Rise of the Young: Warriors are not made; they are forged (The Ascended Book 2)

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Rise of the Young: Warriors are not made; they are forged (The Ascended Book 2) Page 10

by Bygott, Hugo C.

  All the students were standing at the center of the hall. Whisper and Thrace were at the back and indicated for him to join them. The professor wore the same blue cap and jeans as yesterday. He did not look happy to see Kry.

  “I’m glad the last students have finally joined us,” said the professor.

  Kry got in line with the other students. As he did so, he saw members of the New Order, especially Sonus, who glared at him as he joined the class.

  “Today, we have two new recruits. First, allow me to introduce myself to you. My name is Professor Manjra, and I teach barrier training and development. Now, Kry and Whisper, please come to the front.”

  Kry and Whisper went to the head of the class, standing before the other students. Members of the New Order sneered as they stood there.

  “Kry, please start by showing the group your barrier. I’d like to see how much training you’ll need,” said Manjra.

  Kry ignored the sneering. Just like in Bellum, he searched deep within himself and found the point of concentration he needed. A glimmering barrier soon formed around him.

  Manjra walked around him and touched the barrier with his fingers, the surface rippling as he did. “Not bad for a first start, but your barrier is thin. It wouldn’t last long. You’d be ripped apart by the lasers in this room before you knew it.”

  Sonus and his faction laughed, but Kry continued to ignore them.

  “Next, Whisper, I want you to try,” said Manjra.

  “But, I don’t know how,” said Whisper. “I’ve never done it before.”

  “It doesn’t matter,” said Manjra. “All Users can develop a barrier. It comes from within. It’s a natural feeling. Just try.”

  Whisper looked uncertain, but he was not going to give up. He closed his eyes and tried to focus. After several minutes, nothing happened.

  “He’s pathetic,” said Sonus. “He can’t even form a simple barrier! He should rethink his place here.”

  Whisper turned red in the face and lowered his eyes.

  “Shut up, Sonus,” said Manjra.

  Sonus became quiet but continued to smile. Kry glared at them before coming up to Whisper. “Focus,” said Kry. “Ignore them. Remember what you said? We’re going to be the strongest, right?”

  Whisper looked him in the eyes. “Yes!”

  “It comes from inside. Dig deep and imagine forming the barrier around you. Allow the energy within you to fill every part of your body,” said Kry.

  Whisper took a deep breath and held his concentration.

  Manjra watched as he walked around them.

  Whisper could feel his skin becoming warm, the energy trickling through his body.

  “You can do it,” encouraged Kry.

  More and more energy began to flow through Whisper as his dark green eyes became brighter. Then it happened. A faint barrier formed around Whisper, the glow a dark green the same as his eyes.

  “Interesting, indeed,” said Manjra.

  Whisper looked up at Manjra with apprehension.

  “A barrier which glows the same as your eyes is one that is made of the purest energy and can absorb attacks more efficiently. With practice, you’ll be able to master and strengthen your barrier to even new levels of power. It’s a rare gift for a User, and one which others should be wary of,” said Manjra.

  Sonus was no longer smiling. His eyes were now envious.

  “Nice job!” said Kry.

  “OK. Kry, Whisper, please return to the others,” said Manjra.

  Kry and Whisper rejoined Thrace at the back of the class.

  “Not bad, from either of you,” said Thrace.

  “This is only just the beginning,” said Kry. He was so proud of Whisper for forming his barrier and showing his strength to the others. As for himself, he purposely held back his power, only forming the weakest barrier he could form. When the time came, he would show the power he knew he had.

  “We’ll have a brief introduction to barrier training. I’d like a volunteer to come up and explain to our new students what our barriers mean,” said Manjra.

  Sonus raised his hand. “Professor, allow me.”

  Kry knew he was trying to show off.

  Manjra agreed. “Come forward, Sonus.”

  Sonus rolled his shoulders as he came to the front, his faction cheering him on.

  “Quiet,” insisted Manjra.

  The New Order students became silent.

  “Sonus, please form your barrier,” said Manjra.

  Instantly, a shimmering red barrier formed around Sonus. It sparked as tiny red particles bounced off it.

  “Sonus has always been one of the most impressive students with his superior barrier development,” said Manjra.

  Sonus looked pleased with himself.

  “His barrier is also one which is not often seen among Users. It is a dark matter barrier capable of deflecting powerful blasts of energy. The color of your barrier also represents a part of you, your personality. As we can see, Sonus’s fiery personality is matched with how his barrier sparks with the air.” Manjra walked to the side of Sonus. “Next stage.”

  Sonus smiled and puffed his chest out. His barrier expanded to double the size.

  “Barrier expansion is a disciplined art. The more focus you have, the more you’re in control of the energy inside of you. If your mind is strong, you can expand your barrier to increase its strength,” said Manjra.

  “Show off,” said Thrace under his breath.

  Kry watched Sonus’s barrier formation, studying it, trying to understand the energy being used. He had watched Rush back at Tower Bridge, learning his tricks just by watching him. If he watched Sonus, he could try and do as he did.

  “The stronger your mind is, the greater your barrier will be against anything trying to penetrate through,” said Manjra. “Thank you, Sonus. That will be enough.”

  Sonus lowered his barrier and returned to his place. The New Order students were smiling proudly.

  “Now, there’s another stage which I’d like to show you,” said Manjra.

  This time all the students seemed confused.

  Thrace was surprised. “Manjra has never shown another stage before.”

  Kry was just as curious.

  “Abel, I’d like you to come forth,” said Manjra.

  The students began to chatter.

  Thrace’s eyes lit up. “This is going to be good!”

  “Abel,” repeated Manjra. “Come forward.”

  Abel had yet to show himself from the group of students.

  “Why doesn’t he show himself?” asked Whisper.

  It seemed to Kry that Abel wanted to remain incognito. The students parted and revealed Abel standing in the middle. Abel always looked serious. Kry wondered if he ever smiled.

  Abel walked to the front of the class reluctantly.

  “I want you to show the others your barrier,” said Manjra.

  Murmurs from the students continued. Sonus and his men looked like they wanted to kill someone, now that the spotlight had been taken away from them.

  Abel thrust his hands forward, and a shimmering dark barrier formed around him. He then flipped his hands over, and a second barrier formed around him.

  Many students had their mouths open in amazement.

  “This is known as the evolution of barrier development,” said Manjra. “The majority of Users can only ever develop one barrier, but there are a select few who can harness their energy to the next level to create a second barrier around them.”

  “Damn, he’s good,” said Thrace.

  Whisper nodded his head furiously in agreement. On the other hand, Kry had analyzed Abel’s hand movements and positioning. Something clicked inside of him as if he also knew how to do it.

  “Abel is one of the few Users in this university who can produce such a feat,” said Manjra. “It requires you to find a place inside of you where you have an emotional attachment, a memory, a person, something or someone who you have to protect. The stronger th
at attachment, the stronger that emotion, the greater your barrier becomes.”

  A female student raised her hand.

  “Yes, Athena,” said Manjra.

  Kry turned to her. He did not even notice that she was here.

  “Barriers can be used both offensively and defensively,” said Athena.

  “Yes, that’s right,” said Manjra.

  “Looking at today’s display, Sonus’s barrier looked more offensive and Abel’s more defensive,” said Athena. “But, it seems Abel’s two-level barrier may not be as strong as Sonus’s single barrier.”

  Manjra smiled. “You go to the library too much. You’re correct. With a trained eye, you can see how Users develop their barriers, either for offense or defense. The differences can be small, but as some of you know, your thoughts are your most powerful weapon. Sonus’s barrier is developed with dark matter that he has mastered. This is one of the strongest barriers there is, except for the barriers of stage two and three of dark matter.”

  Sonus now looked happy with himself, knowing that his barrier was stronger despite the single layer.

  “However, Abel’s barrier, although weaker per layer, is much more durable in withstanding attacks. This is because it takes several strikes to get past each layer, but if one layer falls, he can reform the barrier around him again if his focus is there. For an offensive barrier such as Sonus’s, he can use the energy in his barrier to attack, but he may be more susceptible to a counterattack. Having said that, if his attack hits, it hits hard,” said Manjra.

  “So who is stronger?” asked Athena.

  Students began to gossip at the question.

  “Only the Cube can answer that,” said Manjra.

  Kry could see Sonus and the New Order students watching Abel. They had wanted him to join their group, but he had refused. Abel would need to watch his back, but he was certainly more than capable.

  “Abel, you may return,” said Manjra.

  Sonus tried to block Abel, but Abel just pushed passed him.

  “We’ve seen many barriers this morning, each one with unique characteristics. If you wish to be the best, you’ll need to work hard. Sonus and Abel have powerful barriers, but there’s still much more,” said Manjra.

  Kry wondered how much more. He had seen so much already which he had to learn.

  “Some of the most legendary Users alive are even able to create five layers,” said Manjra.

  The students became excited. Even Sonus wanted to know more, eager to become stronger.

  Athena raised her hand again.

  “Yes, Athena. What is it?” asked Manjra.

  “From the books I’ve read, only the members of the Shadow Government have ever been able to produce five layers,” said Athena.

  Manjra paused before speaking. “Again, you’re correct.”

  The excitement died down when the students began to realize they would never be able to get to that level.

  “The members of the Shadow Government are the only ones who can achieve such power, but there have been rumors of some Users outside the Shadow Government who may have reached that level,” said Manjra.

  “Who?” Athena was unconvinced.

  “A tale long forgotten,” said Manjra. “And one which could get me into trouble.”

  Kry noticed Athena writing something inside a small notebook. He also wondered why Manjra did not want to say anymore. What long forgotten tale was there that would get him into trouble? Perhaps Rush might know if he ever could get in contact with him.

  “Let’s move on,” said Manjra. “Now, it’s time for actual practice.”

  Sonus and his faction seemed to be the most excited for this. Kry guessed it was going to be similar to what he saw before when he visited with President Katar. He had to be wary of Sonus more than any other student.

  “Get into groups of five and warm up for level one. Kry and Whisper, you both are new, so don’t overdo it and be careful. The first stages will smooth you into it, but the latter stages will be grueling,” said Manjra. “You’ll be tested on the strength of your barriers and the teamwork you have with your group.”

  Groups began to form with the most obvious one being the New Order. Other factions soon gathered into their many groups. Not all the faction leaders were here, but he remembered the Russian leader, Ilya, who had already begun to direct his group of five.

  “It looks like it’s just the three of us,” said Thrace.

  “We need two more,” said Whisper.

  The groups were made up of a mixture of independent students and factions. The New Order seemed the most eager to start. Once the groups spread out, only two other students remained.

  “You two again,” said Manjra, shaking his head.

  “Nice!” said Thrace.

  Abel and Athena stood alone without a group. Kry made the first move and walked toward them. He smiled and offered his hand. “Will you join us?”

  Abel looked at Kry’s hand and then to his eyes. Abel did not shake his hand but walked past him and stood beside Whisper and Thrace, acknowledging that they had to work together. Kry guessed that was the best he would get out of him. He then turned to Athena. “I’m sorry about earlier. Will you join?”

  Athena walked past him in the same way without taking his hand. “Sure, just don’t drag me down. I want to get good marks.”

  She may have looked like Rhea, but she certainly did not act like her. Kry accepted that this group was probably the most dysfunctional of them all. It was going to be uncertain how far they would get.

  Kry was about to join his group, but a firm and callused hand gripped his shoulder from behind. He turned to see the Russian faction leader, Ilya, holding him.

  “Ensis?” said Ilya.

  Kry prepared himself to form his barrier in case Ilya tried anything sudden. “That’s right.”

  Ilya released his grip. “It is good to meet with you,” he said in his deep Russian accent.

  Kry was surprised by his amiable nature. “And you.”

  Ilya glanced over his shoulder toward Thrace. Kry could sense a deep animosity.

  “Yesterday, you did something I must say thank you,” said Ilya.

  “Yesterday?” said Kry, unsure.

  “Yes, you saved friends.” Ilya slapped his broad chest with his palm. “When the barrier failed, you made another,” said Ilya.

  Kry understood now. It was the Russian students that he had saved. “It’s nothing. I did what I did out of instinct.”

  “No! It is something important to me!” Ilya’s eyes then turned deadly. “But, you now with Thrace. He and I, not friends.”

  Kry looked over to his group, who were waiting for him. Thrace seemed anxious.

  “He told me the difficulty regarding Inessa,” said Kry.

  “No! Do not talk about Inessa! This between you and me,” said Ilya.

  Kry could see Ilya was unpredictable and tried not to anger him further.

  “You saved friends so, thank you,” said Ilya. He took Kry’s right hand and shook it with both of his. Ilya then squeezed, almost crushing it. “But, the thing is, our pride hurt. My pride hurt. Do not help us. We look after ourselves,” he said. “We enemies. You, Thrace, enemies.”

  Kry was taller than Ilya, but Ilya was stocky like a bull. Kry watched him leave with disappointment. This university made people this way. He could sense Ilya may have been different before he came here, but he may never know. It did not matter what Ilya said, though. If someone were in danger, he would do it again and save them. He would not allow anyone to die again, not after what had happened at Bellum.

  “What was that about?” asked Thrace, as Kry returned to them.

  “He’s friendly,” said Kry, sarcastically.

  Thrace seemed nervous. “He didn’t talk about Inessa, did he?”

  “No, it was between the two of us, although he did mention you and he were enemies,” said Kry.

  Thrace huffed. “Dumb gorilla.”

  Professor Manjr
a raised his hands in the air. “It’s time, everyone. Form your barriers in your groups and prepare for the first wave of blasts.”

  “Here we go!” said Thrace.

  Kry could see many tiny machines moving on the ceiling. Each one carried a small metallic arm which glowed with energy preparing to fire. They moved slowly for now.

  “Hurry up! We need to form our group barrier! Everyone else has done theirs,” said Athena. She came up to Thrace and Kry, pushing them into a circle with Whisper and Abel.

  Abel looked as if he wanted to leave. Kry could imagine he thought he was working with amateurs, but there was something about Abel he liked. He was not sure if it was his quiet demeanor or his hidden strength, but there was a story about him. Kry wanted to know what that was.

  Athena was proactive in getting them started, and all five of them held hands. “Focus,” she said.

  Kry was impressed with how she was taking control.

  One by one, each of them closed their eyes and allowed the energy to run through them. Whisper’s barrier formed first, the dark green energy expanding around him. Thrace was next. His barrier glowed a bright blue and connected with Whisper’s to form a new barrier around them. This continued as Abel, Athena, and Kry formed their barriers, each one connecting to make their group barrier stronger. The final product was a glowing golden barrier around all five of them.

  “Very good,” shouted Manjra from the far end of the hall. “That’s a powerful barrier. Let’s see how your barriers fare during the first few stages.”

  Sonus glared at them. The New Order circled Kry and his group, smiling with malicious intent. “Be careful on the battlefield,” said Sonus. “And you, Abel.”

  Abel did not even acknowledge Sonus’s presence as he focused his concentration on strengthening the barrier. Kry could feel all their energy as one. Everyone’s energy in his group was somehow connected, and each one made the barrier stronger. He felt bonded somehow to them.

  “Don’t make me fail this,” said Athena, making sure Kry knew it was him she was referring to.

  Kry just shook his head and smiled. “Relax. Don’t judge me so soon, OK?”

  Athena just sighed.

  “Stage one, activate!” shouted Manjra.

  The hall began to vibrate, and then a shockwave came rippling across the floor.


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