Rise of the Young: Warriors are not made; they are forged (The Ascended Book 2)

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Rise of the Young: Warriors are not made; they are forged (The Ascended Book 2) Page 27

by Bygott, Hugo C.

  As Kry fell to the floor, Sonus laughed from in the air, still being held by Nam.

  Kry was more enraged than ever as everything around the room began to float in the air: the students, the objects, and even Nam. Sonus was in disbelief.

  “Kry! Control yourself!” said Nam, fearful of the power he was now displaying.

  Abel remained quiet, watching them from a distance. Yes, Abel, watch. Witness the rage and the power.

  Kry was no longer in control and launched himself at Sonus, grabbing him and throwing him back down to the ground.

  “Calm down, Kry! What’s happened to you?” shouted Whisper.

  Sonus tried to fight back and launched a ball of fire toward him, but Kry was too quick and blew it apart with an eruption of water.

  “You won’t do what you did again,” said Kry. “Never again.”

  Sonus looked for support, but his faction members were all suspended in the air, and even Nam was looking on with confusion.

  “Stop this now, Kry!” shouted Nam once more.

  Kry’s anger reached a new level as his entire body became engulfed in fire. The room temperature was rising. The students flailed their arms in the air trying to get down, but the power Kry was emitting was too great.

  Sonus strengthened his barrier and launched fireball after fireball, but Kry absorbed the energy as he moved closer to him.

  “Xu didn’t have to die!” shouted Kry.

  Sonus spat at him.

  The flames around Kry’s body intensified. “You’re afraid of me, right? Xu told us all that you feared me, and that’s why you killed him! Well, you should be!”

  Kry gathered his energy and was about to strike Sonus’s barrier, when suddenly a huge wave of water appeared and flooded the room, extinguishing his flames.

  The students were all back on their feet, and everyone was soaked. Nam’s hands were rotating at great speed, and a circle of water was flooding from her. Kry had no time to react as she shot him with several blasts of water pinning him down against the wall. “I said enough!” Nam shouted.

  Kry’s hair was soaking wet, and he looked around at the devastation. Did he do that? What was happening to him? The anger had taken over, and he could not stop himself. He seemed to awaken from a misty daze. “I…I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me.”

  Nam seized him and held him up. “Don’t ever disrupt my class again! Not for anything!” She then turned to Sonus. “And you! Throwing objects to antagonize him is immature and weak. If you want to get at him, then do it in the Cube!”

  Sonus was physically shaking, his fists curled.

  Kry stood up, feeling ashamed of how things got out of control. Whisper and Thrace looked at him differently as if they were seeing someone else. Even as he passed Athena, she said nothing and looked slightly afraid. Maybe there was a darkness inside of him after all. And despite everything, Abel did nothing to stop him. If it was not for Nam, then who knows how far he would have gone. Would he have killed Sonus?

  A hand grabbed him from behind. He turned to see Sonus with his faction members, all of them with hatred in their eyes toward him. Whisper and Thrace quickly joined him, and the three of them stood against Sonus and his members who outnumbered them.

  “Don’t do anything foolish,” said Nam, seeing Sonus had not finished.

  Sonus pointed to Kry. “I’m not afraid of you. I can’t promise that what happened to Xu won’t happen again.”

  Kry clenched his fist, and the rage began to boil, but Whisper held his hand.

  “Don’t,” said Whisper, his soft words calming him.

  Kry returned Sonus’s glare. “I’ll see you in the Cube.”

  Chapter 19 – Battle Bound

  It was time. The day they would enter the Cube had finally arrived. He could hear the drumming coming from the outside of the corridor ahead of him. He was excited, nervous, and afraid. The long class hours and the cold winter days had prepared him for this moment, the moment when he would mark his first steps like many a User before him. Kry took a deep breath and turned to his teammates behind him, who stood in a line all waiting to enter the Cube.

  Eclipse’s face was one of serious intent as she took his hand. Her grip was firm but had a friend’s warmth. He knew she would have his back inside the cage of energy. Not long ago, she had taken him to one side and asked what was going on with him, but Kry could not tell her. Eclipse knew something was wrong and she could see the change in him growing. He did not want to lie to her, but this was his burden to bear. In either case, Eclipse would give everything she had as would the others by his side. Her black blade, Kuro, was strapped behind her back, and Shiro was securely attached to her thigh. Kry was glad she was on his team.

  Behind Eclipse was Thrace. His smile showed confidence and experience as one who had previously entered the Cube before. Thrace had styled his red hair in the shape of several spikes and painted his goggles with several markings. He had called it war paint to signify his entry into battle. Like Kry, Thrace had wanted Abel to be a part of their team. Knowing Abel’s strengths, he would have made a strong teammate in today’s challenge. However, Abel chose to be a spectator rather than a contender and would watch from a distance, remaining factionless, just as he wanted. Thrace had two brown-hilted daggers hanging from his waist and gave Kry a thumbs up telling him he was ready.

  In the line after Thrace was Akira, his eyes looking into the distance at a faraway place. His right hand wielded a blue-hilted katana, the blade almost looking like a part of him. Although not as skilled as Eclipse, he was still a deadly foe for any student who dare anger him, and today his anger would be geared to only one person, Ren. The Japanese faction stood in the next line with Yuri at the front. Since her earlier battle in the Cube, she appeared less confident and showed more of a control of her emotions. Ren, on the other hand, was gritting his teeth, eager to get inside and fight. Akira did not look once at Ren and remained looking ahead. There was no need for words. Their blades would do the talking very soon, and he would fight for the sister who fell by Ren’s hand.

  Last in line, although unexpected, was Whisper, the youngest combatant of the Cube today. Whisper and Inessa had contested the last place, but Whisper had argued passionately to fight with them. Kry had wanted Whisper to be in the stands, safe and away from Sonus, but Whisper would not allow it and said he needed to be as strong as the others. They had come just the three of them, and Whisper wanted to prove himself, and he had done just that. Whisper had excelled in his classes, and despite his age, he had unique advantages that some students did not have. First, his eyes could see in the dark like the champion, Aiyax, who had used them to defeat Abel. Secondly, his barrier was the same color as his eyes and could absorb elemental energy much better. In the end, Eclipse had convinced everyone that they should give him a chance. Inessa was happy to let Whisper prove himself. She had never been much of a fighter like Thrace or Akira and preferred to watch from the stands giving them her energy and support.

  Like Kry, Whisper chose not to have any weapons and preferred to focus on the raw energy he could muster. The five of them stood in a line against the shouting energy from outside. The drumming grew louder, and they knew it was almost time. Each faction stood in a row next to each other, the faction leaders at the front.

  Kry was ready. He was focused and would not falter this day. He turned to the Japanese faction, who all brandished katanas, each as sharp as the next. In Seranay’s class, he had inspected all the weapons and felt that none fitted him. He just could not become part of any of the weapons he had tried in class and was more comfortable with relying on his User abilities. When it came to physical combat, he knew Eclipse was miles ahead of them all, and instead he would focus on his strengths of manipulating elemental energy.

  To his left were the Chinese. Wei Long’s long black hair flowed behind her as she stood fiercely at the front of her team. He was sympathetic to them, the team who had lost their leader, but Wei Long had made th
em strong again, perhaps stronger than ever. There was a unity he could feel from them, and the death of Xu had brought them closer together. Kry knew that they would be among the favorites to win.

  Down the rows, each faction leader showed a confidence and each was eager to fight as much as the next. The Americans stood next to the Chinese. Kry had noticed Thrace and Hendrix gesturing to each other. There were many personal feuds, but they would have to fight as a unit and not be overwhelmed with the emotion to fight alone. This was the advice he had given himself knowing that Sonus was undoubtedly going to hunt him down, especially since their confrontation in Nam’s class. He would not let Sonus win, no matter what.

  Svana stood at the far end, a good distance away from them. Her sword glinted in the air as she held it up for all to see. Kry was glad Eclipse ignored her behavior and remained vigilant to the task at hand.

  The Russians and the Europeans were on the other side of the Japanese faction. The energy in the corridor was tense. The drumming intensified, and Kry could hear Yujin on the podium preparing for their entry.

  Kry took another deep breath and looked once more at the combatants. Sonus, who was next to the Europeans, caught his eye and then lit his hand in flame giving Kry a deadly glare. Kry ignored his attempt at intimidation and cleared his mind, but deep down there was a growing emotion trying to break free. His anger toward Sonus was a manifestation of his anger toward the Shadow Government and Jaeger. Whatever it was, he knew it had to be controlled.

  There was a loud cheer from outside. The cheering was deafening as Professor Manjra raised his hand by the entrance. It was time.

  The factions walked down the corridor, and one by one they entered the stadium. Yujin’s voice boomed as each one was introduced to a cacophony of cheers and sometimes boos.

  Kry followed the Japanese faction out and was presented by Yujin with great passion. He was surprised at how loud the cheers were for his team as he had thought he was hated by many, but it seemed that there were also many who wanted them to do well.

  His hands were sweaty as he walked across the field. Being in the audience and actually being down here was completely different. He felt so small when he looked around and saw the open field where the Cube would make its appearance. A hand touched his shoulder, and he turned to see Eclipse.

  “This is our first step. Together, we can do this,” she said.

  Her encouragement pushed away the hidden anger that was inside of him. “A first step to beating the Shadow Government,” he replied.

  Yujin’s voice roared above the cheering. “Five members of each faction will fight as one unit. Whichever faction remains standing will have the right to select one member to continue on and fight the champion.”

  With those last words, the ground beneath them opened, the stadium vibrating as the Cube slowly rose into view. Kry was in awe. Seeing the Cube up close was incredible. The vibrating energy tingled against his skin as the Cube continued to rise until it reached the ceiling. It was only now he realized how big the Cube was.

  “Impressive, isn’t it?”

  Kry recognized the voice inside his mind and turned to the seating area of the professors.

  “Professor Zero?” he said with wariness.

  Zero’s eyes were striking as he stared back at him, piercing his very soul. The dark aura around Zero was still strong, and Kry could feel a danger about him.

  “My offer still stands.” Zero’s voice was like a purr as the words touched his mind.

  Kry had yet to consider his offer in any serious way and still did not understand why Zero kept pushing him to have private lessons. He did not need Zero; he could do this in his own way. He had his friends behind him, and he was improving, although not as fast as he would like, but he was improving. He let Zero’s offer stand and did not respond to his request of taking his lessons. Right now, his thoughts were on surviving inside the Cube.

  “Are you ready?” shouted Yujin.

  The drum beats intertwined with the cheers as the doors to the Cube opened.

  “First time?” snarled Sonus, his words like venom entering his mind.

  Kry looked down the line and saw Sonus’s teeth being bared to him.

  “Scared? It’s real inside there, not like in class where we have to hold back,” said Sonus.

  Kry could hear Sonus’s laughter echoing inside his mind.

  “You’ll see the real me,” threatened Kry.

  Sonus ignited his hand. “Xu saw the real me, too.”

  Kry was about to confront him, but Eclipse held him back. “Inside, you’ll have your chance,” she said, calmly. “It’s almost time.”

  She was right. Factions were already entering the Cube, and he would soon have his chance to fight Sonus on even ground.

  Kry stepped closer to the giant cage. The Cube door disappeared as the last team entered. Kry stood with his team, waiting for the signal. All their faces were alert as all the teams watched each other.

  “Be careful, Kry,” said Abel.

  Abel’s thoughts were not what Kry was expecting.

  “Sonus is more cunning than you think. Don’t let your emotions dictate your actions,” said Abel.

  “Thanks for the advice, but it’d be better suited if you were with me fighting by my side,” replied Kry.

  “You haven’t beaten me yet, Kry.”

  “I will after I’m done with this,” said Kry with determination.

  Abel’s presence was gone from his mind as a sudden movement from the floor shook everyone off balance.

  “The Cube has chosen the great mountains as the first terrain for our combatants!” roared Yujin from the podium.

  The ground beneath them rumbled, and giant mounds shot up from the ground causing the students to run and jump out of the way.

  “The battle is on!” said Yujin.

  With that, the factions were on high alert.

  “Stick together!” shouted Kry, aware of the panic around them.

  Eclipse rolled to the side as an earth spike shot up from the ground almost impaling her.

  The rumbling soon stopped, and all around them were mountains trapping them inside a terrain which was cavernous. The other factions were nowhere to be seen as the mountains blocked their view.

  Yujin’s voice could be heard from outside the Cube. “Unity is the objective here. Only one group will be victorious, but which will it be?”

  Everyone raised their barriers. Eclipse drew her blade and stood vigilant as she scanned the mountains. “Kry, we need to move. Staying in one spot will make us a target.”

  “Agreed. We don’t know how long this mountainous terrain will last,” said Kry.

  Thrace pointed to the ridge up ahead. “There’s a trail leading up the mountain. We’ll be able to get a good vantage point from there and see where the other groups are.”

  Thrace led the way as they climbed the rocky mountain. Kry was surprised how different this fight was compared to the one he had seen before. Unlike the last time when it was chaotic and loud, now it was eerily silent with just the faint cheers which could be heard from the audience.

  They continued up the mountain. Thrace raised his hand for them to stop.

  “What is it?” asked Kry.

  Thrace pointed toward another mountain ridge. They followed his gaze and could see figures moving along the top.

  “It’s the Chinese,” said Eclipse, her keen eyesight able to spot them clearly.

  Wei Long and her group appeared to have the same idea as they did, heading upward toward the highest point of the mountain, but the Chinese had yet to realize they were being watched.

  “Keep low. Once we get to the top, we can make our defense,” said Thrace.

  They crouched and concealed their movements as they climbed the mountain. Kry focused his mind and tried to locate the presence of other Users. Immediately, he saw the beacons of energy around him, faint signals of Users, many of which who were making an effort to hide their presence. He had yet
to master this ability, and despite the faint energy readings he sensed, he was unable to figure out who was who.

  They finally reached the top. Seconds later, the Chinese had also come to the top of their ridge.

  “Get down!” yelled Thrace.

  A blast of energy rocked the mountain, and Kry almost lost his balance. The Chinese moved in formation and were shooting an array of elemental energy toward them.

  “Lock hands! We need to form our group barrier!” said Kry.

  The five of them joined hands, and the energy flowed between them, each strengthening the barrier. The oncoming blasts were easily deflected, and the distance between them made it almost impossible for the Chinese to break through their group barrier.

  They moved across the ridge. Eclipse made a quick scan of the area around them. “I don’t see any other groups here. They have to be behind that mountain.” She pointed to where the Chinese were.

  Suddenly, one of the Chinese members crouched down and with his hands generated a flow of earth. Stone began to form from that side of the mountain, and soon both ridges were connected by a stone bridge.

  “It looks like they want a fight,” said Thrace.

  “Then we bring it to them,” said Kry.

  Wei Long raised her hand and then rushed forward, leading her faction across the bridge with each member firing a mixture of elemental blasts.

  Kry had no idea what the other teams were doing, but their immediate concern was Wei Long and her team.

  Akira pulled out his weapon. “Let us do battle.”

  Eclipse had her blade ready and touched his. “We’ll go first across the bridge. Defend us with everything you have.”

  “Hold on, what if the bridge collapses? We should let them come to us,” said Kry.

  “No, the bridge is wide enough, and here there’s not enough space to fight. Our best bet is to bring the fight to them and cross this bridge to the other side,” said Eclipse. Without saying another word, she ran toward the Chinese with Akira right behind her.


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