You Needed Me: A Love Story

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You Needed Me: A Love Story Page 22

by Shvonne Latrice

  “Come on, let’s get food,” Goldie told her friends, and they all sauntered off, including Summer.

  They came back with their plates, and one for their nigga, excluding Matikah, so everyone began to eat. The party started to get even more fun when people began to dance. Kimberlyn was dancing in TQ’s lap, because my brothers and I were not the type of niggas to be out on the dance floor winding like Omarion. Summer was doing the same, and Matikah just sang along as Lendsey watched like a bitch. Jayce had some hoe with him, but it wasn’t unusual for him to have a new girl for every day of the week with his twisted ass. Since his wife died, he wasn’t looking for anything serious.

  My sister, Saya, her boyfriend Aries, and his same homie, Jamie that I pulled a gun out on, walked up to our table and sat down as well. The nigga Jamie smiled at Goldie, and then said something to her. They stood up together, and then walked to where everyone else was dancing in the park to begin fucking it up. That shit had me hot, and I didn’t know why.

  I tried to look away but I couldn’t. Moving Tekeya out of my lap, I told her I had to piss, and rushed off towards Goldie and Jamie. I swiftly grabbed her arm, and took her further away from the party towards my car.

  “Get in!” I barked, before looking around to make sure no one was looking. Thank God I parked a little ways away.

  She sucked her teeth and then got in. I went around to my side, slipped in, and then slammed the door. It was quiet, but then she burst into laughter.

  “You cannot be serious right now, Britain. You brought your girlfriend here, and you expect me to behave? I thought we were just friends?” she raised her brow. This girl was pretty as fuck.

  “You know how I feel about you Goldie, so kill all that. Don’t be dancing on another nigga in my face!”

  “Oh, but she can dance on you? I got it.”

  “You fuckin’ other dudes too?” I grimaced.

  “No I’m not. And again, you can fuck her but I can’t do what I want with my own vagina.” She folded her arms and stared out the windshield. I was scowling while admiring her side profile.

  “You knew I had a bitch, and for your information, I haven’t been fuckin’ her, only you. And that’s my pussy,” I squeezed her smooth thigh, prompting her to smack my hand.

  “You’re right, I did know you had a girl. I’m okay with the rules, Britain, you’re the one who isn’t. Either we’re gonna be just friends or we’re gonna be more, but you cannot have both.” She started to get out but I pulled her back and kissed her hungrily.

  “Close the door,” I said in between kisses. She did as I asked, and I began unbuttoning her shorts. Yanking them down along with her thong, I threw them to the back, and then released my dick. “Hop on.”

  “I don’t have a condom,” she said.

  In all my years, I have never wanted to raw dog someone so badly. The last time I did I was seventeen years old, and I hadn’t done it again since. Tekeya and I never went without, no matter how many times she’d tried to convince me. I didn’t want any babies, especially not with her.

  “Just hop off before I cum.”

  She looked away as if she was thinking, so I tugged her over gently until she was straddling my lap. I swear when I got inside of her I thought I was gonna bust. I gripped her waist to guide her up and down, and we resumed kissing like we loved each other.

  Something told me to look over, and when I did, I spotted Tekeya and Angelica storming to my car.

  “Hurry up and put your bottoms on!” I told Goldie.


  “Put your shit on!” I grabbed her stuff from the back and shoved it into her.

  She hurriedly hopped into the passenger seat and slipped her panties up. She was buttoning her shorts as fast as possible, but Tekeya had snatched the door open already so she knew what was up. Before I could protest, Tekeya snatched Goldie up out my car by her hair. Both Tekeya and Angelica were going in on Goldie, but surprisingly she was holding her own. Next thing I knew, Matikah came over and started fucking Angelica up. Kimberlyn wanted to get in, but for some reason, TQ was holding her ass back. She was crying; that’s how badly she wanted to fight. I saw Summer approaching, but she stopped when she realized that Matikah and Goldie were on the winning side. I could see in her eyes that she was waiting for any moment where it looked like they were losing, because then she would hop in.

  My brothers and I were finally able to break it up, and to say Tekeya and Angelica lost would be an understatement. For as long as I’d known Tekeya, she’d never lost a fight, but I guess she was no match for Goldie, and poor Angelica was no match for Matikah. Angelica always lost though, ever since high school. She stayed fighting and getting fucked up. At least the bitch had heart.

  The ladies had calmed down after being held back for a little bit, so we began pulling them in separate directions. Matikah snatched herself from Lendsey and rushed off, and his ass followed her like he was Forrest Gump. The look Goldie gave me told me she was done with me, and oddly I cared. That nigga Jamie caught my eye, and I peeped that evil smirk he was wearing. I would bet my bottom dollar that he tipped Tekeya off about Goldie and I being in the car. Taking Tekeya to my whip, I forced her inside, and then got in before peeling out.

  “Fucking a bitch in a car while here with me!!! Really Britain!” she screamed and started wailing on me even though I was driving. “You stupid muthafucka!” she cried as she hit me. “You don’t even touch me but got the nerve to be fucking that bitch!”

  I was finally able to pull over and stop her from hitting me. Once I did, she sunk down in her seat and continued to sob hysterically. I didn’t know what to say to console her, and frankly I didn’t care to. I was for real holding onto something that I didn’t want. Maybe it was time to throw this fish back into the water.

  Chapter Twelve: Summer

  Because Hakim’s face was how he made his money, he hadn’t been to work in weeks. I have to admit I felt bad, because this was all my fault. I knew I shouldn’t have been out with another man when I had a crazy ass boyfriend. Rhys could track down anyone; I mean he got paid to do so.

  Today, Hakim was at the agency after being gone for the longest, so once he got done talking to Paul, I wanted to have a word with him. I didn’t text him or anything because I didn’t know what to say. Honestly, I wanted to just sweep the incident under the rug, but guilt took over me eventually. I needed to apologize or something.

  “Hey, Hakim,” I waved him down as he came out of Paul’s office slowly.

  “Hey,” he sighed and then looked away.

  His face looked pretty damn bad, and I’m sure this was an improvement on how bad his injuries initially looked. His somber demeanor was heartbreaking to say the least.

  “Hakim, I want to apologize for—”

  “Really? Now? Now you want to apologize?” he frowned and moved closer to me. “Look at my damn face, Summer!”

  “I told you I had a boyfriend! And I told you he was crazy, but you insisted that I went out with you!”

  “This is my fuckin’ bread and butter, ma!” he began to tear up a little.

  “Hakim, I know and I feel terrible. I really didn’t know what to say before, which is why I didn’t text or call you. But seeing you today just made me feel like I needed to apologize and say thank you.”

  “Thank you for what?” he turned his lip up.

  “For not calling the police on my boyfriend. We have a family, and his daughter needs him—”

  “I really don’t care about any of that. That nigga is out of his mind, Summer, and you need to move on. It may not be with me, but it needs to be someone else other than him. Look what he did to me? And then some girl he was cheating on you with shot you, ma! What more do you need to see that he ain’t the one?”

  “Hakim, I can’t just leave him. I’m the only one who can calm him down when he gets like that. If anybody else were there that night he attacked you, they wouldn’t have gotten him to let up.”

  “So you�
��re saying you’re only with him because he’s a charity case?”

  “No, I’m with him because I love him and I want to work on what he and I have. As far as me getting shot, he took care of that and—”

  “I’m sorry, I can’t stand here and listen to you defend a man who will be nothing but the death of you. If you really cared about your life and your daughter’s life, you would get the hell out of there. I like you Summer, a lot, so when you find the courage and the smarts to let him go, I will be waiting for you. Just call me. He didn’t run me off,” he half smiled and so did I.

  “Thanks for the offer, Hakim, but I don’t think I will be using it. Relationships are work, and I want to work on mine.”

  “Like I said, when shit hits the fan, and it will, I’m only a call away, ma.” He walked off towards the exit of the agency and left. I watched him until he disappeared, and then went to the back to use the restroom.

  I was hoping Rhys and I could really work through this if I just trusted him more, and tried to keep our arguments to a minimum. I loved that nigga more than anything excluding Bryleigh, and I just didn’t want to let him go at the moment; not while we’re doing good, at least. However, if he did one more thing, it was over. I put that on everything. There is only so much a person can take.

  After using the bathroom and washing my hands, I went to collect my things so that I could go home. Grabbing my phone to check the time, I saw I had a text message from my friend, Lydia.

  Lydia: Look what I saw when I was at China Sea in Mattapan.

  I clicked the picture attached, and my head began to ache as I took in the photo. There Rhys was, standing and talking to some bitch. All this time I thought Lisa was the only one, but clearly this nigga had a whole bunch of bitches. The thought alone made my stomach twist up. Not to mention that they were at our favorite Chinese food spot.

  Me: This was today? Who is that? If you know.

  Lydia: Yes girl, like five minutes ago. This holy bitch named Chenaye.

  I couldn’t do this shit anymore. I was gone. Done.

  Chapter Twelve: Rhys

  Ten minutes earlier…

  I’d finished a job I had earlier than expected, so I wanted to get some food from China Sea and surprise my shorty when she got home. She loved their food, and she loved me, so what better way to welcome her home. I knew she expected me to be gone all day, so this would be perfect.

  I ordered the food, and then stepped outside to wait. It was too crowded in there, and I was not trying to be shoulder to shoulder with all them damn people. My irritable ass would fuck around and smoke a nigga for brushing against me too roughly. As soon as I stepped out, I regretted it, because I saw Chenaye switching her ass over. Recently, since I was trying to be one hundred percent on the straight and narrow, I’d cut off all communication with her and any other women I conversed with. I had to admit though, she looked good enough to eat. Too bad I was off her and trying to work on my shit with Summer. And besides the fact that I was no cheater, I only ate my girl’s pussy.

  “I knew I would find you here,” she spat as soon as she got to me.

  “Oh word,” I stated nonchalantly as I slipped my hands into my pockets.

  “Yeah word, where the fuck have you been? I haven’t seen you in almost a month, Rhys!”

  This killed me. I told her I just wanted a friend, yet she was acting like I’d told her we would be something. Even when honest, they still made you look like the bad guy.

  “I told yo’ ass I couldn’t talk to you no more. My girl ain’t cool with me having friends, I told yo’ ass that and you know it, so don’t come up here acting a fuckin’ fool, Chenaye.”

  “Wow, so now you wanna do what she says? I thought we were supposed to be cool! How you just do me like that!” she started crying on the last part. I didn’t give a fuck how much a bitch cried, it would never faze me unless it was Summer.

  “Aye kill all that crying shit. You was cool with my decision when I hit you up that day, so what’s the difference now?”

  “Because I thought you were just bullshitting, but now I know you’re serious. My mama told me this shit would happen! She said that you were talking all that just being friends shit for a reason!”

  “Should always listen to ya mama,” I shrugged right when the clerk called my number. I went in to grab my food, and when I got back outside, Chenaye started going in.

  I continued to my car as she followed me, going off. Finally having had enough, I put my food into the car and gripped the fuck out of her bicep.

  “Look ma, heed to this warning right here. Back the fuck up off me and keep it pushing. I ain’t the one, and I have a little feeling that you know that already. I ain’t worth the pain you may endure if you keep pressing me, shorty.” I threw her back and she stared at me, slightly frightened for a bit, before turning on her heels and switching off.

  I sped home, and when I got inside, I saw my daughter sitting on the couch watching TV already. I guess I got home later than I’d planned, but it would still be a surprise nonetheless.

  “Daddy!” Bryleigh hopped off the couch and ran to me, hugging my leg.

  “Hey pretty, where is your mommy?”

  “She’s in the back packing our things.”

  “Packing your things?” I frowned and she nodded.

  “She said we’re going on a vacation for a while to Grandma’s!”

  Sitting my baby down, I went to place the food on the bar before rushing to the bedroom. Sure enough, when I walked in Summer was packing her shit up into a suitcase rapidly.

  “Yo, where the fuck you going?” I went and stood in front of the closet that she was yanking clothes from. Her face was tear stained, so I knew it was some shit.

  “You worry about where the fuck your other bitches are going!”

  “Well I’m not! I’m worried about where the fuck you’re going! And why the hell are you crying, ma?”

  “Because I’m done! I cannot do this anymore! I’ve taken way more shit from you than I should have and I am done, Rhys! This is the second time I have caught you fucking around on me! Some bitch named Chenaye? Really? Who else is there?”

  “I ain’t fucking with Chenaye, Summer, what is you talking about right now?” I was so damn confused. Chenaye would never go behind my back to contact Summer, and secondly, I hadn’t been fuckin’ with Chenaye.

  “Then what is this?” she shoved her phone in my face, and I sighed when I saw it was a picture of Chenaye and I talking about forty-five minutes ago.

  “Summer it—”

  “Save it, Rhys. I’m done. This is done. We can figure out a schedule for you to see Bryleigh, but as far as you and I?” she zipped her suitcase. “It’s a wrap, boo. Now you have all the time in the world to spend with Chenaye, and any other bitch!”

  “Summer!” I tried to grab her as she rushed to the living room with her bag. “I have not been with Chenaye or anybody else! She showed up and—”

  “Bye Rhys!” she grabbed my daughter’s hand, and like that they left.

  I rushed outside after her, after standing there perplexed for a bit, but by the time I even made it outside she was gone. In all the years I’d been with her, she’d never left me. She’d never even said it. And the one time I was on my shit, through and through, she did. I didn’t know what to think at this point, but maybe it was time to just let this shit go.

  Chapter Thirteen: Kimberlyn

  Since TQ was out of town, Matikah and I decided to invite Summer and Goldie over to my grandmother’s house so we could have an adult sleepover. I was still having morning sickness at times, but all I had to do was run some water while I threw up. I didn’t want to tell my friends just yet. My grandmother knew, but that was about it until I hit my third month. She told me that was the way to do things in case something went wrong.

  “Okay, what movie?” Goldie questioned as she picked up the remote to monitor the Apple TV in my room.

  “Something with love, and a lot of sex!”
Matikah smiled.

  “Ain’t nobody trying to see that shit, all it’s gonna do is make me miss something I shouldn’t be missing,” Summer said.

  “So you’re really done with Rhys?” Goldie asked.

  “I sure am. I wanna block his ass in my phone, but I can’t because of Bryleigh. When I took her over there this afternoon, he was trying to talk but I shut that shit down.”

  “Damn, you sound like Matikah,” I chuckled.

  Matikah still hadn’t taken Lendsey’s ass back, and he had yet to give up either. He was starting to get me on his side. I’d never seen a man so desperate, and a part of me knew he was slowly breaking her down.

  “That’s the best way to be. I feel like a new woman now that I’m done with him,” Matikah smiled.

  “Yeah right!” Goldie sucked her teeth and we all laughed at Matikah’s lying ass. She may have had us fooled for a little bit, but I think we were all getting hip to her facade; she missed Lendsey.

  “All them niggas can stay in the trash, right along with Britain’s ass,” Goldie rolled her eyes.

  Britain was harassing Goldie on the low, or at least he thought it was on the low, but she showed us all his begging ass texts. This dude had a bitch but was chasing Goldie. I shook my head as I thought about it.

  We finally chose a movie, The Wood, and began to watch it. Halfway through the film, the UPS man beat on the screen door, before dropping a package. I hated that he did that shit because it always scared the fuck out of me.

  Since I’d recently placed an order online, I hopped up and went outside to get it. Closing the door behind me, I walked out onto the porch to grab the box. I then went down the steps to go into the mailbox to make sure we’d gotten all the mail from earlier.


  As I was looking into the mailbox, I was suddenly struck across the back of the head with a heavy ass object. Tears immediately came out of my eyes as I became dizzy. Right when I was about to turn around, I collapsed to the floor in pain, listening to the attacker pant heavily. I then tried to adjust my sight so I could see who it was as I turned over.


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