Would You Trust a Werewolf?

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Would You Trust a Werewolf? Page 2

by Brown, Berengaria

  “Now that was a kiss,” gasped Dillon, grinning.

  “Bedroom,” said Cord. “I don’t want our first time to be against a wall.”

  Cord pulled Dillon against his side, and they walked, pressed together, down the hallway to the bedroom. Dillon got a brief impression of a spacious room with deep burgundy drapes and dark furniture, then he was flat on his back on the burgundy blanket, with Cord’s body covering his.

  Cord’s mouth was on his again, and this time he wanted to savor the taste, to enjoy Cord’s flavor, to discover everything about him. He swiped his tongue along the seam of Cord’s mouth, and was rewarded by a series of soft little kisses pressed to his lips. He slid his tongue inside Cord’s mouth, and lust overtook them both, the kiss turning hard, fast, furious, raw, in a nanosecond.

  He slid his hands up underneath Cord’s clothes, wanting to touch skin, but as well as the heavy coat Cord had not yet taken off, he had a sweater over his shirt, and it was hard to find the man under the fabric. He tugged, pulled the shirt out of Cord’s pants, and at last he had his hands on bare skin. Warm skin. Skin that covered taut muscles and a defined skeleton. “That’s better,” he murmured.

  “It’d be better still if we were both naked,” replied Cord.

  “In a hurry?”

  “Hell yes.”

  But instead of rolling off him, Cord leaned back down and began kissing him again. Dillon sank into the joy of it, the slight roughness of Cord’s cheeks where the five o’clock shadow was growing, the heavy weight of the other man pressing him down into the bed.

  But then Cord sighed, and sat up. “Let’s get naked,” he suggested.

  It was exactly what Dillon wanted. They slid off the bed and made short work of getting undressed. Cord pulled the blanket back to reveal moss-green sheets, then reached into the nightstand and pulled out a box of condoms and tube of lube.

  Cord looked so good naked. His body was just as toned and sculpted as Dillon had imagined. And his tan went all the way down his torso to his hips. When Cord turned around Dillon could see only his ass was a slightly paler color, everything was tan. Cord had said he liked the sun, and he obviously didn’t bother to wear too many clothes out in it!

  In a heartbeat they were both back on the bed, wrapped in each other’s arms, but now Dillon was hungry for more than kisses. He pushed his knee between Cord’s legs and nudged the wolf’s balls.

  Cord grunted and responded by grabbing Dillon’s ass and pushing it hard against Cord’s pelvis. For long moments they ground their bodies against each other, Dillon loving the hot damp feel of Cord’s cock against his skin.

  “I need to be inside you,” said Cord sitting up and reaching for the lube.

  “I want that too.” Dillon rolled onto his back and held his legs up and apart over his linked forearms.

  “It seems like I’ve wanted you forever,” said Cord as he began rubbing lube around Dillon’s hole. Dillon shivered with excitement. Yes, no matter what he’d told himself about staying away from the wolf, this was what he wanted too. There was an attraction between them that couldn’t be denied. Would no longer be denied.

  Cord’s fingers were busy in Dillon’s ass, stretching and softening the tissues there, but his gaze was fixed on Dillon’s face. Dillon couldn’t break that gaze. It was full of lust and heat and something more. Not love, that was impossible. But attraction perhaps. That could be it.

  Suddenly Dillon couldn’t wait another second. He wanted, needed, demanded to have Cord inside him right now. “Enough foreplay, just fuck me for God’s sake,” he said dropping his legs and grabbing for Cord.

  Hastily Cord picked up a condom and rolled it on, then tugged Dillon closer to him. “I want you so much, but don’t want to rush our first time.”

  “If you don’t get in me soon there won’t be a second time. I’ll have combusted with need,” Dillon replied, only half joking.

  Cord laid Dillon’s legs over his shoulders, then held his cock at Dillon’s entry. With one firm thrust he powered inside, driving deep, fast and hard.

  Cord’s cock burned Dillon’s flesh all the way down, but damn it felt good. Better than good. Dillon used all his inner muscles to grip Cord’s cock and hold him tight inside, then wiggled a bit to see if he could take Cord another fraction of an inch deeper.

  Cord balanced himself, then began a brisk, determined rhythm, pounding in and out dragging his dick along Dillon’s walls with every stroke, making Dillon’s entire body shiver with delight. In response, Dillon held onto Cord’s legs, loving the sensation of their whole bodies moving in unison in and out, faster and faster.

  Soon sweat was dripping off them both, their bodies slapping together, their breath coming in harsh gasps. “Almost there,” warned Dillon.

  Cord took one hand off Dillon’s hip and held Dillon’s cock, stroking in time to their frenzied movements. “Now,” he ordered. “Come now, Dillon.” And just like that Dillon did, his cock exploding cum all over them both, as his hips heaved up in time to Cord’s pounding.

  “Beautiful,” whispered Cord. In that moment, Dillon felt the added heat in his ass that told him Cord had climaxed too. Cord stroked into him a few more times as the aftershocks rolled over them both.

  They rolled to their sides and Cord held Dillon tightly. Dillon responded by wrapping his own arms around Cord’s waist as he laid his head on Cord’s chest and listened to the wolf’s heart rate gradually slow back to normal. “Pretty awesome, eh?” he murmured.

  “Hell yeah. And next time will be ever better I guarantee it.”

  “I’m not sure it can be improved on, but whatever you say.”


  Cord looked down at Dillon in his arms and dropped a soft kiss on the man’s head. For the first time in a fortnight his skin wasn’t itchy and his head didn’t ache. Yet less than an hour ago, he’d thought his body would implode from looking at the holiday lights. Now all he could think about was Dillon. His Dillon. The man he’d lusted after for months now was tucked up against his heart. It felt so right.

  “We belong together,” said Cord, then could have bitten his tongue out. Likely he’d scare Dillon off and the man would run screaming from the apartment. Just in case Dillon was planning to run away, he tightened his arms around his lover.

  “I’m not going to do the werewolf thing though. I’m human,” said Dillon.

  “As long as you’re with me it’s all good,” said Cord.

  “Yeah, well just so you know, I’ve never changed and I never will.”

  “You’ve never changed. Wait. What, are you are werewolf too? I thought you just said you were human. Or are you something else? I’ve wondered if there’s a bit of shifter in you.”

  “I’m human and I’m staying human,” said Dillon.

  “No worries, it’s all good,” soothed Cord. Cord was still a little confused. Dillon was saying adamantly he was human, but almost implying he wasn’t. Well, Cord wasn’t going to worry about it right now. He had his man. They were in bed together, and there was plenty of the night left for more lovemaking.

  They snuggled together and dozed for a while, then made love again, this time with Cord sitting up, leaning against the headboard, and Dillon sitting on his lap. It was a wonderfully carnal position, as their hands were free to roam and touch while they fucked.

  Cord was only disappointed that Dillon refused to stay the night, insisting on going home to finish the evening in his own bed and come into work fresh the next morning.

  “Meet me for a drink after the office closes for the holiday. Maybe we can spend some time together in the coming week?” he suggested.

  “All right. A drink would be good.”

  Chapter Three

  Dillon knew no matter how much he told himself to stay away from Cord, going out for a drink together would end up with them in bed again. The sex had been stupendous, earth-shattering, the best ever. But there was still the nagging worry about the whole werewolf thing. His mother had told him ove
r and over that just as human children learned not to bite their playmates, so too wolves could restrain themselves from biting. Evidence for that was the fact his father had never become a wolf.

  Dillon had fought hard against shifting all his adult life. Although he’d constantly maintained he’d never shifted and never would, in fact he’d shifted once, at puberty. That shift had scared him so much he’d vowed it would never happen again. One minute he’d been lying on his bed, jacking off, the next he’d been standing in the center of the room looking at the wolf in the mirror.

  He hadn’t touched his cock for a month after that, thinking there must have been some connection. But finally he’d realized the trigger in shifting was the emotional pull to his wolven side, which was more than just sex.

  Which made forming a relationship with Cord so dangerous. The emotional and sexual pull to the man was overwhelming. All Dillon could think about was Cord’s long, lean back, his shaggy, silky, black hair, his tanned, muscular body. Not to mention his long, thick cock pounding away in Dillon’s ass.

  There were days when Dillon longed for the freedom to change into his wolf and run free through the countryside, stretching his limbs and exploring his environment in another shape. Then he’d remember all the stories he’d heard and read about werewolves losing control, biting people, turning them against their will, or being shot by hunters and leaving their families with no one to support them. It wasn’t worth it. He was human. End. Of. Story.

  So, how was he going to manage this relationship with Cordell Waylon then? Somehow he didn’t think it’d be all over with a couple of quick fucks. Or even with a few all-nighters. The more he saw Cord, the more time he spent with him, the more he wanted Mr. Hunkalicious. Maybe if they fucked each other blind for a few days he could burn Cord out of his system? The office was closed from Christmas Eve to the day after New Year. A week of steady sex should do it. Surely after banging each other endlessly for that week they’d be bored with each other. The attraction would have worn off. Yes. That sounded like a good plan. Fuck each other blind for the week of vacation then move on. He could do that. No worries.


  The last few days before the holiday were killing Cord. Endless saccharine music in every building. The costumed Santa Clauses on every street corner. The party lights everywhere. His skin itched, and his head was about to explode. He had to get out of town before he went insane.

  In desperation, Cord went online and looked for vacation cabins in the hills. Somewhere quiet where there would be no neighbors, no music, no noise, no lights. Ah God it sounded good. All he needed was some groceries and Dillon. Would Dillon come with him? I hope to God he will. But first I need to find a place we can stay.

  It was surprisingly easy. The perfect cabin was available. When Cord telephoned the realtor, the woman assured him the cabin had power, water, and heat as well as a huge fireplace in the main room.

  “All you need to bring is your food and a book to read,” she assured him.

  Well if he could convince Dillon to come with him they’d find other things to do rather than reading! But maybe Dillon’s family had a family holiday party? Hadn’t he said something about his sister and a party? Maybe Dillon wouldn’t be free to come away with Cord? Cord’s heart lurched at the thought. He was so used to being away himself at this time of year he’d almost forgotten not all families were like his. His own immediate family had a big get-together for Thanksgiving. Christmas they exchanged phone calls, usually sent a card and gift, but nothing major. He'd avoided the huge multifamily Christmas gathering ever since he was old enough to say no, and no one had expected him to attend for years now.

  His sense of satisfaction at finding and renting the cabin fled as he realized that being alone was no longer the way he wanted to be. After years of enjoying his solitude, suddenly he wanted to be with Dillon. Only not in the center of holiday madness, if he could possible escape it.

  Well, he’d just have to convince Dillon to join him on Boxing Day or even for a few days in the middle of the week, if that was all he could get. Meanwhile, he needed to shop. And he’d shop positively, assuming it was for the two of them. With lots of yummy things they could cook over an open fire. Potatoes to bake in foil. Corn on the cob. Steaks. Apples on sticks. Good food could be an aphrodisiac and a pathway to excellent sex too.


  They sat nursing their beers, picking at pretzels. The wait staff were all wearing Santa hats, and there was a huge tree in the center of the room, but at least the holiday music was drowned out by the chattering of a bar full of drinkers, excited at beginning their holidays.

  Cord spread his legs wider apart to ease the erection that seemed to spring up every time he was near Dillon. Then he took a deep breath, metaphorically crossed his fingers for good luck and said, “Since I couldn’t go down to the sun this year, I’ve rented a cabin in the mountains for a week. It’s got electricity and water, but it’s pretty much off the beaten track. I’d love you to join me there, if you can.”

  “What are you planning to do there?” asked Dillon, not answering the question.

  “Spend all day in bed with you,” likely wasn’t the correct answer to say in a public bar, so he said, “Relax. Sit in front of the fire roasting hot dogs. Go hiking in the hills.”

  “I don’t know. Relaxing does sound good. Work’s been crazy busy these past few weeks.”

  Cord thought Dillon looked conflicted. As if he wanted to say yes but wasn’t sure. This time Cord really did cross his fingers in his pants pockets. He also noticed Dillon’s right hand in his jacket pocket and bet he was rolling that orange stress-ball he always carried. God, I hope he says yes. Say yes. Say you’ll spend time with me, Cord willed the other man.

  “All right, I’ll come. When are you going to the cabin and where exactly is it?” asked Dillon.

  Yes! Cord felt his face almost splitting in half with his smile. He pulled a pen and tiny notebook out of his pocket and sketched a map for Dillon. “I’ll be going up first thing tomorrow. It won’t take me long to pack the box of groceries and some clothes into the truck. When do you think you’ll get there?”

  “I always send Shona, my sister, money for the twins. I don’t know anything about kids and would have no hope of buying them gifts that she’d approve of and that they’d like. So it’s just a matter of phoning my folks and wishing them the season’s greetings, and packing some clothes. What would you like me to bring? You mentioned cooking over an open fire, but you also said there was electricity.”

  They settled down to planning their week away. Once again Cord felt such a link to this man. They even liked the same kinds of simple foods and beverages. Instant coffee out of a can. Beer out of a bottle. He couldn’t wait to have Dillon in his bed again. For an entire night. A whole week together. It was going to be heaven.


  For at least a mile Cord wondered if he was on the correct road. The dirt track to the cabin was rutted and a bit overgrown. But it had been exactly five miles past the turn off so he had to hope he was going the correct way. Or that he’d find somewhere to turn around and go back. Then he saw a cabin through the trees and relaxed. It was exactly what the realtor had described. A small clapboard structure with a wide porch facing the mountains, a large living room, and small bedroom with attached bathroom. It was perfect for a week with the man of his dreams.

  He flicked the switch and the power came on, the furnace firing up with a healthy roar. He turned the faucet on at the sink and the water flowed out quite clean. It was all good. Cord walked into the bedroom with his luggage and the bed was huge. It had a thick, deep mattress, and there was a pile of woolen blankets on the end of the bed.

  Cord unpacked his food supplies into the cupboards and refrigerator, then made up the bed with his own moss-green sheets and pillow cases. He went outside to the rear of the cottage and there, stacked neatly against the back of the house, was a large pile of firewood as he’d been told. Half a dozen t
rips later there was a big stack of kindling and logs beside the fireplace in the living room, and he was on his knees blowing gently on a few sparks as the fire took off.

  He sat back on his heels and watched the flames grow. There was something so friendly and welcoming about a fire. The furnace would soon heat the little cabin, but a live fire made it more homey and appealing, he thought. And he wanted it to be appealing. He wanted Dillon to enjoy his time here. Not just their time in bed, but also simply being together. Being in a relationship.

  Did this mean Dillon was his Mr. Right? Cord thought deeply as he stared into the fire. It was too soon to tell. But the signs were all positive, he could say that. Although there had been that sentence where Dillon had said he was human and had never shifted. If he was human, of course he’d never shifted. Maybe he could get Dillon to relax and unpack that a bit further this week sometime. One night after they’d eaten well and fucked even better, and were snuggled up together in that huge bed perhaps.

  Just thinking about being in bed with Dillon made his cock sit up and take notice. It seemed like he’d had a permanent hard-on ever since he’d first seen Dillon. Going to bed with the man had made it worse, not better, because now he knew just how wonderful it was to be inside Dillon, holding his hips, making that perfect ass his and only his.

  Cord ran his hand over his aching dick, pressing the outside of his jeans, so that his shaft filled his hand even through the fabric. Then he pulled his hand away. No, that would be too easy. Much better to wait until Dillon arrived and have the real thing, rather than just his memories.

  Cord made himself a pot of coffee and took it out onto the porch. He sat on a cane chair, his booted feet up on the porch rail, his chair angled so that although the mountains filled his senses he could still see the track Dillon would drive down to approach the cottage.

  Cord let the crisp, fresh air fill his lungs. There was the woodsy scent of the open fire in the cottage, and the sharp scent of plants and trees around him. He also detected the faint hint of snow on the air, but even the thought of having to shovel the long track out to the road didn’t spoil his enjoyment of the moment.


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