Omega Society Auction

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Omega Society Auction Page 5

by Eileen Glass

  Zachri’s other hand covers his.

  “How was your trip?”

  “Um…” Rourke winces internally. He doesn’t want to seem slow or imperfect. “It was very pleasantl.”

  He seems to frown, but it’s hard to tell.

  “It took a long time.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  Now he’s definitely frowning.

  “I wasn’t scolding you.”


  Rourke swallows, not sure what to say.

  He is good looking, at least.

  His hair is baby blue and matches nicely with his dark grey suit. He’s wearing human attire, which alphas often do nowadays, but there are little embellishments of his culture. Such as the toggle buttons up to the collar and some subtle embroidery in dark thread around his shoulders.

  His hair lays perfectly, no flyaways or frizzies or anything. And it’s shimmery.

  Will I get to touch it?…Maybe not.

  He expects that baby making will be as romantic as bringing a stallion and mare together.

  Those topaz eyes suddenly slant towards him and Rourke properly ducks his head. Just in time to see the ground arriving and step off the escalator with him.

  “Am I what you expected?” he asks.

  “Uh, yeah.” Damn it. He did it again.


  “Yes. Your hair is… blue.” Rourke’s mind is panicking as he hears his own words. “I mean that… I like it. Um…”

  Mayday! Mayday! Think of something, asshole!

  “I’m sorry. I wouldn’t be so loopy if I wasn’t sick. I mean, I’m not sick. I’m nervous. I’m…”

  Zachri chuckles. But it’s not happy chuckles, like from a normal person. It’s deliberate and polite, though the subtle quirk on his lips seems genuine.

  “Humans have odd reactions to meeting us. Omegas especially, since we don’t train you first. Do not worry.” He pats Rourke’s hand on his arm.

  Rourke doesn’t know what to make of that except that the alpha must think of him like a pet. Which he kind of is, so it’s fine.

  They leave through two sliding glass doors and into a garden area, and Rourke nearly forgets about the alpha as his eyes first take in the sky.

  “Oh, wow.” He cranes his neck back and turns a little bit. As much as Zachri’s hold will allow. He’s seen a lot of space on the shuttle, of course, but he always in that little box with its low ceilings and narrow halls. This is the first time he’s been outside in three months. Anywhere would be amazing. And this sky has more stars than he’s ever seen in his whole life put together. Even better, there’s a huge blue and white crescent in the sky.

  “It’s magnificent,” he says under his breath, and Zachri chuckles again.

  “We agree.”

  The implication dampens Rourke’s spirit a little bit. The alphas consider Earth to be their property, even though they don’t belong to it. And Rourke has only fueled that belief by selling himself. His city holds deep resentment for the alien invaders, and Rourke has betrayed the people he used to be a part of.

  Stephanie hasn’t sent him one message since he left.

  But it is beautiful.

  “Wait… are we? We’re in the open air?! Or is that… glass?”

  “Most places will be covered with unbreakable domes. Since this is a temporary home, we don’t invest a lot of energy here.”

  This statement is laughable, given the whole damn kingdom they’ve built here.

  “But this airport and a few public parks are an exception. There’s an energy forcefield that dispels light and holds in oxygen. And occasionally we’ll generate atmosphere for a little rain. It’s nothing like what you have on Earth, but we play storm noises on speakers throughout the park—the main park, not here—and there’s a little convincing mist. The people love it, it’s a big event.”

  “Huh.” It seems funny that a pretend storm would be entertainment. The sky is incredible.

  “Do you want to sit with me?”

  Zachri nods towards a bench. It’s under an oak tree that looks to be thriving but also out of place under the space sky. The path is mostly white silt, but there’s dark soil around the tree’s base.

  “Yes!” That came out a little too eager. “Uh, yes. I would.”

  “Good. I am glad.” But Zachri’s smile does not look as natural on his features as the little quirk of his lips. Rourke is guessing that he’s mostly serious in nature.

  The simple wooden bench seems unaware that’s in a space city, the only one of its kind. It’s normal and innocuous. They sit, and the nervous pit in Rourke’s stomach grows. He got excited over the space garden. This is the first time he’s enjoyed being in space. The shuttle views were awesome before he got sick, but he was mostly worried for his mother and distracted by assuring himself that this was a good plan.

  Then he got sick. Evidenced by a poor potted plant and a beleaguered janitor.

  The view of Earth is amazing, but now the good times are over. The alpha lets go of his hand as he sits and Rourke notices that his fingers are pulling at the material of his pant leg over his knee. He’s bracing himself. About to deliver some bad news.

  Rourke holds the edge of the bench and looks at the sky. The blue crescent is gorgeous and huge in the sky, but such an exotic view wasn’t really meant for him anyway.

  Maybe someone else will take me.

  But he can’t count on it. When he gets rejected, the Omega Society is going to know he can’t go through the transformation.

  Rourke is appreciating the open sky with no white ceiling low overhead when the alpha speaks.

  “I am sorry.”

  “It’s alright,” Rourke says automatically.

  “I do not think you know what you’re agreeing to.”

  This makes Rourke look at him again. The alpha’s hands are in fists atop his knees now. His eyes are narrowed, looking at the ground, and his lips are set in a frown.

  “I have taken the suppressants. And when you were scheduled for landing, I became anxious, so I took some more. And agai,n when I was waiting for you to appear. I’ve had at least twice the normal dose, but it is not working.”

  “What do you mean? What suppressant?”

  “It is like the one you take to control your urges, but ours is much stronger.”

  “Oh.” Rourke recalls the pamphlet he read about his medication. “But that doesn’t make any sense. Why would you need to take birth control? Unless… it lowers your sperm count?”

  “No, Rourke, the suppressant isn’t birth control. It controls instinct and emotion. We invented it so that we could have free will. So that your kind would not be ‘raped’ when you came to us.”

  He says these words like they’re syllables he’s practiced, like they don’t mean anything.

  “But mine are not working. I must call for the girl to come collect you.”

  “Wait!” Rourke can’t work out if he’s being rejected or not, but if the pills are the problem, he might have a lifeline. “I have some extra. Here, see?” He pulls the two pills from his pocket. “Please don’t send me away. I really want this to work out.”

  The alpha is slow in taking the pills from his hand. “Why would they give you extra?”

  Yes, why? Rourke can’t think of how to answer that question. He stalls for time, scratching the back of his neck. “Ummm…”

  The alpha chucks them both into his mouth and swallows. Water is apparently unnecessary.

  “It does not matter. They will not work.” He reaches into his inside pocket for his cell phone.

  “No, wait.” Rourke takes over Zachri’s hand before he can stop himself. He would never dream of touching an alpha without permission, not in a million years. But he’s pulling Zachri away from his phone, and he talks fast. “Why do you need the suppressants? Just be without them. Tell me what happens.”

  “I will ‘rape’ you.”

  “O… okay…” Rourke lets go. That sounds like a pretty good reason to
get Stephanie in here now. But sex is what he came here for, right? “Well, where would you do it? Here?”

  “Yes. At first. Then I will take you home.”

  “Um… Who else is out here?” He did notice that everyone in the shuttle port was an employee. But it doesn’t seem like the shuttle port gets much traffic. There’s only one docking station.

  “It’s just us and the staff, but they will not bother us. The garden is specifically for acquainting new omegas with the moon.”

  Ah. That explains all the normal stuff.

  “I’m sorry. I must call the girl immediately.”

  Rourke needs more time to think about this, but it simply isn’t allowed. The alpha has his phone. He only pushes the button once and puts it to his ear.

  “I would be okay with it,” he says quickly. “As long as no one sees us. And as long as it isn’t… you know… violent or anything.”

  And as long as I don’t throw up again. His stomach has started trembling, but hopefully that really is nerves this time.

  Zachri stares at him. He pushes a red button on his phone screen, just as Rourke faintly hears Stephanie’s voice. He lowers his hand and the phone simply drops from his grip. Forgotten. While his eyes are affixed to Rourke with intensity.


  Rourke holds onto the bench edge very tight. He forces himself to breathe as the alpha leans in very close.

  Then a bunch of rambled words tumble out, as he’s afraid he might be kissed. Or smelled.

  “You probably shouldn’t right now because I just threw up and I’ll taste really bad, but Stephanie has my bag, and I could go brush my teeth really quick, and get… get ready and—”

  He’s very close now and not stopping. Speaking of smells, Zachri’s breath has a hint of mint.

  He presses their mouths together. Rourke adjusts his head to accommodate him, but he doesn’t dare part his lips to let him in. That would be gross.

  It doesn’t matter anyway, because Zachri grabs the back of his head and kisses him regardless. Then his lips are on Rourke’s jaw, on his throat, and his teeth nip near Rourke’s clavicle. His heart races like scared rabbit. His head feels heavy and floaty all at once.

  He’s not sick anymore. He makes a little noise of want and surprise.

  He’s never done anything like this before. He should be worried about being out in the open, when Zachri’s touch gets under his shirt, he wants to lose all his clothes immediately.

  He’s forgotten about alphas being dangerous and alien. Rourke has never felt more powerful, or as sensitive. He crawls into the alphas lap immediately, though the bench is hard on his knees. He straddles Zachri’s lap and presses into him, his fingers diving immediately for his hair.

  Gorgeous, blue, and exotic and oh so fine. Rourke takes big handfuls of it, messing it up on purpose. He doesn’t want to pull or hurt, but he holds the strands to his face to feel them on his cheek.

  Zachri’s eyes are startling. They’re definitely glowing now, and they bring Rourke back to himself, down from his high. He’s panting on the alpha’s breath, having forgot all about hygiene. Zachri has his hands up his shirt and feeling up his back. Rourke curls his spine as his nails drag down.

  I’m doing this.

  Everything is according to plan. Alphas, babies, his mother—it’s all happening. But it’s not the great burden and self-sacrifice he thought it would be. Rourke can’t wait to bend over for him.

  A woman’s voice kills everything.

  “Hey! What are you doing to him?!”

  “Rourke, get away from him now!”

  Stephanie stands before the closing glass doors, his suitcase at her feet. She has her phone in one hand, and she points at them with the other.

  “He has not consented—”

  “He has,” Zachri says, in usual calm voice. But his eyes are still bright, and he doesn’t look happy at all.

  “Consent can’t be given for a minimum of eight months!” She holds up the phone, and their image is on the screen, the camera recording button lit up. “Alpha Zachri, you are in violation of Omega Society laws! You will release him from bondage immediately!”

  Bondage? The word seems strange. Rourke isn’t tied up or anything.

  “He consented before bondage. Leave, human, I won’t tell you twice.” He kisses Rourke again, his mouth possessive. His hands under Rourke’s shirt travel into his jeans and grip his ass. Rourke should be ashamed of doing this in front of Stephanie. He should get off this man’s lap, at least!

  But he wants the alpha’s hands all over him, and he forgets that Stephanie is there. He forgets about the space sky overhead, or the fact that he and alpha are strangers. He wants to cuddle with him. And get naked for him. And most importantly, he wants to smell his hair. So, he does, quite lavishly, burying his nose in it and nuzzling his neck.

  Stephanie’s voice is annoying.

  “Rourke, you have to plug your nose and hold your breath. Just trust me on this one, alright, he’s messing with you.”

  Her footsteps crunch lightly on the silt path.

  Rourke makes a little crooning sound. He understands what she’s saying, but she’s wrong. He wanted this from Earth, he just didn’t know how enjoyable it was going to be.

  As for telling her, well…

  It doesn’t seem like something he should bother with. The alphas are the rulers of Earth. Zachri has the authority.

  “No closer, girl. Unless you wish to test me.”

  His voice is loud for her, but his eyes are only for Rourke. And Rourke finds that it isn’t so difficult to meet them after all. His whole face is easier to stare at, and Rourke runs his hands over the sides of his temple and down to his jaw. It’s a weird thing to do, but Rourke is curious and too lost to care. He puts his nose near the alpha’s lips and sniffs.

  Mint. Sweetness.


  His kiss is deflected, however, and the alpha moves Rourke off his lap and onto the bench space next time. Rourke whines because it’s hard and unwelcoming here. He wants Zachri.

  But the alpha stands to address Stephanie.

  “What did I tell you? Do you think you can keep ignoring my warnings, girl?!”

  They aren’t far apart. Rourke might be a little short compared to Zachri, but the alpha positively towers over the girl, outmatching in her every aspect. Her outstretched hand wobbles, the alpha’s angry snarl mirrored on her phone screen.

  “I’m in charge of him,” she squeaks, hunching her shoulders, bringing the phone in front of her face as if to hide behind the small device. But she’s not running, and Rourke thinks she should be. “Consent has to be addressed to me, and only after eight months. That’s the law.”

  “I am your king.”

  King is the English word alphas first taught humans to address them as. It fits well, but the singularity of the title never occurred to them. Every single alpha is ‘king’ to the humans.

  Rourke clutches his forehead. What is wrong with me? Was he just straddling this guy? An alpha that could technically blast him to smithereens with energy that he emits from his hands?

  I was just… Oh god! I messed up his HAIR!

  The silky strands seem inclined to go back into perfect place, but the evidence is there.

  She’s right. He did do something to me.

  Rourke covers his nose and holds his breathe like she said. But he wishes he could help Stephanie, and he doesn’t know what to do.

  “Y… you are the king. But Rourke is an omega. I… I am sworn to protect him from you by both Earth laws and—”

  He tosses his head back and laughs. It’s real laughter this time, his voice a lot deeper with it.

  “You think my kind is held to our laws? Laws are human things we made to make you feel safer.”

  He raises a hand to her and her clothes ruffle as if the wind is blowing. But the air is still around Rourke.

  Rourke tries to remember when he first scented the mint, which must be the source of t
his feeling. It was after he gave Zachri the go ahead, wasn’t it? Or was it before…?

  He’s not sure. But it doesn’t change the plans he made ages ago, before the auction. He covers his nose with his shirt, so that hopefully Stephanie will believe him, and comes to stand next to Zachri. Out of arm’s reach, because he definitely doesn’t want to get in his way right now.

  Maybe the lust effect hasn’t worn off. Rourke’s skin tingles just thinking about those hands touching him again.

  “Stephanie,” he says, his voice muffled by the shirt, “I told him it was okay. I know I’m supposed to tell you, but it was kind of sudden…”

  Behind her glasses, her brows lower. Instead of placating her, Rourke seems to have reinforced her resolve.

  “It was sudden because he’s using you. Alpha Zachri! As an Omega Society member, I am temporarily taking custody of your omega! I am acting in regard to his own safety because you have broken our laws—both yours and Earth’s!”

  She takes one step toward Rourke, her hand outstretched presumably to grab him. But instead she goes flying back several feet landing on the path, thudding painfully.

  “Steph!” Rourke rushes for her, but finds himself trapped. He forgot to keep his face covered, and the sweet smell of mint is in his nose again as the alpha cradles his head to his chest. Zachri’s clothes are soft. Rourke flushes, all the goose bumps coming alive on his arms again.

  He trembles with fear, not pleasure, though. What will Zachri do if he tries to help? Or if he says no?

  He must be silent. Alpha’s are deadly, and his mom is counting on him, but he wishes he could help her.

  Stephanie is only just getting her breath back. Rourke looks down, and the silt path is awfully narrow under their feet. The top of the oak tree is now visible to him, and Stephanie is far below him, moaning with pain as she gets to her feet.

  We’ve levitated.

  Rourke clutches tighter to the alpha, but he doesn’t feel like he’s dangling in the air. It’s no different than being on the ground except he can’t feel it under his shoes.


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