Coven, Sweet Coven

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Coven, Sweet Coven Page 7

by Dragon, Cheryl

  Zach pushed aside the blinds and looked out a window.

  “People are starting to congregate outside,” he said.

  Chris groaned. “Damn it. We don’t need to panic. Mandy Warner could’ve wandered off because she wanted to go to school and be in all the Halloween stuff.”

  “Mandy did want to wear that witch costume I made.” Tessa sounded hopeful as she clutched her husband’s hands. “Are they checking the school?”

  “Yes, they’re taking a second attendance. They’re making it part of the costume contest so the kids don’t freak out.” Chris locked gazes with Natalie.

  Her stomach sank. Witch costume. Her vision was of little Mandy. Nat stepped back, then rested her head on Logan’s shoulder.

  “Can’t you try to figure out where they are?” Brad asked.

  “Don’t push,” Zach said. He pressed himself to Nat’s side.

  “Psychics aren’t magic. We’ve got a team of volunteers searching from the Warner house to the school. That’s a long walk, and her most likely path,” Chris said.

  “Have you called in the FBI? Warned other parents?” Brad demanded. His short, thick hair was disheveled as though he’d spent the entire drive to the sheriff’s office tangling his fingers in it.

  “The FBI is on its way, but that’s over an hour’s drive down from Indy. We don’t want to create a panic,” Chris said.

  “We’ve texted other parents. The parents’ phone tree will cover the town in no time. No one is letting their kids go out tonight,” Tessa said.

  “Let me try to figure out where she is before things get nuts. Do you have something of Mandy’s?” Nat asked, glancing at Tessa’s large leather purse.

  Tessa pulled out a beaded bracelet. “This. She always takes it on and off.”

  “Thanks.” Natalie took the bracelet, then turned to Chris. “Got a map of Green Leaf?”

  Chris popped the map off the nail on the wall, then laid it out on his desk. “What are you going to do?”

  “Shh,” she replied. Pulling her necklace off, she grasped the bracelet and the necklace in the same hand, then held it over the map. Her energy flowed through the string to the crystal.

  She closed her eyes and dangled the crystal over the map until she felt the pull. The drain happened fast—she rarely dowsed for things. Moving the charm in that direction, she let it settle on the paper. The darkness was so close—she couldn’t push it away. She opened her eyes, grabbed a pen from the top of the desk, then dotted the map with her last bit of strength.

  The room spun. “Zach, Logan,” she whispered, her strength completely gone.

  Strong hands grabbed her as the world went black.

  Chapter Seven

  Logan settled Natalie in Aunt Lorraine’s SUV as Cecily sat next to her. His heart galloped at the sight of her wan complexion.

  “She just overdid it. We’ll take her home and settle her in bed. She’ll sleep it off,” Lorraine said.

  “We won’t leave her alone,” Cecily assured him.

  “Zach will hunt you down if you do,” Logan said. It’d go doubly for him, but he knew Lorraine would take good care of Nat.

  Chris was clearly worried but focused on the problem at hand. Logan realized the last time she’d passed out was when her parents were killed. Perhaps some of the grumblings about her powers had more to do with Chris worrying about his sister. That made Logan feel a little better.

  Chris headed out with the other officer. “She’ll be okay?”

  “Yes, my aunt will look after her. The whole coven will be there. She’s in good hands,” Logan said.

  “Fine. Nat always pushed herself too much. Back to the police work. We’re going to check that area.” Chris nodded toward the end of town Nat had pinpointed.

  “You need a search team,” Brad insisted.

  The other officer shook his head. “No, whoever did this could be armed.”

  Logan looked at Chris. “We’re going too. You don’t have enough police staff for this.”

  “It’s the old abandoned school on the edge of town. That place is dangerous and isolated.”

  Logan gave him a hard stare.

  Chris sighed. “Fine. We’ll get you outfitted—but you hang back. It’s just for a show of bodies. We’ll call in the fire department to create a perimeter. The FBI will take too long to get here from Indy. I want to get that guy before he knows we’re after him.” Chris opened a supply locker in his office and pulled out an armful of equipment.

  * * * *

  Ten minutes later, Logan and Zach wore bulletproof vests and had shotguns in hand. Thankfully, as small-town boys, they knew how to handle guns. Logan glanced at Zach, who hadn’t quit talking about how worried he was about Natalie.

  “She’ll be fine; she just passed out. We get to help prove she’s right.” Logan patted Zach’s shoulder.

  Zach nodded. “I just hope we’re there fast enough.”

  They rode in the back of the squad car. Logan was glad to have the girl’s family out of earshot.

  The radio buzzed; a few numbers rambled through. Chris picked it up.

  Logan made out that the other girl was found at a friend’s house. Then dispatch reported the Warner girl was still missing. The school confirmed she wasn’t there.

  “At least it’s only one,” Chris said.

  “Those parents must have been in agony. They left her home alone sick,” Zach said.

  “It’s a small town. You think you’re safe,” Chris said.

  “The kid is only eight.” Logan would never leave a kid home alone at that age.

  “With a close neighbor looking in, I’m not going to charge them with neglect.” Chris parked the car. “We’re on foot from here. Be quiet and stick together. We’ll clear the building room by room. The firemen should be here soon. They’ll form a perimeter. You two wait with them.”

  “We’re going in to help, not wait here,” Logan said.

  A few cars pulled up. Men piled out.

  Chris exited the car, calling out orders. He pointed at Logan and Zach. “No, I want you to take the other exit in case he tries to flee. It’s mostly boarded up, but we’re going to try to take him down inside.”

  “We know how to use guns,” Logan countered.

  “Just don’t shoot anyone. It’s a show-of-force thing. If he sees you at that exit, hopefully he’ll head back toward us. The guy might surrender if he sees he’s really outnumbered.”

  Zach frowned. “Think he might’ve done anything to that place?”

  “Nat just saw him today. I doubt he’s had time,” Logan said.

  “Guys who want to booby-trap and blow stuff up issue threats and attract attention. This guy, he slipped into town without a peep. Not even a ransom note. Pedophile, probably.” The officer’s face went hard. “We’ll get him.”

  “Great.” Logan wanted to shoot the kidnapper.

  “Let’s go.” The officer opened the door. Logan followed Zach as he went around to the other exit and listened. Looking through the window, they could see rows of lockers blocking the view deeper into the school.

  A scraping sound caught their attention.

  “Don’t worry, pretty witch. We’ll find you a playmate tonight,” a male voice said.

  “Police! Give yourself up now!” Chris shouted.

  Logan looked at Zach, hoping nothing happened to the man he loved. At least Nat was home and safe.

  * * * *

  The abductor didn’t respond. Zach heard a can hit the ground and roll. Flashes and ear-splitting bangs went off. As soon as it stopped, the police rushed in. Zach and Logan watched from the window in the door. Zach’s heart raced as he heard cursing and the terrified shrieks of a little girl. Chris and the other officer darted in one direction.

  Chris shouted, “He’s running!”

  Zach stopped worrying about Logan, Natalie, and even himself. Instinct kicked in, and when a middle-aged man broke through the door, Zach swung the butt end of the shotgun into the man�
��s face. The stranger crumpled to his knees.

  Chris and another officer burst from the building, tackling him. The guy was in handcuffs and searched within seconds. The officer pulled a knife and a set of cuff keys off the criminal.

  Zach never thought much of Chris before. Then again, not major crime wasn’t a problem in Green Leaf. Police officers in their sleepy town didn’t have a lot to do, but now Zach appreciated his skills and rapid response.

  “You two okay?” Chris asked.

  Logan grinned. “We’re good. Nice move, Zach.”

  Zach smiled. Scraping metal and whimpering sounds drew the men’s attention. The criminal struggled.

  “Let’s get him locked up,” Chris said.

  Chris led the creep off while the other officer and Zach followed the sounds. Logan joined them. They found Mandy in a dark corner cuffed to a pipe, just like Nat said.

  “She’s got a gift,” Logan said, his voice filled with awe.

  “We never doubted her.” Zach moved closer to the little girl. “It’s okay. We’re here with the police. They’ll take you home to your parents.”

  She cringed away from him. “I want my mom,” she cried.

  “She wants to see you too. It’ll be okay,” Logan said.

  Chris rushed in with a key. “Paramedics are rolling up. Hi, Mandy. I’m Laura’s dad. You’re in her class, right?”

  She gave a shaky nod and relaxed a little.

  “Well, it’s okay. I’m here. Let me get you out of this. We’re going to take you to the hospital and make sure you’re not hurt. Your parents are waiting there. Did he hurt you?”

  “My head,” she said.

  Chris unlocked the cuffs, then picked up the girl. The bloody gash was on the side of her head that faced the wall. Dried blood matted her hair, but the wound didn’t appear serious. “The doctors will make you all better.”

  Zach shook his head. “That bastard,” he muttered.

  “He’s already making excuses on the way to the car. That’s why we keep things quiet and controlled.” Chris carefully lifted the girl.

  “He better go to jail,” Logan said.

  They walked outside, where Chris handed Mandy off to a paramedic. “One of the firemen will give you guys a ride back. We don’t want anyone in back with that jerk.”

  They handed over their guns, then removed the jackets. “Wish I’d been actual help,” Logan said.

  “You were.” Chris secured the jackets and guns in the trunk of his squad car. “Now go take care of my sister.”

  “Will do,” Zach said.

  “Ran the guy’s name. He’s got a warrant from up north and is not allowed near kids. Someone’s got a restraining order out on him too.” The other officer grinned. “This ass isn’t going anywhere.”

  “Is the warrant in state or out?” Chris asked.

  “In, but the Feds still want him because of the kidnapping. It’s going to be a fun afternoon. But at least we can announce the threat is over,” the officer said.

  The criminal began to shout and kick the doors.

  “I really want to Taser him,” Zach muttered.

  “You should join the force.” Chris chuckled. “More action than farming.”

  “You might want to add some part-time officers,” Logan agreed.

  “Maybe. Let’s get this creep behind bars.” Chris got in the squad car.

  Zach expected to feel exhausted after the tense adrenaline rush, but he was charged. In the backseat of a fireman’s car, his thoughts drifted. Helping people was a rush—he’d never forget that little girl in a witch’s costume. The blood in her blonde hair and the look of terror in her big green eyes would remain burned in his memory forever. It was a horrible experience for her, but she was alive. The criminal was in custody. Things could’ve been worse.

  “You okay?” Logan asked.

  “Yeah, I’m thrilled it worked out. Maybe Chris will see Nat differently now.” Zach rested his head on Logan’s shoulder.

  “I think she’s seeing herself, Chris, and even the town a little differently. Maybe that’s just wishful thinking.” Logan shrugged.

  “No, I saw her being more confident today. That’s good for her. But she passed out. I’ve never seen her that way before. She’s gotten weak. Putting out the energy is always hard on her, but she totally got drained this time.” Zach ached to see Natalie, to make sure she was really okay.

  “Don’t worry, Nat’s fine. She’s strong. She cares so much.”

  The fireman dropped them off at the station, then pulled away. After returning the gear, they got into Logan’s car and headed for home.

  Aunt Lorraine met them in the driveway with Cecily. “She’s asleep upstairs. We got her to wake up briefly, but she fell right back asleep.”

  “Thanks.” Zach hugged her.

  “Sure, sweetie. She’s one powerful witch. I’m just glad it all came clear in time.” Lorraine patted the men on their shoulders.

  “We made soup. It’s in the fridge. We’ll bring dinner later.” Cecily waved.

  “Thanks. We’ll take good care of her.” Logan went inside, then headed up the stairs.

  Zach followed his boyfriend. It’d been a crazy couple of hours, but kids could now enjoy their Halloween—all thanks to Nat and some quick work.

  Chapter Eight

  Warmth and energy enveloped Natalie as her mind started to focus again. She looked up and saw her own ceiling fan. Somehow, she’d ended up in her bed. Logan and Zach were lying next to her on either side.

  She tried to stretch and found her neck and back ached. It’d been so long she’d forgotten what it was like to pass out. It happened rarely, only when a big blast of energy or psychic revelation came to her.

  Logan’s arm curled around her waist.

  “Look who’s awake. You okay?” he asked.

  “Just a bit achy. Tired.” She took a deep breath.

  “Finally.” Zach kissed her temple.

  “What happened?” she asked.

  “We got him. A man had Mandy chained up in the basement of the old school on the edge of town,” Logan said, disgust in his tone.

  “Exactly where you pinpointed before you fainted.” Zach hugged her. His strong arms soothed away the initial panic upon hearing about the abduction.

  “I can’t believe I fainted.” She rubbed her forehead.

  “You overdid it, that’s all. Lorraine and Cecily made sure you were taken care of. We helped Chris.” Zach smiled down at her.

  She shook her head. “What? You’re not policemen.”

  “No, but we can use a gun if we have to. Just a strength-in-numbers thing. Zach used the butt end of the shotgun to knock out the criminal.” Logan leaned over and gave Zach a soft kiss.

  Nat’s body warmed even more. “Thrilling. Tell me you’re joking.”

  “Nope.” Logan kissed her lips.

  She started to feel some very base urges return. Then Zach claimed her mouth. She felt their energy and excitement. “Wow. You two had a good time.”

  “The girl is safe, and the kidnapper is in jail. You’re okay. We got everything we wanted. Assuming you really are going to stay,” Zach said. His eyes looked so hopeful, Nat’s heart melted.

  She let the men help her sit up slowly. “I can’t imagine leaving now. If we keep nudging Chris, I think he’ll get over our odd relationship and be more open.”

  “When you passed out, he was upset. I think some of his downplaying your gifts is worrying you’ll be hurt.” Logan tucked a curl behind her ear.

  “That’s not a reason to stop,” she replied.

  “To you, no. He’s still your brother. He wants to protect you. I think we did make some progress in winning him over.” Zach gently rubbed her neck.

  “Really?” She had missed a lot.

  “Don’t worry about anything. Just rest. Lorraine said you were totally drained. They couldn’t even get you to drink.” Logan caressed the insides of her thighs.

  “Water.” She reached
for the bottle Lorraine had left.

  Zach grabbed the bottle from the nightstand. She drank the whole thing. He set the empty bottle aside as she closed her eyes and rested back on the pillows. “I’m still about half-drained.”

  “Well, you know what to do about that. Energy is meant to be shared.” Logan said.

  She felt them both buzzing with energy, but she made it a point not to pull energy from people. As a child, she’d done it randomly until Grammy taught her how to control herself. “It’s not right.”

  “It is if we offer it.” Zach pulled off the covers, then nuzzled her thighs.

  “What happened to my jeans?” she asked. She glanced down. She wore a shirt—the built-in bra in her camisole meant nothing there was disturbed. She still had her panties on too.

  “I think Lorraine and Cecily figured you’d sleep better without them. You were in good hands.” Logan slipped a hand under her shirt, his fingers teasing from her stomach up to her breast.

  Moaning, she drank in their energy as they stripped her bare and licked her body. Fingers spread her pussy lips and tongues lapped there. The sweet feeling of teeth and pinching fingers on her breasts made her groan. She was wet and eager, but first she needed to recharge.

  Sliding a hand on the back of either man, she let herself drink in their energy. Careful not to drain them, she slowly built herself up until she felt normal, and then took just a smidge more to bond with them. Then she cut off the transfer and changed her attention to their sexual needs.

  With the danger now behind them, she knew she was exactly where she belonged. They pinned her between them and kissed over her shoulder. She grinned and joined them in a three-way kiss.

  She eased onto her hands and knees before sucking on Zach’s cock. “Fuck me, Logan.”

  She heard the rustle of a condom packet, then stuck her ass up in the air. He licked her pussy teasingly until she moaned on Zach’s cock.

  “Fuck her, or she’ll make me come in seconds,” Zach said.

  “She won’t mind.” Logan filled her pussy in a single stroke.

  “Yes,” Nat muttered against Zach’s balls.

  Zach reached beneath her, then tapped on her clit.

  She trembled as the stimulation matched Logan’s thrusts. There was no way she’d last long this time. As Logan fucked her harder, he held her hips. She was at their mercy. Zach rubbed and tickled her clit as he lifted into her mouth.


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