Mate of the Vampire

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Mate of the Vampire Page 6

by Guida, ML

  “Cap’n,” Angelica said. “Zuto does not need to come aboard your ship. He is using his black magic to possess Ronan to get him to do what he wants.”

  Kane gripped the bars. “What does Zuto want this time?”

  Ronan stopped banging his head against the wall. “Her. I told you that.”

  Kane paced back and forth. “Did he say anything about how we can get Lark back?”

  “No, he told me naught.”

  “D’ye ask him?” Kane stopped.

  “No, ’tis hard when a demon is torturing you to demand information.”

  Kane turned to Angelica. “Do you think you can find out Zuto’s secret about where Lark is? We can’t break Zuto’s curse without him.”

  “I can try. Once again, if I do Captain, will you set me free?”

  Kane sighed. “Aye, I will. You have my word.”

  The tension in her back released. She faced Ronan. “In order to enter your dream, I must kiss you, sending you some of the power within me.”

  Ronan frowned. “I’ll have part of you flowing inside me?”

  “I know you find me distasteful, sir, but ’tis the only way I can find out where your friend went through time. Or are you so selfish that you’ll allow him to be held prisoner rather than kiss a creature?”

  Ronan’s cock hardened. He wanted to. Blimey, he wanted to. But he wanted more than a kiss. He wanted to run his hand over her curvy body, to touch her female core. But what if he hurt her? This wasn’t good. “No.”

  “I won’t order you to kiss the lass.” Kane looked between them. “If what she says is true, the crew is depending on you. Mariah says that the only way to aid her brother is to find the spell the demon used to send Lark away. The choice is yours, Ronan.”

  Ronan hung his head. Kane left him little choice. Lark’s bruised and bloody face appeared in his mind. What if the spider was draining him slowly? Could he condemn his friend to a miserable death?

  Avoiding her piercing stare, he slammed his hand onto the bench. “Kane, you’re putting her life in danger.”

  Angelica folded her arms under her ample bosom. “Why do you care, sir? After all, I’m just a creature. Something to be harpooned.”

  “I didna mean to say that,” Ronan said. “Things come out of my mouth—horrible things. I didna mean to hurt you, lass.”

  Kane studied Angelica. “You were saying earlier that you can help with his dreams. How?”

  “I can take different forms. Spirit is one of them, so I can enter his dreams.”

  Ronan rushed over to the bars. “Angelica, you must’nt.” He clutched a bar with his left hand. “Zuto’s there. He’s dangerous.”

  Angelica stuck out her chin. “I’m not afraid.”

  He wanted to shake some sense into her but could only rattle the damn door. “Then you’re a bloody fool.” As her cheeks burned red, Ronan abruptly stopped. Unable to stop saying such stupid things, he turned on the captain. “Kane, would you allow Hannah to confront Zuto without any protection?”

  “No, I wouldn’t.” His voice was low, and he gripped the hilt of his sword.

  “She’s a human.” Angelica touched Kane’s arm. “I’m a mermaid. I’m not as easy to hurt.”

  Lucky for her Ronan was in this damn cage, because if he was free, he’d likely wring her stubborn neck. “Donna you understand? He wants you. This could be what he intends. D’ye think of that lass?”

  “I will only be able to see him through your eyes.”

  Ronan took a step back. Was she going to possess him? “I donna understand.”

  Kane slightly bowed. “Ronan, I’ll leave you to your decision. Angelica, the keys to unlock the cell hang on the wall. Be careful, lass. I’ll set a guard outside the brig to make sure you’re safe.”

  He held Ronan’s gaze. His underlying message was clear. If Ronan hurt one hair of Angelica’s glorious mane, he’d face worse than being locked up in the brig.

  Kane turned his back and headed for the door. “If you’ll excuse me, I need to check on Mallory.”

  He wasn’t fooling Ronan. Kane would check on Hannah first. The cap’n’s worst fear was that Hannah would fall into Zuto’s clutches again.

  Sorrow rushed through Ronan. There was a monster inside him, tearing away at his soul, demanding he renounce all that he knew that was good. It wanted to crush him of compassion and love and turn him into a dark, foul creature.

  He knew how to avoid it. All he had to do was seduce Angelica, then give her to Zuto. Every time he looked at her, he had to fight not to take her into his arms. One kiss would shatter his honor to protect her. He needed to push her away to keep her safe.

  But each time he defied Zuto, the darkness grew stronger. The blood lust had ignited, but this was different. ’Twas a hunger he’d never felt. He fought to hang on to his humanity, before he attacked the women he loved. He didna know if he could battle this alone. “So, exactly what will this kiss do?”

  “The kiss of a mermaid contains many powers. One of these powers includes love and compassion, which will lessen the black magic inside you. We will become stronger together and lessen Zuto’s magic. And I’ll be able to be with you in your dreams.”

  “I’ll not let you come into those dreams. Zuto is pure evil.”

  “I said I’d see through your eyes.

  He jerked his head up. “You will not be with me in the dream?”

  “I will give you strength. I’ll not be alongside, if that’s what you wish.”

  “Aye, that’s what I wish.” Foreboding pooled in his gut. Zuto was a crafty demon. Did Angelica think she could fool one so evil?

  She curtsied. “Then ’tis what you’ll receive.”

  She walked over to the wall and picked up the keys. His heart pounded wildly. He couldn’t help but want this. He wanted their tongues to dance, to hold the lovely lass in his arms.

  He stepped away from the gate. The black magic stirred inside him.

  Zuto’s evil voice whispered in his mind. Take her. Rape her.

  Ronan put his hands on his ears to block out the hated voice. “No!”

  The key unlocked the door.

  Take her. Rape her.

  He held up his hand, his palm facing her. “Stop. Stay there.”

  “The kiss will not hurt you, sir.” She smiled and started to sing. “Nolite timere.”

  Her soprano voice pierced his black thoughts like the sun shining through dark clouds. He’d never heard anything so lovely. He bet not even the sweetest angel could sing a melody as sweet as Angelica. The rage blinding his vision lessened. The tightness in his chest unwound. Zuto’s haunting voice’s dimmed. All because of this beautiful woman’s song. Ronan lowered his shaking hand, still not convinced the demon was gone. “You donna understand.” His voice quivered. “I’m losing control. The magic…’tis—”

  “Ego ero vobiscum sum omnibus diebus.”

  Hope filled his heart. Zuto’s voice drifted further and further away. “What did you just sing?”

  “I am with you always. Always remember that. Don’t be afraid. Only together can we defeat him.”

  She was sure, but Ronan wasn’t. Zuto may have lost this battle, but he’d come back with a vengeance. He didn’t like to lose.

  Chapter 7

  Zuto watched Palmer approach him while Palmer’s men stood by the long boat. Light rain pelted on Zuto, washing away Natasa’s scent, replacing it with the smell of freshness and cleanliness. As Palmer advanced, Zuto wrinkled his nose. He wished the sweet rain would douse Palmer’s stench, but he didn’t think a pouring waterfall would wash it away. It was as if the man bathed in decaying flesh.

  Palmer stopped in front of him, his thick red hair plastered to his head. The wind flipped open his long coat, revealing his many hidden pistols and knives. Greed flickering in his eyes, he nodded at Zuto. “Is that another yari?”

  Zuto held up the gold crown. “This one is different, it’s a hupia.”

  “What the hell is a hupia?” />
  “The soul of an evil priest possesses it. He was one of Maketabori’s worshipers. If he wanted a woman, he took her, willing or not.” He tossed it to Palmer, who caught it.

  Palmer examined the single ruby, brushing his thumb over it as if it were a woman’s soft flesh.

  Zuto snagged Palmer’s jacket and yanked Palmer off the ground. His right eye wide, Palmer looked at him in terror.

  “I will only say this once. Capture Macmillan and the mermaid, and force Macmillan to wear the crown. The hupia will do the rest.” He shook Palmer until his teeth rattled. “If you or any of your men rape the mermaid before I am done with her, you’re all dead.” He threw him onto the ground.

  The hupia slipped out of Palmer’s hand.

  Zuto kicked him hard in the side, twice. Palmer grunted and rolled. Before Zuto could punish him again, he crawled on all fours and grabbed the crown.

  “I understand.” His breath was labored.

  “You’d better. If anything goes wrong, I will hold you personally responsible. I’ll send you to Coaybay and let Maketabori personally deal out his punishment.”

  “I won’t fail you.” He clambered to his feet, glancing nervously at his men, who were watching.

  Palmer fixed his jacket, wiping the sand off. Fear had been in his eye, but he’d quickly changed to his usually scowling face.

  Zuto glared. “I need both of them alive. Am I getting through to your stubborn hide?”

  “Aye, I understand.”

  “Good. I’d hate to teach you another lesson in front of your men.” Unlike Kane O’Brien, Palmer would never inspire loyalty. He believed in ruling his men with terror, so mutiny was always something he feared. If he was overthrown and murdered and so long as the new captain of the Fiery Damsel did as he was told, Zuto didn’t care.

  Hate flickered in the man’s eyes, but he bowed. “You won’t.”

  Zuto flicked his hand. “Leave, and come back with my prisoners.”

  Palmer hurried away, one hand holding his side. When he reached his men, he shoved one, sending him flying into the surf. The other, he clipped across the head.

  Zuto smiled. His slave would bring back his captives or, before he sent him to Maketabori, he’d make him a lowly deckhand.

  Chapter 8

  Angelica held onto the door, not sure she should enter the cage. Dark magic emitted from the interior of the hold. Actually not the cell—Ronan.

  She thought her song had been working, but the hair on her arms stood straight up. The veil hiding the magic was pulled back. Ronan’s masculine woodsy smell changed to burnt ash. His skin stretched tighter over his face, as if he was in pain. The light in the cell dimmed. A dark shadow fell across him. His eyes turned red, and he shook his head like a bull. He arched his back and clenched his fist. He was being attacked from within.

  If she didn’t try to save him, the captain wouldn’t let her go. Taking a deep breath, Angelica took a hesitant step.

  “No,” he whispered. He held up a shaking hand.

  Warm brown returned to his eyes, but he gasped as if in pain. The flaming red returned. Fierce hatred flared in their bottomless depths.

  The dark magic was growing stronger. Angelica had to make a decision—lock him in the cage and run, or help him break free. She could leave him, but he was the key to her freedom. There wasn’t any other choice.

  Needing for him to believe, she sang, “Credo in nobis.” Trusting her power, she took a deep breath and tossed the keys onto the floor. Hoping he didn’t shove her aside, she rushed over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck to kiss him.

  But he didn’t push her away. Instead, he crushed her to his muscular body so tightly she didn’t know where hers ended and his began.

  Dark desire radiated in the depths of his half-hooded eyes. The man wanted her, would take her when and how he wished. Fear pooled in her belly. She didn’t want to be ravished in a damp cell.

  She put her hands on his chest. “Ronan, wait.”

  But he didn’t wait. He kissed her. It was a hard, cruel, hungry kiss.

  Kisses weren’t supposed to be like this. They were supposed to be tender, gentle, loving. This was everything but. His tongue fought with hers and demanded a response rather than asking for it. He tasted of dominance, coercion, recklessness—emotions that had been foreign to her. Until now.

  She struggled to pull away and cry out for the guard, but his mouth crushed her scream. Pushing the terror away, she drew on her power. Her heart quickened, sending the power through her veins to her fingertips and her lips. She ran her fingers through his hair, stroking his neck, trying to penetrate the shadows clouding his pounding heart.

  He moaned. “Angelica.”

  His voice was strained. She couldn’t tell if he was in pain or experiencing pleasure. Claiming her mouth again, he stopped trying to dominate her. He followed her lead in the kiss, and their tongues danced together in a loving rhythm. Victory was so close. Desperation surged through her. She kissed him tenderly, trying to draw him into the light.

  When he lifted her off the floor and his tongue became more forceful, victory slipped through her fingers. She clung to him, terrified he was going to rape her. He slammed her against the wall, imprisoning her there. Her heart thudded wildly. She tried to move, but she pushed against a wall of muscle. He was enormously strong, and the more she struggled against him, the more he molded his body against hers, trapping her.

  He kissed her hard, and his manhood pressed against her thigh. He massaged her breast and pinched her nipple. Tingles surged through her—ones she didn’t comprehend, didn’t want to comprehend. Ty had never stimulated these feelings. It had always been about pleasing him. This was too much, too intense.

  Fighting to break the kiss only seemed to stir his hunger. She pressed harder on his chest, but was met with the same frustration. She managed to move her hand and pinched his ear hard.

  He jerked backward and rubbed his ear. “Bloody hell!”

  She turned her head. “I’m...sorry. don’t stop,” she panted. “I’ll scream for the guard.... Please don’t hurt me.”

  He panted and laid his forehead against her. “I’m sorry. I told you I canna control it. Leave before ’tis too late.”

  “No, the magic will consume you. Sit on the bench.” Fear echoed in her voice, but her gaze was fierce.

  He gritted his teeth. “What?”


  Ronan sighed and shook his head. Gritting his teeth, he obeyed her command. Angelica sat in his lap. His flesh pressed against her thigh, and she tried to ignore it, wiping out images of him thrusting inside her.

  She stared at his handsome face, fascinated by his seductive lips. He bent his dark head. She studied the length of his ridiculously long eyelashes, which framed his deep brown eyes. Despite having been in a fight, he had the straightest nose. A light shadow covered his chin, and she wished she had the courage to run the back of her palm over his rugged cheeks. She was intrigued, willing to be his prisoner. “Now, kiss me.”

  “I just did, lass.”

  He leaned closer, and his warm breath washed over her. She draped her arm around his neck and played with his thick hair. “No, kiss me as a man, not a demon.” She ran her hand down his rugged cheek. “Trust me.”

  She sang a song of seduction. His tense features softened, the scowl disappearing.

  “Every time you sing, I feel a war going on inside me, as if one side wants me to take you gentle and slow while the other side wants me to take you hard and fast.”

  “I know.” She caressed his rugged cheek with the back of her knuckles. “Both white and black magic are warring to take over your soul.” She kissed him briefly on his lips. “If you believe in us, the demon will lose.”

  You’re killin’ me, lass. I donna know if I can do this, the demon’s magic is too strong.”

  “Give into the white magic.” She stretched out her palm and kissed it, then blew a kiss into his knotted face.
/>   He blinked. The doubt in his eyes lessened. He curled his hand around the back of her neck, and his lips captured hers. This time, he was hesitant, and his tongue danced with hers. She felt the nip of his teeth and the swirling of his velvety tongue. Strange feelings ignited inside her. Her body grew heavy with an aching need to feel him touch her, kiss her, aching for something no male had ever given her. She gripped his shoulders and held on to him tight. His taste was the same dominating woodsy taste, but it wasn’t terrifying this time.

  Their kiss deepened, and she yielded to him. A rush of liquid cascaded through her veins, and a wicked desire to feel his luscious tongue on her skin shocked her. Was this the white magic or something else? It didn’t feel evil. Maybe wicked and sinful—still dangerous.

  He gripped her hair, holding her to him. Erotic desires surged through her. She wanted to know how this man could take her, how she’d feel.

  He moved away from her lips, and his hot kiss left a fire of desire along the side of her cheek, then along the side of her throat. She arched her back, exposing her throat, and he tightened his arm around her waist, positioning her close. Before she knew what was happening, he dipped his head in the hollow of her chest. His tongue tickled her, spreading a passion that left her breathless. This was moving too fast.

  “Ronan, please,” she whispered. She wanted him to stop, but her words sounded more like a plea, begging him for more.

  “It’s hard, lass.”

  His husky voice sent chills fluttering over her body. He slipped around her, and she found herself lying on the hard bench, her dress being pulled down. Cold air rushed over her half-naked chest, and she shivered, but then Ronan fastened his hot mouth on her breast, coaxing her nipple to a hard peak, teasing her, pushing her into a dizzy sensation of need. She threaded her fingers into his thick silky hair, unable to decide whether to cradle him to her flesh or push him away. Wetness pooled between her legs.

  She arched her back, allowing him to greedily suck her breasts. He ran his hand down her curves. “You’re so beautiful.”

  He bunched up her dress, and his hand caressed her thigh, edging close to her feminine curls. She tried to gain her sanity. When had the kiss led to such intimate kisses and caresses?


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