Rise of the Young: Warriors are not made; they are forged (The Ascended Book 2)

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Rise of the Young: Warriors are not made; they are forged (The Ascended Book 2) Page 15

by Bygott, Hugo C.

  Whisper hated the fact that he was the youngest. He wished he could speak out with his own voice and show them his strength, but he only appeared to be young and weak. It was not his fault.

  “You’re not weak. There’s a mental barrier, yes. In time, I’m sure I can fix your ailment. With proper control, you’ll be able to speak vocally if you wish. The emotional impact you had to force your mind to shut down can be reversed. This will only make you stronger,” said Professor Himura.

  Whisper was elated, ignoring the quiet murmuring and the sneers from the New Order.

  Professor Himura turned back and pointed to the word on the display. “Mind Games. Since we have new students, we’ll have a quick review of what this class hopes to achieve. Do we have any volunteers?”

  Sonus whispered to members of the New Order and then cleared his throat. “Professor, I think the new students, Kry and the mute one, would like to show us what they know.”

  Students began to gossip at the suggestion, perfectly aware of what Sonus was trying to do. Kry looked over his shoulder and saw Sonus grinning at him. Kry stood up in front of the class. “His name is Whisper, and if you want me to volunteer, then I will.”

  Whisper stood up and glared at Sonus. This only made Sonus smile even more.

  Professor Himura raised his hand. “I think not. This is a review and should be done by students who have taken my classes before, but since, Sonus, you seem to be quite vocal, I’ll ask you to come up and be my first volunteer.”

  Sonus’s smile disappeared, and in its place was an angry frown of surprise. He mumbled under his breath before coming to the front and standing beside the professor.

  Professor Himura then looked across the auditorium. “This should be an equal contest. Xu, please come up and join your classmate.”

  Xu was sitting surrounded by his Chinese faction members who cheered him on. Without objection, he walked to the front.

  “Thank you for volunteering your minds,” said Professor Himura.

  There were several sniggers among the students. Sonus seemed more annoyed than Xu for having to come up.

  Kry had yet to see Xu in action and was curious to see how he matched in this display of mental strength.

  “I wanted to go up,” said Whisper. “I want to beat him.”

  “You’ll get your chance. Ignore what Sonus said. He’s just upset about being shown up,” replied Kry.

  Professor Himura eyed them suspiciously. “I can hear your thoughts.”

  Kry and Whisper looked at each other in surprise.

  “Don’t be surprised. I’ve trained my mental abilities to the very highest grade. Not much can get past me if I don’t allow it.” Professor Himura then proceeded to guide Xu and Sonus to the glass table behind them. Xu was made to sit at one end while Sonus sat at the other.

  “Let’s begin, shall we?” said Professor Himura. “First, you’ve both been trained in the basics of mental chess, so you know what’s required. I want you both to enter each other’s mind and find a weakness. The first to find a weakness will win this contest, and remember, if your will is strong, you can deflect and detract from the intruder inside your mind. This is how you become tougher in mind and spirit.”

  Sonus grunted as if he was bored, confident that this would be an easy task. The New Order cheered aloud, but then the Chinese students cheered louder, and then it became a contest of who could cheer the loudest.

  “Enough!” commanded Himura.

  Kry had never felt such a powerful force inside his mind. Boom, boom, boom. Kry held his head in pain. There was a flash of white light inside his mind, and an image of two boys playing in a field filled his thoughts. Again, it was the image he had seen in his dreams, and he still had no idea what it meant.

  “Protect your mind with your inner strength. Use the memories of your loved ones, emotions of the past and present, and guide your mind to victory as you pick apart your opponents.” Professor Himura left the table and sat nearby. “Begin!”

  Kry ignored his pain and tried to see what was happening, but the images in his mind blurred his vision, and he could not clearly see their battle.

  “What’s wrong?” said Whisper, noticing his discomfort.

  Kry shook his head. “Nothing, I’ll be fine.” His headache began to ease, and he was finally able to see them fighting.

  Xu and Sonus contorted their faces with concentration as their eyes locked onto each other. Xu’s eyes were intense as he tried to dive deep inside Sonus’s mind, but Sonus returned his own dangerous glare. There was total silence as the two continued to battle inside their minds. Kry wondered what was really happening. How fierce was the battle? He could only imagine the strength they both displayed. Kry was only touching the surface of understanding who or what Users were.

  “Good. Good,” said Professor Himura. “Find your opponents weakness. What do they fear? Tell us and declare your victory!”

  The students all watched on with interest, wanting to know the answer. What did each of them fear? Who would let up first and give into their weakness? Kry understood that this was no ordinary fight. Whoever lost would reveal their weakness to the class and with it a future opening to beat them. This was a far greater test of strength than the barrier training.

  “If you are strong enough mentally, you can break your opponent without even moving a muscle. There’s no need for barriers, speed, or strength. Only your mind!” said Professor Himura.

  Sweat glistened on their foreheads, and more minutes passed without a clear victor. Sonus clenched his hands, clamping his fingers down on the table, hoping for some edge. Xu did the same in response, clamping his fingers and trying to find his own leverage.

  “Mental strength, not physical!” shouted Professor Himura. “The mind is like a web, find your way through the layers, one knot at a time, and there you will find your gold, your victory!”

  Sonus and Xu reluctantly released their grip and continued to battle, but then Xu’s face turned pale and looked disoriented as he tried to keep his balance. Sonus was starting to win. Kry turned around and looked at the New Order students. He should have realized. Several New Order students were making movements with their hands, but it was not only Kry who saw what they were doing. Chinese faction members looked enraged and were starting to stand up in objection, but then a loud ping rang inside all their minds.

  “No interference!” shouted Professor Himura. “This school might be an education of the fittest, and in other classes, this type of interference would be looked over, but not here, not in my class! The mind is a chessboard, only two players, no more!”

  The New Order stopped, and Xu’s face returned to its usual shade. For the first time, Kry had met a professor who was different, who understood the meaning of a fair fight. His respect for Professor Himura rose instantly.

  Xu regained his composure, and his face was one of intense concentration. In contrast, Sonus now seemed the one under extreme pressure, his face strained and in pain. Kry did not enjoy seeing him in pain, but there was a hint of satisfaction knowing Sonus did not have his own way this time.

  There was a sudden flash of white light, and then Sonus was blown from his seat and onto the floor.

  “We have a winner!” said Professor Himura. He walked over to Xu and raised his hand.

  The Chinese students cheered. Xu almost lost his balance as he rose to his feet, the mental strain a burden on his body.

  Professor Himura looked at Xu with curious eyes. “What is his fear?”

  Xu looked at Sonus who was huddled on the floor, holding his head. Sonus’s eyes were red, and he shook his head in fear.

  Xu took a deep breath, straightening his back. “He’s afraid of Kry.”

  There was a stunned silence in the auditorium. Even Professor Himura seemed surprised. All eyes then turned to Kry.

  Kry did not believe it. Sonus feared him? But why? Whisper was smiling, happy Sonus had lost.

  “Is that so?” said Professor Himura
. “Well, congratulations, Xu. Take a seat and rest.”

  Sonus rose to his feet, his face a picture of shame. He said nothing as he returned to his seat.

  Professor Himura inspected the situation and held his hand to his head as if thinking of something. “Although Sonus lost the mental victory, he can learn from this defeat.”

  The New Order students were as quiet as Sonus who now stared at the floor.

  “A loss can be the foundation for great success, depending on how you wish to learn from it,” said Professor Himura.

  Kry wondered if the experience would humble Sonus, perhaps even make him think about his actions, but as he turned to look at Sonus, all he could see was a broken man.

  “Now, we’ve had a review of this mental exercise, so I think it’d be a good chance to allow one of the new students to come and test themselves against one of the class,” said Professor Himura.

  After seeing what happened to Sonus, Kry was apprehensive about having someone inside his mind.

  “This time, however, we’ll not target fear, but instead the aim of the combatants will be to discover a secret within the other’s mind. Whoever can see what lies beneath the many layers of his opponent shall be declared the victor,” said Professor Himura. “Kry, I think since you were a focal point of the last engagement, I’d like to see you try your hand at mental chess.”

  Kry had no idea what would happen or how he would understand what to do, but it seemed he had no choice. “Is there some actual training of what I should be looking for?”

  Professor Himura shook his head. “The only training is born through action. You’ll understand once your minds are linked. It’s a natural ability and one which can be trained the more times you connect your mind with others. Practice is everything.”

  Kry was hoping for a better answer and walked onto the stage, standing beside Professor Himura.

  Professor Himura scanned the audience, looking for an opponent. “I think I have the perfect fit. Abel, you seem quiet at the back there. It’s time you show us what you can do and contribute to the class, don’t you think?”

  As Himura mentioned Abel’s name, there was a murmur among the students as they looked back and forth between Kry and Abel. Their display of cooperation and power in the barrier training class had been the highlight of yesterday, but now they were going to be pitted against each other. Abel, the quiet and mysterious student who preferred to stay factionless, and the new student who displayed an innate User power quickly making a name for himself in the hierarchy of Users.

  Abel had his arms crossed and did not move from his seat.

  “Abel, I’m talking to you,” said Professor Himura, his voice now in a stern tone.

  “Professor, I believe it’s unwise for me to go up against the new student,” said Abel, his arms still firmly across his chest.

  Kry was not expecting this. Abel was the last person he thought he would be fighting. Why would the professor choose him? He said he would be a good fit, but it was unclear how. Abel was an unknown power, and having someone as mysterious and factionless inside his mind began to make him feel uneasy.

  “And why would that be?” replied Professor Himura.

  Abel glanced toward Kry. “He’s green and inexperienced. It would not be a fair challenge.”

  Kry took offense to that. He was not expecting Abel to be so harsh since they had fought side by side. “I’m more than ready to take you on.” His emotions took over and controlled his thoughts.

  The students began to gossip with each other. Sonus and the New Order looked even more hostile than before.

  “It seems you’re being challenged, Abel. You say he’s green, then perhaps prove it?” said Professor Himura.

  Abel was expressionless as he stood up and walked slowly toward the stage. He made no eye contact with Kry as he took his place next to Himura.

  Kry began to feel nervous but was going to prove he could do this task as much as he had shown what he could do with his barrier. He took the seat opposite Abel at the far end of the table. Abel looked up, and his eyes met his. Kry had never seen such soul gazing eyes. They showed power but also sadness. Kry could not explain it, and this made him lose concentration for a split second.

  “I do not wish to search for secrets. Secrets should be left buried if the person wants them to be,” said Abel.

  Professor Himura took his seat. “Perhaps, but today a secret will be revealed, and a victor will be declared.”

  Kry continued to watch Abel. If he could beat him, perhaps Abel would join him? “Abel, you may find me more of a challenge than you realize.”

  “Unlikely.” Abel’s response was flat.

  Kry wanted to take Abel down more than ever.

  “Begin!” shouted Professor Himura.

  Almost instantly, there was a blinding light and a shock inside Kry’s mind. He could feel the presence of another probing his thoughts and his memories; everything was laid bare for them to take. Kry fought back, mentally pushing the invader away, but Abel was forcing his way through the layers of his mind. One by one, he could see a memory, an image displayed to both he and his opponent. Abel saw everything inside his mind!

  Kry tried to find a way into Abel’s mind, but Abel’s onslaught made it difficult for him to make his attempt.

  “You may regret taking this challenge,” said Abel.

  “I’ll not give up easily,” replied Kry. He focused his mind and pushed against the waves of Abel’s voice. He continued resisting as Abel continued to break away his mental layers.

  Inside his mind, he could see the strings of Abel’s voice; perhaps he could follow them back. He slowly followed the trail of his voice, a mental path leading to Abel’s mind. Kry pushed against the force, and then there was white light everywhere: strings, the vibration of memories, and all of Abel’s life. He could see Abel fighting with his brothers, scenes of dinner with his family who were laughing, smiling, and together. Another image formed of Abel sitting alone by a lake, his face torn with sadness. Kry was close; he could feel it. Abel’s secret was somewhere within these images.

  “You have fared better than I expected,” said Abel.

  It was incredible. The euphoria Kry felt was just like the experience he had on Tower Bridge. He was then suddenly blown backward through the mental tunnel back into his own mind. Dozens of images began to flood his vision: his parents’ death, meeting Eclipse, discovering Whisper in the station, Rush, and the death of Dominus. He started to panic realizing that now Abel could see everything, including the fact that they were being hunted by the Shadow Government. There was another flash of white light, and Kry was now in a place he found new but also old. He could see a field glistening under the sun where two boys were playing, their speed and strength equal to each other. And then there was a voice, a voice he no longer remembered, a voice that had been like a father; it was a memory buried and forgotten.

  “What must be done is for your sake, boy.” The voice was not Abel’s but a voice of a person who had been a big part of his younger life. And yet, he could not remember.

  Kry was thrown across the floor, his forehead bathed in sweat. What had happened? His vision returned, and he was lying on his back, his eyes staring up at the auditorium ceiling.

  “We have a victor!” said Professor Himura.

  The students were murmuring.

  “Abel,” said Professor Himura, raising Abel’s hand. “You’ve defeated your opponent. So tell us, what secret did you discover?”

  Kry now understood the humiliation of Sonus. Abel had pushed him back and invaded his deepest memories. Even he did not know what Abel had found, but he was aware that there was something much greater in his mind. What Rush had said about Jaeger and his mental lock may have been involved. He could not understand why Jaeger had done this to him.

  Abel showed little perspiration and seemed composed. Kry returned to his feet, anxiously waiting to hear what Abel was going to reveal. How far did he see?

sp; “I saw…” began Abel, the class waiting in anticipation. He made eye contact with Kry and paused. There was empathy in his eyes. “I saw the death of his parents, and the love they showed him before they died.”

  Students began to talk among themselves. Kry knew there was no escape now. They would all find out that he was wanted by the Shadow Government.

  “What else?” asked Professor Himura.

  Kry could not bear it, knowing that his parents’ death was being used like this.

  Abel crossed his arms. “Nothing more. They died in an accident, and he misses them very much.”

  Kry was stunned. Abel had not told them everything. But why? He was sure Abel had seen Dominus and had seen the pain of everything, but he had said only the bare minimum.

  Abel said nothing more and returned to the back.

  “That’s a sad tale, indeed,” said Professor Himura, his eyes trying to read Abel. “Kry, you’ve lost the challenge, but I hope it was a worthwhile experience.”

  Abel had shown him sincerity in keeping his secrets. He would not forget the gesture, but he also would not forget the loss. He would study harder to challenge Abel again.

  “It was,” said Kry.

  “The first mind game is never easy, but in time you’ll be a master of using mental energy,” said Professor Himura.

  Kry returned to Whisper who offered him a solitary smile. The class continued for some time with several other students challenging each other. However, Kry’s only thoughts for the rest of the class were of his defeat and the reasons to why Abel kept his secret. How much did Abel see? That was what worried Kry the most.

  Chapter 9 – Professor Zero

  Eclipse had finished her barrier training class without incident. She had done her best to avoid bringing attention to herself and had controlled her abilities as best as possible. Svana was still trying to antagonize her, but she ignored her attempts and instead trained with Akira and Inessa. Unlike Kry, she was not a natural in developing a strong barrier which brought her much annoyance. Despite her being an expert fighter and hand-to-hand specialist, she found for the first time a weakness she needed to correct. Her mother spent more time on actual fighting, studying many different arts, but she had failed to teach her the basics of creating a strong barrier. For her mother, it seemed offense was more important than defense. Eclipse would continue to improve as she could not allow herself to fall behind.


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