Rise of the Young: Warriors are not made; they are forged (The Ascended Book 2)

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Rise of the Young: Warriors are not made; they are forged (The Ascended Book 2) Page 6

by Bygott, Hugo C.

  The fifth building was smaller than the rest and looked like a small miniature globe. The surface was glossy, and a strange energy emanated from the panels of the door. ‘Telepathy’ was written in stone above the archway.

  “This one I know!” said Whisper.

  “Let’s see how well you know,” replied Katar through his mind.

  The doors swung open, and the four of them entered into an open auditorium. There were hundreds of students watching in silence, their eyes fixed to the front of the class. Two students sat opposite one another, each one at the end of a long glass table. The professor, with his fingers holding his chin, stood behind the table in silence.

  “What are they doing?” whispered Eclipse.

  “This,” said Katar. “Communication through the mind alone.”

  The two students had their eyes closed and seemed to be in deep concentration.

  Kry tried to get a better look. “They’re talking to one another? Why is it so intense?”

  “Not only talking,” said Katar. “They’re fighting.”

  “I don’t understand,” said Kry.

  “Think of it as if it were a game of chess. They are using their minds to fight one another. The one with the strongest willpower will be the victor. This is part of the mental training required to be a great User,” said Katar.

  “So what’s actually happening inside their minds?” asked Eclipse.

  “A battle like any other,” said Katar. “A dream world where they fight with their willpower and strength of character. I think you’ll enjoy this class.”

  Whisper watched intently. “I will master this.”

  “Many before you have said the same,” said Katar.

  Kry had seen so much already, and it was incredible the power that Users could wield, but at the same time, everything was dangerous. Would it be possible to die in the dream world where mind and body are one? This was one of the questions racing through his mind as he walked with the others back out of the building. The light was fading, and he was becoming tired. He hoped he could have another good sleep.

  Katar clapped his hands. “Kry, don’t delay. We’re waiting for you.”

  The others had gone ahead. He joined them as Katar led them to the entrance of the sixth building. The building was ancient and worn with two stories. Stone shaped scrolls stood at the entrance, and the words ‘Library of Records’ were written on the archway above the large marble doors.

  “This is perhaps our most treasured building. Everything you need to know about being a User, the history we shared, and the truth of the past can be found here,” said Katar. “We have students who spend hours in here studying, learning everything they need, and devouring every book. These are some of our best students.”

  He pushed the worn doors open, and they entered into a very ancient-looking room filled with shelves of books reaching as far as the ceiling. Circular tables with books scattered on top were everywhere. On both sides of the room, there were many glass tubes with a computer and a desk inside which looked to be private study booths. A large golden chandelier dazzled light from above. At the far end of the room, a middle-aged man with glasses was flicking through a catalog of books. Katar brought them over to him.

  “This is Bronson, our librarian,” said Katar.

  Bronson stopped his work and smiled as he saw them. He bowed and leaned forward to kiss Eclipse’s hand. “Pleasure, my lady.”

  Eclipse quickly pulled her hand back.

  Bronson looked up in surprise and saw her glaring at him. “Forgive me. I meant no—”

  Eclipse maintained her cold stare. Kry tried to defuse the situation and leaned in to shake his hand. “Kry Ensis. Nice to meet you.”

  Bronson seemed thankful for the intervention. “And you. It’s good to meet new faces.” He turned to Whisper and offered his hand. “Hello there, you must be one of the youngest here.”

  Whisper straightened his back and shook Bronson’s hand. “I may be the youngest, but I’ll be the strongest!”

  Bronson chuckled. “Fiery one, confident. I like it.”

  Katar looked around the library. “How has everything been today, Bronson?”

  “Slow day. It seems that our students don’t like reading much anymore.”

  Kry could see why. There was no excitement or energy here.

  “She’s here again,” said Katar.

  “Every day. Professor Manjra let her leave class early so she could read more on barrier development,” said Bronson.

  “She needs to take a break from reading,” said Katar.

  “Can’t stop her. She loves this place more than the others. Prefers the quiet it brings. Truth be told, I’m glad she’s here. Makes me less lonely,” said Bronson.

  Kry saw a young woman reading alone surrounded by a stack of books, more than she could handle in one day. The light from the chandelier reflected off her hair like a ray of sunlight. Her hair was dark and her skin olive; she reminded him so much of Rhea. He looked away.

  Eclipse noticed his discomfort. “I think we should get going.”

  Katar looked at the library clock. “You’re right. The sun will soon set. Bronson, until the ceremony.”

  Bronson seemed sad they were leaving so soon. “Nice to meet you all,” he said, before turning back to his work.

  They left the library and followed Katar to the seventh path.

  “Here is where most of the physical training takes place,” said Katar.

  Before them stood a bronze-colored building surrounded by a ring of swords. Each sword pointed upward in perfect alignment with the sword next to it. On the roof, stood an enormous statue of a warrior with his sword pointing downward. The words ‘Warriors are not made; they are forged’ had been carved into a great bronze shield next to the statue’s sword. Eclipse was silent in contemplation as she read the inscription over and over.

  “Ah yes, I think you’ll enjoy these classes the most,” said Katar.

  It was a dojo. Students could be heard fighting, their swords clashing against each other. The sound of battle thrilled Eclipse and brought nostalgia to her as she remembered her training not long ago.

  “Please take your shoes off as we enter,” said Katar. “It’s custom.”

  Eclipse did not need any explanation and quickly pulled off her boots. Kry and Whisper did the same.

  They entered into the dojo where the floor was covered with tatami mats and found many students training in different styles. Hand-to-hand combat, weapons training, endurance training, and many others were being practiced. Eclipse was impressed with the range of equipment. She was no stranger to this environment.

  “You may be strong in mind, but the physical is also important,” said Katar. “Strength, speed, agility, these are some of the things you will need to develop.” He looked at Eclipse. “Some of you less than others.”

  Kry was amazed as he saw a student fire an arrow to perfection into the center of a plastic dummy. Nearby, another student punched a bag at high velocity without tiring. Everywhere Users were training their bodies.

  Eclipse walked toward the weapons training area and watched students slicing dummies with their sharp weapons. One female student, holding a sharp sword, noticed Eclipse’s interest in their training. She suddenly cartwheeled toward Eclipse, pointing her sword at her face.

  Kry looked on in stunned silence. Eclipse was unfazed and did not flinch. There was a commotion of students as they saw the display. Katar said nothing but acknowledged the student.

  “Sharp blade,” said Eclipse.

  The female student clicked her fingers. Other female students soon formed a circle around Eclipse. Kry and Whisper ran into the circle, pushing people aside to see what was happening.

  “But you hold your weapon like a girl,” said Eclipse.

  The female student smiled, lifted her sword and…

  “That’s enough, Svana.” A tall woman appeared and pushed the students back.

  Svana lowered her weapon
. “You’re lucky this time.” She forced her way through the students and left.

  “What the hell happened there?” asked Kry, turning to Eclipse.

  “Someone who knows competition,” she replied.

  “Competition? This is crazy,” said Kry.

  “Is it? Is it crazy?” said Katar, who appeared behind them.

  Kry turned to him in disbelief. A fight almost broke out, and Katar had no desire to stop it.

  “Svana, that young woman with the sword, knows a new face means new competition. Svana is one of our fiercest Users who excels with a sword. She was asserting her dominance and telling the newcomer who the top dog is. It’s up to Eclipse on how she wants to react. As I said, you’ll be tested here. New students will be targeted, and only you can fight for yourself,” said Katar.

  Kry was speechless. This was a true world of the survival of the fittest. Only the strong survive. Pure Darwinism. What was Rush thinking? He looked at Eclipse whose expression was like stone.

  She turned to him. “Don’t worry. This is nothing new to me. In fact, I relish it.”

  “You’ll knock her down easy,” said Whisper. “I know it!”

  Kry felt the odd one out now as Whisper and Eclipse both seemed overjoyed by the prospect of fighting and proving themselves. Maybe he was the wrong one. They needed to become stronger, and perhaps this was the only way. He sighed and left the dojo where the sounds of steel against steel could still be heard.

  “So, now we return to the final path,” said Katar. “My favorite path.”

  Katar walked ahead, brought them back to the courtyard and followed the fourth path which they had passed by earlier.

  “The final path is where everything you have learned in the other paths will be put to the test. It’s the greatest training you’ll undertake as it requires you to survive in extreme circumstances,” said Katar.

  The fourth path was longer than the others. In the distance, they could see a dark gray spherical building at the end. It looked like a modern day coliseum.

  “We call this the Chamber.” Katar stopped in front of the stone steps which led up toward two giant-sized iron gates.

  Kry could not comprehend the sheer size of the building. It was overwhelming.

  “Inside the Chamber is the Cube,” said Katar.

  “The Cube?” Kry recalled Yujin’s discussion of the Cube, but Yujin had been strangely mysterious about what it was. Whatever it was, it was inside this great coliseum which almost seemed to touch the clouds.

  “The Cube is where normal Users are turned into great Users. Sometimes, even legendary. There is no place better to test how far you have come as a User than the Cube,” said Katar.

  Whisper was in awe as he looked toward the gates which appeared ten meters wide. Engraved on the surface of each gate was an image—one, a sword, the other, a hammer.

  “Be sharp as a sword, or as strong as a hammer. Each path is different, a means to an end, but sometimes the choice matters in victory,” said Katar.

  ‘Only the strong survive’ were the words carved above the entrance. Just as Kry had expected: survival of the fittest.

  “Alas, we cannot enter today,” said Katar.

  Whisper leaned his head back in disappointment. Eclipse also appeared disappointed that they were not able to enter. She was eager to see inside and meet the challenges within.

  “I’m sorry. I would love to show you inside, but it’s currently under preparation for a big night. You three have come just in time for the opening ceremony of the Cube. Every term, we hold a special event for students to prove which student is the best. There will be celebrations, cheering, good food, and most importantly, the Cube itself,” said Katar.

  “The Cube…” Eclipse said to herself.

  Kry could feel her need to compete.

  “You’ve already met the man that runs the Cube,” said Katar.

  “You mean Yujin?” asked Eclipse.

  Katar nodded. “Yes, Yujin is a very capable individual. Do not take his warm and humorous nature to be constant, because he is a passionate man with a great fire that only a few Users can ever reach.”

  Kry understood. When Yujin pulled him out of the limousine, he saw the change in his eyes. Kry never wanted to get on his bad side.

  “Yujin was a former champion of the Cube many years ago. He knows the Cube as if it were his own child,” said Katar.

  “He was a champion of the Cube?” said Whisper. “He’s strong. I’ll be like him!”

  “A powerful man, one of the greatest. He and his battle brothers and sisters were some of the greatest Users I’ve ever seen inside the Cube.” He looked each of them in the eyes. “You’ll be tested individually, but also as a group. Yujin and Rush were as thick as thieves, both as mischievous as the other, but inside, they were a force to be reckoned with. I’ve yet to see such a strength of bond since…” Katar’s words softened at the end as if he were thinking of some distant memory, long buried deeply in time.

  “Since?” asked Eclipse.

  “Never mind,” replied Katar.

  “You knew Rush well?” asked Kry.

  Katar sighed. “Too well. It’s a surprise that the Shadow Government hasn’t locked me up for my relationship with him. You three are here because of him. Yujin, Rush, and I are the only ones who know you’re here. It will stay that way unless the Shadow Government finds out, and then all our lives are forfeit.”

  Kry was still uncertain whether he could trust Katar. He lived by a different philosophy, and his unwillingness to step into the fray when students’ lives were at risk was something that cast doubt on his character, but Rush had brought them here for a reason, so he had to trust that decision.

  “The sun has set. I must take you to your accommodation and get you settled for the next few days,” said Katar.

  Katar took them back down the path and into the courtyard of the seven paths. They walked a bit further and returned to the courtyard with the red-bricked central tower. Katar continued past the tower and took a turn into another part of the campus where they had yet to visit. They made their way through several archways before they entered a row of buildings.

  “You’ll be stationed here in Section One,” said Katar, pointing to Eclipse. He gave her a key. “Room 445. Everything is ready for you in your room. Yujin has already brought your bags from the limousine.”

  “We’re to be separated?” asked Kry. “I think we should stick together.”

  “Men and women are separated for a reason,” said Katar, looking at Kry seriously. “You know to what I refer.”

  Kry glanced at Eclipse.

  “It’s fine. I can look after myself. I’m more worried about you two.” Eclipse turned and went through the building entrance and disappeared.

  “Good. You two will be in Section Three, not too far from here. Don’t worry. You’re all safe here,” assured Katar.

  After everything he had seen, Kry was unsure about that.

  A short walk and they reached another set of buildings connected to a separate archway.

  “Section Three, rooms 232 and 233,” said Katar, passing two keys to them. “Yujin has settled everything.”

  Katar was about to leave but turned back. “I almost forgot. There are many buildings on this campus, and it can be easy to get lost, but you’ll get used to it soon enough. There is a gym, recreational facilities, and a cafeteria. Everything you need is right here. Tomorrow, Yujin will come and pick you up from your rooms to show you where you need to be for your first classes. You and Eclipse will be separated and will train separately, but in between classes you can catch up.”

  “Hold on,” interjected Kry. “We’re not training together?”

  “Rush wanted it this way,” said Katar.

  “It doesn’t make sense. Why?” asked Kry.

  “She can handle herself, Kry. We can do this,” said Whisper.

  “You’ll only be separated from the initial training, but in the Cube, you’ll be able
to rejoin as a group if you wish it. Now, it’s late, and I must go. You’ll find a warm meal inside your room. I must return and attend to mine. I’m famished.” Katar disappeared into the night leaving Whisper and Kry alone outside the Section Three building.

  Kry was not worried about Eclipse not handling herself. He knew she could, but he wanted to keep the group together. Now things had changed, she would train alone, and he and Whisper were to find training elsewhere. This was the first night of being here, and nothing was certain.

  “Come on,” said Whisper. “I’m hungry.” He went inside eager to find his room.

  Kry waited a moment. So much had happened. How did he get to this point? He thought about Rhea, Michael, and Sarah. His heart ached for them all. Were Michael and Sarah even alive? He could not imagine what Bellum’s plans were for them. He had to trust that Rush was able to help them while they trained here.

  He was about to go inside when from the far distance he could see rays of light shooting into the sky. It was dark, but he could still make out the huge building piercing the sky. Inside was the Cube.

  Chapter 3 – Bellum’s Wrath

  She was fuming. Her anger was a raging river ready to burst its banks. They almost destroyed everything! Dominus and Geminae had come into her domain and tried to take her glory. But they failed, and now everything was in chaos.

  Botulinia walked up and down her marble-floored office, her purple dress gliding behind her as if she were hovering. She stopped and looked out her office window. In the distance, she could see the gates to her compound. A swarm of paparazzi was outside, eager for information of the break-in and the several deaths that occurred on Bellum property.

  She walked back and swiped a coffee mug off her desk. It smashed as it hit the floor. Everything would be swept under the rug, the deaths forgotten, and she would continue as planned. It would be a slight delay, but nothing would stop what was coming. What was Geminae thinking? That dumb dog, Dominus, got himself killed, and Geminae had disappeared without a trace. The Shadow Government and her boss were not happy once they had found out what had happened. She had almost lost her life relaying the message to Viktor. Because of this, they now all had to meet. Meet! Not in ten years had the Blades come together for a meeting. She did not like this idea. It was never a good idea to bring the Blades together. The competition among them was fierce, and it was all to receive recognition and glory from the Shadow Government. Now, they were to come together as per Viktor’s request. It was going to be a deadly meeting.


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