of hand.” He gritted out and Grace nodded.

  “No, of course. Just in case, right?” Grace rubbed her hands against her jeans to wipe away the sweat that had suddenly accumulated there. They pulled in front of a twenty-four hour drugstore and Drake suddenly grasped her chin and she stared into his beautiful face.

  “Listen to me. The condoms are just in case.”

  “I know you won't push me,”
Grace whispered. “I trust you.”

  He groaned and closed his eyes. “I shouldn't be doing this.”

  “Who is gonna know? No one. I told Christina I was going to church to pray, and I'll text her later and maybe tell her I went home.”

  “You're eighteen.” He argued.

  “And three quarters almost. Does that make you feel any better?”

  “No. Because you should be meeting guys your own age.”

  Grace snorted. “What, so I can be pawed, called tits and backhanded because I don't put out? No thanks. I'd rather be with you.”

  Drake leaned forward and Grace felt her eyes cross as she stared at his lips getting closer. “I'm going to kiss you.”

  “Ohhhh...” she breathed as his full lips brushed her own. Bubbles of dizziness swirled through her and she reached forward, grasping the collar of his leather jacket. “Drake...”

  His kiss grew more insistent and she gasped as his tongue flickered against her bottom lip then darted inside to tangle with hers. Her breath came fast as he ravaged her mouth, suckling her lip and biting it gently.

  “Tell me to stop.” She heard him murmur through the fog of desire permeating her brain.

  “Don't stop.” She shivered as his hands came to her hair and tangled in her tresses. She tilted her head to grant him better access as he kissed her.

  When he broke away, she whimpered at the sudden loss of sensation. “Why did you stop?”

  His laugh was soft. “Because we're making out in a parking lot.”

  “So?” She reached for him again, desperate for more of his intoxicating touch.

  “Let's go in the store. We have time.”

  Disappointment filled her as he stepped out of the car and came to open her door. They walked into the drugstore and she hurried through the aisles, picking up toothpaste and deodorant, a toothbrush, hairbrush, and mints. Cause a girl can never have too fresh of a breath.


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