Rise of the Young: Warriors are not made; they are forged (The Ascended Book 2)

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Rise of the Young: Warriors are not made; they are forged (The Ascended Book 2) Page 42

by Bygott, Hugo C.

  Makai looked troubled. “Veron has been quiet for too long. Something must have happened to him.”

  “He’s a Blade, Makai. He should be able to take care of himself,” replied Luka.

  “Just like you took care of that woman who bested you?” teased Makai.

  Luka gritted his teeth.

  “And how Dominus took care of Kry on Tower Bridge? If Kry has this power, then Veron would be no match alone,” explained Makai.

  “Do you believe the story?” asked Luka.

  Makai’s face was unreadable. “There’s only one way to find out. We go there ourselves,” he said. “We will kill everyone there and cleanse the university.”

  Mr. Surbeck’s eyes widened in shock. “Please, my son, spare him! He passed this information on to me. Surely, that deserves some merit.”

  Luka pulled one of his katanas out from its scabbard.

  Mr. Surbeck leaned back with his eyes wide open in fear. Luka rose to his feet and placed the weapon against the man’s face, caressing his beard.

  “We assure you, your son will not be harmed. He may even prove useful in our cleansing,” said Luka. “His name?”

  Mr. Surbeck trembled. The steel was cold against his face. “Sonus, my son’s name is Sonus. Please, he’ll help you. He leads a large faction at the university. Whatever you need, he’ll assist you. He hates Kry as much as anyone. I’m sure you’ll find a use for him.”

  Luka gently moved his weapon away from his face. “Yes, we will find a use for him.”

  “We must tell Viktor everything we’ve learned. I believe Veron’s silence is a telling sign that something is happening at the university,” said Makai.

  “The Blades will all be assembled.” Luka placed the tip of his katana into the fire, the edge turning red from the heat.

  “We must depart at once.” Makai turned to Mr. Surbeck. “Thank you for your information. It has proved very valuable, indeed. I’m afraid we can’t stay for dinner, but you’ll receive your reward, though.” He looked to Luka.

  “Thank you! Thank you so much,” said Mr. Surbeck. His eyes revealed his relief that they would not be joining him for dinner.

  “Luka will give you your reward,” said Makai.

  Mr. Surbeck turned to the Blind Blade and saw the katana tip, red with fire.

  “See this as your reward.” Luka brought the tip to the side of the man’s face.

  Mr. Surbeck screamed as the steel burned his beard away.

  “You’re lucky we don’t take your life,” said Luka. “Your reward is your life, this time at least.” He flipped the katana and pressed it against the other side of his face.

  Mr. Surbeck continued to cry out in agony.

  “Your wife seems to be a good woman,” said Makai. “You, however, do not. Pray that we don’t hear that you have abused your wife again.”

  Luka took the katana away from Mr. Surbeck’s face. The man’s beard had gone, and there were burn marks on both sides. Luka returned his katana back into its scabbard and then punched Mr. Surbeck in the stomach. “Your son will not be harmed, at least not by my hand.”

  Makai led the way and pushed the door open for them to leave. Mrs. Surbeck was sitting by the door, tears in her eyes. Makai bent down and helped her up. “Diana, go and help your husband. I’m sure he’ll be more amicable now.” He kissed her hand and let her go into the room where her husband was still screaming in pain.

  Chapter 29 – Preparations

  The days had gone by quickly, and he had no idea how long he had been confined here. The bars of his prison were made out of energy that constantly hummed, making it nearly impossible to get a good sleep. Outside his makeshift prison, the Seekers were vigilant and uncaring for his pain. They beat him every day without saying a word and never even asked a question.

  Rush sat against the wall; his body was badly bruised and beaten. They had taken his white-rimmed sunglasses and long white coat and left him shirtless and cold. With the Seekers’ rods preventing his User abilities, he could not heal his body efficiently, and every beating caused him more pain and suffering. His eyes were swollen, his lips bloodied, and his hair was greasy with dirt and sweat. They had neither given him the chance to wash or change clothes. He was just left there to receive senseless beatings every day. How much time had passed he wondered? The beatings were so often he no longer counted.

  Since his capture, Botulinia had yet to visit him which was surprising. In fact, her absence only made him more worried. But despite the pain in his body, he could only think about Rhea’s safety. How had she survived?

  Rush could hardly bend down to pick up the stale bread on the floor. The meager scraps Botulinia provided were barely enough to sustain him. He cringed as he took a bite from the bread; the taste was plain, and the texture was as hard as rock. He wanted to spit it out, but he needed the sustenance. They were not going to give him anything more than this.

  The prison bars stopped humming, and the energy ceased as he just finished swallowing his last piece of bread.

  “Tasty stuff. Truly. My compliments to the chef,” said Rush as he saw the Seekers enter his new home.

  The Seekers picked him up and chained him to the wall.

  “Hey! There’s no need for violence. I’m a man of forgiveness. Let me free, and we can all be on our—”

  The blow to his stomach made him almost cough up the stale bread. The Seekers continued their beating as he hung from the chains. No questions and no words were spoken by the Seekers as they beat him again and again. His vision became dark, and he was soon unconscious from the pain.


  A scent of lavender caused him to stir. It was fresh and alluring. He opened his eyes with a smile which soon left his face as he saw the source of the perfume.

  “Awake at last. I hope the Seekers have treated you most fairly,” said Botulinia. Her voice was soft and like a mother.

  Rush winced as he moved his body. The Seekers had done a thorough job. “Very fair,” he said, sarcastically.

  Botulinia sat across from him with her legs crossed. Her naked right leg revealed her satin skin. “It’s funny how men look when they sleep. You’re so vulnerable and weak.”

  Rush looked down at his bare chest. His muscles were well defined and developed. “I’m not sure if I should take you watching me while I sleep a compliment or a creepy gesture.”

  Botulinia’s red lips curled. “Don’t flatter yourself.” She clicked her fingers.

  Seekers entered the prison and pinned Rush against the wall, securing him in chains again.

  Rush had no energy to resist. “Can we be a bit gentler?”

  “You talk too much. I’m surprised you still have your humor after all those beatings you’ve taken,” she said.

  “Well, someone has to be positive around here. You all look miserable,” replied Rush.

  Botulinia slapped him, her cold hand leaving a red mark on the side of his face. “I’ve been waiting a long time to do that.” She slapped him again across the other side.

  Rush hung from his chains unable to do anything. He looked up at her. “I’ve received harder slaps.”

  Botulinia laughed. “You’re an interesting man, Rush. You can take that as a compliment.”

  “A prisoner receiving compliments? What a world we live in.” Rush then looked her straight in the eyes. “Where is Rhea and Dr. Rhodes?”

  “Worried about the young woman and the old man, are we? Don’t worry. They’re in good hands just like you are,” she said with a mocking tone.

  Rush tried pulling his right arm out of the chain but was forced back by the pressure.

  “Now, that’s what I wanted to see: your perseverance. The mighty Rush, always avoiding capture at every turn, but finally we have you. I’m slightly disappointed it happened so easily,” she said.

  “What took you so long to talk to me? I’ve been in here for days with only hot roast meals and fine wine. I need some company,” said Rush.

nia glanced at the breadcrumbs of the stale bread and the empty glass of water. She smiled. “The Shadow Government has many plans awaiting you. They’re as excited to have you as I am. You’ve been a thorn in our side for too long.” Her hips moved from side to side as she approached him. “We can proceed with violence or no violence. The choice is yours.”

  “Is there a third option?” he asked with disdain.

  Botulinia stroked his matted hair and caressed the sides of his face with her fingers. Her lavender scent was strong as she postured in front of him. “Geminae has returned to us. Dr. Rhodes is fixing the Purifiers, and everything is back on track. It’s over, Rush. There’s nothing you can do to stop the recycling of humanity, and it will be as ordained by the Shadow Government, as it always has and will continue to be. You can make this easy for yourself, and for Rhea, by telling me where Kry is.”

  Rush cared not for himself. It was Rhea and Dr. Rhodes who made him worry. “I don’t know where he is.”

  She smiled, held his chin by the tip of her finger and then grabbed his throat. “Men are bad liars. You’re predictable and weak. I know you know where he is. And you will tell me, one way or another.” She leaned in against his neck and blew into his ears.

  Rush tingled all over and knew what she was trying to do. He was familiar with such tactics, but without his User abilities, he was helpless.

  She whispered into his ear. “You’re a handsome man, Rush. The rumors don’t do you justice. Maybe, after this, I’ll have a use for you, a private use.”

  He moved his head to get her to move away from him.

  “Oh, you don’t like the gentle breath of a woman against your skin?” purred Botulinia.

  “You are no woman. A monster is more akin to what you are,” retorted Rush.

  Botulinia gently pulled her dress down and revealed her naked shoulders. “Are you not pleased by my appearance? You might like what you see.”

  Rush averted his gaze. “Your tactics of seduction are legendary, but they’ll not work on me.”

  Botulinia pressed her lips. “They always work. All men are the same.” She pulled his face back to her and allowed her dress to slip to the ground. She stood in front of him naked, confident in her own image.

  Rush tried to look away, but she held his face toward her.

  “I see in your eyes that you’re pleased with what you see,” she said. “You can have it, and much more, if you please me.”

  “I won’t do what you ask. No matter how hard you try, I won’t tell you anything.”

  Botulinia let go of his chin and used her mind to levitate her dress back to her. It fitted perfectly. She then stroked his face once more. “A shame, but of no consequence. We’ll find him with or without your help. The Shadow Government never fails.” She made her way to leave.

  “Wait,” said Rush.

  She turned to him with seeking eyes.

  “What will you do with Rhea and Dr. Rhodes?” he asked.

  “What will I do? Well, Dr. Rhodes will be unharmed as long as he continues to do as I ask,” she replied.

  “And Rhea?” added Rush.

  The prison bars of energy returned as Botulinia turned to leave. “She was never a prisoner. She’s like family.”


  Rush did not know how long he had slept this time, but he was thankful there was no lavender scent to wake him up. He rose and immediately saw the prison bars of energy were no longer there. He moved quickly, as fast as he could despite the pain, but he could already feel his body rejuvenating. The blur in his mind was gone, and so was the feeling of helplessness. He moved to the door and saw the Seekers flat on their backs with their throats slit. A piece of paper was left by one of their bodies. He picked it up.

  I told you not to go back here. When will you ever listen?

  I’ve done what I can. The rest is up to you.

  Your Friend

  “I was never a good listener, friend,” said Rush. He undressed one of the men and took his robe and Seeker’s rod. He placed the note in his pocket and pulled back the hood over his head.

  Rush left the room and continued through a hallway. He soon realized where he was. The prison had been made within the main building close to Botulinia’s office. In fact, he was right next door. His friend’s ability to help him was impressive.

  Rush cloaked his User presence and slowly crept through the hallway toward the lift at the end. He had not fully recovered, and there was no way he could blink to safety. He would have to escape the old-fashioned way. As he waited for the lift to arrive, he could hear Botulinia’s voice coming from the other end of the hallway. He knew it was dangerous, but he was never one to flee from a challenge. He turned back from the lift and went to her door. Botulinia sounded anxious and worried.

  “I knew I should have gone as well. When was the last time you heard from him?” asked Botulinia.

  Rush could hear her footsteps walking back and forth.

  “I understand, but this is unlike my brother. He would never just become silent. Something must have happened,” she insisted.

  Rush had only met Veron once, and it ended up with Veron trying to crush him.

  “If something has happened to him, I’ll kill whoever is responsible. My brother may be arrogant and disliked by many, but he’s still my brother.” Botulinia’s tone was unnatural and becoming strident. “Forgive me, my Lord. I didn’t mean to raise my voice. I just—” Her voice stopped.

  Rush wondered if she sensed his presence. He was confident he was strong enough to hide it from her, but the Blades were formidable, and he had not fully recovered.

  “You know where Kry is?” said Botulinia with surprise.

  Rush froze. He leaned in closer to try and hear further.

  “All of us? Now? But the Purifiers are not yet fully optimized. If—”

  What was going on? It was impossible for them to know unless someone in the university had betrayed them.

  “I understand. I’ll arrange a detachment of Purifiers to accompany me. Preparations for the attack will begin at once. What of Geminae?”

  His heart beat faster as the realization dawned on him. If they knew where Kry was and were planning to attack the university, he had to go and warn them.

  “And Rush?” inquired Botulinia.

  The only way Rush could travel quickly would be to use the Translocator, but the Seekers had it under lockdown.

  “It will be my pleasure,” said Botulinia. “Now, about this Professor Zero…”

  Rush pulled back from the door. There was nothing left to listen to, and he had to reach his friends as soon as possible. He went back toward the lift which had now arrived. His mind was becoming clearer, and his body was becoming stronger, but he would not be able to blink just yet.

  He entered the lift and pushed the button for ‘Research and Development.’ He had made a promise, and he was going to keep it. When he arrived, he noticed many Bellum staff working on this floor. He lowered his head and walked through the many offices. No one would dare stop a Seeker, and he continued to walk past them.

  He remembered the way and turned several corners before finally coming to the special lift which connected to the caverns below. He broke into the digital panel with his mind and quickly made his descent. It was not long before he was running through the white tunnel and bursting through the door where the many Purifier machines stood in row upon row. They were just as he remembered: ugly and unnatural.

  Suddenly, he heard footsteps and saw a Seeker coming toward him. He adjusted his hood to darken his face as the Seeker approached.

  “Brother, why are you down here?”

  Rush lowered his head to conceal himself. “Botulinia has asked me to check on Dr. Rhodes.”

  The Seeker was silent as he considered the response. Rush was becoming nervous as the silence descended upon them.

  “Why would Botulinia ask for you to check on Dr. Rhodes when I have been assigned to look after him?”

  Rush slowl
y placed his hand closer to the rod by his waist. “Brother, there is a new development, and we have little time. Plans are being drawn to assemble the Purifiers, and Botulinia has sent me to make sure Dr. Rhodes is ready.”

  The Seeker watched him carefully. “I see,” he said at last.

  Rush was about to leave.

  “Hold on, what’s that on your shoulder?”

  Rush looked to his shoulder and saw the small bloodstain. He turned quickly and struck the Seeker’s head before he could react. The Seeker fell to the floor unconscious. Rush then ran forward through the cavern to Dr. Rhodes’ room, but as he drew closer, Dr. Rhodes’ presence faded. There was no Dr. Rhodes.

  A great sound of moving stone came from the area behind him. He ran back through the cavern with urgency to the source of the sound and knew something was wrong; the body of the Seeker was no longer there. Suddenly, the floor beneath him moved, and the entire cavern was shaking. Rush tried to maintain his balance and leaned against one of the Purifiers. The floor then began to rise, and he realized the entire area was a giant platform. He looked up and a giant ray of sunlight flooded the cavern as the rock ceiling parted. The Purifier machines all stood line by line on the giant platform; their eyes were lifeless and devoid.

  The platform reached the top, and the machines now stood inside the Bellum compound underneath the open sky. Rush felt a sudden pain in his mind and fell to his knees. He tried to resist, but he could not move. A hand grabbed him and removed his hood. In front of him were thousands of Bellum men and women, their red uniforms like a sea of blood. Several banners were held in the air showing the Bellum emblem. Seekers were around him in a circle with their glowing rods pointed toward him.

  “Get up!”

  A Bellum officer wearing a black hat pulled him up from the ground. Rush had heard from Mean Bean about the head of security.

  “Nice hat,” commented Rush.

  Blackhat pushed him forward.

  Rush could not believe the cavern area had been a staging platform. There must have been at least a hundred of them on this platform alone, and now they were all in the central courtyard of Bellum.


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