The Perfect Proposal

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The Perfect Proposal Page 2

by M. E. Tudor

  “I would just tell her when we get home,” Mary confessed.

  Ashley sighed and sat down at her desk. “It’ll be fine. Maybe this weekend Jean will have some down time.”

  “The Judge tied up with her new law firm?” Jackie asked.

  “Yeah, she’s been taking as many cases as she can get so she can rebuild her name as a lawyer. She’s even doing some pro bono work for the ACLU,” Ashley said and leaned back in her chair.

  “I thought the American Civil Liberties Union had lawyers?” Jackie asked.

  “They do, but sometimes people come to them, and their lawyers are too busy to take the case, so they farm it out. Jean volunteered to take some cases of theirs for people who don’t have money to pay a lawyer,” Ashley said.

  “That’s a good way to establish your reputation,” Mary said.

  “She had a good reputation as a lawyer before she became a judge, but she was on the bench for over ten years,” Ashley stated. “I think she has had a hard time adjusting to being on the other side of the bench.”

  “I don’t think she’ll have any trouble,” Jackie said encouragingly. “She was a good judge and I’m sure people remember her being a good lawyer, too. I think she’ll have more work than she’ll know what to do with before she knows it.”

  “It feels like that now, but I know part of it is her wanting to be extra thorough and not leave the details to anyone else,” Ashley said.

  Mary couldn’t stop herself from grinning. “Well, she does have control issues.”

  “Funny,” Ashley snapped.

  “Maybe that’s what she needs, to have a little control,” Jackie suggested wiggling her eyebrows.

  Ashley shook her head at the two of them. “I have to get back to work.”

  “Yeah, me too,” Jackie said. She turned to Mary. “So do you have any plans for this evening?”

  “Nope, just going home and snuggling with you.”

  “Great,” Jackie said. She grabbed her two-wheeler and practically skipped out of the office.

  Ashley watched Jackie leave. After Jackie had got in the UPS truck, she turned to Mary, “What’s with her?”

  “I don’t know,” Mary admitted. “She’s been acting weird for about a week. She’s been super giddy, singing or whistling while she’s cleaning or cooking. I mean she’s done that before, just more so this week.”

  Ashley looked back at the door and watched Jackie’s UPS truck pull away from the parking lot. She wondered what she was up to and if it could be bottled and given to Jean.

  Chapter Four

  Jackie rushed back to the UPS warehouse. She parked her truck in its usual spot and headed into the office. She’d made all of her deliveries and was ready to start working on her plans for the evening.

  “So this is the big night?” Darren asked when Jackie started turning in her paperwork and downloading her information.

  “Yep,” Jackie said looking at him with a grin. “I’ve got everything mapped out and will have it set up perfectly if I can get out of here on time.”

  “You’ve already picked up the steak?” he asked.

  “No, I’ve ordered it and I’m going to pick it up on the way home. I wanted it be as fresh as possible.”

  “You are amazing,” Darren said. “It’s a good thing my wife doesn’t know about all this; you’d make me look bad.”

  “Maybe you should do something like this for her, just because,” Jackie suggested and handed him her signature pad.

  “Maybe,” Darren said thoughtfully. “Valentine’s Day is coming up.” He turned to Jackie and said, “But I am going to have to delay you just a little bit.”

  Jackie stopped signing her paperwork and looked at him. “Why?”

  “We need to talk about your loan for the ring.”

  Jackie’s heart dropped. “I didn’t get it?”

  “Come over to my office,” Darren said and began walking toward his office.

  Following him quietly, Jackie tried not to let this get her down. She’d figure out a way to get a loan to pay him back for the balance of the ring. Jackie didn’t notice that Darren’s office was dark until the lights snapped on, and all her co-workers yelled, “Surprise!”

  Jackie’s head snapped up in shock. “What the…?”

  There was a long banner on the far wall that read, “Congratulations!” Most of the men and women who worked with her here at the warehouse had come into Darren’s office.

  Jackie looked at Darren, who was grinning from ear to ear. “What’s going on?”

  He handed her an envelope filled with money. “Everyone chipped in and put together the rest of the money for the ring,” Darren said pausing for effect, “and a little extra for the honeymoon.”

  “Oh my God! Are you serious?” Jackie stared at the envelope in disbelief. She looked around at her co-workers. Everyone had always been cool with the fact that she was a lesbian, but she would never have expected anything like this. “Thank you all so much!”

  “We just wish you could get married here in Kentucky, and it be official,” Beverly Martin said. Beverly was a motherly woman who ran the office. She treated all of the drivers like they were one of her kids.

  “I wish we could, too,” Jackie said. “But, we’ll have a nice reception here and you all will be invited.” She looked down at the money. “I can’t thank you all enough.”

  “You better get going if you’re going to pull off this amazing proposal you have planned,” Darren said.

  “Tonight’s the night?” Beverly asked.

  “Yep,” Jackie said with a brilliant grin.

  “Can we come and watch?” One of the guys asked, and everyone burst out laughing.

  “Well, no,” Jackie laughed and said, “We don’t have the theater seats in yet.”

  Everyone came by and hugged Jackie, even grumpy old Ray, who she would never have believed would condone her lifestyle. After she had hugged all her co-workers and friends, she grabbed Darren in a bear hug. “Thank you again. You’re the best, Darren.”

  “Yeah, I know,” he said and clapped her on the back, “But we do want pictures of the ring on her finger.”

  “I’ll bring her by, so you all can see it on her in person.” She hugged Darren again.

  “Go on now,” he said. “Or she’ll beat you home.”

  Jackie rushed out to her truck and headed to the meat market.

  Chapter Five

  Jackie opened the door to the apartment, went inside and locked the door. She went straight to the kitchen and put her bags on the counter. She began humming to herself and started taking out the items for this evening’s dinner.

  Darren had suggested a meat market where she could get the exact cut of steak that was Mary’s favorite. She took out the fresh spices for the steak and fixings for a salad. Thankfully, she had an hour before Mary would get home.

  She fixed a marinade sauce, put the steak in it, and set it in the refrigerator. She quickly made the salad and put it in the refrigerator, too.

  Rushing into the bedroom, she dug out the lace tablecloth and long pink candles with silver candle holders she had purchased a few days ago. She’d also bought a two-piece set of fine china for the occasion. Mary was going to be surprised.

  Jackie went back to the kitchen and cleared off the table. She pulled the table out into the open and decorated it with the table cloth, candles, and China.

  Checking her watch, she realized she only had a half an hour before Mary would be coming in the door. After seasoning the steak a little more, she placed it in the oven. She decided to let it bake while she took a shower.

  With the steaks cooking, she rushed into the bedroom, stripping as she walked. She threw her dirty clothes in the hamper and hopped into the shower. She whistled as she washed herself thoroughly, shaved and trimmed all the important places.

  After the shower, she sprayed herself with Mary's favorite cologne for her. Jackie grinned, knowing it made Mary hot when she wore it. She dressed in the
black slacks and shoes with slight heels she has been hiding from Mary for weeks. Looking pensively at the blouses in her closet, she settled on the white one and put her black suede vest over it.

  Her hair was past due for a cut, but she brushed it out and let it lay on her shoulders. Mary liked her to wear it a little long, even though Jackie liked it a little shorter than it was now. She strategically placed the heart locket Mary had given her for their ten-month anniversary over her heart and made sure her shirt was unbuttoned enough for Mary to see it and the swell of her breasts.

  The smell of delicious meat wafted throughout the apartment. Jackie took the salad out of the refrigerator. She put the salad on the table and went back for the champagne and roses she had put in the refrigerator when she’d come home at lunch.

  After putting crystal flutes on the table, Jackie set the champagne on the table in a white ceramic bowl filled with ice so it would stay cool. She placed the red roses carefully in a vase and put it on the table, but not exactly between the place settings. She didn’t want anything to block her view of Mary.

  With the table was done, she went back to the kitchen and turned the steaks. By the time she got the ring from the bedroom, the steaks should be just right, and Mary should be walking through the door.

  Suddenly, Jackie felt nervous. She went to the bedroom and dug into an old coat where she had hidden the ring. She opened the velvet box and looked at the engagement ring again, praying Mary would love it. Then she closed her eyes prayed she would say yes.

  The door locks started clicking just as Jackie rushed back into the kitchen.

  Chapter Six

  The delicious smell of steak met Mary as she opened the front door. “Oh my God, that smells good,” she said and shut the door behind her. She turned and hung up her coat on the coat rack next to the door. When she turned back, she saw Jackie standing next to a beautifully laid out table.

  “Wow!” Mary said, her hand going to her chest. “What’s all this?”

  “I wanted to do something special for our anniversary,” Jackie said.

  “This is amazing,” Mary said as she walked toward the table. Her eyes were filled with love as she looked at Jackie. “This is amazing. You are amazing.” She leaned up and kissed Jackie on the lips.

  Jackie kissed her back gently and smiled. “No, you are amazing and I’m so thankful we found each other.”

  “Me too,” Mary agreed.

  She stepped back and looked Jackie over. “I’ve never seen you this dressed up. I feel underdressed.”

  Jackie let her eyes rake over Mary’s teal dress before she gazed into her lover’s eyes. “You look beautiful every day. I just wanted to dress up a little for you.”

  “Well, you look fantastic.”

  “Thank you, Baby,” Jackie said. She pulled out Mary’s chair. “Please sit. The steak should be the perfect temperature so let’s eat.”

  “The perfect temperature, huh,” Mary said. “You’ve been watching the Food Network.”

  “A little,” Jackie admitted. “But, the guy at the meat market was the one who gave me the tips on how to make medium rare, just the way you like it.”

  Mary sat down and let Jackie push her chair forward. Jackie put salad on the side of Mary’s plate and set the ranch dressing within reach for her. She fixed her plate and then popped the champagne open. After pouring them each a glass, she lifted hers to Mary's, "To many more anniversaries.”

  Lifting her glass, Mary said, “Yes, to many more anniversaries.”

  They sipped their drinks and then started on their meals. Mary picked up her knife and fork and cut off a piece of steak. Jackie watched the dripping meat disappear into Mary’s beautiful mouth and waited for the verdict.

  Mary chewed slowly and after swallowing the piece said, “Oh, my, God! That is exactly the way I like it. We may never go to a steakhouse again.”

  Jackie beamed. “I’m glad you like it. I was hoping it would be perfect.”

  “It is delicious, thank you,” Mary said and reached across the table and squeezed Jackie’s hand.

  As they ate, Mary talked about her day. Jackie listened attentively, but she was getting more nervous by the minute. By the time they finished their meal, she was fidgeting with her silverware and flute.

  “Are you okay?” Mary asked.

  “Yes,” Jackie said quickly. “Uhm, do you want some dessert. I got some ice cream cake.”

  Mary sat back and rubbed her stomach. “I don’t think I can eat anything else.”

  Jackie couldn’t help but be a little mischievous. She hoped it would help her nervousness. “Nothing?”

  Smiling Mary said, “Maybe later after my food settles.”

  She started to get up, but Jackie said, “Wait!”

  Mary looked over at her. “Why?”

  Jackie jumped up and poured them both some more champagne. “I just…well…I’ve got something…I’ve got something to ask you.”

  Mary’s eyebrows had shot up when Jackie started stuttering. She’d never heard this confident woman be this nervous. “What’s going on?”

  Chewing on her lip nervously, Jackie dropped to one knee in front of Mary and fished the jewelry box out of her pocket. She held it up for Mary with trembling hands and opened the box. “Mary Hanon, will you marry me?”

  Mary’s hands flew to her mouth. She hoped they might get married one day, but she would never have suspected that Jackie would go to all this extravagance to ask her. She looked into the box at the most beautiful ring she had ever seen in her life. Tears began pouring out of her eyes, and she started nodding. “Yes, yes, I will marry you.” She took the ring from the box and put it on her ring finger.

  Jackie dropped to both knees and wrapped her arms around Mary. They kissed long and deeply. Mary pulled back and took Jackie’s face in her hands. “I can’t believe you did all this to ask me to marry you. Everything was perfect and beautiful, just like you.”

  Standing, Jackie pulled Mary up with her. After hugging her tightly, Jackie kissed her on the lips. “I never thought I’d fall in love,” Jackie admitted. “I never thought I’d find you.”

  Mary squeezed her tighter. “Me, either.”

  They stood holding each other for the longest time. “Let’s take the champagne into the bedroom,” Jackie said.

  Mary nodded in agreement. She went to the table, blew the candles out, and then grabbed their glasses and the bottle of champagne.

  Jackie took her hand, and they walked to the bedroom. The stood by the bed and kissed. Mary pulled back and looked into Jackie’s eyes. “I think I may be ready for dessert after all,” she reached up and cupped Jackie’s face with her hands. She pulled her face down to hers and kissed her deeply, letting her tongue caress Jackie’s.

  Then Mary slowly removed Jackie’s vest, never letting her eyes leave Jackie’s dark brown eyes. Her breath caught as her lover’s eyes flickered with arousal.

  Jackie wanted to rip Mary’s dress off and make love to her with all the passion and love she was feeling, but Mary wouldn’t let her rush this moment. Each time Jackie brought her hands up to start taking off Mary’s dress, Mary stopped her and went back to slowly unbuttoning Jackie’s shirt. She planted kisses on her collarbone and shoulder, and she revealed Jackie’s bare chest.

  Leaning down, Mary took one of the proffered nipples in her mouth as she continued to work Jackie’s shirt off her shoulders. After pulling the shirt out of Jackie’s dress pants, she began unfastening them. Mary could hear the sharp intake of Jackie’s breath and, once again, Jackie’s hands came to her and tried to unzip the back of Mary’s dress.

  Mary captured Jackie’s hands in her hands and kissed the knuckles of each hand. She pulled Jackie’s mouth back to hers as she slid her hand into Jackie’s slacks. Mary’s hand moved inside the black bikini briefs and found Jackie already hot and wet. She began stroking Jackie’s clit while still kissing Jackie deeply.

  Jackie was having a hard time standing and clutched Mary�
��s shoulders tightly as her orgasm began. Suddenly, Mary dropped to her knees, jerked Jackie’s pants down, and started sucking and licking on Jackie’s clit.

  “Oh my God,” Jackie cried, grabbed Mary’s head as she came. Collapsing back on the bed, Jackie felt like her head was exploding with the power of the orgasm.

  After catching her breath, Mary kissed her way up to Jackie’s lips and let Jackie cradle her in her arms.

  “Wow,” Jackie murmured, stroking Mary’s hair.

  Mary giggled. “Wow, huh?”

  Jackie smiled and looked down at Mary, who was looking up at Jackie with love-filled blue eyes. She reached behind Mary and unzipped her dress. Rolling Mary onto her back, she began to peel the dress down the front of Mary’s body.

  Jackie gazed at the full slip and a bra Mary wore under the dress. “You have an awful lot of clothes on,” Jackie murmured as she nibbled on Mary’s collarbone.

  “I didn’t know I was going to get proposed to,” Mary chuckled. “I would have worn something sexier and easier to get off if I had known.”

  “That’s okay,” Jackie said and moved off the bed. She pushed the skirt of Mary’s dress up and started pulling down Mary’s pantyhose. “I’ll start at the bottom and work my way up.”

  And she meant what she said. After pulling Mary’s pantyhose and panties off, she placed kisses on the arch of Mary’s right foot and then moved up to the left ankle. She went back and forth between the two legs, placing kisses higher up on each leg and pushing the dress up to Mary’s waist as she made her way north.

  She stopped briefly at the apex of Mary’s legs to place a few enticing licks before pulling Mary into an upright position so she could pull the dress and slip up over Mary’s head. She quickly unfastened and removed Mary’s bra. Now they were both naked. Pushing Mary back on the bed, Jackie kissed her on the lips and then started going back down Mary’s body with well-placed kisses until she reached the thick mound of dark hair. Here she paused to bury her face the hair and let the smell of Mary’s arousal wash over her.


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