You Needed Me: A Love Story

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You Needed Me: A Love Story Page 10

by Shvonne Latrice

  “Because I’m dirty and I was too damn tired to get in.”

  Summer reached down into my boxers while keeping her eyes locked on mine. I knew she wanted to fuck in order to tell if I was lying. She knew I would never disrespect her and fuck her after I did it to another bitch. I just shook my head as she removed my rod from my boxers. How many times did we have to go through this for her to see I was serious about being only into her?

  I yanked her little body closer to me, and then pulled her panties to the side before slipping into her.

  “Mmm,” she tucked her bottom lip in her mouth. I hadn’t hit in about a week, and damn was her pussy snug.

  “I know what you doing, ma, and now you see I wasn’t lying.”

  I guided her hips as she bounced on my dick slowly. This shit was about to have me crying out like some hoe ass nigga. This was one of the top five reasons I’d wifed Summer’s ass. I threw my head back, enjoying the feeling of her. She cupped my face and began kissing me hungrily as I started slamming her down onto me, pounding her spot.

  “Aaah, uuuh, uuuh!” she whimpered as I bit her bottom lip.

  We both released together, and continued to kiss one another while panting heavily.

  “I told your bratty ass I was behaving myself.” I pecked her and she grinned widely.

  I loved seeing that smile. She had deep dimples like myself, and every time she smiled it made me feel some type of way. One day I would marry this girl, but we needed to get some trust back up in this shit first.

  Chapter Five: Summer Gillies

  The next morning…

  Here I was lying in bed alone, just like the night before, and the night before that. Thinking about it alone made me cry. I was so in love with Rhys Quinton, but I hated the way he treated me sometimes. I just hated how angry he got over the smallest things; it was really scary. Not to mention the fact that I knew he was cheating on me.

  I couldn’t leave though, it seemed. It was like he knew he had the upper hand, and that I loved him more than anything in the world. I wish I were stronger, strong enough to go against his stupid ass even when he got his angriest.

  “Fuck,” I mumbled as my alarm went off.

  It was 5am and I had to be out of the door and off to work in an hour and a half. In addition to that, I had to get my daughter Bryleigh up and off to my mom’s so she could take her to preschool later.

  I was a make-up artist, and I worked for a modeling company. I would have to be at the shoots earlier than the damn models, and then sit and do their makeup while they ordered everyone around, begging for lattes. My job paid extremely well though, and I loved doing makeup so that was the only thing that kept me going. I had more than enough money to move out of Rhys’ spot, but for some reason other than Bryleigh, I didn’t want to.

  Peeling the covers off of my body, I got out of the bed and grabbed my iPhone. I dialed Rhys’ number and waited as the line trilled. His voicemail picked up like usual, and I was tempted to go off on him and tell him that it was over, but I knew I didn’t want that. Leaving him would hurt me more than it would hurt him, and that was bad all in itself.

  I got out of the bed, and then brushed my teeth after having my morning tea. I then got into the shower, and once I was clean, I threw on some light blue skinny jeans, a white t-shirt, and some black flip-flops. The weather in Boston was perfect right now, so I was taking full advantage of it since it was rare. I pulled my dreads into a bun on top of my head, and then after putting on my gold watch that Rhys bought me, I went down the hall to wake up my baby.

  I bathed her, supervised her teeth brushing, and then took her to the kitchen to make her a small but hearty breakfast after doing her hair.

  “Waffles for the princess,” I smiled and slid the plate in front of her.

  “Thanks, Mommy. Where is Daddy? I got up like I do every night and I couldn’t find him.” She put some food into her mouth as she stared into my eyes with her pretty blue ones, waiting for an answer. She was only four, but very smart.

  “He had to work, Bry, you know daddy’s job causes him to stay out all night sometimes.” My stomach turned with every word that I spoke.

  “I know. I wish it didn’t though. I want him to read me a bedtime story.”

  “I read you bedtime stories!”

  “Yes, but you don’t change your voice to be like the characters like Daddy,” she chuckled and so did I. Rhys was a horrible boyfriend, but he was a pretty great father.

  “Well, I will make sure he gets back to reading for you. Hurry and finish, baby.”

  Once Bryleigh finished her waffles, eggs, bacon, and juice, we were out the door and headed to my mother’s.


  “Good morning, Summer, the models will be here soon. There are pastries in the break room,” my boss, Paul, walked up to me and said. Paul was gayer than gay, and he was super nice although a very rich man. I loved working for him because he didn’t hesitate to get the models in check if he felt they were too entitled.

  “Thanks, and good morning,” I sighed, and walked to the back with my huge suitcase of makeup.

  I ate one of the pastries, and before I could even finish, the models had shown up. They were already giving their Starbucks orders to my co-worker, Renee, poor thing. My other coworker Nia and I started setting up, then gave each other knowing looks as we waited to beat faces.

  “Ladies, this is one of the new models for today’s shoot, his name is Hakim,” Paul introduced one of the guys.

  He was perfection, and he reminded me of the actor Robert Ri’Chard from Chocolate City. This nigga was so damn fine that it gave me a headache. The last dude I saw that was this fine was Rhys.

  “Nice to meet you ladies,” Hakim smiled and shook both my hand and Nia’s hand.

  “Let me show you to the dressing room, Hakim.” Paul pulled him away and began talking to him. As he walked away, Hakim looked back at me and winked.

  “Girrllll, you have a man, let me get in on him.”

  “I do not want him, Nia. You are right, I have a man and I plan to stick with him, thank you.”

  “Speaking of Rhys, is his sexy ass still giving you problems?”

  “When does a man with blue eyes, caramel skin, and a perfectly shaven bald head with a beard not give you problems?” I half smiled and she chuckled.

  “True, you need to hook me up with one of his brothers or something. You know I don’t care about the rumors,” Nia leaned in and whispered the last part. If only she knew the rumors were true.

  She used to mess with Rhys before he and I got together. She was his age, so she’d met him before I came to their high school. Nia was simply a fuck buddy of Rhys’, so she knew nothing of his life, nor what his father was into at the time. Like everyone else, she just knew the name Quinton meant something.

  No one was sure if the Quinton Crime Family existed or not, but people just knew the Quintons weren’t the people to fuck with. It’s crazy that people feared them and didn’t know why they feared them.

  “Darling, his brothers are dogs. Every single one of them.”

  “Girl, have you seen TQ? I don’t care. I can tame him. You know I used to want to be a veterinarian!” We both burst into laughter as the models came out.

  Hakim rushed to sit in my chair, and when I turned him to face the mirror, he smiled at me and bit his plump bottom lip.

  “Are you contracted with Paul? Or are you just on this job?” he asked as I began to prime his face.

  “I’m contracted.”

  “Damn, so that means I will be seeing more of you, right?”

  “I guess so, if he hires you again.”

  “He will, I’m contracted too, which means we will be spending a lot of time together you know. I look forward to it, ma,” he opened his eyes and smiled up into my face.

  I just paused for a moment and then picked up the foundation to start matching him. He and I didn’t talk for the rest of the session, he just flashed me flirty smiles and winks and
shit. I knew he was the type who was used to women giving him whatever he wanted, but I was not like those girls. I wasn’t even interested. Plus, Rhys would hang him from a tree by his intestines. My baby was not only crazy—he was a professional killer.

  Chapter Six: Kimberlyn

  Two weeks later…

  TQ pulled up to my grandmother’s house as I reached into the back to grab my duffle bag. It seemed like we’d been Siamese twins ever since we met. I’d only known him for a month now, and he was already my boyfriend. I’d never moved this fast before. Because he was so attractive and sought after, it was still a little bit hard to believe that he’d chosen me to be his first real girlfriend as he would say.

  “Aight shorty, I should be back in town in a couple days.” He squeezed my thigh with his tattooed hand, making goose bumps rise on my arms.

  I leaned over and pressed my lips against his, then draped my arms around his neck to caress the back of his head. I hated that we had to be apart, but I think it was healthy for me to have a break from him, and he did have to go do some work down in South Carolina.

  “Okay, call me as soon as you can.”

  “I will call once I’m settled into my hotel suite.”

  I nodded, then exited the car wearing this new casual chiffon dress by Jeremy Scott that TQ had purchased me. It was $445, but he still got it for me anyway. I didn’t want it after I saw the price, but since he’d bought it, the least I could do was wear it.

  It was a Wednesday morning, and since it was summer the sun was shining brightly. Summer was my favorite time of the year. I stood at my grandmother’s porch steps and just admired the heat from the sun against my skin, before walking into the house.

  As soon as I got in, I saw my grandmother sitting on the couch. We’d talked a little on the phone, but not long enough for her to speak her mind. I knew she had things she wanted to say to me, and while away I just wasn’t interested.

  “Hey, Ma.”

  “Good morning sweetie, come sit down.” She gave me a warm smile and patted the couch cushion next to her. The couch was a three-seater, so I sat on the third pillow, leaving space between us.

  “Where is Matikah?” I quizzed.

  “She went to the nail shop; she should be back soon.”

  “Oh, okay,” I nodded as my grandmother looked me up and down, taking in my appearance. I had mink nails, a new gold watch and necklace, not to mention my dress, and I was sure she could smell how expensive my new Chanel perfume was. I forgot to mention that my necklace was a small gold chain with the letters TQ hanging from it.

  “You’ve been with TQ this whole time, huh?” she asked, and again I nodded in response. “Did you give him your body, Kimberlyn?”

  I sat there breathing a bit heavily, wondering if I should tell her the truth. I was always honest with my grandmother, but then again I never had anything to hide. Telling her that I’d lost my virginity to a man that I barely knew would surely break her heart. Let alone the fact that I’d lost it awhile back.

  “Kimberlyn, just tell me. I already know the answer, but I wanna hear it from you. There is no way a man would buy you all of the nice things you walked in here with unless he’s gotten in between your legs.”

  I pushed my freshly styled hair behind my ears, and looked into her eyes. I could see she was disappointed and I hadn’t even spoken yet.

  “Ma, I… I did but I’m sorry,” I grabbed her hand into mine.

  “Kimberlyn, did you want to do it?”

  “Yes,” I let her hand go.

  “Then don’t be sorry, sweetie. If you wanted to do it, then I’m fine. As long as he didn’t make you do anything you didn’t want to, I won’t be angry. And if he did, I would be angry but not with you.”


  “Yes, Kimberlyn, you’re a twenty-one-year-old girl, it was bound to happen. The fact that you weren’t doing it at thirteen like your mother is good enough for me,” she smiled and so did I. “So you really like him?”

  “Yeah, I do. He’s a criminal, but he’s smart. He’s not like Gang at all,” I attempted to sell her on TQ. “He has businesses too; Quinton Car Wash, he owns it with his brothers.”

  “Oh, I can tell he isn’t like Gang. And yes, that car wash is where the rich folk go. What is his real name? I know it’s not TQ.”

  “It stands for Tarenz Quinton, I told you, remember? His name is Tarenz Aakil Quinton.” I felt myself smiling, so I placed my hands on my face to stop it, causing my grandmother to crack up.

  “Wow, you really really like him, huh?”

  “Yeah, I do. And he wants to meet you, Ma. I told him I didn’t know if you would do it, but he said he still wanted me to find out.”

  “Of course I want to meet him. Anybody smooth enough to have Kimberlyn Harrey smiling, is someone I have to meet. You’re tough to crack. I feel bad for Saadiq,” she chuckled, referring to Gang.

  “I know. I didn’t mean for stuff to happen the way that it did. All of this took me by surprise.”

  It was true. I was really into Gang until TQ came and stole the show. I’d never liked someone so much in my life. With Gang, I really liked him but if he stopped talking to me I wouldn’t have cared too much. If TQ stopped talking to me I would care a lot, and may be miserable for some time.

  I enjoyed everything about him, from his commanding demeanor to his goofy jokes. I liked that he wasn’t as serious with me as he was in the streets, unless he needed to be. I also liked how experienced he was in the bedroom. I enjoyed learning all the new things he showed me how to do, and I enjoyed the orgasms he brought me to. He was fluent in Russian as well, and had a pilot’s license, which I thought was so sexy for some reason.

  “You don’t owe Saadiq anything, Kimberlyn, so don’t sweat it. Be with whoever you wanna be with, okay?”

  “I will. I’m gonna go take a bath and lie down.”

  “What? You’re spending the night here?”

  “Yes, TQ had to leave town for a couple days. He offered for me to stay in his condo while he was gone, but I wanted to come home to you and Matikah.”

  “Well I’m glad you did, sweetie, I missed you.”

  I rushed to my room and grabbed my caddy so I could go take a bubble bath. Once I finished, I changed into some boxer shorts that I took from TQ, and then a tube top. It was a bit warm in the house, so I wanted to make sure I didn’t wear too much. I wasn’t going anywhere anyway. I was beat because TQ and I painted the town red last night, and then went to his condo to have sex until three in the morning. I was riding high right now and I loved it.

  I dozed off, but then was woken up by my cousin, Matikah. She was standing over me, wearing a big ass smile. I sat up slowly and looked around for my phone, before snatching it from by my pillow.

  “You’re going back tonight?” she asked and plopped down on the chair in my room.

  “No, I am not. TQ has gone to South Carolina, so I’m gonna just chill tonight.”

  “Cool, wanna make it a movie night? I can call Goldie over here?”

  “Yeah, call her, I miss her and I wanna make sure Ethan hasn’t crawled his ass back into her life.”

  “Yes, he needs to keep his Doberman ass far away,” she responded before we burst into laughter.

  My phone buzzed as I was getting off the bed to follow Matikah to get snacks. I picked it up and saw I had a text from TQ, making my body get warm, and butterflies consume my stomach.

  TQ: I miss you already. Just landed, will call around 11pm, cool?

  Me: I miss you too baby, and yes that’s fine.

  This nigga had my head spinning… already.

  Chapter Six: TQ

  My brothers and I landed in Columbia, South Carolina about two hours ago, and were now getting ready to go meet with this Jasper nigga. I really wasn’t in the mood to meet with anymore kingpins who thought they were the shit. Most of them were dumb as hell and loved to floss on you as if they made so much more money than you. Do you not realize that you pay me
for product and I get a cut from your profits? In addition to that, you’re only one of my many distributors who also give me a cut. Dull ass niggas. I wiped my ass with the shit they brought in monthly, but because I wasn’t too much of a flashy guy, you would never know.


  A light gunshot was heard from the room Rhys was sleeping in, prompting my brothers and I to become alert. Rhys walked out frowning, and then sat down on the loveseat like nothing happened.

  “Fuck was that?” I asked.

  “Damn doorknob hit me in my dick!” Rhys spat.

  “Nigga, you shot the doorknob off because it hit you in the dick?” Lendsey quizzed with a frown, after coming back from looking at the door.

  “Hell yeah, that shit hurt like fuck.”

  I told y’all this nigga was crazy and easily angered. This nigga had beef with an inanimate object.

  “Aye, I met some cute ass bitches downstairs in the lobby,” my youngest brother Britain laughed and dapped Lendsey up.

  “You take them hoes to your room my nigga, you know I ain’t with that shit,” Rhys responded and lit a blunt.

  “What about you, TQ? You gon’ come to my suite? It’s seven of them, and I swear they’re all bad,” Britain chuckled.

  I continued fastening the button on my sleeve, as all kinds of shit went through my fuckin’ head. I didn’t know how I wanted to answer him, so I just decided to keep my words to myself. I was content right now, but who knows how I would feel upon seeing what Britain had actually scraped up.

  “Hello?” Lendsey chimed in.

  “Let’s handle business first, and then we can discuss leisure activities.” I pulled my Balmain tuxedo jacket onto my back, and checked myself out in the mirror.

  “This nigga sprung off that young pussy he’s been getting these past few weeks,” Rhys chuckled and popped some gum into his mouth.

  “He gotta be, because any other time he would’ve been calling dibs on five of them bitches that I invited,” Britain added.

  “Would y’all bitch ass niggas shut the fuck up. Each and every one of y’all better be ready to walk out this muthafuckin’ door in two point five seconds. If not, ya ass is getting left!” I barked and then started towards the door of the hotel room.


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