Wolves At The Door

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Wolves At The Door Page 2

by Girl, Breukelen

  “You waiting on stuff to arrive or still need to go shopping?” Hooper asked as the there was another knock at the door.

  “I got it.” Thane replied pushing up off the couch and walking over to the door and opening it. The smell of pizza wafted into the apartment and Hooper’s stomach grumbled loudly.

  “You’re going to ruin my diet.” Hooper mumbled his mouth watering as he inhaled the pizza scent and watched Thane pull out his wallet and pay the delivery guy. He closed the door and balanced the pizza box in one hand.

  “You diet?” Thane asked raising his eyebrows.

  Hooper slapped his stomach. “Yes, don’t you?”


  “Fucking werewolf metabolism. It’s always better than,” Hooper stopped talking and stilled before shaking his head and picking up his beer off the table before himself. He hadn’t meant to let his anger and indifference about werewolves get the better of him. Especially when he’d already figured out Thane was a werewolf. Sitting so close to him had given him the chance to check him out, scent wise.

  It had made his cock start to harden when he’d done it. Hooper had then had to focus like hell on the Knicks game on television in order to keep his body calm. Besides, it wasn’t much of a diet if he couldn’t cut the beer out was it?

  “Keep going” Thane said walking over to the couch with the pizza and placing it down on the table. Hooper stood opposite him beer in one hand, hand on his hip in the other.

  “You already know what I was going to say, right. I mean you scented me earlier, in the hall, when we first met. So you say it.” Hooper threw back at him, downing a mouthful of beer, feeling extremely defensive all of a sudden.

  Any talk of him being a lycan, generally pissed him off.

  Thane’s eyes narrowed on him and he stepped closer to Hooper. “You’re a wolf, lycan. I’m a werewolf. Air cleared, are we good here?”

  “Not exactly.” Hooper mumbled sipping more beer quickly. Thane took another step towards him.

  “What’s the problem then?” Thane asked him frowning. “We’re both basketball fans here.” And gay, Thane added silently, if those jeans are anything to go by along with the looks you keep throwing at me.

  Hooper stepped up to him, now they were almost nose to nose. A sliver of space separated them from one another. “Depends on the pizza you got?”

  “Pepperoni.” Thane replied automatically, staying where he was, holding eye contact with Hooper.


  “Half anchovies, okay?” Thane answered knowing that wasn’t at all what Hooper had wanted to say to him.

  “Good guess.” Hooper replied with a smile at him. The sound on the television went up as the crowd cheered loudly and both males heads flicked to the basketball game at the same time.

  “Oh come on!” Hooper screamed at throwing his hands at the TV.


  Hooper had lost all interest in the basketball game on TV. He kept stealing glances at Thane who was slouched on his couch, contently close to him, watching the game. Smug, confident, and content. Everything Hooper didn’t feel he was.

  But for as much as Hooper didn’t think he knew what he was doing around the clearly more confident wolf, he still had the guys attention. After all, he hadn’t left yet. “You’re not from around here, are you?” He asked, getting Thane’s attention again.

  Thane’s smiled stared from the corner of his mouth. “What makes you say that?”

  Hooper laughed at him. “Well for one, the accent.”

  “Canadian as charged,” Thane answered him.

  “Ah. And two, you’d know better than to hang out with a lycan if you were from these parts.”

  Thane frowned back at him. “What the hell does that mean?”

  “The New York wolf scene. It’s ruled by the werewolves. There are more of them then there are of my kind.”

  “Yeah, five packs versus what? A handful in one free zone, yeah?”

  “Something like that.” Hooper replied reaching for his beer.

  “Well despite what you think of the scene here. I am my own person, oh and I’m also an adult. So I’ll do whatever the fuck I like and hang out with whoever I like.” Thane fired back at him defensively before flashing a quick teeth smile.

  “Wow, anger. Could give my temper a run for its money in anger management stakes. Just making conversation.” Hooper replied lightly, before sipping his beer.

  Thane pulled himself more upright into a sitting positioning and pulled his hair out from behind his head so it wasn’t trapped with the movement. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have jumped down your throat like that. You’re right, we’re just talking here, right?”

  Hooper’s eyebrows shot up. “Right.”

  Thane sighed and reached for his beer. “Still, sorry, again.” He sighed heavily. “I guess I’m prone to going on the defensive all too easily. My life has sort of shaped me to react that way first and foremost for most situations, whether I want it or not.”

  Hooper put his beer down on the table again. “That doesn’t sound very werewolf like. All the werewolves I’ve come across seem to pride themselves on the whole, having control thing. From what I understand of the packs, they instil a big sense of it being the ruler to a werewolves life. Separating the wolves from the beasts as it were.”

  “Well I’ve never been a pack werewolf so…” The look of surprise on Hooper’s face kept Thane talking to him about it. “I got uh, thrown out of my pack when I was young. I never sought out another pack after that.”

  “Why not?” Hooper asked fascinated with what he was hearing.

  Thane shrugged his shoulders. “Had more immediate things to worry about than pack.” He replied.

  “How old where you, when they threw you out?”

  “I was fifteen.”

  “Oh.” Hooper replied feeling a sadness creep into him. “Yeah I get that.” He muttered softly. “I was fifteen when I was attacked, my big brother was seventeen.”

  Hooper looked at him, surprised by his own admission. He never talked about the attack with anyone. Not even Booker, his brother. They actually avoided talking about it at all costs. He’d only told Tatum about it the other day because for some reason, it finally felt like he could. It felt right, talking to her and now here he was divulging his hideous past to a complete stranger.

  Thane’s left eyebrow arched up in surprise. “Did he survive it?”

  “Yeah,.” Hooper replied sighing and picking up his beer and sculling it clean. “If you call this life, surviving.” He turned away from Thane, mentally kicking himself as he did so. How did he do that? Go from having a hot guy he was flirting with, to depressing conversation that could make anyone’s cock limp in an instant.

  Smooth Parish, Really Smooth. He told himself silently. “But uh, enough about my depressing life, you did not come here to hear that. What is going on with this game anyone?” He muttered looking back at the TV but finding he couldn’t really focus on it.

  Hooper’s mind was wandering elsewhere in the realms of its usual stubborn depression when it really got thinking about the attack that had made him a lycan to begin with.

  “It’s okay, I don’t mind.” Thane replied watching the younger male stubbornly ignore him.

  He knew it wasn’t because Hooper didn’t want to talk to him. It was because Hooper didn’t want to talk about the subject matter they’d strayed onto. Which was fair enough, it was a hard and confronting one.

  “Well I do.” Hooper muttered unhappily.

  Thane had to think fast, he didn’t want loose the younger wolf to his demons. He was interested in him and he hadn’t meant for the younger wolf to get depressed because they were talking honestly.

  “Don’t let it define you.”

  Hooper’s head turned and his eyes snapped back onto Thane’s line of sight. His lips were clamped tightly together in a thin line.

  “The lycanthropy, don’t let it define you.” Thane was trying to figure out if he’d
gone too far with the whole honesty thing. There was honesty in truth and talk and then there was the just the brutal reality of it’s under currents when it came to being a wolf, especially, he had to think, for a lycan.

  He’d made his excuses to get in her, to get closer to the male for purely altruistic, hedonistic and utterly sexual reasons. He hadn’t planned to crack his psyche in doing so. Hooper stared back at him silently as the basketball game played on the TV in the background.

  Thane held the look and wondered how to ease the situation down a notch. “I have a confession to make.” Thane blurted out quickly before he could stop himself. He had to take one for the team if he had any chance at redeeming the mood in there with Hooper. “I’m not a Knicks fan. I just made up an excuse to get in here.” Thane said watching Hooper’s mood.

  He was still defensive and closed off, was he making the situation worse all together?

  “And why in the hell would you do that?” Hooper asked staring him down. “As you can see from scoping out my place, I don’t have anything much of value here.”

  Thane smirked at him. “Oh I don’t know about that.” He held Hooper’s gaze. He watched the other male’s body soften slightly, not much. But it was there, he was relaxing again. “I’m pretty sure those jeans should be illegal.”

  “Pretty sure they are, in fifty other states.” Hooper fired back at him, still holding his gaze. “Got lucky New York wasn’t one of them.”

  Thane picked up his beer and saluted him. “I’ll say.”


  Hooper smirked and looked away. Proud of himself. He had so far achieved his mission, to get the attention of the male werewolf. So far, so good, the jeans has made sure his plan worked. Now to get closer than just looking at the guy.

  “Well if they’re offending you, I could take them off.” Hooper said standing up and facing Thane, one hand on the waist of his jeans.

  “I wouldn’t say what they’re doing to me is an offense.” Thane replied looking up at the younger male. “So no need to get rid of them.”

  Hopper’s hope dropped. Damn it, he couldn’t be any clearer than that without saying suck me, fuck me, do me good. He dropped his hand away dejectedly. “Don’t get me wrong Hooper I like those jeans for all the reasons you wore them. But I’m not a rush in kind of guy.”

  “Right.” Hooper muttered dropping his gaze to Thane’s chest.

  “Do I take it you’re the impulsive type?” Thane asked as Hooper sat back down again, next to him. This time with a little more space between them.

  “I don’t think so.” He answered his gaze diverting and going anywhere but at Thane’s face. More like just trying to flirt the shit out of Thane.

  “You don’t like talking about yourself do you?” Thane asked him tilting his head, trying to recapture Hooper’s gaze.



  Hooper remained silent and kept his eyes down.

  “Because you’re gay or because you’re a lycan?” Thane asked genuinely wanting to know.

  Hooper sighed. He didn’t want to get into this kind of talk, that hadn’t been what he’d envisioned when he’d let Thane talk his hot body into his apartment. He wasn’t good at this talking.

  Thane took at guess. “Do you feel shame because you’re gay?” He asked turning more to face Hooper. “You don’t strike me as new to it.”

  “I’m not. I’ve always known I was gay.” Hooper said his eyes still not on Thane’s face. Thane looked at him, really looked at him, the body language he was giving off was a big clue to what was going on between them.

  “Then, what?”

  Hooper’s shoulders were rounded, his head bowed, his eyes low. He was unconsciously being submissive to Thane. Thane’s breath hitched. God damn, why’d he have to go from confident young male to submissive wolf on him? He’d been almost arrogantly cocky earlier on in the evening what with wearing those jeans displaying himself for Thane. Who’d wanted to tear the bleached blue denim off him and bury his mouth between Hooper’s legs.

  Thane’s cock started to harden at the thought of a submissive wolf. Hooper was making it impossible for Thane not to pay attention to him. Because Thane truly loved being the top. He hadn’t really been thinking beyond maybe getting a blow job out of the male when he’d talked his way into the apartment. He’d seen the sexual spark in Hooper’s eyes when he’d looked at Thane in the hallway. He just hadn’t contemplated Hoper being a submissive. He didn’t come across as one, at least, not until now. Thane resisted feeling the hardness of his own cock in his hand. He knew exactly what to do with Hooper.

  “Hooper,” Thane said his voice changing, deepening in a commanding manner. He watched as the younger male shivered. Was that anticipation or desire? Thane wasn’t sure, he’d never really had a truly submissive partner before.

  All his hook-ups had been with males who wanted a good time, but not a long time. And they’d play whatever he wanted them to play as long as they got to have him in the end. But Hooper, this reaction to him, it was not forced, it was not thought out. It was instinctual.

  A good sign, he’d reached deep within the wolf. Could it be Hooper was a natural submissive wolf? Something told him this was the case and it just made his attention on Hooper intensify.

  Hooper’s cock stretched in hard length. Jesus, how did Thane do that? His voice made his whole body hard and had him waiting in anticipation. “Hooper,” Thane tried again. “Answer me.”

  With his head still bowed, but his body feeling tightly wound up. Hooper didn’t fully understand what he was feeling but it felt like it was part of him, and that it felt somehow, right. Like Thane had just unlocked a puzzle piece in him. “Hooper, do you want to get down on the ground for me, would that make it easier?”

  Hooper shut his eyes and breathed. The voice it was like a remote control to the very fiber of his being, it resonated in this muscles and he began to move, even as he answered Thane back. The worst part was, whilst he didn’t understand why it sounded so good to his senses, he didn’t want to fight it.

  “Yes.” He said softly.

  Thane parted his legs wide for the younger wolf who moved to kneel between the coffee table at his back and between Thane’s legs at his front. His head still bowed, feet tucked under himself, his hands by his sides heavily. “Pretty boy.” Thane muttered heatedly, more than liking what he saw in the other wolf.

  His hand reaching out to rake through the top of Hooper’s hair. He’d longed for a proper pack mate. A mate who understood his needs to be the alpha. A mate who could meet those needs and more. Hooper shivered again and let out a little sigh. He’d never wanted so badly in life to feel like this before. Like he was perfect and he had a place and it all made sense. Thane’s hand kept raking its way through his hair, again and gain.

  When he was just Hooper the lycan he had to be a tough guy, had to cope with the bullshit of the werewolf and lycan world he was thrust into. A lot of the time that muddled him up when it came to figuring out who he was, when he wanted to be with someone.

  But this encounter with Thane, it was more than he’d ever had with anyone else. Because it was honest and unexpected. And there was a connection in this touch he was under. He’d never felt so damn compelled before as a wolf.

  “When I address you Hooper you will respond back to me, unless I instruct you otherwise, are we clear?” Thane’s dominant voice floated down to the lowered wolf as he leaned forward.

  “Yes Thane.” Hooper replied softly. He liked the feeling of being under Thane’s hand, as he ran his fingers through Hooper’s hair. The voice clicked into his consciousness and Hooper felt like he had a place in the world, and it was with the werewolf before him.


  Hooper was settled, he was somewhat content, on his knees, head bowed before Thane. The older males hands raking through his hair and scalp softly. It was pleasant and blissing him out to receive such a little form of attention that satisfied something inside him, all too ea

  “Why do you hate yourself Hooper?” Thane asked again, still running his fingers through Hooper’s hair.

  “Cause I’m a lycan.” Hooper replied with hesitation or anxiousness.

  “But that’s not your fault, you didn’t ask to be bitten right? You were attacked.” Thane said back at him.

  “Yes, but despite the initial event, it’s made me into a lycan and I don’t like being one.” Hooper said breathing heavily.

  Thane stopped stroking his hair but kept his hand where it was. He hadn’t suspected this is where he’d end up going with the younger wolf male when he’d decided to try his luck in getting into his apartment. But he wasn’t about to shy away from what he’d uncovered with the lycan at his feet. Thane understood hatred and hatred of self.


  Hooper started to lift his head, but Thane applied pressure on his hand to keep it bowed. It was a submissive position and one that made Hooper feel comfortable enough to talk so personally to him, a complete stranger essentially. Thane wasn’t about to lose that connection.

  “See, even you don’t want to look at me when I tell you why. How can I look at me too?” Thane dropped his hand off Hooper completely. This was going from bad to worse, Hooper had deep seeded issues over his lycanthropy.

  “You’re wrong. Look at me. Now!” Thane barked at him, making him flinch. Hooper’s head shot up and hazel eyes looked into warm brown ones.

  “I’m not disgusted when I look at you. I devised a plan to get in here, to see you, the wolf from across the hall.” Thane said back at him. “Stand up,” He watched as Hooper obeying his command, stood up with a fluid like grace, that could come from being a dancer. “Come here.” He patted his thighs in quick succession.

  Hooper looked at Thane’s lap and back up at the werewolf. He kept patting his lap for him.

  “Um, how do you want me?”

  “Sit on my lap. Facing me.” Thane instructed as Hooper mounted the couch and spread his legs so he was sitting, legs tucked at the sides, of Thane’s thighs. Thane’s arms reached around to Hooper’s backside and cupped his jeans clad ass. A wicked smile spread across Thane’s face as he cupped each cheek. “Very nice.” He muttered heatedly before pulling Hooper down onto his lap so they were groin to groin and hip to hip.


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