Rescuing Finley (A Forever Home Novel Book 1)

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Rescuing Finley (A Forever Home Novel Book 1) Page 20

by Dan Walsh

  “I don’t think so. The way you’ve handled yourself since joining the program has definitely helped with that issue. You’re the opposite of a know-it-all. And the girls look up to Rita. She’s clearly taken you under her wing. Having her as a friend has helped. Besides that, word will get around that you’re being released in two months, so it’s not like you’re going to be an ongoing threat to the more competitive ones.”

  Hearing this helped.

  “But there’s more good news,” Miss Bridget said. “At least I think it will be good news. It depends on whether or not you plan to stay in this area after your release.”

  “I’d like to stay, if it’s possible. But that kind of depends on whether or not I can find a job. Summerville’s kind of a small town. I’m sure what few jobs are available will probably first go to the—”

  “Then I do have good news for you,” Miss Bridget interjected.

  “What is it? Some kind of job?”

  Miss Bridget nodded. “I was talking with Kim Harper on the phone, asking her if she could speak at our graduation ceremony, which she can. I also mentioned to her about you and Finley winning the Top Five Contest, which she was thrilled to hear. Then she told me the board at the Humane Society had just given her permission to add one more employee to her team.”

  Amy couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

  “She told me, she wants to hire you. And she’s even willing to hold the position until you get out of here.”

  Amy couldn’t help it. Tears began rolling down her face. This was even better news than winning the Top Five Contest. “I would totally love working with Kim. It would be like a dream job to me.”

  “I thought you’d like it.” Miss Bridget handed her a box of tissues from the credenza behind her desk.

  Amy dabbed her tears away with a tissue. “Do you know what I’d be doing? Not that it matters. I’d do anything they ask if I could work in a place like that.”

  “I don’t. But you can ask Kim yourself in a few days, at the graduation ceremony.”

  “That’s right. That’s what I’ll do. Oh thank you, Miss Bridget. This is such exciting news. Both things are.” She stood up. “About the demonstration you want us to do during the ceremony…I’ve never actually done one before. What do we do?”

  “It’s very simple. It’s the same routine you do at the beginning of every training day. I will even call out the commands like I do every day. But instead of everyone responding, it’ll just be you and Finley.”

  “That sounds easy enough.”

  “I’m sure you’ll do great.”

  “Would you mind if I involved Chris?”

  “Well, we’ve never really done that before.”

  “I just thought it might highlight the program even more if I do the first half of the demonstration, then invite Chris up to do the second half. It would show how effectively the training transitions from the trainer to the new owner.”

  Miss Bridget smiled. “Amy, that’s a great idea. Do you think Chris would do it?”

  “I think he would. I’ll ask him and let you know.”

  “Great. I hope he says yes.”

  Amy stood there a moment. “Guess I’ll head back to my dorm.”

  As she closed the door behind her, she instantly thought of another reason why this news was so exciting, besides just the chance of getting to work with Kim and caring for animals. She would get to stay in the area, which meant maybe she’d get to see Chris and Finley every now and then.

  That thought made her the happiest of all.


  Later that evening, after Chris had arrived home from work and taken a shower, he sat down at the dinette table in his apartment, a hot tray of Michelangelo’s chicken parmesan in front of him. Since the day he’d bring Finley home was rapidly approaching, he’d stopped at one of the big franchise pet stores and picked up a few things. Right now, he was looking down at the matching stainless steel food and water bowls sitting in a slightly elevated ornamental iron stand.

  The clerk said these were the right size for a golden retriever. He’d also purchased two matching dog beds, one for the living room and one for his bedroom. Although he was starting to think he’d better hold on to the receipt. Chances were better than average Finley would soon be up on the couch with him, and he’d probably let him up on the bed if he wanted, at least down by his feet.

  Only four more days.

  Although lately, such hopeful thoughts were instantly paired with pangs of regret at the pain this would cause Amy. But maybe her pain would be short-lived. He started rehearsing in his mind some of the signals Jed had mentioned. Hoping he wasn’t obvious, he’d tried to see how many were in play in his time with Amy today.

  He picked up a big forkful of food, smiling as he thought on it. She seemed to pass the test on every one. Of course, all this could be bogus. But then again, what if it wasn’t? He wasn’t about to make a fool of himself and rush into anything, but the signs were certainly encouraging. And she said she was interested in staying here if she could find a job. If that worked out, there’d be plenty of time to get to know each other better.

  Since her release was still two months away, it was too soon to do anything yet. Maybe he could at least ask what kind of job she was hoping to get. He could start checking around town when it got a little closer to the date.

  The following day after the group part of the training class was over, they walked outside and Amy handed Finley’s leash to Chris. Normally, Chris would then lead Finley around the perimeter fence to go to the bathroom while Amy headed toward their picnic table. Today, she continued to follow Chris toward the fence. He wasn’t sure why, but the look on her face said she had something to say. He could also tell during the class, she was in an unusually happy mood.

  “Is something going on?” he asked.

  She looked behind her then back at him, her smile even wider. “You could say that.”

  “So, what is it? What’s up?”

  “We need to get a little further away from everyone.”

  Now he was really curious. Finley suddenly stopped their forward motion, deciding this was the place and the moment he had to go. After bagging things up, they continued on to the far corner.

  They stopped walking. Finley continued to sniff around. “Okay,” Chris said, “what’s going on?”

  Amy took one more quick look back. “I guess this is far enough.” She turned her back toward everyone else in the yard.

  Chris looked over her shoulder. As far as he could tell, no one was paying any attention to them.

  “I heard some exciting news yesterday. Well really, two things.”

  “And I guess whatever it is, it’s a secret?”

  “Part of it is. At least until Friday.”

  “Graduation day?”

  She nodded. “Did I ever tell you about the Top Five Contest?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Apparently, during the last month of the class they start keeping score on all the dogs and trainers. Then they pick the top five—I guess the top five highest scores—as the finalists for this contest.”

  “And you made the top five?”

  Amy suddenly looked nervous and glanced over her shoulder.

  “Did I say it too loud?”

  “Doesn’t look like it. I don’t know why Miss Bridget told me in advance. Rita said they don’t announce the finalists till graduation day. After that, they pick one of the five dogs as the Top Dog. Yesterday afternoon, Miss Bridget said we not only made the Top Five, but Finley’s going to be named the Top Dog. He’s won the whole thing.”

  “Really? Amy, that’s great!” Without even thinking, Chris hugged her. Not in a romantic way. It just seemed the right thing to do. She definitely hugged back. He enjoyed feeling her so close and felt if he didn’t let go right away, things could get awkward. When they parted, their eyes stayed locked on each other. That didn’t feel awkward at all.

  It felt very nice.<
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  Then she said, “This news actually involves you. That is, if you’re okay with it.”

  “Me? How?”

  “After they announce Finley as the Top Dog—”

  “Which means you are the top trainer.”

  “—Yes,” she said, smiling. “…they’ll ask me and Finley to do an obedience demonstration. I thought I’d do the first half, then invite you up as his new owner and let you do the second half.”

  “What would I have to do?”

  “The same thing you’ve been doing every day. She wants us to do the very same routine.”

  Chris hesitated a moment. He wasn’t sure how he’d handle being in the spotlight.”

  “So, will you do it?”

  Look at her face. How could he turn her down? “Sure. How badly can I blow it?”

  “You’re going to do fine. And Finley will be as perfect as ever.”

  Chris bent down so that his face was at Finley’s level. “Did you hear that, boy?” he said in a loud whisper. “You’re not just in the top five around here. You are the Top Dog.” Finley licked his chin.

  “Chris,” she scolded gently, then put her index finger to her mouth.

  “Nobody heard me.” He stood back up.

  “I’ve got another piece of good news,” she said. “This part’s not so secret. We can start walking back to our picnic table.” As they did, she continued. “This news is almost more exciting than the first news. For me, anyway.”

  “Are they going to let you out even sooner than two months?”

  “Would that be good news to you?”

  “That would be great news.” He wondered if she knew what he meant by that, or how she would take it. “I was thinking about what you said before, about wanting to stay here if you could find a job. I thought maybe if you told me the kind of jobs you’d like to get, or what work experience you’ve already had, maybe I could start seeing what’s available around here.”

  “That’s sweet of you, but totally unnecessary.”


  “That’s my news.” They reached their picnic table. “I’ve got a job waiting for me when I get out. A job I will absolutely love.”

  “Really? Doing what?”

  “Working at the Humane Society with Kim Harper. I don’t know if you’ve met her, but she’s the Animal Behavior Manager there. She’s also the one who introduced me to Finley. She told Miss Bridget they just created an opening in her department, and she’s willing to hold the job for me.”

  “Amy, that is so great. I’m so happy for you.” And for me, he thought. He almost said it.

  “Isn’t it? I could hardly believe it when she told me. And you know what the best part of it is?”

  Chris nodded. “I do. Now you can stay. Right here in Summerville, near me and Finley.”


  It was finally here, Graduation Day.

  As she made her way through the morning, Amy was experiencing a number of differing emotions. She was nervous about doing the demonstration with Finley and Chris. It wasn’t the demonstration itself; something by now she could do in her sleep. It was doing it in front of a whole crowd of strangers. And she was a little worried about how all the girls would react to the news that she had not only made the Top Five, but Finley had been named Top Dog. She had to live with these girls for two more months after today.

  Thankfully, the news she’d received about a job waiting for her with Kim Harper at the Humane Society had erased some of the dread she’d expected to feel today. Finley was still going home with Chris today, but now she at least would get a chance to see him from time to time. She had no idea how often. That depended on how often Chris would want to see her once she got out.

  Back on Tuesday, she’d been feeling pretty good about this. But that was the last time she had seen Chris. He’d called Miss Bridget Wednesday morning and asked her to deliver the message to Amy. They were doing some special project at the golf course and needed everyone to work overtime for a few days. But his boss promised he would still have this morning off.

  In the time gap between then and now, she had begun to wonder if she’d simply been imagining that Chris cared for her on some level beyond friendship. After he’d left on Tuesday, she was almost certain there was something there. The way he’d talked to her, some of the things he’d said. She could still remember his gentle touch on her face when he’d wiped the tear from her cheek. And feel the warmth of his hug when he’d congratulated her about the contest. Then there was that moment when they pulled away, the way he had looked at her and how long he had looked at her.

  On Tuesday after he’d gone, she replayed these things in her mind over and over. They seemed to really matter then. Now, she wasn’t so sure. Two days of not seeing him, not hearing anything but that brief phone message…maybe there really wasn’t anything there. Maybe it was all in her head. She’d taken a handful of innocent, unrelated things and stitched them together into some kind of romantic dream.

  She looked down at Finley. He was lying on the rug near her feet. She reached out her hand. He lifted his head to meet it, and she stroked the silky hair on his forehead. “You really don’t know what’s about to happen, Finley. Do you boy? Your whole life’s about to change again.” He licked her hand. “And so is mine.” But at least this change wouldn’t be a traumatic one for him. She was sure of that. Finley was as comfortable with Chris now as he was with her.

  And he had brought so much hope into Chris’s life. That’s what Amy needed to focus on. Not on her loss.

  There was a knock on her door. Rita peeked her head in. “Hey Amy, can you give us a hand. I’m supposed to round up a dozen of us to set up a bunch of extra chairs outside for the ceremony. Miss Bridget just said we’re supposed to have a bunch more guests coming than usual. And supposed to be some local news stations coming out to do a story about it.”

  Amy sighed. That’s just what she needed…more strangers at her demo. She hoped Chris would be okay with this.

  Chris had been sitting in his car in the prison parking lot with the A/C turned on for the last fifteen minutes. The graduation ceremony was due to start in ten minutes. He was working up the nerve to get out of the car and get in line for the security check.

  That was part of his problem. There was a line to get in. That had never happened before.

  There were so many more people coming for the graduation than he’d expected. Even worse, a television news crew had shown up. He had no idea this was such a big affair. He wished Amy had prepared him better, but then he remembered she had never been to one herself before.

  He was also a little jumpy, because he hadn’t been with Finley or Amy since Tuesday. He didn’t struggle that much at work, because they had worked so hard and put in four extra hours a day. For the most part, he just came home and collapsed on the sofa. He started off this morning in great spirits, so excited to be bringing Finley home today.

  And excited to see Amy again.

  He was pretty sure now the interest was mutual, especially after a conversation with Jed yesterday afternoon. He hadn’t planned on involving Jed any further in his personal life, but they had worked four hours together on a project yesterday, so there was no escaping it. Jed kept pressing him about how his last visit with Amy had gone, and whether Chris had paid attention to all the signs Jed taught him. Chris finally told him how the conversation went. Even before Chris had finished, Jed’s face lit up and he held out his fist for a bump, saying, “Man, you are there, my friend. That’s proof positive.”

  Sitting in the car now, Chris wasn’t so sure. He wanted it to be true, hoped it was true. But an endorsement from a guy like Jed—however enthusiastic—still didn’t count for much.

  Chris glanced at his watch. He’d better just get out and do it. He reminded himself that once he made it through the line, he’d be with Amy and Finley again. It would be a good test, he decided. A chance to see how Finley could help him with his PTSD challenges in the real world.

  He took a deep breath and opened the car door.


  Finley sat in his crate, his eyes fixed on the doorknob. He tried to lay down, but he wasn’t tired. If anything, he was on edge. Amy left a few minutes ago. After she’d asked him to get in the crate and gave him a treat, she had uttered the words, “I’ll be right back.” Finley understood. Whenever she’d said it, she was never gone for long.

  Something big seemed to be going on. There were so many extra noises, especially outside. He could detect a totally unfamiliar mood going on inside Amy. It seemed almost equal parts happy and sad. Sometimes she was one, sometimes the other. One thing was clear: this wasn’t going to be a typical training day. He wondered if that meant he wouldn’t see Chris again. He hoped not. He hadn’t seen Chris for several days now.

  Finley hoped this wasn’t the start of some new trend. That’s how things began to go with Chaz, his first owner. He started to go away for days at a time. Then Finley wouldn’t see him for months. Then he went away for good.

  Finley stopped thinking about this, because it made him sad. Things were much better now with Amy, and with Chris.

  I’ll be right back. That’s what he needed to focus on, Amy. She was here, now, and she would return through that door any minute. He spun around once in his crate then found another, more comfortable spot to sit. The doorknob turned. The door opened. It was Amy.

  See, she did come back. It wasn’t that long.

  “Finley!” She was smiling. “You ready to get out of there, boy? Today’s the big day.” She unhooked his leash from the wall then walked over and looked out the window. “So many people are here. You’re not gonna believe it.” He didn’t understand most of what she said, but he heard, get out of there. That usually meant she was going to let him out of the crate. He looked at her eyes; they seemed to be searching through the window for something.

  She gasped and her smile got bigger. “There he is.” She hurried around Finley’s crate and unlatched the door. “He’s here, Finley. Chris is here. He didn’t chicken out.”


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