Rise of the Young: Warriors are not made; they are forged (The Ascended Book 2)

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Rise of the Young: Warriors are not made; they are forged (The Ascended Book 2) Page 12

by Bygott, Hugo C.

  Eclipse winced as a loud bang echoed within the tube. The machine stopped, and the glass door opened by itself. Tanner walked out with a limp; a pellet had hit him on the leg.

  “Thank you, Tanner,” said Seranay.

  Tanner held his leg and limped back to the central dojo.

  “Good student, that one,” said Seranay to herself.

  Eclipse could see the pain on Tanner’s face.

  “Now it’s your turn,” said Seranay. “Don’t worry. The pain does fade. It’s only for a brief moment.”

  Eclipse hoped that was true as this would be her first time in the machine. She rolled her shoulders and stepped inside the circular tube. The white disc hummed as she placed her feet on top.

  “The switch is on your left when you’re ready,” shouted Seranay.

  Eclipse turned to her left and saw the red switch. She had already tested her speed with the bags, but this was different. This was her whole body. She prepared herself, spreading her feet apart on the disc and leaned over to flick the switch.

  The siren sounded, and immediately a pellet came straight for her from the machine. She turned barely in time as it whizzed past her ear.

  “Close one!” shouted Seranay. “You’ll need to be faster than that, though.”

  Eclipse turned to her as she spoke.

  “Look out!” shouted Seranay.

  She should never have turned as another pellet came right at her and struck her arm. The machine stopped, and the glass door opened.

  Eclipse rubbed her arm as she came out of the machine.

  “Lack of concentration,” said Seranay.

  Eclipse was not happy. “I want to try again.”

  Seranay nodded. “Fine, once more.”

  Seranay was right. The pain did fade quickly. It was excruciating, but she could move her arm freely again as if nothing had happened. Eclipse went back inside the tube and prepared herself on the white disc. She focused her mind and flicked the switch.

  This time, she avoided the first pellet with ease. The second came, but she was ready this time and avoided it. The siren sounded, and several more pellets came. Eclipse could see them coming for her, and it was as if time slowed down as she used her focus and energy to shift her weight so as to avoid each pellet.

  “You’re faster than most new students!” shouted Seranay.

  Eclipse knew what Seranay was doing. She was trying to distract her, but it was not going to work as she pushed aside all outside interference.

  The siren sounded again as dozens of pellets were fired at her. Eclipse moved from left to right, shifting her body in all sorts of positions as she moved to avoid the pellets. She could hardly see her hands in front of her as they blurred with her entire body with the amount of speed she was producing. She was tiring, but she could push further. Once more the siren came, and thousands of pellets were shot from the machine. Eclipse did her best to avoid them, but it was too many, and finally she was struck in the stomach by several as she was pushed off the white disc.

  She held her stomach and almost wanted to vomit from the pain. The machine died down, and the glass door reopened.

  Seranay came to her and held her up. “You took a beating in that last part.”

  Eclipse was unable to speak, the pain crippling her.

  “You pushed yourself too far. Although, there is great potential in you,” said Seranay.

  They left the room and returned to the main dojo. Students everywhere were still practicing.

  “Come, next is strength,” said Seranay, leading her to another part of the dojo.

  Eclipse followed Seranay, and the pain she felt soon faded to her relief. She would think twice about going back into that machine again, but she was satisfied with her performance. It would take time to reach the level where she could beat the machine, but she knew she could do it, eventually.

  They had come to an area filled with weights. She recognized Kayne who had intervened in the cafeteria earlier. He was slamming his mighty fists down as he tore apart a steel plating. He then proceeded to juggle a pair of large weights with ease.

  “Kayne,” said Seranay. “Please show Eclipse how to break through those plates.”

  Kayne turned to them and looked Eclipse in the eyes. “I remember you. You had the run in with Svana earlier.”

  Eclipse showed no emotion. “That’s right. I didn’t need you to intervene.”

  Kayne laughed and then turned to where several steel plates were attached to steel girders in alignment. He proceeded to crack through each plate, leaving only small pieces in his wake. “You try,” he said, as he placed new steel plates onto the girding.

  Eclipse could see that each plate had a different thickness. The first was only a thin layer. She stood in front of the fist plate and pulled her arm back, striking it as hard as she could. To her surprise, the plate was unbroken, and neither was there a mark.

  Kayne bellowed with laughter. “Strength is not your strength.”

  She ignored him. She hated the ego of men sometimes. Again, she struck the plate, and it was harder than she expected as it remained intact after her second blow. She increased her speed, striking the plate faster and faster. She was moving at a blur, but the plate was unbreakable.

  “Eclipse, speed will not work here,” said Seranay. “Here you are to master your strength. No matter how fast you go, you’ll not break through that plate. It requires a different control.”

  Kayne held Eclipse back. “Stop.”

  She calmed herself down and lowered her fists. What was she doing wrong?

  “I can see your speed. It’s good,” said Kayne. “But to break these plates, you need to focus all your energy into one point. Direct your energy through your arms and into your fists. Let it all in and then release. This will give the greatest impact.”

  He was the half-brother of the champion of the Cube, and Eclipse could sense his sincerity. She was thankful for that. She listened to him and did as he said. First, she took a deep breath and allowed the energy to flow through her. She could feel it all over her. This time, she would need to direct it into one point. Unlike speed, strength required a different technique.

  The energy all came at once as it burst through her fist and into the plate as she struck it with all her might. It broke in two on impact. Eclipse turned to Kayne and bowed. “Thank you,” she said and moved onto the next one.

  “As you move up, they will get harder,” said Kayne.

  She knew, but she had to break them; otherwise, she would be unsatisfied. If her mother and the Master were watching from above, they would want her to show her full potential.

  Eclipse struck the second plate as she had done with the first. A faint crack appeared down the middle, but it was not enough to destroy it in one blow.

  “It takes time and control of one’s energy to be able to break each of these plates with one blow,” said Kayne.

  She struck it again, this time, the second plate crumbling in two. Students all around were practicing, but as with the speed training she closed all outside noise and focused on the task at hand. The third plate was like a slab of stone as she touched it with her finger, the cold surface giving her a slight tingle.

  “Eclipse, you don’t need to try and break them all. Two is already above average for new students,” said Seranay.

  No. It was not enough. Not for her. She knew how strong the Blades were, and she had to be stronger in order to protect Kry.

  Eclipse gathered her energy and struck the third plate. A resonating sound was heard as her fist bounced off. She said nothing and struck it once more.

  Kayne turned to Seranay concerned, but she indicated with her hands to allow her to finish.

  Eclipse struck again, and again, and again until the plate broke in two. It took her five strikes. She was not satisfied with her performance.

  “Don’t be upset that you couldn’t break it in one clean blow,” said Kayne. “With practice and patience, I know you will.” He went and c
leaned up the area, removing the broken plates away.

  Eclipse looked at her fists. They were her weapons, and her body was shaking.

  “Eclipse, you have a strong spirit. Many would have given up, but you persisted,” said Seranay. “Let us continue. We still have two other areas to visit.” She walked ahead indicating for her to follow.

  Eclipse slowly inhaled and exhaled. After she had calmed herself, she followed Seranay. Kayne was already breaking new plates, and she could not help but feel a tinge of jealousy as he smashed through each one. He had helped her, though, and for that much she was grateful.

  The next area was a wide open space where students engaged in hand-to-hand combat. Students were practicing several styles, but she recognized them all. Her mother had trained in every style, traveled the world and had mastered each one. Akira was among the students training on blue mats with deep concentration. Eclipse also noticed the leader of the Japanese faction, Yuri, was here. She could sense that Akira was uncomfortable as he performed his exercises. He kept glancing over toward Yuri and the man next to her, Ren, her right hand.

  “Here, we train in hand-to-hand combat. I heard that you’re already proficient in this regard, but there is always new things to learn,” said Seranay.

  Eclipse studied the students’ eye coordination, their pacing, and the way they placed their feet. She was not impressed. There were some moments where the students shined, but all in all, she had received far greater training from her mother.

  Seranay raised her hand. “Our first sparring session will begin now.”

  The students straightened their backs and their faces showed eagerness for the chance to fight. Eclipse still noticed Akira keeping his eyes on Ren. The students who trained in this area moved to make a circle on the blue-matted floor. Seranay entered the circle.

  “Two volunteers to spar,” said Seranay.

  Immediately, several hands went up.

  Seranay looked around the students and stopped at one. “Ren, you’re up.”

  Ren stepped forward, and instantly hands began to drop. Only one hand remained.

  “It seems Ren has scared the competition,” said Seranay. “At least there is one left to challenge. Akira, you’re up.”

  Eclipse could see the fire in Akira’s eyes as he made his way into the center. Ren smiled at Akira as they circled each other. Eclipse just watched, curious to see their fighting styles.

  Ren was the first to strike as he launched into Akira with roundhouse kicks, pushing Akira back, but Akira returned with a similar aggression as he tried to sweep Ren with his legs. Ren jumped over Akira and used his elbows to strike from above. The strikes were deflected as Akira stepped to the side and knocked Ren to the floor. Ren jumped to his feet, snarling, and rushed at Akira with such ferocity that Akira was brought to the ground. Ren tried to strike Akira from on top of him, but Akira defended himself keeping his arms covering his face.

  Eclipse watched as they continued to battle it out. They were even in strength, and it could go either way, but she was rooting for Akira despite her brief introduction to them.

  Akira managed to get back to his feet, and he traded blows with Ren as they spun in the center striking as fast and as hard as they could. Suddenly, Ren ducked down and hit Akira in the abdomen causing Akira to fall backward. Ren followed through with several strikes to the face, each hit drawing blood.

  She could barely watch, but something was wrong. Akira began to wobble, and his strikes became confused and dazed. Some of the students could see it, too. Eclipse made a closer look at Ren’s fists and noticed the white banding which protected them. With her keen eyesight, she could see foul play. A colored substance had been coated on the banding somehow affecting Akira.

  Eclipse tried to intervene, but Seranay held her back. “No one enters until there is a victor.”

  Eclipse was not happy with this as Akira could no longer defend himself from Ren’s strikes. Akira was bleeding from his nose as he tried to keep his fists up, but it was no use as Ren spun and kicked him down. Akira was down for the count.

  “Ren, Akira, thank you,” said Seranay.

  “Thank you?” said Eclipse. “Ren won unfairly, and you know it.” She was about to strike Ren herself.

  “Inside this dojo, there are no rules except the four mentioned earlier. We win or lose. The means are all the same,” said Seranay.

  “We fight with honor or none at all,” said Eclipse. She glared at Ren who bared his teeth at her, licking his upper lip with his tongue.

  Eclipse helped Akira to stand up. He spat blood and saw the genuine concern in her eyes. “I’ll live,” he said.

  “Why is there so much animosity between you two?” asked Eclipse.

  Akira wiped his mouth. “He killed my sister in the Cube. Even though he denies it, I know what he did. He tricked her and lured her away from the group to kill her.” Akira was almost coming to tears. “Just because she turned away his affections.” He was still unsteady on his feet as he leaned against Eclipse. “Yuri sided with Ren and forgot my sister ever existed. I could no longer stay in the faction after what happened.” He shook his head. “I’ll never forget. Her name was Nozomi, and she was my beautiful little sister.”

  Eclipse could understand the dishonor that had been done to him. She knew the feeling well. “Can you stand?”

  “I’ll be fine,” said Akira.

  Eclipse allowed him to stand by himself once they reached the edge of the circle.

  Seranay had been waiting for them and moved back to the center. “Next round. Who’s next?”

  Yuri, the leader of the Japanese faction, stepped into the circle and bowed. Her eyes expressed her unpredictability. The Japanese students cheered as she stood in the circle.

  Seranay walked around the circle. “Who will challenge?”

  There were no volunteers. Yuri was feared.

  “This is disappointing. Don’t you want to be the best?” asked Seranay.

  There was only silence. The other students lowered their eyes to the floor, trying to avoid being chosen.

  “I will challenge.” Eclipse moved into the circle, ignoring the murmurs of the students around her.

  “Well, this is a delight,” said Seranay.

  Yuri moved her head like a snake as she stood toe to toe in front of Eclipse.

  Seranay left the circle and raised her hand. “Begin.”

  Yuri ran forward with her hands curled up like claws. Eclipse moved to the side as Yuri leaped toward her. She knew anger would make Yuri lose focus and kept her thoughts clear of any emotion.

  Yuri, moving in and out, attempted to strike Eclipse with her hands. Eclipse deflected Yuri’s attacks with precision and, with one swift movement, stepped to the side, shifting her weight and kicked the back of Yuri’s legs. Yuri fell forward into the students. There was a stunned silence.

  Eclipse walked back to the center of the circle. Yuri screamed as she regained her balance, turning to Eclipse, and rushed forward with vicious strikes. Her movements were fast, but Eclipse could see each strike coming and avoided them without a problem. The students who cheered for Yuri now became silent as everyone watched in awe as they fought.

  Eclipse ducked as Yuri spun around and tried to kick her head. Yuri followed with several more kicks to the mid-region, her speed increasing with each attack. The strikes were deflected as Eclipse used her feet to minimize how much force she would receive. Yuri’s eyes were in a deranged state as she could not believe Eclipse was outmaneuvering her. Her anger consumed her as she screamed at Eclipse. Eclipse struck with powerful, directed blows to Yuri’s body as she came forward in her rage—a knee to her chest, an elbow to the side of her neck, and a left-hand swing to her face, knocking Yuri down.

  Eclipse took several deep breaths as she stood over Yuri who lay on the floor incapacitated. She looked around her and matched eyes with Ren who seemed to want to fight. She used her eyes to entice him to come, but he was smart enough to stay back.

/>   “Very well done,” said Seranay.

  Eclipse bowed and left the circle. She passed Akira who was speechless. The other students parted, letting her pass. No one had seen Yuri defeated so quickly.

  “You fight like Aiyax,” said Kayne who had been watching from the crowd. “Very similar.”

  “I’ll take that as a compliment,” said Eclipse.

  “You should. She’s deadly.” Kayne turned to leave.

  Seranay approached her. “Your movement is fluid. Where did you learn such techniques?”

  Eclipse did not want anyone to know her mother was a former Blade. The Shadow Government would hunt her down if they knew she was here. “Here and there.”

  Seranay was expressionless as she tried to glimpse inside Eclipse’s soul, searching for answers. “Fair enough,” she said. “The final core awaits.”

  Eclipse walked with Seranay to another part of the dojo. Svana was swinging her sword and cutting the air with several movements as they approached. Students were holding all different types of weapons, practicing various styles and positions.

  Seranay turned to her. “This is the last core. The ability to handle a weapon is no small measure. You have skill in your hands, but how do you fare with an extension of yourself?”

  Eclipse knew very well. Kuro was resting inside her scabbard just waiting to strike. The blade hummed to her, and the warmth of both Kuro and Shiro gave her renewed energy.

  Seranay gathered the students in the area and asked them to form a circle. “You may have seen we had our first sparring of the day in the hand-to-hand area just now.”

  Eclipse caught Svana licking her blade. She was disgusted.

  “Well, we shall have a final sparring session here,” said Seranay.

  Students cheered, gripping their weapons tightly.

  “I’d like to start,” said Inessa, stepping forward. She smiled and looked across at Eclipse.

  Eclipse was not comfortable with how carefree Inessa seemed. She thought Inessa should be more focused toward her opponent.


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