Solid Stone: Odyssey

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Solid Stone: Odyssey Page 22

by E. G. Patrick

  Adam takes his glass. “I’ve ordered Thai food.”

  “I’m famished. I can’t wait.” He nods and we sit down in the living area. I can hear the saxophone in the background. It’s as soothing as the wine as both help us to relax after the excitement we’ve just had.

  After we eat, we go upstairs to bed. He says to me, “I want you to sleep in that choker tonight.” He tugs at it, causing another hot surge to rip through me. I sexily walk naked, in only my master’s hand-picked choker, to our bed. He wraps his arms around me and we start all over again.

  Chapter 17

  Saturday morning flies by. Adam’s at the gym for the next couple of hours, leaving me to go shopping on my own. At the department store, I head to the men’s underwear section. I need to find something for Adam to wear tonight while I perform for him. I look at fitted boxers, but he has lots of those in designer brand names in black, gray, and white. Strolling through the store, looking at the pictures of male models on the wall, I think to myself, Adam could easily be in one of those pictures. I’m getting excited at the thought. I finally come across a pair of black satin pajama pants with a nice waistband that will sit just nicely on his hips. Mmm, he’ll look very sexy in those. My decision is made and I buy them.

  Back at home, I decide to do my laundry. I still can’t bring myself to have Joyce do it. Most of Adam’s clothing is dry cleaned and what little is laundered, Joyce takes care of. She folds his underwear and socks perfectly and then lines them up by color in the dresser drawers. I am amazed at how tidy and organized they are. Adam, more than once, has reminded me that Joyce is paid very well to take care of these things, but I’d rather just do my own laundry. It’s a personal thing with me and reminds me of the ordinary life I led before him. Anyway, it’s easier here with our state of the art washer and dryer, unlike my old apartment where I had to lug my laundry down to the basement. My final load is in the dryer as I put away what’s finished. To pass time, I begin to jot down a list of how my life has changed being with Adam.

  Violet’s List – Me with Adam:

  Outstanding sex and very creative encounters. A++++++++++

  Chauffeured if Adam can’t drive me. No more subway.

  No house cleaning or grocery shopping –Joyce takes care of that.

  No cooking – Adam or Joyce take care of that if we aren’t eating out.

  Worry over money. Nope. I pay for nothing and have saved quite a bit in a few months.

  Eat at fancy restaurants I’ve never heard of or only dreamed of going to.

  Good looking, wealthy, and successful guy on my arm or maybe it’s me on his arm. Either is fine.

  More people than I ever imagined call me Miss Cole now.

  Indirectly have staff to take care of me – Joyce and Frank at the moment.

  I drink fine wine, probably worth as much as my pay check – Yikes!

  My best friend thinks I have the greatest life possible. Yeah, I’m lucky.

  The best lover I could ever have. Fulfills all my fantasies and more. Already said that but it’s worth two notations – he’s that great!

  I do love him.

  Question: Do I give in more than I’m used to because I love him?

  Question: Am I considered a kept woman? He pays for everything – and I mean everything.

  My sense of self? Does he control too much? I’m still trying to figure that out. To be confirmed.

  I look over the list and reread it. This is what my life has become, a list of sixteen items. I tear off the page and fold it and put it in my wallet. Something I’ll look at again one day maybe. Still pondering over my life, I begin to write a list of what Adam’s might be.

  Adam’s list – being with Violet:

  Excellent chemistry, complete control in the bedroom and beyond. I love that!


  In love with and never imagined I would be.

  Marriage? – I cross this off. He made it clear that wasn’t a priority for him. At least he loves me now.

  Adam’s list is only three, which makes me shake my head. I tear that page out and put it in my wallet too. I hear the dryer buzzer go off and take the last of my laundry out and put it away. My only self-inflicted chore is now complete. It’s not too long after I hear Adam come in and call out, “Hey, Babe.”

  “I’m up here in the bedroom.” Adam comes into the bedroom, still in his workout clothes, preferring to shower at home. He pulls out a sweaty T-shirt from his gym bag and tosses it into his laundry hamper and then takes off the clean one he must’ve put on for the drive home and tosses it in as well. I smirk to myself. You can tell he doesn’t do his own laundry.

  “How was your workout?”

  He shrugs. “It was a good one. You really should join me sometime. I’d love to train you.”

  I smirk again thinking, yeah I’m sure you would. I catch him grinning to himself. He finishes undressing and goes to shower. I chuckle, thinking I should’ve added ‘separate laundry hampers’ to my list.

  Sitting at my make-up table, I think about what else I need to do for tonight. Adam’s hot body comes out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his sexy hips. He catches me admiring him and winks at me as he begins to dress.

  “What do you want to do today?” he asks.

  “I have a surprise for you, but it means you have go downstairs later and not come up until I tell you.” I get his winning smile. The charming smile that makes women melt and I am no exception. It’s not the ‘hungry’ smile, the ‘I’m going to devour you if you don’t comply’ smile that most people get, including me sometimes.

  “Okay, how long do I have to wait?”

  “Until tonight after dinner.”

  “I don’t normally like surprises, but I’ll make the exception for you. Why do I have to wait so long?”

  “Didn’t you say patience is part of self-control? Well then?”

  “Okay, yes, I’ll stay off this floor then. I’ll be in my office anyway, unless you need me?”

  “Nope, not right now anyway.”

  “So we’ll have dinner now then?” I look surprised as it’s only 2. He then says, “I’m kidding. Dinner at 7, okay?”

  I laugh. “Yes that’s good.” He kisses me before he leaves so I can now putter around to get ready for his surprise. I fluff up the cushions on the long end of the sectional so that Adam can be in a lounging position. I get tingles playing out the evening in my head. I have a bowl of grapes that I can feed him after I dance followed by a sensual massage and then me at his disposal. I can’t wait!

  Adam calls me down to dinner. He really is a culinary genius along with his many other talents. Dinner tonight is a pear, apple, and goat cheese salad with greens and then scallops cooked to perfection in a homemade pesto sauce. “This is delicious, Adam.”

  “Thanks. I’m glad you like it. It makes me want to cook more for you.” He’s beaming at me now.

  “How many people know that you can cook like this?” I pause and then ask what the burning question really is. “Did you ever cook for your other female companions?”

  “First of all, you’re way more than a companion.” He smiles. “Obviously, my family knows. And no, I’ve never cooked for other women, only you. I hope you know I devote a lot of attention to what you like to eat.” He looks directly into my eyes, making sure I understand.

  “I know you do and it means a lot. So you really never cooked for the others? Didn’t they spend weekends at your house like I did?”

  “It was all different with you. I was your first and that meant more to me than I realized. The others only spent one night a week with me; I was so focused on work then. Like I said, everything was so different with you.”

  I lighten up a bit. “Hey how’d you ever manage with sex only once a week?”

  He laughs. “All-
night sex fests. There was very little conversation and nowhere near as much going out as we did. Believe me, we all got our fill. I think you’ve got the picture now.”

  “Yes, I’ve got a visual.”

  “Great, so can we move on now, sexy?”

  “Yeah. I’m glad you were my first, just so you know.”

  “Me too. You’re just the right amount of sweet, curious, and completely sexy.” He’s smiling at me.

  “Oh, tell me more!” I bat my eyelids and walk over and hug him. I start to clear the table and Adam comes up behind me.

  “I want you for dessert,” he says. I turn to wrap my arms around his neck.

  “All in good time.” He pulls away, looking at me. I’m sure I saw a quick flash of anger in his eyes. Maybe he thinks I’m saying no to him?

  I remind him, “You still have my surprise tonight, remember?” His body language changes and he pulls me close again and it feels good.

  “Oh, yeah and how long do I have to wait?” He kisses me again.

  “I need half an hour and I’ll call you when I want you to come upstairs, okay?”

  “Okay, hurry up. I don’t like waiting. Go.” He slaps my bum as I turn to go upstairs. He’s so impatient even when the surprise is for him. I suppose that’s another reason he’s so successful. He just forges ahead and never second-guesses himself.


  When Adam’s back in his office, I wash and dry the grapes, placing them in a wooden bowl and take them upstairs with me. I fluff up the cushions that I had placed on the sectional sofa earlier. He’ll be comfortable here. I’ve lots of space to perform in and my iPod is set with the music. I stand back and look around the room. I have a couple of notes to hand write, candles to light, and get changed.

  I leave one note taped to the wall at the top of the stairs: My darling prince, please put on only what I have left for you on the bed. I smile to myself as our roles are temporarily reversed.

  The second note I leave is taped to the bedroom wall and back in character: Master, please come to the TV room and make yourself comfortable on the cushions I have laid out for you. When you are ready for me, just clap your hands and I will appear before you. I am your willing servant and only want to please you. Gia xo

  He’ll love that note. I go down the hall to the spare bedroom to change into my costume. My eyes are lined heavily with black eyeliner and I’ve used a dark brown eye shadow and two coats of mascara to make my eyes pop. My lips are painted in the burgundy color Adam likes. I begin to dress. My burgundy belly dancing costume fits my body perfectly. The transparent halter top clings around my breasts, showing off my full cleavage. The matching pantaloons expose my legs through the slits when I move. The thick gold waistband sits at my hips, exposing my midriff and enhancing my curvy hips. I attach the gold belt with bells that will jingle each time I move. I pull my hair into a very high ponytail and use the thick gold band to keep it in place. As I look in the mirror, I am happy with what I see. It’s the Gia I’ve always imagined staring back at me. I feel beautiful and spin around, watching how the pantaloons make my legs look shapely. I’m feeling very sexy and Gia-esque right now along with all her charm and power over the prince. I slide the bangles on my wrists and then go out to the TV area to test my iPod. Now it’s time to send Adam a text: Please come upstairs and read the note taped to the wall. xo

  I press send and when I hear him in the bedroom, I quickly run out to finish setting up the room.

  I light the candles and pour two glasses of wine. With the lights dim, I’ve created a room fit for a prince. The cushions, bowl of fruit, wine, and candles transform the room and so will I when I appear to dance for him! I am excited and nervous.

  He must be changing into the black satin pants. I can’t wait to see how sexy he looks in them with his chest bare. It’s not long before I catch a glimpse of Adam as he walks by. He looks absolutely delicious. He looks around the room before he sits on the chaise part of the sofa. I hear him clap three times. He’s a natural, even knowing to clap three times. As the music begins with a Middle Eastern flare and a nice drum beat, I take a deep breath and slowly walk out before Adam. My hips sway as I walk keeping in time to the beat of the drums; the bells around my hips jingle as I do.

  I watch a very happy smile cross his full lips as I show myself to him. I stand and bow low from my waist down so that the tip of my ponytail touches his feet that are resting on the sofa. When I rise up, I see his lengthy hard cock now proudly standing under the black satin pants. It can’t be hidden and he’s not trying to hide it either. He nods his head, encouraging me to dance my ass off and so I begin. As I move my hips, I smile and wink at him. I raise my hands above my head and move around the room in front of him. I outstretch my arms to entice him, touching his feet a few times as my hips sway to the beat. Teasing him, I wave my extended fingers in his face, beckoning him to me. He doesn’t need much enticing as his eyes haven’t left me once. I turn and bend backwards waving my hands and moving my hips in the sensual belly dance moves I’ve learned. Ching, Ching, Ching, my hips speak to my Master.

  I move around and spin, exposing my legs now, my hips still swaying, my belly moving up and down in very controlled motions. I smile and wink at him again and spin and sway my midsection around for him. He watches me intensely. The smile on his lips is gone replaced by longing in his eyes. His cock still stands proudly. He leans forward trying to get closer, but hesitates so he doesn’t interrupt me. He continues to just watch. My entire body dances for him, just for him! My arms and hips sway, calling out to him. I feel the music and the energy between us. Both are very intense. As the song winds down, I stand before Adam, moving my curvy hips from side to side, giving him a closer look at my dancing midriff as my arms dance in the air. As the song ends, I twirl my head and fall to the floor on my knees with my hands spread out in front of me. My head rests on my hands as I pay respect to my prince, my chosen master. I now wait for him.

  He’s clapping and I hear him stand. His voice is low and full of desire, I can tell. “That was beautiful. You were amazing and very sexy.” He helps me to my feet. I stand with my head lowered, like Gia does for the prince. He takes my hand and spins me around for a closer look. “I really like this on you. It suits you. You’re lovely. You’re perfection.” He pulls me into his arms and runs his hands over my hips and bum before he pulls me down to the sofa onto his lap. His hands roam over my breasts before he pulls my head to him so he can kiss me. My heart’s pounding, not just from the dance, but from the passion and desire I feel for him. When he finishes kissing me, he hands me one of the glasses of wine. We clink glasses and drink, just admiring each other.

  I whisper to him, “I’ll be right back.” He grabs my arm as I’m about to get up.

  “Kiss me first.” I lean over and kiss my handsome master passionately before he releases me. I go into the bathroom to get the warming massage oil and a small hand towel. When I come back in, I bow from the waist so that the tip of my ponytail hits the tops of his feet again. This feels so sensual.

  “May I massage you, Master?”

  He grabs my arm, causing me to lunge forward and fall right back onto his laps. He wraps his arms around me and says, “How do you want me?” His eyes pierce into mine. I feel my juices boiling.

  Oh, I have a few ideas. Instead I say, “Please stand so I can take off your pants.”

  He pushes me up and stands. I lower myself to my knees and slowly lower his pants. His cock is inches away from my face. I kiss it as he steps out of his pants. He holds my head. I look up and he looks down, his massage delayed. I know what he wants now. He does the magic tap against my lips three times. I still find that impressive. No hands! I open my mouth and he pushes his cock into it. While holding my head, he begins to move his hips, pushing his cock in and out of my mouth. I let him fuck my mouth for a while and then suck to enhance his pleasure. When I look up, he looks down
. He wraps his hand around my ponytail and uses it to move my head back and forth at his pleasure. I suck and suck harder to please him. I slide my tongue up and down his shaft numerous times and continue to suck. He likes that. After a while, he pulls me to my feet.

  “What now?” His eyes look hungry and his glistening cock is impressive.

  “Please lie down so I can massage your back.” He lies face down on the chaise. I straddle him. Oh, his bum is gorgeous. Two perfect muscular cheeks stare back at me. I open the oil and squeeze some of the warm liquid into my hands and begin to massage him. Starting at the base of his neck, I use my fingers to press and massage away his tension. I move my way down from his neck to his shoulders, where I massage deeply. He moans. Pleasing him is turning me on. I stay here for a while, enjoying the feel of his muscular and broad shoulders. Soon I move down each side of his spine, massaging slowly all the way down to the top of his bum and back up again. I do this many times, as I can hear the pleasure in his moans. I add more oil and continue massaging up and down his back and then down his arms too. His arms are solid muscle. Fuck, he’s so strong. It’s not long before I slide my body down so I can massage his gorgeous bum and down his muscular legs to his perfect feet.

  I add more oil and begin to rub his bum. I’m going to take my time here. His cheeks are firm. Each one is perfectly rounded, high and taut, perfect skin joined to perfect long legs. Holy shit, I may come just doing this. I focus on massaging the tension out of those cheeks. He moans again. I squeeze and push my fingers into his bum. Oh, I like this a lot. I slowly move down his legs, massaging the backs of his thighs, again more muscle. I won the iron man lottery with him. I continue down his calves to his feet and back up again. In one final swoop, I run both my hands and forearms all the way up his back to his neck where I started. My breasts caress his back as I do this. He seems to like that, and moans again. Using the hand towel, I rub the material up and down his back, sending a different kind of sensation through him. He seems to like that too.


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