Mate of the Vampire

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Mate of the Vampire Page 9

by Guida, ML

  “Angelica,” a guttural voice said behind her. “Run.”

  She slowly turned. Ronan headed toward her. Blood dripped down from his jeweled crown and trickled down his face.

  She put her trembling hand over her mouth, smothering a tiny squeak. He had shed his shirt, and his skin glistened in the sun. Muscles bulked as if he were growing stronger. A sneer spread across his lips. He unbuckled his pants.

  She shook William harder. “Open your damn eyes!”

  William lifted his head. “My God, Ronan.”

  He pushed up on one hand and struggled to stand. Angelica clasped his bicep, helping him to his feet. He swayed.

  “Get behind me.”

  “You’re hurt.” Despite her growing terror, she pulled on William’s arm, determined to get both of them out of here. “Come with me. We have to run.”

  “Get away from my woman, dragon!”

  “I’m not your woman.” Her bravery disappeared. Ronan had removed his trousers; his cock was hard.

  William shoved her, and she stumbled. “Run. Now. I’ll hold him off. He’s possessed.”

  He charged Ronan. The two men circled as if sizing each other up, looking for weaknesses. Ronan struck first, bashing his fist into William’s bloody side. William grunted and stumbled. Ronan stalked him, forcing William to back up. Panting, William glanced at Angelica, tilting his head as if signaling her to run. Ronan turned, but William moved, slamming his fist into Ronan’s eye. Ronan didn’t even flinch. He smiled and smashed his fist into William’s face and sent him flying into a tree, slamming his head against the bark. He stumbled backward, falling onto his side, and passed out, blood trickling down his temple.

  Angelica rushed over. He was badly hurt. She wiped his temple with her torn skirt, turning the blue fabric crimson.

  Ronan was less than a foot away from her. He stretched out his hand. “Come to me.”

  She couldn’t breathe. Her beating heart threatened to pop out of her mouth. Any minute, he’d seize her and rape her. She didn’t have any choice. She lay William’s head down on dewy leaves and fled.

  Her feet sank into the mud and leaves, and she stumbled. She clutched a hanging vine to keep from falling face down onto the ground. Ronan darted toward her, his long legs shortening the distance between them. Palm trees and dense foliage were less than ten feet away, but it seemed like they were miles away. Hiking up her gown, she scrambled deeper into the forest, branches and hanging vines, slowing her pace. Her heart thundered, and blood slammed against her temples. She’d never run this fast before and she gasped for breath. Throbbing pain pulsed in her sides, but she couldn’t stop. She had to keep going. She had no intention of suffering her mother’s fate.

  Heavy footsteps pursued her. She needed to find a way back to the sea to change into a water sprite, but she needed time, time she didn’t have.

  She panted hard, her lungs struggling for air. Leaves and vines slapped her cheeks and arms. Her dress snagged on a twig and ripped. She yanked hard. A long thin piece of material clung to the twig. The thrashing of leaves and crunching of twigs trailed her. She clung to her flimsy dress that barely covered her body. Her heart beat harder and harder. She needed to hide. Why had she thought she could save Ronan? He was too far gone.

  She’d always thought that good triumphed over evil, but she was wrong. Dead wrong. And now she’d lose her life to a possessed pirate.

  She heard the sound of waves rolling on the beach and rushed toward the thinning trees, but she toppled over a root sticking out of the ground. She hit the ground hard and cried out, then spun down an embankment, her hair whipping around her face. Dirt and rocks dug into her palms. She got up, but she tripped over her dress and slid deeper into the mud.

  “I see you, Angelica. Come to me.”

  Rather than his Irish accent, his voice sounded different. ’Twas colder, harsher—pure evil.

  She looked up and he was coming down the ragged hill. Ignoring the throbbing pain rippling through her body, she forced herself to stand. Her mind raced, frantically trying to come up with an idea, any idea, to get away from this man. She was knee deep in mud. Mud meant water. Sweat coated her body. She crawled through the thick jungle, debris jamming up her fingernails. She strained to smell or hear the trickle of water, but her thundering heart blocked out all hearing.

  She stopped and sniffed the air, hoping to smell smoke or sulfur, anything to see if a ship was nearby. The guns had stopped firing, but it meant nothing. Either the Damsel or the Phoenix could be anchored near the island. If it was the Damsel, she was as good as dead. She never should have left her sisters.

  Tears blinded her vision. Don’t give up. Keep going.

  She took another step and stilled. The sound of water gurgling was close. In the water, even in human form, she could draw on her powers. She smiled. She scrambled onto her hands and knees and rushed into the deep ferns and flowery bushes. The gurgling grew louder. She had to find it. Freedom was only moments away.

  Through the leaves, she spotted a small stream. She hurried, but Ronan stepped out of the jungle, blocking her way. Blood tainted his hair, and his eyes glinted with pure determination.

  “Hello, Angelica.”

  Her thundering heart nearly exploded into thousands of pieces.

  Ronan grabbed her arm. “Goin’ somewhere, love? We’ve got some unfinished business.”

  “No, please.” She kicked him in the shin. He didn’t flinch. He dragged her to his chest and leaned his dark head to kiss her. His eyes glowed red, and his black aura pulsed over her. She turned her head, refusing to kiss the evil brewing inside him. With every ounce of anger and strength she had, she coiled her fist and plowed it into his face.

  “Such fire you have,” he said. Blood leaked down his lip. “I’ll enjoy takin’ you.”

  “No,” she wept. “Ronan, please.”

  He crushed his mouth to hers and tried to force hers open with his tongue. His breath, once spicy, now tasted of death. She scratched his cheeks and kicked his shins, only to receive a smothered laugh. She lifted her knee, aiming for his thigh, but plowed into something soft. Ronan groaned and doubled over, but he tightened his grip on her arm.

  Pure determination flowing through her, she pried his fingers off her.

  “My God,” he said. “What have you done?”

  He released her, and she slid down onto the ground. Ronan put his hand on his forehead and stumbled. His aura lightened.

  Had she done something? If she ran again, he’d overtake her. She was exhausted; her lungs burned. Her options were dwindling, and if she wanted to survive, she needed a new plan. Maybe he wasn’t totally possessed. Maybe there was hope.

  Praying she wasn’t making a mistake, she jumped up and wrapped her arms around his waist and pushed him into the water. The little stream didn’t disappoint. She lay on top of his massive form and drew on her power. Water splashed over them, compassion, love, and understanding raining on top of them with the droplets.

  He screamed and arched his back. “No, stop!”

  His heart beat as fast and furious as her own. The red faded in his eyes, and the black aura turned gray.

  “Don’t fight it,” she said. “Give up the darkness.”

  “I’m...tryin’,” he said, his strained voice desperate.

  She cupped his cheeks and kissed him tenderly. Expecting to taste something vile, she was glad to be disappointed. His velvet tongue coated hers with his special taste of spice. All Ronan.

  He broke away from her. “I’m so sorry. I didna mean to hurt you. You must leave. Forget me.”

  “Ronan, let me help you.” Not waiting for him to answer, she tore her dress into a long strip and bandaged his gnarled heel.

  He started to get out of the water.

  “No, not yet. You’re not ready yet.”


  “You need the water to cleanse you. Otherwise, as soon as you leave, the dark magic will attack you.”

  Chapter 1

  Ronan’s stomach tightened. Angelica’s back had three long scratches. Red fingermarks were printed on her arm. From him. Damn it. He could have hurt her. Or worse, killed her. Kane should flog him and throw him back into the cell. Torture him. He deserved no less.

  The crown loosened on his head and the evil voice went silent. He pushed on the band but only managed to move it a few inches. “The bloody thing still wonna come off.”

  She bathed him in the water gently. Her gentle touch sent tingles swishing over him, dousing the crazed desire to rape her. The throbbing head lessened. For now.

  “I’ve sent some of my power into you,” she said. “We need to walk in the water to keep Zuto’s magic away. Water washes away all evil. Follow me.”

  He blinked. Her skin glowed as if fairies had left a glittering dust on her. He wanted to run away from Angelica and hide, but he allowed her to lead him through the stream and deeper into the jungle. His head drooped. She believed in her magic even if he didn’t, but he could deny her naught. Not after what he had done.

  He hurt. His face throbbed and stung from William’s punches and Angelica’s scratches. Cuts and bruises covered his legs, not to mention the shark bite on his heel. She’d bandaged it, but each time he took a step, agony shot up his leg. His ribs ached. He wanted to curl up in his hammock on the Soaring Phoenix and sleep for a week and forget what had happened.

  The cool water swept over his bare feet. He winced as it washed away the wounds in his foot. He couldn’t even look at her back. ’Twas as if something or someone took over him, demanding that he rape her. He hadn’t wanted to hurt her, but he couldn’t control his own body, his own voice. Thanks to the demon Zuto.

  He hated having no control—the anger, the hatred. He stopped. “How’s William?”

  “You don’t remember anything?”


  “He tried to protect me.”

  His shoulders sagged. “From me?”

  She hesitated. “Yes.”

  He leaned his head back. “Damn it, I tried to fight it. I swear I did.”

  She squeezed his hand. “I know you did. You’re a good man, Ronan.”

  He didn’t want to terrify her again. “You should get away from me.”

  She didn’t answer.

  He sighed, not wanting to argue.

  Take her.

  The evil voice hissed in his ear, and he jerked.

  Angelica turned around. “What’s wrong?”

  “I donna know. A voice inside my head keeps telling me to hurt you. ’Twas silent, but now, it’s back. I canna turn it off.”

  Sorrow filled her eyes. “’Tis the black magic. ’Tis fighting to possess you again.” She inhaled. “We’re almost there.”

  “Almost where?”

  “Don’t you hear it?”

  “Hear what?”

  “Shhh.” She put her finger to her lips. “Listen.”

  Ronan frowned, hoping it wasn’t some new devilry ready to strike them down. As the jungle grew denser, moisture condensed on the leaves of trees and ferns. When he brushed against the foliage, dampness sprinkled over him. A loud thumping noise echoed in the jungle, louder than his beating his heart. He knew that noise. “’Tis a waterfall.”

  “Yes, one that will purge the magic from you.”

  “How do you know this?”

  “Because I’m part of it. It contains stronger magic. The little stream only contained bits and pieces. The bigger the water, the stronger my magic becomes. Follow me.”

  Not having the will to resist her, and praying she was right, he stumbled after her. He’d seen both Hannah’s and Mariah’s magic. Maybe Angelica had the strength to heal him. But Mariah had failed to get the yari off Lark, and she was a powerful witch. He dragged his feet over the smooth pebbles in the stream, and his hope dwindled.

  Angelica swept away a large fern and stepped inside what Ronan could only describe as paradise. Water cascaded down brown jagged rocks into a clear pool guarded by flowering bushes. Parrots and other colorful birds cried out as if they had disturbed their private sanctuary.

  Stay away from the water, fool.

  Unbearable misery bore into his head, as if the points of the diadem had turned into claws digging its talons into his skull. He stumbled and fell onto his knees. Nausea swirled in his gut.

  “Take my hand,” Angelica said. “Water possesses many powers, one of them being cleansing. If water can’t increase my magic to combat the evil spell, then nothing can.”

  His hand shaking, he took hers and forced himself to move. The closer he came to the pool, the more agony bore down on him. The waterfall paradise and Angelica’s beautiful face swirled faster and faster. A gush of nausea gripped him.

  He slid into the water. She pulled him under. Water filled his lungs and he spun his arms around and kicked his legs, but he couldn’t break free. He clawed at the water. Lord, she was drowning him.

  Trust me.

  It wasn’t the hissing voice. This soft voice was feminine and spread warmth over him. Had Angelica spoken to him? But how? She was underwater, but she was different, more watery than solid. Her blue eyes glowed darker, and her hair turned to a shimmering gold. He’d never seen such a beautiful creature.

  Stop fighting. Please.

  He didn’t know why, but he gave in. His muscles went slack. Warmth bathed him. The massive thumping headache between his temples slowed to a small pulse. His cuts and bruises faded as if someone scrubbed away the stings and bruises. Even his mangled heel mended—torn skin and stringy muscle knitting back together.

  Angelica kissed him, and he could breathe. She swam behind him, and he could still breathe. What was she doing? Her hands clasped his crown. Did she think she could do this? ’Twas folly. Shivers ran down his spine. He’d never felt anything like this.

  The crown slid off.

  The malevolent voice screamed, hurting his ears and piercing his heart. All went quiet.

  He burst through the water, gasping for the air.

  Angelica clasped the crown in her hand. The glowing rubies and sparkling diamonds faded.

  She held up her hand. “Stay here.” She dove under water, and her delicate feet splashed water onto him. She swam across the pool like a breaching dolphin. When she reached the edge of the pool, she placed the yari on a large boulder at the edge of the falls. Water cascaded upon it. The thing shook as if it were trying to move, but it couldn’t break free of the water.

  Ronan ran his hand through his wet hair and caught his breath. Angelica swam back or more glided across the water. She stopped in front of him. “The water will not allow the talisman to move.” Her eyes and hair returned to their normal color. Even without the glow, she was still the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. Blimey, he wanted her.

  He pushed his desire away. ’Tis not the plan. “How?”

  She smiled. “Are you feeling better?”

  He snorted. “My headache’s gone if that’s what you mean.” He watched the crown warily afraid it would fly off and land on him again. “We should go.”

  “No,” she whispered. “We’re not done cleansing you yet.”

  “What do you mean?”

  She stepped closer, long legs slipping through her non-existent gown and her breasts nearly spilling out of her shredded bodice. Her warm breath and her sweet fragrance permeated through him. With her fair skin, he couldn’t help glancing at the nipples daring to perk up, light pink. His throat swelled shut, and his lips ached to taste the eager buds. He wanted her again, to rip the last of her tattered gown and feast his eyes on her curvaceous body. He held up his palm. “Angelica, you need to stay where you are. The crown may be gone. But the magic’s still in me. I donna trust myself when I’m around you.”

  “I don’t want you to trust yourself. Trust me. Kiss me.”

  “How can you want that? I nearly raped you back in the forest.”

  “That wasn’t you. You were possessed. Only kissing will we prevent thi
s from happening again. A kiss is an undine’s strongest magic and gift.”

  His heart thumped in his heart, threatening to erupt. “Angelica, how—”

  She laughed and tossed her head back. “Since I’m an undine, my fluids will mix with yours, crossing some of my power into you. It will be harder for the magic to penetrate you.”

  “Look at me, Angelica. I’m a bloody mess.”

  She traced her finger down his temple and leaned against him, her breast brushing against him. “You’re a man that fought evil to try and protect me. Your one thought has always been about me. Let me kiss you.”

  The last of his determination melted away. He wrapped his arm around her, crushing her curvy body to his, then tilted his head. He took his time kissing her succulent lips, wanting to slay any perceptions she had that kisses meant fear. He gently pushed open her mouth with his tongue, exploring the deepest recesses of her mouth, the taste of her femininity pushing back any anger he possessed. He hadn’t expected such a delicious response to match his own fervor. She locked her arms around his neck, and her fingers played with his locks, sending hungry tingles through him. At the bold flicker of her tongue in his mouth, he become the slave, she the master.

  She broke off the kiss and frowned. “The darkness is worse than I thought. A kiss will not be enough.”

  “Angelica, how can you do this? I donna want to take advantage of you.”

  She laughed. “I am not a virgin if you are worried about my chastity.”

  Ronan knotted his eyebrows in surprise.

  “For us to survive, we must defeat the darkness inside you. Come with me.” She sauntered away from him and peered over her shoulder, giving him a seductive smile that hardened his cock. He sucked in his breath. The dress floated to the ground and the most sensual woman he’d ever seen shared her backside—perfect round buttock, firm thighs, and long blond hair cascading down her back. She put her hands together and dove into the pool, droplets of water splashing onto him.

  A sultry water elemental, she rose out of the water. Her nipples pearled, beckoning him to suckle, and he couldn’t deny them and plunged into the pool.


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