Solid Stone: Odyssey

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Solid Stone: Odyssey Page 8

by E. G. Patrick

  Ann’s cheery voice comes on the line, “Hey, Vee. How’s it going? I was thinking about calling you this weekend. How’s cohabiting going for you?” She laughs.

  “It’s good.” I dare not tell her what else we’ve been up to in the new place.

  “Great, anything exciting happening?”

  “Actually, Adam has four tickets to Fashion Works Week, the opening event. It’s black tie on Saturday the twenty-sixth. Do you and Ted want to join us? It’ll be a good splash with lots of socialites there.” I know she’ll like that.

  “Ah, yeah! Count us in. If we have plans, we’ll cancel them. Thanks for thinking of us.”

  I confess, “Well, it was Adam’s idea and selfishly, I want you there, especially if he gets schmoozed away. I won’t enjoy being a wallflower at an event like that. And, I know it’s right up your alley!” We both laugh.

  “It’ll be fun. We’ll have a blast and thanks!”

  “No problem. Hey, don’t freak out, I’m absolutely fine, but I got mugged in Chicago. I’ve been off for a couple of days.”

  There’s dead silence and then she says, “Vee, I wish you’d called me right away. Are you sure you’re okay? What on earth happened?” I go on to tell her what happened and that I was lucky to still have my purse and identification.

  “Well I’m glad you’re okay. Shit that sucks! Does your dad know?”

  “No and I won’t be telling him either. He’ll only worry. Really, Ann, I’m fine. I was shaken at the time, but I’m completely fine now.”

  “How was Adam about this?”

  I tell her the truth, “He flew down on a private plane the minute after Paul, my boss, called him. He freaked out and brought me home the next morning. We’re actually at his house this weekend. He was worried of course. We had words because he’d asked me not to go shopping alone, but we’re okay now. It’s complicated with someone like him, I’ve told you that before, but I love him anyway.”

  “I’m not entirely surprised he freaked out. I’m freaked out myself. He was probably worried sick on his way down there. Anyway, it’s good that you sorted it out between the two of you.” She’s sincere as always.

  I change the subject. “How’s Ted doing? What are you guys doing this weekend?” She goes on to tell me they are having dinner at Ted’s parents’ home tonight and have kept Sunday open for themselves.

  “He has nice parents; I remember you telling me. I’m so glad you can join us at the fashion event. Are you still interested in the belly dancing classes we talked about?”

  “Yep, count me in. I gotta go now, though. I still need to shower.”

  “Okay, enjoy the weekend and we’ll catch-up next week. Bye.” I hang up and 5 minutes later, my phone rings and it’s Adam.

  “Hi, Babe. I’ll be really late, sorry. Why don’t you order in and I’ll get home as soon as I can?”

  “It’s the merger, isn’t it?”

  “Yeah. These things can get tricky and need a lot of hand-holding. I’d much rather be with you.”

  “It’s okay. I remember all the endless meetings for the bank merger. I’ll watch TV in bed and wait for you.”

  “Okay, Babe. Call me if you need me. I’ll see you later.”

  I order a pizza and eat at the kitchen island. After I finish eating, I head upstairs and get ready for bed. Before I know it I’m comfortably tucked in Adam’s bed with the TV on, watching a 1960s thriller. Honestly, they knew how to make movies back then. I cover my eyes for the third time.

  At about ten, I hear the alarm chime. Adam’s home. He comes up and is pleased to find me still awake.

  “Hi, did you eat?”

  “Yeah, we took a break and grabbed dinner. Did you?”

  “Yep, I ordered pizza.”

  I enjoy watching him undress. Lusty thoughts fill my head at the sight of him in only his boxers. Fuck he’s hot. I jump out of bed and wrap my arms around him. He kisses me hard and wants me too. He pushes me down onto the bed and it’s not long before our bodies are joined as one. I cry out in delight as his sexy hips move over me. I’m so glad he’s home.


  As most Sunday mornings, the bed is empty beside me. Adam must be working out. I lie in bed, stretching, and remember we’re going to his parents’ house this afternoon. I must call my dad today, I think, having forgotten to call him on Friday. After lounging for a while, I get up and make my way downstairs.

  “What time do we need to leave for your parents’?” I ask him when he comes strolling in, all sexy and sweaty.

  “I said we’d drop by around 2, okay?”

  “Yes, sir.” He grins when I say that. A warm tingle shoots through me too.

  “I’m going to take a shower. Are you coming? If you do, I promise you will be really soon, coming that is.” Around 30 minutes later, I feel invigorated in all the right places. He made me sweat, even in the shower.

  Just before 2, we arrive at his parents’ beautiful home. Jeremy, the butler, greets us at the door and takes our coats. We join his parents in the greenhouse room off the kitchen and receive a very warm greeting from both of them.

  Rob, Adam’s dad, asks, “How’s the firm doing?”

  “We’re doing well. I just hired a really good patent lawyer. We do have patent expertise on the team, but this guy is the Rolls-Royce as far as patent law goes.” This is all news to me, as he rarely discusses his work with me or even around me.

  “That makes sense. You’re really branching out and quickly becoming a full-service legal firm. I’ve heard how you’re still growing by double digits. That’s impressive, Adam. Well done,” says Rob, sounding like the CEO he is. Adam just smiles; he’s being modest.

  His mother Shirley cuts in and asks me, “How is work going, Violet?”

  “It’s good, thanks. I was in Chicago earlier this week working on a project out there.” I don’t say anything about the mugging and my eyes plead with Adam not to either when I look at him. He gets it and says nothing.

  “Oh, that’s good. It sounds like your responsibility is increasing if you’re taking business trips. That’s great.” She makes me feel so good about myself. I smile over at her.

  Adam says, “Violet’s very bright and her boss knows it.” He looks proudly down at me and I squeeze his hand, which he now has on his lap. We drink wine and eat cheese. I ask about his sister. Rob tells us she couldn’t get back this weekend. Shirley thinks she may be dating someone. They tell us they are planning a trip to Europe next month. I learn they have a home in London and Adam stays there during his business trips. What a life.

  Later, Rob says to Adam, “I may have a business proposition for you.”

  Adam’s face lightens up, “Shall we go to your office to discuss it?” He looks at me as he gets up to follow his dad. He looks excited; he likes propositions. Don’t I know it! I’m left alone with his mother, who pours me some more wine. I feel relaxed.

  She says, “Things seem to be going well with you and my son. I’m happy to see that. You’re the first girl he’s ever brought home properly and introduced to us. During his summer vacation, through university, he’d occasionally have a female friend over, but only when Rob and I were out. I only knew because Jeffrey would let it slip every now and then.” I feel myself blush because I know what that means. She then says, “He seems quite taken with you.”

  “Thanks, Shirley. We’re happy and I have strong feelings for Adam.”

  “That’s good to hear. My son can be very direct and even intimidating when he wants to get his way. I’ve seen him in action, so I know. He really does have a caring heart though.” I nod, understanding where she’s coming from and recalling how he can abruptly switch from really sweet to really serious and back again.

  I smile at her not knowing what else to say about Adam and me. I have no idea what he’s told his parents about us. I don’t even
know if they’re aware we live together. Thankfully, Jeremy comes in to check on us and Shirley’s attention shifts to him. She excuses herself for a minute. Sitting alone gives me a chance to get a better look at this impressive room with the baby grand piano in the middle of it. I wonder who plays the piano. I don’t think it’s Adam, although nothing surprises me with him anymore. I suspect they have fundraising events here. Isn’t that what super rich people do? The room is large, very tastefully decorated with lots of natural light coming in from all the surrounding windows. When I turn to look back into the kitchen, I realize the kitchen alone is almost the same size as the main floor of the apartment, which is quite large. There are two wall ovens that I can see from my seat and a massive gas cook-top with nine burners. The island is massive. As I continue to look around, I see Adam and Rob coming toward me. It’s not long before Shirley returns. We chat for another hour before Adam announces we have to leave. We say our goodbyes.


  On our way back to the apartment, I ask, “Do your parents know we’re living together?”

  He grins, “I’m sure they know we sleep together.” He thinks he’s funny, but I don’t.

  “I’m serious, Adam. Do they know? My dad knows about us. I told him.”

  The pause tells me they don’t. “We’re only living together until April. So no, I haven’t told them anything other than I’ve bought a place closer to work. The only reason I even told them was in case my mother showed up at the house and wondered where I was. I did tell them you found it, though.” He thinks by adding the apartment bit about me will make me happy. He’s wrong.

  Sounding curt, I say, “Thanks for the reminder on the temporary accommodation. Why haven’t you told them?”

  “Violet, I’m a grown man and don’t discuss my private life with my parents. Why are you being so sensitive?”

  I can feel my temperature rising about his comment on my sensitivity, but I quickly suppress it when I remember what happened the last time we argued in the car. I can’t change him and he’s made that very clear. I stifle my feelings and look out the window instead. I want to tell him I’m offended that his parents don’t know. I want to ask if he’s not telling them because he doesn’t want them thinking that living together means some kind of long-term commitment. We continue the drive to the apartment in complete silence, which doesn’t seem to bother Adam one bit.

  When we get in I pretend to have a headache and go upstairs to the bedroom.

  As I walk up the stairs, Adam asks, “Do you want me to bring up some water or tea for you?”

  I smile, pretending I’m okay, “No thanks. I just need to lie down.” He seems to believe me and goes towards his office. Once I change, I throw myself on the bed and my mind won’t rest. I can’t stand it and go back downstairs to Adam’s office. He looks up from his laptop when I walk in and he smiles at me.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “Confused,” I say curtly.

  “About what?”

  “Why you wouldn’t tell your parents about us living together? Are you embarrassed or afraid they will read too much into it, like it’s a commitment?”

  “If you didn’t have a headache, I’d put you over my knee and spank you. Really, you sound so childish right now.” He’s glaring at me and I’m glaring right back.

  I can feel my temper rise up through my belly and slowly work its way to my lips when I blurt out, “How dare you. I’ve offered myself completely to you. I’ve given you what you want and need, so you can at least acknowledge we’re a couple. Not telling your parents makes me feel like you’re hiding something about us. I told my dad right away because I know how I feel about you.”

  His jaw is getting tense and I actually don’t care at the moment. His tone is firm. “You’re reading way too much into this. If I was hiding us I wouldn’t take you to my parents’ home for starters. I wouldn’t have asked you to find this place and you would definitely not be here with me now. Believe me.”

  He’s so good at this, “Is there a reason you didn’t tell them?”

  “I told you, my private life is my private life. We’re not children, Violet.” He looks at me and can tell I am getting more upset. He sighs, “Okay, I’ll tell them.”

  “Fine.” I storm out, still feeling uneasy, but at least not completely defeated. Adam follows me.

  “Sweetheart, please don’t go to bed mad at me.” He sounds sincere. When I look back, his jaw is relaxed, his face soft, and he appears to be admiring me. He extends his hand, which I take. He pulls me in for a kiss and, before I know it, sweeps me up in his arms, carrying me the rest of the way upstairs to our bedroom where he makes love to me. Wrapped in his arms, I feel secure again as I fall asleep.

  Chapter 8

  Adam is about to leave the room when I get up to shower. He glances my way with those beautiful eyes. Then completely out of the blue he asks, “You do have a driver’s license don’t you?”

  “Yes, why are you asking? Do you want me to replace Frank?” I giggle at the thought of becoming his driver.

  “I prefer you in the back seat with me, if you know what I mean. Do you want to take the Jag for a drive sometime? I’ll be putting it away for the winter next month.”

  “Oh, yes!” I think for a second and then say, “I’d probably be a little nervous. It’s such an expensive car.”

  “You’ll be fine.”

  “I’m in, if you’re okay with me driving your super car.”

  “I’m always in, Violet.” He grins at me and I grin back. How quickly we tend to get back to our favorite subject. The thought lingers for a bit as we get ready to leave for our work day.

  Adam seems excited when he arrives home from work later. Looking up at him from my laptop, I ask, smiling, “What have you been up to, Mr. Stone?” He strides over to the sofa where I’m sitting and leans down to kiss me and I kiss him right back. I’ll never get enough of his sensual lips.

  He blurts out, “We should take a mini-vacation.”

  I look at him quizzically and think how nice it would be to have him all to myself, so I ask, “What did you have in mind?”

  He looks confident when he says, “I’ve booked us five days in Barbados. We leave Wednesday morning. Before you say anything, I already checked in with Paul and he thinks it’s a great idea, especially after what happened in Chicago.”

  There’s a part of me that’s annoyed he’s spoken to my boss before discussing it with me first. The other side of me is excited and finds it romantic that he’s spontaneous, even to the point of ensuring I have the time off. I err on the positive side because, selfishly, I want him all to myself.

  “Was Paul completely okay with it?” I ask.

  “Yes, as a matter of fact, he said you work too hard and deserve a break. He also said to make sure you don’t take your laptop with you. I laughed to myself, thinking there’s no way I’m letting you take that thing. So are you excited? Five days together, just the two of us?”

  I stand up and wrap my arms around him. He really does seem excited, and that’s a rare thing for the self-controlled Adam Stone. “I’m thrilled and feel quite special that you went to so much trouble. How are you managing to get time off? You’re always so busy.”

  He wraps his arms around my waist and has his face very close to mine when he says, “I’ll give you all of my attention. I’ve asked Alice to clear my calendar and it’s really only a few business days anyway. I’ll have to check my Blackberry periodically, but I promise to make this a great vacation for you, okay?”

  “Okay, I believe you.” I sigh and say, “I should probably start thinking about what to pack.” He gives me his winning smile. He should be on television. My eyes follow his gorgeous bum as he goes upstairs to change before coming back down to make us dinner. Life really couldn’t be any better right now.


  On Tuesday, I le
ave from work late, knowing I’ll be off for the rest of the week. Adam is waiting for me in the Jag in front of my building. As I get in, he smiles over at me. “Did you have a good day, Babe?”

  “Yes, very productive. Thanks for picking me up. I needed the extra few hours to leave with a clear mind.”

  “Yes, me too. When I left, my desk was nice and clean. I do have a couple of things to look at tonight, but that won’t interfere with our flight tomorrow.”

  I lean over and kiss him before he pulls the car out onto the street. We’re home in no time. Adam makes us a nice dinner of salmon and asparagus with some lemon sauce he whipped up. He’s so impressive in the kitchen, boardroom, and bedroom. Three’s my lucky number, I smile to myself. After dinner, Adam goes to his office and I begin to pack for us. He’s left two suitcases in our bedroom. I’ve never packed for anyone before, especially someone like him, who is always so well put together. To be safe, I lay out clothes for him on one of the spare bedroom beds so he can decide what he wants to take. His toiletry bag is always ready, so I just grab it and put it in one of the suitcases. Adam enters the room. “You’ve been busy,” he says as he wraps his arms around my waist.

  “Yes, and I don’t want to forget anything. I laid out your clothes in the spare bedroom. I want to make sure you’re okay with what I picked for you. I know you’re used to being impeccably dressed.” He smiles at me, the winning one. It makes me beam and I have to smile back at him.

  “As long as you think I look good, that’s all that matters. I can’t wait to have you all to myself for five days.”

  I take a deep breath feeling happy, “Me too, darling, I always enjoy what you have planned for me.” A mischievous grin crosses my face. He returns it and then leaves for the spare room to look over the clothing I’ve laid out for him. Finally, all packed, we go to bed, both feeling excited about our trip.


  It’s cloudy when we leave for the airport. Frank takes one suitcase while Adam takes the other one. We pull up at the same airport hangar we arrived at on the return flight from Chicago. The jet looks impressive on the runway as we pull up beside it. My head whirls at the lifestyle that comes with being with Adam. Marla welcomes us aboard the plane. It’s not long before we’re in the air. This time, I check out the jet. In addition to seating for ten, there’s a small kitchenette, washroom with a shower, and a bedroom with a queen bed in it. It’s nice and I still can’t believe I’m on a private plane on my way to Barbados for the sheer pleasure of it! As I walk back to my seat, Adam half smiles up at me, “Are you tired?”


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