Turning Home (A Small Town Novel)

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Turning Home (A Small Town Novel) Page 4

by Stephanie Nelson

  “You’re late,” I said, crossing my arms.

  “You sure?” He tilted his head to the side. “Maybe you’re early,” he finished with a shrug.

  “I’m not early, and I don’t have time to wait around on you. You’re lucky I showed up at all.” My nervousness was turning into a mean streak again. I cleared my throat and promised myself I would tone it down.

  “You’re right,” he said, heading toward the back of his truck. “I’m sure as a Kingsley you could be poolside, eating caviar, and sipping champagne. I am so grateful you decided to fit me into your busy schedule.”

  I shook my head, pissed. Why did everyone throw my parents’ money in my face? Was that the only thing people saw when they looked at me? Of course it was; I didn’t have an identity of my own.

  “I’m going home,” I said, heading around my car. I pressed the button that would unlock my doors and had just grabbed the handle when Dylan’s hand slapped against the frame so that I couldn’t open it.

  “I’m sorry,” he said softly. I felt my heart melt a little with the sincerity in his eyes. “Dana’s car broke down, and I had to help her out.” He stole the keys from my hand with a smile. “No need to run away.”

  I eyed my keys dangling from his hand, a smile breaking against my lips. “For the record, I don’t even like caviar.”

  “What about fish?”

  “I guess,” I said in confusion. “I like scallops and shrimp.”

  He laughed through his nose. “None of those here.” He nodded toward the lake, and I realized why he wanted to meet at Lilac Pond.

  “We’re going to fish?”

  He walked around my car, and I followed, seeing him bend over to pick up two fishing poles discarded on the ground.

  “What did you think we were doing?” He spun around to face me, a smirk on his lips. “Wait, did you think we were going skinny dippin’?”

  An image of Dylan’s naked body intertwined with mine in the water filled my head, warming my cheeks. I shook my head, looking away.

  “No, I wouldn’t step foot in that water if you paid me.”

  “Of course you wouldn’t,” he said. “You already have money, but I bet I could talk you into it.”

  He reached into the bed of his truck, lifting a tackle box and blanket over the tailgate, and motioned with his head for me to follow. Together we walked toward the lake. Lilac Pond was surrounded by trees and in the middle of a meadow. Tall cattails circled around the edge of the water, their leaves rustling against each other with the wind.

  “Why would you assume that?”

  “What? That I could talk you into skinny dippin’?” He set the tackle box down and spread the blanket out along the grass. After seeing how he treated Michelle last night, I wasn’t sure what to expect from him, but the blanket had been thoughtful. My eyes automatically went to the fading hickey on his neck, knowing who put it there. Was she his girlfriend?

  “Yeah, are you always so sure of yourself?”

  He rested his hands on his hips, causing his t-shirt to stretch taut against his chest. I nibbled at my bottom lip as I appraised him.

  “Only when I know for sure I’m right.”

  I smiled, loving his confidence even though he was wrong. “Nothing in this world would get me in that water. There are probably snakes and possibly an alligator or two in there.”

  “An Alabama girl afraid of a couple snakes and alligators?” He shook his head as though the thought was unbelievable. “I guess we’ll stick to the blanket then,” he said with a wink.

  I had never seen a girl dressed so nice for fishing before. Brooke’s clothes probably cost more than my weekly paycheck. My eyes kept falling to her bare legs. I had to consciously make myself stop staring at them so my dick wouldn’t harden. There was just no easy way to explain a random erection. Not that Brooke would ask me about it; I doubted she could even say the word without turning bright red.

  I cast my pole and stuck a y-shaped stick in the ground to act as a holder, resting my pole in the between the branches. Next, I fixed Brooke’s pole with a bobber. I figured it would be easier for her to watch rather than bottom fishing.

  “Is this your first time … fishing?” I asked as I slid a worm onto the hook. Brooke’s lips curled up in disgust as she watched me.

  “I think I used to go with my daddy when I was little, but I don’t remember it.”

  “I fish as much as possible,” I said, adjusting the distance of her bobber from her hook. “It’s relaxing and allows a lot of time to think.” I glanced at Brooke, realizing I revealed a little more about myself than I intended to. “Here.” I held the pole out to her, smiling when she gave me a what-the-hell-am-I-supposed-to-do-with-that look. I thought she was going to refuse to cast it, but she surprised me when she took the pole from my hand.

  She walked to the edge of the water, holding the pole in both hands. I took advantage of her being in front of me and checked out her ass. Brooke pulled her arms back and flung them forward in an attempt to cast. The pole sprung from her hands and landed in the mud at her feet, splashing water onto her ankles. I busted out laughing, covering my mouth with my hand when she turned to glare at me.

  “Here, let me help you.”

  “That would be nice, unless you would rather stand there and laugh at me.”

  I bent over and picked up the pole, using my shirt to dry off the handle so that it wouldn’t ruin her silk tank top.

  “Can I do both?”

  A smile fought against the scowl on her face, brightening her eyes. Damn, she was beautiful. My eyes fell to her full lips, coated in a light pink gloss, and I wanted to nibble on them. I bet they tasted like strawberries.

  “Are you right or left-handed?”


  I handed the pole back to her. “Hold it in your right hand, and put your thumb on the release button right here.” I positioned her thumb over the button. “Don’t let go of it until you’re ready to cast.”

  “Okay,” she said, that grin still tugging at the corners of her mouth.

  I stood behind her and settled a hand on her hip, reaching out with my other arm to hold onto the pole with her. It shocked me that she allowed me to touch her so freely. Maybe she wasn’t as innocent as I thought.

  I moved in closer, resting my face beside hers. “Now bring your arm back.” My fingers glided along her soft skin as she drew her arm backward. “When you throw your arm forward, release the button.” She nodded, her hair brushing against my face. I rubbed my cheek against it and then took a step away from her so she could cast. Looking behind her shoulder to make sure I was out of the way, she threw her arm forward and the line sailed out of the reel a good six feet. It wasn’t a great cast, but it was good considering she didn’t know what she was doing. The bobber plopped into the water and Brooke spun around and smiled so wide, both rows of teeth glistened in the sun. I half expected her to break out into one her cheerleading routines.

  “Good job. Now just turn the handle to lock it in place, and you’re ready to catch some fish.”

  She inspected the reel, turning the handle. When it clicked, she looked up at me for confirmation that she had done the right thing. I nodded and sat on the blanket, patting the spot beside me. Setting the pole down, she knelt down and joined me.

  “So when the bobber disappears it means I have a fish?”

  I smiled, loving her naivety. “Yeah, if it disappears completely, it means a fish is hooked.”

  She bobbed her head, her eyes roaming around the field. “I see why you like this place,” she said, closing her eyes and inhaling a deep breath through her nose. “It’s peaceful and smells like wildflowers.”

  The wind played with the strands of her hair, and I itched to feel it between my fingertips. My eyes trailed from her face, down her throat, and settled on the swell of her breasts pressing against the thin silk. It was impossible to have virtuous thoughts around this girl. I had never craved anything the way I craved her.
  “So, what school are you going to?” I asked, hoping to get my mind on other things.

  She opened her eyes and leaned back on her arms, extending her legs out in front of her. I made sure to keep my eyes locked on her face.

  “UA,” she said. “It was my mom’s school, so I didn’t really have a choice—legacy and all that.”

  At that moment, I felt like breaking out into one of her cheerleading routines. She would only be an hour away and at the same school as Dana. I didn’t know what was going on between us, but when I thought of never seeing her again, something inside of me tightened with unease. I was so used to seeing her around town, and knowing that she was leaving caused me to finally make a move. I could have kicked myself for waiting this long.

  “My sister’s going there, too.”

  Her eyes widened. “Really? That’s cool. I bet you’re happy she won’t be too far away.”

  “Yeah, it’ll be nice that I can drive up on a weekend and see her.” I wanted to add, ‘and you,’ but I was foolin’ myself where Brooke Kingsley was concerned. Girls like her didn’t end up with guys like me—not in an actual relationship anyway. She might entertain the idea of hooking up with me, but I would be her dirty little secret just like Pete was Mrs. Emerson’s.

  “What is she studying?” Brooke tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. If I didn’t know better, I would say she was trying to keep her excitement over my news contained. She chewed on her lip and kept looking away from my eyes. Where was the bitchy mean girl I’d heard so much about? This girl was shy and nervous.

  “She’s undecided right now,” I told her. “But I think she’s interested in teaching. What about you?”

  “Undecided, too. My father wants me to study law, but it seems so boring. I mean, who wants to argue for a living? I get enough of that at home.” She curled her lips inward and looked away, obviously regretting including that last bit of information. She wasn’t telling me anything I didn’t already know. No one was fooled by the fake smiles the money in this town showed outside their homes.

  “Can I ask you something?”

  Brooke’s eyes met mine, and she nodded. “Sure.”

  “Were you planning on catching that fish or letting it drag your pole into the pond?”

  Her eyes widened, and she swung her head around to check on her pole. The bobber was completely submerged, and the tip of her pole trembled as the fish fought against the hook. I had made sure to keep an eye on it, knowing she wouldn’t.

  She jumped up and grabbed her pole, fumbling with the handle as she reeled the line in. An excited squeal left her lips when the fish came into view. She held the pole out, a tiny bluegill dangling from the hook.

  “I caught one.” She did a little hop that jiggled the fish back and forth. When it neared her legs, she dropped the pole altogether and squealed, causing me to break out in laughter again.

  “Catching it is only half of the task,” I said. “You have to take it off the hook.”

  Her head shook back and forth, sending her hair swaying around her face. “Uh-uh, I’m not touching it.

  “He’s going to die if you leave him on there.”

  “Then take him off.”

  The small bluegill flopped back and forth against the grass. I picked it up and motioned with my hand for Brooke to come closer.

  “I’ll hold him, you take the hook out.”

  Her lips scrunched up in a grimace as she eyed the fish, and she reached an unsteady hand toward the line. Grabbing the end of the hook, she tugged it in the opposite direction, and it slipped out.

  “See, that was easy, huh?”

  Her head bobbed in agreement, and I walked to the edge of the water and released the fish. Kneeling down, I washed my hands off in the water and dried them on my jeans. When I stood up and turned around, Brooke was watching me.

  “I bet you’re regretting ever coming today, huh?” I teased.

  “No, I was just thinking …” She eyed me, hesitating.


  “Don’t get cocky, but you make things I wouldn’t normally do fun. I honestly didn’t think I would enjoy fishing, but I have.”

  Shit, this girl was getting to me. I expected her to whine and complain about getting dirty, but she had stepped up and tried. Not only that, she was having fun. When it came to all my assumptions about Brook Kingsley, I was starting to think I was wrong. Maybe she wasn’t as much of a princess as everyone accused her of being.

  I had just confessed something I shouldn’t have, and I wasn’t embarrassed by it. I had no business getting this comfortable with Dylan Crawford. I had a boyfriend, and he probably had multiple girlfriends, but I felt so relaxed around him. I loved the way he watched me, touched me, and smiled at me. It was as if I had been dead inside until this point, and he came along and jumpstarted my body. I mean—I was excited about fishing for heaven’s sake. Fishing.

  He moved toward me, and I tensed, anxious to see what he would do. I had been talking myself into believing I saw hints of attraction whenever he looked at me, but that was just my obsessed mind playing tricks on me. Dylan messed around with experienced, tough girls, not spoiled, rich girls like me. I wouldn’t know the first thing about being with a boy like him.

  “There’s something I’ve been wanting to do since last night,” he said, gripping my waist with both hands. “If you want me to stop, just tell me, but I only have three days with you, and I can’t wait a second longer.”

  He slid a hand up, cupped the back of my neck, and brought his mouth to mine. I had only ever kissed James, and those had been sloppy all-over-the-place kisses—too eager. Dylan’s technique was completely different—slower. He nipped at my bottom lip, applying enough pressure that weakened my knees and promised more. I moved my mouth against his, praying he was enjoying the kiss as much as I was. The grip on my waist tightened, tugging me closer to his body. Through my thin shirt, I could feel the ridges that made up his muscular chest. I felt my body slumping against his, yearning to be closer to him.

  When his tongue slipped between my lips, a moan—I didn’t know I was capable of—vibrated up my throat. Our tongues tangled while Dylan fisted his fingers in my hair and held me against his body as though he was afraid I would run. He didn’t know that my legs were too weak to take me anywhere.

  When he broke away from my mouth, he rested his forehead against mine; our heavy breaths mingled in the space between us. My heart pounded so hard I was sure he could hear it, and the butterflies in my stomach took up residence inside my skull, leaving me dizzy. That was not what kisses were like, at least not in my experience.

  Dylan took a ragged breath and stepped away, turning his back to me. He stretched his arms behind his head and clasped his fingers together. I was quickly coming down from the silly high his kiss had given me and was afraid I had done something wrong. Was I a bad kisser? James had never said anything. Then again, James was just happy I was letting him kiss me. It meant he could cop a feel, at least until I told him to stop.

  I was just about to say something when Dylan spun around and met my eyes. They raked over my entire body as though he was trying to picture what I looked like beneath my clothes. Heat flooded my cheeks while a tickle settled between my legs. My reaction to him was so opposite from the one I had to James.

  “I’m sorry,” he said, causing me to frown.

  “For what?”

  “I hadn’t intended to come on to you.” His eyes fell on the pond while a gust of wind whipped through the field. The tall grasses and tree branches whooshed, mimicking the thrum of blood in my ears.

  “It’s okay,” I said, my voice barely above a whisper. “If I didn’t want it, I would have told you to stop.”

  Dylan gave me a small smile. I wasn’t sure if he regretted kissing me or was afraid I would now think he was my boyfriend. A lot of girls would come to that conclusion, but I wasn’t like most girls. When I agreed to spend the next three days with him, I agreed to it knowing when i
t was over I would go my way and he would go his. Besides, there was no way I could date a guy like Dylan without giving my parents a heart attack.

  “I’ll try to be better,” Dylan said, rubbing the back of his neck. “It’s not a secret that I’m a dick to women, but you don’t deserve that.” His eyes connected with mine. “I don’t want to be too forward or make you feel like you have to do stuff with me to keep my interest. I’m already interested, Brooke.”

  He was interested in me? I wanted to jump up and down and squeal, but I thought that might change his opinion of me. In moments like these, I wish I could gush to one of my friends, but I knew if I told them I was crushing on Dylan Crawford, they would lecture me. I had listened to Lily and the others talk about their boyfriends as though they were heaven sent. At the time, I didn’t understand because I hadn’t found that connection with James. Now that I was actually feeling something for someone, I couldn’t tell anyone about it. Our moments were limited, so it was probably for the best. I’d just keep Dylan as my little secret.

  “Tell you what,” I began and then my phone rang. I held up a finger to signal that I needed a minute. Slipping my cell out of my pocket, I frowned as the word HOME showed up on the screen.

  “Hello?” I turned my back toward Dylan, tucking my chin against my chest.

  “Brooke,” my mother said. “Guess who is waiting at the house for you?”


  “James said you haven’t been with him today,” my mom continued. “So, where are you?”

  I peeked over my shoulder at Dylan. He was facing the pond, his hands in his pockets. I chewed on my bottom lip as I tried to think of an excuse.

  “Well …”

  “I’ve … just been … driving around.” I cringed, knowing she would be suspicious.

  “Driving?” she asked. “Where?”

  “Around. I needed to clear my head, and all my friends have left for school already.”

  Silence filled the line, and I closed my eyes and shook my head, hating that I had to lie about what I was doing. Why did my parents have to judge Dylan based on the amount of money in his bank account or the importance of his family name?


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