Rise of the Young: Warriors are not made; they are forged (The Ascended Book 2)

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Rise of the Young: Warriors are not made; they are forged (The Ascended Book 2) Page 21

by Bygott, Hugo C.

  Abel turned toward the Library of Records and disappeared inside. Kry was confused. Abel had never entered the library on his customary path before. Kry ran toward the library and followed him inside. As he entered, he was surprised by how many books that were stored here. He had forgotten what it looked like as he had only ever been here once, the first time when Katar had introduced him to the seven paths. He realized he should have come here more often, and there could be useful information about User abilities in the hundreds of tomes which lined the shelves.

  Abel was nowhere to be seen. Kry looked around the library, and there was nobody in sight. The library was not popular. The librarian, Bronson, waved to him from his desk and then pointed to his watch. Kry understood that it was almost closing time, so why did Abel come here in the first place?

  Abel must have known he was being followed. Kry shook his head and was about to leave but noticed Athena studying by one of the desks. A large pile of books was on her table, and she had her head in one of the books, vigorously reading and writing notes. He did not have much interaction with her since their first group activity in the barrier class, and if truth be told, he had not made much effort since. She looked a lot like Rhea which made it uncomfortable for him to be around her.

  Athena was much like Abel; she was factionless, and many considered her weak. Kry was not so sure. For someone to study so much, he was sure she was stronger than many others. There might have been a number of reasons why she was factionless, but Kry was not interested in that. If Abel had come in here, maybe she had seen him.

  He walked to her table and tried to get her attention, but she was so concentrated on her research that she did not even look up when he stood right next to her.

  Kry was a bit hesitant before finally speaking. “Hi, Athena.”

  Athena flipped the pages of her book and nosedived into the next chapter. Kry was not sure if she had heard him.

  “Hi, Athena,” he repeated more loudly.

  Athena scribbled some notes down and pulled another book from her pile, opening it and scanning the pages like a hungry wolf.

  This time Kry was getting annoyed. “Athena!” he said, more loudly than he had intended.

  Bronson gave him a look of warning and pointed to the sign above him: Silence in the Library. Kry bowed apologetically.

  Athena opened another book. “I’m studying.”

  Finally, she spoke! Kry was elated just to get some response. “I don’t mean to bother you, but—”

  “Well, you are,” she said with some annoyance.

  Kry was surprised by her bluntness, but it was not going to put him off. “Have you seen Abel? He came in here a minute ago.”

  Athena slammed her book shut and looked up at him. “I’ve better things to do than worry about men and their egos!” she said, huffing. “Especially, yours and Abel’s!”

  Egos? No one said anything about egos. Kry was confused. It was undeniable, though. Looking at her up close, the similarity to Rhea was incredible—her eyes, her lips, everything apart from her fiery persona was almost the same.

  “Why are you staring at me?” She flicked her hair back and returned to her books, writing more notes and ignoring him.

  Kry understood that he was not going to find anything about Abel from her and decided he better leave. As he was about to go, he noticed the book she was reading was about the User Civil War. His father had led the resistance using his real name Konrad. There was so much to learn, and it had been here all the time. He just had to come and read.

  Athena noticed him staring at her book. She looked at the cover. “The User Civil War,” she said. “A tragedy. Many good people died.”

  Kry knew that his parents had feigned their deaths, but many others had most certainly died for real defending their cause. “You read a lot.”

  Athena looked at him disapprovingly. “So what?”

  He raised his hands up in defense. “I didn’t mean it like that.” He tried to think of a better way to express himself. “I mean, I always see you studying, reading, and writing notes. I wish I could be more studious like you.”

  Athena scribbled some notes. “Because you’re stupid.”

  He could not believe she had called him stupid! He had been called a fair share of insults in the past, but stupid, no never!

  “How am I stupid?” he responded, raising his voice loud enough that Bronson had to warn him again.

  Athena pointed to the book she was reading. “I want to understand everything about being a User. There’s so much more than what we are led to believe. This book is a prime example.”

  “What do you mean?” said Kry.

  “It’s always about fighting! Strength, power, death. Always!”

  Bronson was surprised by her outburst and warned her to be quiet.

  Athena lowered her voice. “We can use our gifts for good to help people. But in this world, it seems fighting is always the focus. People died trying to change the status quo. Even you seem to love to fight, showing your powers in class and trying to make a name for yourself.”

  Was this how she really perceived him? “Hold on! That’s nothing like me. I only did what I did to defend myself. I never wanted to fight. I came here only to learn.” Was this how others saw him, too?

  Athena raised her eyebrows. “Sure, so why do you want to find Abel? To fight him I bet.”

  She was starting to annoy him. “No, I just want to talk to him. Despite what you might think, I completely agree with you about using our gifts for good. I saw the Cube for the first time and thought it was barbaric. We should find another way to live, but since coming to this university, everyone seems to be perfectly fine with how things are.” Kry did not even allow himself to breathe until he finished speaking.

  Athena studied him. “You really think that?”

  Kry had nothing to hide. “Yes, I do. Trust me, I’ve seen enough death and fighting to last a lifetime. I just want to learn and be strong enough to protect my friends. I don’t want to be strong to gain power for myself or any other reason. My friends are what drives me to do what I have to do to survive here.”

  Athena opened another book. “You should come study in the library more often then.”

  Kry smiled. “Maybe I will. Maybe you can help me study what’s written in all these books here.”

  Athena shrugged her shoulders. “You have a long way to go, and you must read a lot to understand everything.” She then returned to reading and writing notes.

  Kry did not understand Athena one bit. He turned to leave.

  “Maybe I can help you,” she said.

  Kry stopped.

  Athena still had her head in the book. “If, you are serious.”

  She was direct, much like Eclipse. Athena had a strong spirit, fiery, and with a lot of passion. She wanted to help people, and so did he. Maybe there was something in what Thrace was saying about recruiting people, people with similar beliefs as his own. If it was possible, he would challenge the others and bring about a new status quo in the university. In time, he would also challenge the Shadow Government. At that moment, he thought about Rhea and wished she was here.

  “I’m serious,” said Kry, trying to sound as sincere as possible.

  She said nothing in return but nodded. Bronson was preparing to close the library, but that did not bother her as she continued to write as much as she could in the last few minutes she had.

  Kry left the Library of Records and tried to think where to go next. Abel had vanished, and he really needed to speak to him. He would have to try again tomorrow. He would speak to Abel eventually; he had to.

  Kry walked back toward his dormitory, passing the central courtyard and the professors’ red-bricked tower. In the distance, there was a figure walking toward him. It was dark, and he could not clearly see who it was. It was not until the figure passed into the moonlight that Kry saw his face.

  “Why are you out so late?” asked Professor Zero, looking at him questioningly.r />
  Kry did not think it was that late. “I’m just coming back from the library.”

  Zero was surprised at that. “Library? I thought you did not study that hard since you always seem to be slow at doing everything.”

  Kry did not like the way this conversation was going. “I’m doing the best I can.” He wanted to leave, but Zero blocked his path.

  Zero’s shadow grew larger, and a strange mist began to rise around him. “You can do more, so much more,” he said with a strange slur to his words. “There is greatness in you. I can make you into a great champion of the Cube if you allow me.”

  This was not how he expected his night to turn. What was Zero saying?

  Zero could sense his doubt. “I can give you private lessons if you choose to take them.” Zero then walked past him saying nothing more.

  Kry had no idea what had just happened. Why would Zero offer him private lessons? Zero was mysterious, and there was an aura around him which made Kry feel unsure of his motives.

  It was starting to get cold, and he quickly returned to his dormitory. Zero’s offer was unexpected. He had been exhausted with classes this week, but things seemed to be getting better. No doubt, Zero’s extra training could prove essential.

  He was about to climb the stairs of his dormitory building when he heard a sound coming from the storeroom down the hallway. It sounded like a soft whistle. He was curious and followed the sound to its source. He opened the storeroom and was surprised to see Abel standing there in the dark.

  “So you want to talk?” asked Abel. “Let’s talk.”

  Chapter 14 – Dark Champion

  Abel led him across the university grounds, and there was hardly a student in sight as most had returned to their dormitories. The air was exceptionally cold this night as they entered the far side of the university. Kry knew this place. He had been here once before not too long ago. Xu had been buried here, along with many other students who had perished in the university. It was a morbid and sad place for a talk. Why would Abel bring him here of all places?

  Abel made his way through several rows of tombstones, showing his respect to each one as he passed. The trees around the grounds whistled in the wind of the night. Aside from the sound of the wind, it was deadly silent. Abel continued leading him through the darkness of the students’ graveyard. Kry hoped that Abel would stop soon because it was already quite late, and it was getting colder.

  Abel raised his hand and stopped by a group of trees surrounding several new tombstones. Various flowers had been placed on one particular tombstone. A single rose lay on its side in the center of the beautiful display. These were new flowers, and the scent was strong. This was Xu’s final resting place.

  Abel bent down, picked a blade of grass and gently placed it beside the rose. “Grass is simple, but it’s beautiful. No less than the beauty of any other that nature produces.”

  The death of Xu had affected Abel more than he realized. Kry bowed his head in honor for his fallen classmate.

  Abel returned to his feet and took a deep breath of the night’s fresh air. “This could have been avoided,” he said with sadness.

  Kry wanted to understand Abel more than anyone else here. The only time he had caught a glimpse of the person that was Abel was when they fought against each other in Professor Himura’s class. He had seen the mental strings leading into Abel’s memories, and deep within he saw a much happier Abel. It was an Abel who laughed, smiled, and enjoyed talking with others. This was not the same Abel he was looking at now.

  “Why have you avoided me so much?” he asked him. Kry wanted to get the answers as soon as possible. This might be his only opportunity to speak with him properly.

  Abel blew his warm breath into the air. “I must warn you first, that I’m someone who is not good to have around.”

  The sadness Kry sensed from Abel was strange. “I don’t believe that,” he said. “I’ve wanted to speak with you for days, but at every turn, you’ve avoided me.”

  Abel placed his hand on top of Xu’s tombstone. “Xu was not a bad person. He was just a product of the society we live in—trained to fight, survive…and die as a User.” He took another deep breath. “But people have a tendency to die near me, and this is why I choose to be alone. Do you understand what I’m trying to tell you?”

  Kry had thought the same thing when his parents and Rhea had died. He knew the feeling well. He blamed himself for all that had happened. And now, he listened to Abel who for some reason believed the same. “Xu’s death was not your fault. Sonus is out of control, and I fear it might happen again since this type of behavior goes unpunished.”

  Abel shook his head. “No, it was. I could’ve saved him if I had concentrated. My failure was that I didn’t fight under the same conditions as Sonus.”

  This must have been to do with Abel holding back. Kry did not blame Abel, nor did he truly think it was his fault. “Why didn’t you fight with everything you had? I’ve seen how strong you are, the way you defeated Sonus and Svana was proof of that. That fury, that strength is the real Abel.”

  “No, it’s not! Not anymore…” Abel’s voice drifted into the night.

  “I don’t know what happened to you, but I know that you didn’t give everything you had against Aiyax. You were passive and allowed her to dominate you. What I don’t understand is why?”

  He turned to Kry with sadness in his eyes. “I gave everything I wanted to give. I didn’t want to fight, and I only did because I was forced to. They selected me to fight in the Cube, but if I’d a choice, I would have refused.”

  In the distance, the wind whistled over the graveyard where these two young men stood among the fallen.

  “You’re not alone. I think just as you do. I don’t like the fighting either and wished we could live differently,” said Kry.

  “You think as I do? I’m not so sure,” said Abel.

  “Yes, I do. And there are others here who are the same! My friends, Eclipse, Whisper, and not long ago, when I was looking for you, I spoke with Athena. You know what she told me?” He hoped Abel was listening. “She wants to use our abilities to help people and not use them to fight like barbaric warriors in a cage made out of energy. There’s so much more we can do!” Kry was sure Abel almost smiled, his lips slightly curving upward. “Having said that, I still think you should’ve given everything you had against Aiyax.”

  Abel looked apprehensive. “And what if I had? Would it have made a difference?”

  “You might have won, or at least given everything you had to be considered a future champion,” said Kry.

  “You claim you think as I do, but you’re wrong! I don’t want to be a champion or the champion. Why allow myself to be put in a position where I have to fight all the time? I don’t want nor need the extra pressure or responsibility.” Abel looked at him with questioning eyes. “Is that what you want to be? The champion of the Cube?”

  Kry was not sure how to reply. He hated the fighting, but he also wanted to prove himself, to know that he was strong enough to protect those he cared about. “No….I mean…yes, if I were in your position, I would’ve given everything because when the time comes, I want to know that I’m strong enough to protect my friends. If being the strongest is how to do it, then I’d fight as hard as I can.”

  Abel clapped. “There we have it. We think differently.”

  Kry was annoyed by his mocking clap. “You have it wrong. I hate fighting, but yes, I came here to become stronger. Isn’t that why we’re all here? To study? To train?”

  Abel studied him closely. “A long time ago, I thought as you did, many years before I came to this university. And there was a time when I would have fought as ferociously as Sonus had done, but that is another life, one which I choose to forget.”

  Kry had wanted to wait a little longer before asking him this, but he had to know. “Abel, you have to let me in. I want to get to know you. You know who I am and where I’ve come from.” It was hard for him to recall his
defeat by Abel in the telepathy class, but he had to find out where he stood in all of this. “What did you see?”

  “I wondered when you would get around to asking me that,” said Abel. “You know, I told you that I used to be different, and it’s true. I had a raging inferno inside of me, a fury so uncontrollable that it almost destroyed me.”

  Kry could see that Abel had a reason for all this. “When Professor Himura asked you about my secret, you only told a part of it. Why?”

  “I saw in you what I saw in myself,” said Abel.

  “What are you talking about? You know who is after me. You know why I came here. Stop playing and tell me.” Kry was growing angry, impatient with Abel’s ambiguity.

  “I saw everything,” Abel said at last.

  Kry knew it. How would Eclipse react to this?

  Abel continued. “I saw your parents’ death, your fight with the Blades, and your friends being taken…” He looked at Kry seriously. “You need not worry. I’m no friend of the Shadow Government which is why I chose to keep it secret.”

  Kry took a big breath of fresh air, relieved that he would not need to worry anymore about this.

  “But Kry…” Abel continued with a heightened tone. “I saw something else.”

  What did Abel see? He had to know. “What is it?”

  “First, do you know why I beat you?”

  Abel had beaten him easily. He had thought he had a chance, but inside Abel’s mind he was pushed back and defeated. “I’m sure you’ll tell me.”

  Abel noted his sarcasm. “You say that you would give everything, but you also held back.”

  Kry was positive he gave everything he had, so why would Abel say that?

  “You might not realize this, but I saw a whole history in your mind that you don’t even know about. I saw the lock on your mind,” said Abel.

  “Tell me, what history? My mind was locked for so long that I still can’t focus completely. Did you see the man who did this to me?” Jaeger had not been on his mind lately, but if he were to unlock his full potential, he would have to find him eventually.


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