Vanished: A Luca Mystery - Book 2

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Vanished: A Luca Mystery - Book 2 Page 1

by Dan Petrosini


  A Luca Mystery

  Book 2

  by Dan Petrosini

  Copyright © Dan Petrosini 2017

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers.

  The novel is entirely a work of fiction Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. For requests, information, and more contact Dan Petrosini at [email protected]

  Available in ebook and print.

  First edition: 2017

  Also by Dan Petrosini

  The Final Enemy

  Am I the Killer? A Luca Mystery Book 1

  Complicit Witness

  Push Back

  Ambition Cliff

  Table of Contents

  Also by Dan Petrosini


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46

  Chapter 47

  Chapter 48

  Chapter 49

  Chapter 50

  Chapter 51

  Chapter 52

  Chapter 53

  Chapter 54

  Chapter 55

  Also by Dan Petrosini


  A special thanks to Squad Sergeant Craig Perrelli for his counsel on the real world of law enforcement.

  This book would not be possible without the love and support of my wife Julie and daughters Stephanie and Jennifer.

  Chapter 1


  “No amount of travel on the wrong road will bring you to the right destination.”

  - Ben Gaye, III

  May 3rd

  I shifted in my chair as Kevin Greely made his case to our largest client. They had a huge contract for a desalination plant we wanted, no, we needed, but I couldn’t help thinking my boss’s groveling was sickening. My phone vibrated again, the third time in five minutes. I glanced around the table. All eyes were fixed on the PowerPoint presentation, so I dipped into my jacket for a peek. Frozen, I stared at the number as it buzzed.

  It was her.

  I pushed back from the conference table, drawing the attention I dreaded.

  “Uh, sorry. I gotta get this. Family emergency. I’ll be right back.”

  Greely’s eyes bore into me as he said, “Hustle up, Dom, we’re moving to your wheelhouse next.”

  “This should only take a minute.” Slinking out of the room, I knew I’d have to concoct something believable to keep Greely off my back. Boy, did I hate kissing ass. This job was nothing special, just a placeholder, and the money sucked to boot. I had to move on, and fast.

  Hitting callback, I hunched near a column with my eyes on the conference room door.


  A shiver, part exhilaration, part queasiness, ran from my gut to my nose. I felt like a fifth grader calling my crush from the bathroom. The quote, “Good things come to those who wait,” rushed into my head.

  “Hey, Robin, sorry, I was in a—”

  “Phil’s still not back. Do you know where he is?”

  “You sure?”

  “He didn’t come home again last night and didn’t show up at work today. Where is he?”

  She needed reassuring, and I was gonna provide it.

  “I’m sure he’ll be back—”

  “Cut the bullshit, Dom, you said that yesterday. Where the hell is he?” She sounded frantic.

  “I don’t know, Robin.”

  “Oh, come on, he tells you everything.”

  Spot-on. “Look, I’m sure he’s okay, but did you check around, like the hospitals?”

  “Of course. I checked NCH Downtown and North, Lee Memorial, Health Park, even Physicians Regional, though he’d never go there. Something’s wrong, I can feel it.”

  I had to agree with her. “I’m sure there’s an explanation. You’ve got to remain calm. Let’s not jump to any conclusions here. Okay, Robin?”

  “I know, but look, you can tell me. I just wanna know.” She raised her voice. “Is Phil screwing around again? Has he taken off with another one of his bimbos?”

  I didn’t need to be reminded that Phil collected women like coins. The crazy thing was, it was nuts to do so, given he had Robin.

  Robin and Phil had been married for ten years, some good, some bad. I remember the day they got hitched. Robin was a catch: good-looking and making serious money at only twenty-five. That wedding day was bittersweet for me because Phil, was a life-long friend, the brother I never had. The two of them made such a striking couple it was depressing.

  My buddy, Phil Gabelli, was no slouch either, and I hated competing with him for girls as we grew up. The fact is, I never stopped competing with him. Even married to Robin he was still dipping his beak in where I fished. He had Robin, I mean, what the hell else could you want?

  The conference door groaned open and a stern-faced Greely said,

  “You’re up Stewart!”

  I held up a finger. Greely shook his head, hiked his thumb, and disappeared. Man, I can’t wait to tell these guys to go fuck off.

  “Look, Robin, I know you’re upset, but I’m sure he’ll turn up. He always does.”

  “I don’t know what to do, Dom. This time is different, I can feel it.”

  I could hear her cell phone ringing in the background.

  “Don’t worry—”

  “Hold on a sec. Oh, I gotta go. It’s the detective handling the case.”

  Detective? Case? Do detectives get involved in a missing persons report? I reached for my inhaler. It was probably normal. Robin was a type A. It was one of things I loved about her, though Phil didn’t feel the same way. She’d push with a laser-like focus, bullying you or turning on the charm, either way, whatever worked, to get what she wanted. Phil would complain to me about it, but I knew it was the reason she was so successful. He didn’t know how to handle her, but I found her easy to deal with. Like I told Phil, putting up with her foibles was a small price to pay for all the dough she brought in.

  Chapter 2


  “If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere.” - Frank A. Clark

  Looking in the mirror, my five-o’clock shadow bothered me. I shaved and put on a nice pair of jeans and a new shirt I’d gotten at a Waterside boutique. I wanted to look upscale casual, whatever that meant, bec
ause a detective by the name of Frank Luca was coming by.

  Luca was about six feet tall and good-looking, like Phil. I immediately wondered what Robin thought of him.

  I went to shake his hand, but he waved his ID and stepped in.

  “This shouldn’t take long, just trying to get some background on Mr. Gabelli.”

  “No problem, Officer, or is it Detective? How should you be addressed?”

  “Well, if my old man was here he’d say call me anything, but make the check out to cash.” Luca smiled. “Detective, Officer, Frank, makes no difference.”

  “Sure. Is your pop still around?”

  Luca shook his head. “Nah, been about five years now. Still tough to believe.”

  “Yeah, I know what you mean. I lost my mom two years ago and it still hurts. I like what Queen Elizabeth said, ‘Grief is the price we pay for love.’ Pretty good, isn’t it?”

  Luca nodded and pulled a notebook out of his jacket.

  “Shall we get started?”

  I pulled out a couple of bottles of water and we sat around the kitchen table.

  “Crazy that Phil took off, ain’t it?”

  “You say took off, did he have any particular reason to run?”

  “Well, you know, Phil was, I don’t know, restless. He couldn’t sit still for a minute, unless it was on a barstool chatting up a lady.” I smiled.

  “Phil liked to drink, womanize?”

  “Well, he didn’t drink that much. Look, me and Phil go way back. I mean, we’re tight as can be. He’s pulled me out of so many jams I lost count. I just don’t want to bad-mouth him or nothing.”

  “I get it. I’m just trying to get some information to go on. Anything you tell me stays with me. I need to understand if he took off or if something happened to him.”

  I leaned forward. “What do you mean? Like he’s hurt or—”

  Luca threw up a palm. “Let’s not get carried away. My job is to investigate his whereabouts and follow the leads, bad or good, wherever they point. Now, you were saying your buddy liked to play the field.”

  I smiled. “Fair enough, though not fair to Robin. She’s something, ain’t she?” I wanted Luca to react, but he didn’t give me any clue to what he thought of her.

  “Well, Phil’s one of a kind. Let’s say he’s never had a problem with the ladies. I’m sure you know what that’s like, right Detective? I mean, with your looks. Hey, you know what?” I snapped my fingers. “You look like George Clooney. Yeah, that’s it. Wow, a spitting image. You must get that a lot.”

  Luca smiled thinly and shook his head. What a stiff.

  He said, “Go on.”

  “Let’s just say Phil took full advantage of his situation. That’s all.”

  “His situation?”

  “You know, his looks, his way with women. You could call it style. He basically was irresistible.”

  “And did his wife know about his,” Luca made quotation marks in the air, “activities?”

  I frowned. “Yeah, she knew. Robin would get pissed and threaten to throw him out, but Phil’d weasel his way back in, making the same old promises. Robin would fall for it over and over.”

  “You think maybe she finally got tired of being made a fool?”

  “What? You don’t think? Nah, can’t be, there’s no way she’d do anything bad to anyone, not to Phil, no one.”

  “Got to ask.”

  “Yeah, I know most times it’s the spouse, but hey, he’s probably just,” I lowered my voice a notch, “holed up with some kitten.”

  “Robin said you and Phil were tight as can be and if anyone knew where he was it would be you.”

  Robin? He’s on a first-name basis with her already?

  “Yeah, me and Philly go all the way back to grammar school. We played Little League, went to high school together and all. Robin probably told you I was his best man at their wedding.”

  Luca nodded silently.

  “But really, I don’t know where he went. I wish I did.”

  “Do you know if they had any financial issues?”

  I shook my head. “No way. Robin brings home the bacon, and a lot of it at that.”

  Luca asked, “Perhaps he had money problems of his own.”

  “Nah, she makes more than enough, and they share it.”

  “You know they pool their money?”

  “Like I said, Phil tells me everything.”

  The detective nodded. “Do you know anything or any reason at all for him to disappear?”

  “Not really. He’s had a couple of flings that lasted a while, but I don’t know, I guess he could’ve taken off with one of his babes. You know it wasn’t the best of marriages, and he’d say he wanted to take off sometimes.”

  “Did you take him seriously, or was it something a lot of people fantasize about when they hit a rough patch?”

  I shrugged. “I guess no more than the next guy.”

  Luca asked me to name any of Phil’s current and former girlfriends I could remember. After scribbling in his notebook, Luca stood, signaling the chat was over. As I walked him to the door, he asked, “Is there anyone you know he had a beef with? Anyone that might have a reason to cause him harm?”

  Finally, a good question. “Well, to be honest, Phil could be kind of a wise guy at times. He loved to bust balls. You know what I mean? Nothing really mean-spirited, but sometimes people could take him the wrong way. You know?”

  “Anyone you think might have took him the wrong way?”

  I gave him a couple of names and he left.

  Chapter 3


  Missing person cases aren’t my bag, but since there’s few homicides along Florida’s Gold Coast, it was a break from running down burglaries. Most of these types of cases break down to either someone flying the coop or murder, which, like I say, is rare, especially in Naples. Chances were this guy would turn out to be a runner.

  While I interviewed the wife, I couldn’t imagine this guy Phil Gabelli taking off on her. The wife’s name was Robin, and boy was she a beauty. The woman began to hypnotize me as we talked, until I realized she screamed type A, which shook off my hormonal instincts. You see, type A’s think they’re smarter than everyone else. They’re also known to be fanatical planners. It makes them successful, but many times they’re also the ones who think their meticulous planning will allow them to get away with a crime.

  I reassessed things. She was pretty torn up, but something wasn’t quite right. The wife was holding back, but was it just the normal personal stuff nobody gives us the first time or two, or something more sinister? She was hard to read. I’d need more face time, but it was early, and who knows, her hubby might show up any minute.

  The wife was insistent that I go see her husband’s lifelong buddy, a guy named Dom Stewart. Was this a classic diversion, or was this her really trying to get to the bottom of her husband’s disappearance?

  I looked at the pictures Gabelli’s wife gave me. I don’t swing from the other side of the plate, but there was no doubt this dude was pretty. Come on, buddy, talk to me. Where the hell are you? Why don’t you give your wife a call?

  Putting the photos aside, I finished filling out a missing persons report. Then I ran the friend, Dom Stewart, through the system. Nothing came up, not even a speeding ticket. A real altar boy.

  The sun was shining onto my desk, so I adjusted the blinds. I’d only been in paradise for two years, and I needed every day of them to get over the loss of my partner and best friend, J. J. Cremora. These Southerners are a lot sharper than the rest of the country thinks, well, here at the sheriff’s office anyway. After I’d gotten down here, they cycled me through a bunch of temporary partners, knowing I’d need time. Finally, they permanently paired me with Mary Ann Vargas, who, I had to admit, was a good cop. She happened to be on vacation at the moment, not that I needed my partner to chase this case down.

  Picking at leftovers from last night�
�s Cinco De Mayo meal, I updated the case file with the report and interview and uploaded a picture of the missing guy. Nothing else was pressing, so I called this Stewart guy and headed back into the sunshine.


  Stewart lived in North Naples, in one of the hundreds of gated communities that I thought gave people a false sense of security. I couldn’t imagine having kids and dealing with the K-Mart cops at the gates to drop and pick them up. On the plus side, Pelican Perch was another example of a beautifully manicured community that was bright and cheery.

  Dom Stewart lived in a medium-sized, second-floor coach home. Everywhere else they’re called townhouses. I figured this place went for about three hundred and fifty thousand. That’s another thing, down here, everyone is real estate centric. I can’t recall the last conversation where the price of a house didn’t sneak into the chat. Me? Guilty as charged. I enjoyed talking about it as well.

  Anyway, Stewart cranked the door of his coral pink home open a millisecond after I rang the bell. I never liked that when it happened; it made me suspicious. Stewart was about five feet ten, one sixty, with brown hair. He looked like a guy who’d be anal about his garage. You know them, they have the floor painted in a high gloss and everything’s hung up, nothing on the floor.

  Stewart was wearing a light blue button-down shirt and a pair of three-hundred-dollar jeans. Was he trying to make an impression for our chat, or was he just one of those neat freaks? I showed him my badge and we made our way to the kitchen. Boy, the place was clean but sparsely furnished and needed updating. I lowered my estimate to three twenty-five max.

  Inspirational-type prints hung everywhere. “May you live all the days of your life.” I had to read that one twice before I got it. “Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” “Fortune favors the brave.”

  A magnet proclaiming “Carpe Diem” was on the refrigerator. Stewart opened it, revealing a shelf of water bottles lined up like soldiers, and grabbed two before sitting.

  He didn’t seem nervous, but he either loved to talk or was trying hard to make a connection with me. I’d have to keep this guy on track or I’d be here all day. I made a few notes along the way, but it was looking like good old Phil had taken off with another gal. A chick magnet it seemed.


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