Solid Stone: Odyssey

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Solid Stone: Odyssey Page 19

by E. G. Patrick

  On Tuesday afternoon, Ann asks me to meet her for a movie. I send Adam an email so he doesn’t wonder where I am.

  From: Violet Cole

  To: Adam Stone

  Subject: Going to the movies with Ann tonight

  Hi honey, I hope all is well with you. I’m going to the movies with Ann tonight. It’s a 7pm show so my phone will be off for a couple of hours. I can’t wait to see you on Thursday night. I’m counting the hours. I really am!  I love you,

  Violet xoxo

  I press send and get back to work. Paul comes out and hangs around my desk. I look up from the contract I am reviewing. “Hi Paul, do you need some help?”

  He smiles. “Have you heard back from Foley’s office yet?”

  “Now that you mention it, no I haven’t. I delivered the contract by hand yesterday morning, so they’ve had time to look at it. They said it was a rush. I’ll call them.”

  “Perfect. Thanks, Violet.” Paul goes back into his office and I reach for the phone. Foley’s assistant, Martina, answers and I make an appointment for Paul and Foley to meet on Friday morning. I quickly get back to work and finish reviewing the contract I had started. It’s almost 5 when I check my personal email and there’s a response from Adam.

  From: Adam Stone

  To: Violet Cole

  Subject: Re: Going to the movies with Ann tonight

  Hey Babe, thanks for letting me know. I won’t worry about you now.  Call me when you’re home. Do you want Frank to pick you up after? How are you getting home anyway? I love you more. Adam. Xoxo

  He loves me more, impossible!

  From: Violet Cole

  To: Adam Stone

  Subject: Re: Going to the movies with Ann tonight

  Hi handsome, if it makes you happy, then have Frank pick me up around 9:15, maybe closer to 9:30 at the Livingston theatre. Can he drive Ann home too? Let me know. You can’t possibly love me more than I love you! Violet xoxo

  Adam responds right away.

  From: Adam Stone

  To: Violet Cole

  Subject: Re: Going to the movies with Ann tonight

  Sweetheart, you’re making me very happy and you will be rewarded for it! Frank will be there at 8:45. He will wait until you come out and drive Ann home. Don’t rush I’m paying him by the hour. Text or call me when you’re home. Oh anything is possible, I love you that much! Adam.

  I smile and email a quick “thanks,” knowing the “I love you emails” will just continue until he has the last word. I’ve got to love him for that, I laugh to myself. I text Ann, suggesting we meet at 5:30 so we can grab a quick bite before going to the movie. She’s thrilled we have Frank driving us. She really likes that and it shows in her text message. Hey Vee, Great we have the chauffeur again tonight. Let’s meet at the Grill on the main level of the Livingston Centre. The movie starts at 7:15 so that gives us plenty of time to eat. Xo

  I reply: See you then. Yes, I guess having a chauffeur is pretty cool.


  I see Ann standing outside the restaurant. She waves at me as I walk towards her. “Hey Vee, how’s it going?” She seems excited to see me.

  “I’m great and you?” We embrace.

  “Fantastic! Hey, we get to hang out tonight and again tomorrow for our belly dancing class.” I nod, taking her arm as we walk into the restaurant and sit at a table against a wall. “The burgers here are really good,” She tells me.

  “Okay, let’s do burgers then.” The waiter comes over and we place our orders along with two glasses of wine. “How’s Ted doing?”

  “He’s good. He loves his new job and is working longer hours, but he doesn’t seem to mind.”

  “How’s that for you?”

  “I’m okay with it. We both have work goals, so I get it. He wants to be an editor one day, so he has to pay his dues now.”

  “Yeah, that’s true. Adam always says hard work pays off and he bases a lot of his success on that. He’s pretty much that way about everything.” I can hear his business voice ringing in my ears. The waiter returns with our wine and we clink glasses before taking a sip. The burgers come shortly after. I am having a cheese and mushroom burger and Ann has a southwestern burger with bacon and BBQ sauce. Taking my first bite, I find the burger is tender and delicious. I must bring Adam here.

  “How are your parents?” I ask Ann, realizing I haven’t seen them in months.

  “They’re good. I’ll let you know the next time they’re over for dinner. Maybe you and Adam can swing by.”

  “Yeah, that would be nice. Now that I’m thinking about it, we should get both our families together. Maybe over the holidays? They’ll be here before you know it.”

  “That’s a nice idea. Let’s figure out who will host closer to.” My mouth is full of food so I just nod.

  I catch the waiter’s eye and signal that we’d like our check. “This is my treat, okay?” I say to Ann, who doesn’t argue with me for a change. Our bill paid, we make our way to the movie theatres which are one level up. For an instant my thoughts go to Ann’s favorite actor, Brad Pearce; if only she knew that Adam is his lawyer, she would freak out for sure! I quickly suppress the thought, realizing her freaking out is far less than the severe repercussions from Adam if I spill. Ann wants to see the movie based on a novel she’s read. It’s a suspense movie, a crime of passion story. We buy our tickets and sit midway in the theatre. I quickly check my cell phone to make sure Adam hasn’t called before turning it off. I relax into my seat sharing a bag of popcorn with Ann, as the lights go off and the trailers come on.

  When the movie ends, the lights come up and I look over at Ann. “That was good. There were a lot of twists and turns. I couldn’t figure it out. Good pick.”

  “I’m glad the movie was almost as detailed as the book, which isn’t always the case. I liked it too.” We take the escalator down to the main floor. I phone Frank and he’s waiting at the corner of the entrance of the building.

  “Hi, Frank. I hope you weren’t waiting too long.”

  “No, Miss Cole, I wasn’t. How are you ladies tonight?”

  Ann greets him. “We’re good, Frank, and thanks for picking us up.” Frank drives while we she continues talking. “So I’ll see you tomorrow at the class. Is Adam picking you up or Frank?”

  In a low voice I say. “Actually, I’m not sure what time Adam gets home tomorrow. It’ll be one of them.”

  Frank’s cell phone rings and I know it’s Adam when I hear him say. “Yes sir, they’re both in the car. Have a good night.” I feel a little annoyed at how he keeps tabs on me when he’s supposed to be in meetings all day. I soften a bit when I think of how worried he was when I got mugged, but not enough to shake the feeling. We drop Ann home, leaving me alone in the car to think. Frank insists on walking me up to the door, which I know is really Adam’s request.

  “Good night, Frank. Thanks,” I say as I watch him walk down the corridor before I close door. I love this swanky loft and I still smile to myself each time I walk in. Overall, life with Adam is good. I take out my phone, having forgotten to turn it back on after the movie. There’s a text message from a number I don’t recognize. I open it and it reads: Do you know why he travels so much? I find the text strange, but think nothing much of it. It must be a wrong number. I reply to it anyway: Do you?

  I take a quick shower, change and call Adam, having completely forgotten about the strange text. He answers immediately. “Hi, Babe.” I have to admit to myself, I love the sound of his voice and I melt when I hear it.

  “Hi, honey. How was your day?”

  “Productive,” he states. “And how was your movie?”

  “It was a good mystery with lots of twists and turns. Ann read the book.”

  “Oh good. What did you have for dinner?”

  “I had a very good mushroom and cheese burger, and you?”

bsp; “I’ll be going for dinner soon. It’s probably a steak with this group.”

  “Is it the merger again?”

  “No, I’ve been in client meetings, but not related to the merger. I have a team meeting tomorrow and a few more client visits before I fly home. I don’t think I can pick you up from your class so Frank will, okay?”

  “Yeah, okay. I miss you. You travel too much.”

  “I know, Babe. I’m sorry, but it comes with the job and all the perks that come with it. Be patient okay and know that I love you and think about you all the time.”

  “I’d be happy in a shack as long as you were there with me.”

  “I know and I would too, but luckily we don’t have to. I want to give you everything you want and more, okay. Please just be patient. I really do miss you and you know how much I love you.” He’s almost pleading with me.

  “I know and me too.”

  “You’re making me feel all gushy. I’m not good with gush. It feels strange. You’re softening me up, but don’t tell anyone.” We both laugh, but his comment makes me love him that much more.

  I say, “It’s good that we can both learn from each other, right?”

  “Yeah. I’ve got to go. Call me tomorrow after your class. Love you, bye.”

  “Bye, love you too.” The line goes dead. I get ready for bed and dream of a dark cloud following me around that I can’t seem to shake. I wake up at 2 a.m. and get some water. I check my cell only then remembering the strange text. There’s no reply so I delete it. It was probably a wrong number. I go back to bed and have a restless sleep.


  Wednesday morning soon becomes Wednesday afternoon, and I meet Ann at our dance class. When we have finished Rosa, the instructor, takes me to her office and shows me the costume I’m going to dance in for Adam. It’s a beautiful burgundy-colored halter top in sheer fabric so my breasts will show with a thick gold band at the bottom sitting under my breasts. The pantaloons are also sheer, with a gold waist band and slits around each leg showing bare skin when I move. There’s a belt with bells that will jingle when I move my hips and gold slippers for my feet. She even got me bangles that will also jingle when I move my arms. Instead of a veil for my head, she has given me a thick gold band that will hold my hair into a very high ponytail. She thinks that will look sensual when I’m moving and dancing. She tells me to swing my hair around when I dance. “Thanks for the costume and all your help with this.” She smiles and embraces me.

  Frank’s waiting for us right outside. He opens the door and we both say, “Hi,” as we get into the car. Ann gets dropped off first and it’s just past 8:30 when I walk into the loft. I hide the costume in one of the spare bedroom closets and then take a shower. I blow dry my hair. When I turn it off, I hear the clink of billiard balls which makes me jump. I realize it must be Adam and get up to greet him. My arms easily wrap around his neck and we kiss. He lifts me off the ground so I wrap my legs around him as we kiss some more. It’s so nice to see him.

  He puts me down and asks. “It’s too early to go to bed so why don’t we play some pool.” I know he’s up to something, but I innocently go along with it.

  “Sure, sounds like a good idea.” I am trying to figure out his next move.

  “Ok, how about a game of strip pool.”

  “Strip pool, how do you play that?” I say all innocently.

  “We’ll set up the balls and you can choose who takes the first shot. After that it’s just like a regular game except…”

  “Except what?” I ask laughing knowing full well what that means.

  “If you sink a ball in a pocket, I must take of one piece of clothing and the same for you if I sink a ball. Easy enough?”

  “Yeah, but you’re like a pool shark and I’ll be naked in 2 seconds,” I say, trying to make it look like I’m complaining.

  “Okay.” He says. “I’ll give you a handicap, how many pieces of clothing do you have on?”

  Looking down at myself I say. “I have my yoga pants, a top, my bra and panties and a pair of flip flops.”

  “So that’s six if you count each shoe as one piece. I’ll get down to just my shirt, pants, and boxers. That’s three. So do you want to break or let me?” The thought of him half naked makes me tingle.

  “Okay, I’ll let you take the first shot as more often than not, no balls go in.” I hope my plan works and nothing goes in, this may be the only shot I have at winning. I definitely don’t mind being naked, but I also want to beat the great Adam Stone as well. Double whammy.

  I watch Adam break the balls and yay, I think to myself as nothing goes in. Even better, he’s left a number of balls hanging right over some of the pockets. I pick the easiest one first, line it up, hit the cue ball, and the other ball drops right in like I know what I’m doing. “Ah ha!” I say, sounding very pleased with myself. “Take off your shirt,” I demand. Adam obliges and, since I sank a ball, I get to shoot again. I eye up another one, hanging out near a pocket and take my aim, shooting carefully and again it goes in. I start to do a little celebration dance like some of those football guys when they score and I coyly say to Adam, “Take off your pants.” Adam smiles over at me and slowly removes his pants, teasing me as he does. Dropping another ball in a pocket, and winning this game, is not going to be so easy. There’s nothing obviously close to a pocket now, so I’m going to have to get lucky here. I pick out the next ball I want to sink, line it up, hit the cue ball, and completely miss the other ball. Oh shit!

  “Okay, I believe it’s my turn now,” he says smugly and lines up his shot in only his boxers. He looks smoking hot! I stop admiring him when I hear -BAM! One ball goes in the pocket. He looks over to me as I kick off one shoe. BAM, another goes in, so I kick off the other shoe. This time he’s on the far side of the table and looking right at me as he sinks the third ball in a row and off comes my top. Three shots later and I am completely naked. At this point I’m glad this game’s over. But then Adam says, “Let me give you a quick lesson.” Really? Here I am, completely naked, his cock is trying to bust out of his boxers, and he wants to give me a lesson?

  He comes over behind me and hands me the cue. “Show me how you would line up that ball.” I bend over the table and start to line up my shot when he utters, “WAIT, don’t move.” I freeze in my position and Adam comes up so close behind me he’s pinned my pelvis to the table. He reaches over my body; his skin feels good against mine and his hard-on feels good too. He then shows me how to properly use my left hand as a guide and how to aim the cue ball to hit the other ball and make it go in the direction I want. This is making me very hot and I’m having trouble concentrating with him on top of me like this. He steps back and says, “Ok, take the shot.” I’m so flustered that I completely miss the cue ball. He commands, “Line it up again and I’ll show you where you went wrong.” I do as I’m told and when Adam approaches to help guide me this time, I feel his hard swollen cock enter me. Now this is a game I can play! He reaches over me as he did before, but this time removes the cue from my hands and rolls it to the side of the table. His hips are holding mine tight against the side of the table and his weight has me pinned beneath him.

  “I win,” comes easily out of my mouth and we both laugh. Adam starts sliding in and out of me, all the while keeping me firmly pinned against the table. In and out he goes, sending incredible jolts of ecstasy through my body. He’s very slow and meticulous but is still driving me crazy. I can feel my juices running down the inside of my thigh. I’m soaking wet. “Oh Adam, I can’t believe what you do to me.” The jolts of delight increase when he starts fucking me faster and harder. I start to moan with each forceful thrust. Without warning, he removes his cock and I plead, “No, Adam. I need you inside me. Now!” He slides his hand down my back and grabs hold of my hips and plunges himself deep inside me. “Ohhh!” I scream out. Pulling me back each time, he buries himself deep inside of me. After
ten more deliberate and hard thrusts I explode! The delightful splinters rise through me as I moan until the sensations stop. I’m so wet now that Adam has to start fucking me even harder to reach his climax. This is fantastic as he goes and goes and goes until he too lets go.

  “Ahh, fuck Violet!” He’s comes now too. Adam collapses on top of me and we both need a few minutes to recover and catch our breaths.

  I manage to groan, “Okay, that was another wow for me.”

  “Yeah, me too. I’ve wanted to do that since we’ve moved in here, you know.” He stands up and slaps my butt. We pick up our clothes, head to the bedroom, and as we do, I say to Adam, “We should play pool more often.”

  Chapter 15

  I yawn as I get up. It’s Thursday morning and only one more day to the weekend, I think. Adam is getting dressed, having already showered. “My hair looks a mess,” I comment.

  “You look pretty sexy to me.” He kisses me before leaving the room. With no time wasted, I hear him typing on his Blackberry as he goes down the hall.

  I take a quick shower and sit down to fix my hair and put on some make-up. Adam comes back up with toast and peanut butter and a coffee for me. I look up at him and say, “Thank you.” He really is easy on the eyes.

  “You’re welcome. How much longer do you need to get ready?” I look at the clock. “Is 20 minutes okay?”

  He smiles. “Perfect. I’ll be waiting for you downstairs.” I really am spoiled. He brings my breakfast up every morning during the week when he’s home. I dress in a navy pant suit and white blouse and make my way down the stairs, careful not to spill any of the coffee I have left in my cup.

  Adam’s in his office and I stick my head in. “I’m ready.”

  He’s on the phone and smiles up at me as he mouths. “Give me 2 minutes.” I nod and go back to the loft’s main room to wait. It’s not long before Adam calls. “Okay, let’s go.” He picks up both of our laptop bags as we leave.


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