Mate of the Vampire

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Mate of the Vampire Page 22

by Guida, ML

  Zuto motioned with his hand. “Bring the girl.”

  “Let her be, ye bastards!” Ronan yelled, spitting out dirt.

  Ignoring him, Alfred snagged Angelica’s arm, yanking her out of the boat. She twisted her arm, and with her hand, beat on his fat hand.

  “Stop it, wench,” he said.

  “Enough.” Leif grabbed her other arm.

  Together they both dragged her to the stakes. She was only inches away from Ronan.

  His heart beating fast, Ronan looked up at Leif. “Please, donna do this.”

  Leif forced Angelica to sit. Leaning close to Ronan, he said, “I donna have a choice.” His voice was barely a whisper.

  Ronan’s eyes widened, wondering what he meant.

  Despair strangling his heart, Ronan watched Leif and Alfred quickly manacle Angelica’s ankles and wrists to the stakes. She turned her head toward Ronan, mouthing the words I love you.

  His breath quickened. Did she love him, or was it Mariah’s spell? He looked at the demon, but he was busy watching the sunset.

  The sun dipped into the ocean, and darkness descended onto the beach. “Soon, you’ll feast,” Zuto said.

  Ronan glared. “I’ll not hurt Angelica.” He hoped he wasn’t lying.

  “You don’t have any say in the matter,” Zuto said. “The spell has already been cast and can’t be undone.”

  His shadow fell over Ronan, sending an icy chill down his spine. Ronan shivered. It was as if a bucket of ice water had been thrown on him.

  “I don’t know why you’re struggling, Macmillan. I gave you my word.”

  He snapped his fingers. Ronan’s severed hand materialized, floating within a glowing golden aura, chasing away the murkiness.

  “Once this is over, you’ll have your hand back. Isn’t that what you’ve been whining about this whole time? Complaining you’re a cripple. By tomorrow morning, you’ll be whole again.” He gestured toward Kane, tied to a tree and slumped over. “But you’ll be minus one captain. I fear sucking out your child’s soul will not be enough for your hunger. You’ll drain your captain as well.”

  Ronan yanked on his bindings, but they were secured tight. His blasted legs wouldn’t move.

  Zuto raised his eyebrow. “I’ll never understand humans. You have what you wanted. Be content.” He looked at Palmer. “Give me your dagger.”

  Palmer pulled out a jeweled dagger from his jacket and handed it to Zuto. The demon knelt on one knee next to Angelica.

  She pressed her body deeper into the sand, edging away from the demon. “I’m not pregnant. I have not felt a baby move inside me.”

  “You’re wrong. You couldn’t swim, because you are human. I can see your baby through your eyes. Before this is through, you’ll feel the baby move.”

  “Please, don’t hurt my baby.”

  Zuto brushed her hair out of her face. “I’m sorry. I need your baby, whether it’s a boy or girl. The spell won’t be as strong with a male, but I’m out of time.” He ran his long fingers down the side of her face. “But you’ll be able to have more children. If you survive the night on board the Fiery Damsel.”

  Tears stained her cheeks. “Why are you doing this?”

  He jerked his hand away. “’Tis not your concern.”

  “Not my concern.” Angelica narrowed her eyes and spat into his face.

  Ronan froze. Humiliating the demon was a good way to get her throat slit. “Zuto, don’t hurt her.”

  She twisted her arms and legs, making her manacles clank against the stakes. “Because of you, I’ll lose the man I love and become a mindless whore.”

  “Such a fierce passion you have, mermaid.” He waved the blade inches over her face.

  Angelica stopped thrashing, lying perfectly still. Fear flashed in her angry eyes, and she followed the weapon as if it were a cobra ready to strike.

  Ronan kicked sand toward the demon. The sand flurried in the air, descending down onto the ground, nowhere near the demon. “You bastard.”

  Zuto arched his eyebrow as if Ronan were nothing but an annoying cricket.

  Sweat rolled down Ronan’s face. He squirmed, pulling on his wrists, digging the rope into his flesh. Pain throbbed in his wrists, but he didn’t care. “Leave her alone!”

  “I’m not the one who will attack her.” Without warning, he nicked her neck, not deep, but deep enough for blood to trickle down her throat, turning the white sand red.

  “Why’d you cut her?” Ronan twisted, pulling on his restraints. The metal bindings stretched, sending hope through him.

  Zuto threw the dagger, embedding it to the hilt next to Ronan’s thigh. Amazingly, it didn’t cut into his flesh. He inhaled the scent of blood, stirring the ravenous hunger.

  The demon walked around him. “Her blood will soon drive you mad, and you’ll break your bond. In case you’re wondering, the spell will allow you to transform in daylight.” He smirked. “But only this one time. I can’t have you killing off my crew.” He nodded at Palmer. “We’ll leave them here. Bring Hannah Knight with you.”

  “Please, Zuto,” Kane managed to say. “Take me instead.”

  Zuto turned his back on Kane. “Maketabori doesn’t want you, O’Brien. He wants your mate.”

  A hairy pirate with tattoos covering his flabby gut bent over and tossed Hannah over his shoulder. He trailed Zuto into the jungle.

  Palmer kicked Kane repeatedly in the ribs. Bones cracked. Each time Kane groaned, Palmer kicked harder and smiled. Ronan knew his captain. Kane could take the pain. It was losing Hannah. She was his whole world. Without her, he’d crumble.

  A set of keys fell out of Palmer’s pocket. They landed softly on the ground, glistening from the rising moonlight. Ronan sucked in his breath, hoping Palmer wouldn’t notice.

  Ronan had to do something. He kicked the sand repeatedly, and for once, something went right. Sand cast a light dusting over the keys.

  Scowling, Zuto emerged from the jungle. “I said now, Palmer. You can have your fun later.”

  Palmer’s smile faded, and he hurried away, leaving the keys. “I’m sorry, master.”

  Ronan snorted. Seriously—Fun? Is that what the demon thought Palmer was doing? Aye, torture and mayhem were a grand time.

  Ronan was left with his broken captain and Angelica and the dreaded moonlight. Hunger burned in his gut, his throat constricting so tight, he couldn’t breathe. ’Twas as if the blazing sun dried up all his bodily fluid. His heart beat faster than it ever had before. He frowned. Usually when he changed into a vampire, his heart beat slowed. Not this time. His heart beat faster than a hummingbird’s.

  Everything was different. Energy surged through him, his senses sharpening. He looked into the lush jungle and could see Palmer and Zuto talking in low voices near a hut while the crew huddled together in silence. He could hear their slight whispers.

  “The Phoenix is coming, Palmer. We have to be ready. I have a surprise for them.”

  But the blasted demon didn’t say what surprise awaited them. Ronan closed his eyes. The Phoenix was sailing into a trap, and he was powerless to warn them. A honey sweet smell teased his senses, and he licked his dry lips. ’Twas Angelica’s blood. It was tantalizing. He could hear her heartbeat thundering. She was afraid, afraid of him.

  Mariah’s words popped into his mind again. True love would beat Zuto, but how?

  Angelica looked at him. Strands of her hair blew across her face, sticking to the blood on her throat. “Ronan, I want you to know whatever you do to me, I forgive you.”

  Ronan furrowed his brow, trying to understand her. He was about to attack her, and she forgave him. She truly loved him unconditionally. No woman had ever said this before, not Mariah—no one. He couldn’t swallow, not from the thirst, but from the overwhelming emotions he felt for Angelica. He couldn’t breathe. His beating heart swelled, crushing against his ribs, but it didn’t hurt.

  “It won’t be your fault. Just know I love you now and always.” Her voice choked.

p; She was his woman, the mother of his child, and he wasn’t going to let her die. Instead of fighting the curse, he drew on the newfound power. Tingles rushed over him, power surging through him. With a mighty roar, he yanked on the ropes, the muscles in his arms bulging, his heart pounding faster. Ignoring the pain cutting into his flesh, he gritted his teeth, arching his back, and cried out. “Angelica!”

  It was a loud, roaring cry, more animal than man. The twine unraveling, he broke free. He panted, trying to catch his breath. The thirst was on him, but something more powerful pumped through his veins. He looked up and over the horizon; he saw black sails and a large beast flying in the air. The Phoenix.

  A slow smile spread across his face. He snatched the dagger out of the sand and stumbled to his feet. He grabbed the keys and walked toward Angelica. He couldn’t take his eyes off her blood, his body shaking with hunger.

  Her eyes widened with fear, and her lower lip trembled. “Ronan, don’t hurt our baby.”

  Her sweet voice cut through his hunger. Taking a deep breath, he drew on his honor. He knelt next to her ankles and unlocked the manacles, freeing her dainty feet. He caressed her calves. “I won’t.”

  “Ronan, your eyes.”

  He turned away, not able to meet her accusatory stare. “I know. They’re red. The hunger is upon me.”

  He crawled toward her and sat on his haunches. She was so beautiful, so brave. She’d faced down a demon and Palmer.

  She tilted her chin. “Do what you must do.”

  Pushing back the temptation to taste her blood, he freed her wrists, his hand shaking. He couldn’t deny he wanted one taste, one drink, but what he’d done to Hannah aboard the Fiery Damsel haunted him. He’d almost killed her. He wouldn’t do the same to Angelica.

  “Stay away from me.” She edged away and scampered onto her feet.

  He stood, holding out his hand. “Angelica, please don’t fear me.”

  She turned her back and ran toward the beach. He frowned. Where did she think she was going? Blimey, she was leaving him. She was returning to the sea.

  With vampire speed, he chased after her. If she reached the water, she’d disappear. Damn it! Why hadn’t he ever learned how to swim? But he’d been able to hold his breath underwater longer than any man, maybe he could swim, if he trusted in his selkie abilities. He now understood why his grandfather gave up his powers for his grandmother. He felt the same way about Angelica. He couldn’t lose her, wouldn’t lose her. Not now. Not ever.

  She glanced over her shoulder, her face ashen. “Ronan, no!”

  He seized her arm and whirled her around.

  She kicked his shins, her head thrashing side to side. “Let me go!”

  “No, I canna. Donna you understand?” The tightness in his throat unwounded. What he’d been hiding in his heart for so long burst through his dry lips. “I love you. You’re my life.” Heaving for air, he blinked. He’d said it. He’d actually said it. He smiled. Three little words, the hardest he’d ever said, doused the fiery hunger burning his gut. He loosened his grip. “I mean it. I love you.”

  She stopped struggling, hair dangling in her face. “What did you say?”

  His hand shaking, he pushed her tangled strands out of her shocked face. “You heard me. I love you.”

  “But I can see it in your eyes, you want to drink my blood.”

  “Aye, ’tis true.” He leaned his forehead on hers. “But I wonna.”

  She ran her hands through his locks. “How can you be sure?”

  He leaned his rugged cheek into her palm. “Because you’re my woman. I’ll do anything to protect you and our babe.”

  “But the hunger?”

  He grinned, looking toward the jungle. “Donna worry. There is other prey for me to feast on.”

  Chapter 24

  Angelica searched Ronan’s terrifying face. She wanted to believe him, but his red eyes glowed in the darkness, and his long incisors shot fear through her veins. She could barely breathe or think. She’d known he was a vampire, but to see the real thing turned her blood ice cold. Was he telling the truth? Would he do anything to protect her and their unborn babe? Why hadn’t she felt the baby move? If she was pregnant, she should have felt it move.

  She scanned his face. Besides hunger, there was something else in his eyes. Desperation, definitely. Did this mean he truly loved her? Or had Mariah cast the spell? She bit her lip. There was only one way to find out. She braced her shoulders, clasped his hand and squeezed. “I believe you.”

  Tears actually glistened in his eyes, but he blinked, and they disappeared. The deep worry lines in his forehead lessen and he loosened his grip. “Thank you.”

  “What are we going to do?”

  “Zuto and the crew of the Fiery Damsel think I’ve attacked you.” He pointed. “Look, the Soaring Phoenix is fast approaching the island. We just need to deceive them until they arrive.”

  “How? Zuto will be back soon to investigate.”

  “Well, we must’n disappoint them.”

  For a minute terror plunge into her pounding heart, and she couldn’t breathe. “What do you mean?”

  He released her hand, stepping away. “Trust me.”

  He opened his mouth, revealing a mouthful of fangs. She put her hand over her racing heart and screamed. She turned to run, but instead of attacking her, he lifted his wrist and tore it open with his teeth. Blood leaked through his lips, dripping onto his shirt.

  “Ronan, what are you doing?”

  He lowered his wrist. Lordy, he was the devil himself with crimson staining his mouth and chin. “Playin’ a deception.”

  She couldn’t fathom what he meant. Playing a trick on a demon wouldn’t end well. “I don’t understand.”

  “Smear this on your throat and lay on the ground, pretendin’ to be unconscious.” He tilted his head toward the jungle. “Zuto will send someone to investigate.”

  “You’re going to attack them, aren’t you?”

  He sighed, lowering his head as if ashamed. “Aye. The hunger is becomin’ more demandin’. ’Tis the only way I know to keep you safe.” He raised his head. “Will you do this?”

  She nodded, hoping he wouldn’t attack her. She rubbed his slick wound, crimson staining her trembling fingers.

  “Now, wiped it on your throat.”

  Fighting back the revulsion, she did as he instructed, smudging the thick blood onto her throat.

  “Good.” He jerked his head toward the ocean. “Come on. Lay down by the jagged rocks near the sea arch as if I caught you trying to escape.”

  Angelica followed his line of vision. The foamy sea tempted her. She could call to her sisters, and they’d help her escape, but she couldn’t leave Ronan. He was risking his life for her, and she loved him, for better or worse.

  He grabbed her hand and raced down to the sea. He helped her lay down on the soft sand. The minute the sea caressed her toes, she sent out a call to all mermaids to stay away from the island. Water rushed around her limbs and back. Her hair plastered against her shoulders. The salty smell of the beloved sea blocked out the metallic odor of dried gore. She must look a grisly sight with blood smeared on her throat and hands. She didn’t know if this would work, but it had to. The Phoenix was too far away to offer help.

  Ronan crouched behind a large, jagged rock. Her heart threatening to bust through her ribs, Angelica closed her eyes.

  As the water swirled around her, a voice called, “Angelica, are you in danger?”

  Tears swelled behind Angelica’s eyes at the sweet murmur. Mermaids could send their thoughts through the water. ’Twas Isabella, her sister.


  “Come to the sea. I’ll take you to Father, and he’ll protect you.” Her voice tempted Angelica but she felt a flutter in her belly.

  “I can’t. I’m with child and in love.”

  “With a human?”

  Angelica shuddered at the contempt in her sister’s voice. Isabella detested humans, especially pirates. �
�Leave, Isabella. There’s a demon on the island determined to capture a mermaid. Stay away.”

  “I’ll not leave you.” Angelica winced at the stubbornness in her sister’s voice. Once Isabella decided on something, there was no turning her back.

  Angelica pushed her mermaid power. “You cannot help.”

  “I can. My song hasn’t failed me yet.”

  Angelica wanted to convince Isabella to leave before something went terribly wrong, but she sensed someone approaching and cut off her telepathy.

  “There she is,” a male voice said.

  “Where’s Macmillan?” Another voice asked.

  “I don’t know, but Zuto wants us to bring her to him.”

  Angelica didn’t recognize the first voice, but she definitely recognized the first nasal voice. ’Twas Alfred Johnson, the boatswain. Besides Palmer, he’d terrified her the most. He’d pinched her nipples and slapped her buttocks more than Palmer. His face had been ridden with pox scars. He’d promised once Zuto was done with her, he’d take her from behind and then force her to suck his cock. She shuddered. It took everything she had not to move and run to Ronan’s arms.

  Hurried footsteps approached her, sloshing in the waves. Cold hands clasped her wrist.

  “Leave her,” Ronan said.

  Alfred’s eyes widened. “What the devil?”

  She detected fear in his voice. The icy fingers on her arms relaxed. Angelica didn’t wait for the pirates to recognize it was a ploy. She opened her eyes and bolted off the swirling sand, darting behind Ronan.

  Alfred unleashed his sword. “You’re dead, Macmillan.”

  “I donna think so.” Ronan licked his lips. “I’m hungry. Very hungry.”

  The other squatty man held a sword in his hand. “You’re not scaring us.” Fear edged into his voice.

  A loud shriek distracted the two men. Angelica smiled. William in dragon form swooped toward them. Alfred threw down his weapon, fleeing toward the jungle with William close behind.

  Ronan didn’t hesitate and lunged. The pudgy pirate swung his sword, slicing Ronan’s arm. Blood streamed down his arm, but he didn’t stop. He rammed his head into the pirate’s mid-section, slamming him into the surf. The two men struggled for the sword. A wave knocked the sword out of the man’s hand. His mistake was chasing after the sword. Ronan clutched his arm. He opened his mouth and sank his sharp teeth into the gurgling man’s neck, squirting crimson into the ocean. His eyes bulging, he clawed at Ronan’s face, but it was useless, he was already dying, disappearing into the swell.


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