My White Sugar Daddy

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My White Sugar Daddy Page 4

by Sasha Collins

  Chapter 4

  “Oh my god, Tom, this is unbelievable.”

  “Good, I’m glad you like it,” Tom replied. “It’s a prime location, too. A step up from where you were.”

  Step up was an understatement. This was the ritziest part of Old Louisville, and now this apartment was hers: the two bedrooms, the full bathroom, exposed brick walls and original parquet floors. Her apartment was on the top floor of this converted old Victorian, and she had a spectacular view of Saint James Court, with its gothic fountain and English style gardens. Just across the way was Louisville’s Central Park, surrounded by one lovely home after another. You had to have made it to live around here, Tasha thought. Or, at least, made it with somebody, was her next thought. Tom continued to show her around. The kitchen was completely redone, brand new cabinets and appliances.

  “Are you sure about this, Tom?” Tasha asked. “It seems like a lot to do for me.”

  “Don’t take this the wrong way,” Tom explained, “but it’s really nothing for me. A $150,000 loss that helps to offset my income.”

  Tasha still didn’t know what he did for a living. She couldn’t tell if Tom was being cagey about it, or if she just didn’t understand him, but everytime they spoke about his work, all she got was that he worked in an office, had an assistant, and was busy all the time. In New York, their first date lasted 6 days—but the subject of work never came up, or she was too nervous to bring it up. He’d be gone in the morning by the time she woke up, just a small pile of cash on the end table each morning for her to go enjoy herself. Then it was fancy dinners, broadway shows, and more sex than she’d had in the previous few months combined. Tom seemed always ready, which turned her on to no end. But that was two months month ago, and she’d only seen him three times since then—only heard from him when he emailed her instructions for getting to another date. It seemed impersonal, and weird, but Tasha had to let go of finding normal in this new—not relationship, but arrangement. He’d taken care of her like he said he would, paid 3 months of her rent on her old place and put some money in a bank account he’d had set up for her. He was a man of his word, when he said them. But no matter. She threw her arms around him and reached up to kiss him. Their lips met, hers all moist and full and through them her tongue poked out, searching for Tom’s and finding it inside his mouth. Their tongues danced around one another and she reached her hand behind his head, pulling him in tightly.

  “Thank you so much,” she whispered to him. She uncradled his head and moved her hand back over his shoulder, down his chest, down between his legs and started rubbing. Still kissing her, Tom reached his hand down and grabbed her wrist. He pulled his head back.

  “Not now,” he told her. “I’ve got a meeting in 90. Can’t go there looking fucked.”

  Tasha playfully growled at him, started to unzip his pants. “But I want you,” she purred.

  “Believe me, the feeling is mutual—“

  “I can feel that,” she said over him.

  “—but I can’t. Really.”

  Tasha backed off, put her hands in the air. Why was she feeling annoyed? This was an arrangement, mutually beneficial. She might have even been getting the sweeter end of the deal, Tasha thought. For once in her life, she wasn’t worried about keeping up with her rent, and she had finally found a guy who could keep up with her in bed. All Tom was getting was laid, and it was costing him a fortune. So why did his rejection sting like it did? Why did she have this feeling like she was the only one trying? Their few dates together had been fun; even beyond the extravagance, Tasha enjoyed Tom’s company. He was quick witted and funny, seemed very interesting when he’d get to talking. But she’d rarely heard him give much away about himself. She still never heard what his parents’ names were. Wasn’t that odd? Tom reached back behind her with his right hand as she backed away. Grabbing hold and squeezing her ass, he pulled her back close. He spoke in hushed, secretive tones.

  “Why don’t we spend the weekend together? Break in the new place? Dinner and a movie here?” Tom asked.

  “How? I haven’t moved anything in. There’s no plates to eat on, no TV to watch—“

  “We’ll do take out. Skip the movie.” Tom looked her up and down. “Better yet, we can make our own.”

  Tasha grinned at him.

  “Here,” Tom said, handing her a credit card.

  “What’s this for?”

  “Go get this place ready for Friday night. Pay for movers. Buy new furniture. Whatever you need.”

  “No,” Tasha said. “That’s too generous. I can’t accept—”

  “Nonsense,” Tom interrupted. “You’re worth it.”

  Tom kissed her and Tasha felt as if she were floating. His hands were around her waist and held her close, held her so that every inch of her body was pressed up against his. Her legs straddled one of his, and he slowly moved his leg up into her skirt and guided her hips back and forth, feeling her warmth on his thigh. He kissed her desperately, like his own sanity depended on its outcome. Tom was prone to this kind of passion, an intimacy that made her think there was something more there. Or maybe she wished it, she couldn’t tell. Tasha had been nothing but conflicted about her Sugar Daddy. Sugar Daddy—even the term felt dirty to her; it felt cheap and made him seem creepy when she thought about him in those terms. He could have any woman he wanted, why did he need to pay her and keep her hidden away? She had to get off this kick. Had to stop thinking about the possibility him and a normal life. Emma would laugh at her if she knew what went on in her head.

  “I can’t set this whole place up in two days!” she exclaimed.

  Tom put his finger to her lips. “Shhhh,” he said to her. “Just the essentials. Plates. Forks. A bed. Sheets. Whatever you can do.”

  Tasha grabbed at Tom’s hand and held his finger at her lips. She ran her tongue up his index finger, from base to tip and then put it in her mouth. Sucking his finger, she never took her eyes off him. Tom pulled his finger away.

  “Friday,” he said. He winked at her and kissed her on the cheek. “I’ve got to go.”

  Tasha watched Tom walk out; the removal of his body from hers made her keenly aware of how wet she was. Friday couldn’t come soon enough. Tasha sat down on the floor of her new living room, leaned up against the wall and took it all in. Her left leg was bent at the knee, foot flat on the floor, while her right leg stretched outward across the floor. Without even thinking about what she was doing her right hand began to trace lines back and forth along her inner thigh. Tasha tilted her head back and closed her eyes, and her forefinger snuck underneath her panties, poking at her pussy, and tickling around its perimeter. She entered herself and felt a tingle up her body. She couldn’t take it anymore, she needed to let out the tension. Tasha needed to come in the worst way. She lurched to her left and swiped her phone off the floor. She dialed and waited and then the ring interrupted with a click.


  “It’s me,” Tasha said. “I need to see you right now.”

  * * * *

  Finally, the door knocked and Tasha ran to answer it. She stopped in the bathroom along the way to look at herself in the mirror. The red spaghetti tank top that clung to her body as if it were just another layer of skin; Tasha’s tits were on full display, and she pulled the neckline down a little more to expose just a hint of the lacy black bra underneath. She backed up and stole a look at her bottom half, turned to the side to see the cheeks of her ass stick out in contrast to the concave of her lower back. Her legs, toned and long and brown, were highlighted by the tight black skirt she wore. She pulled her underwear off, and tossed it out of sight in the empty vanity under the sink.

  “Be right there!” she shouted.

  Tasha trotted barefoot to the front door and opened it wide.

  “Heyyyy!” she greeted her visitor.

  “Hot damn, girl,” Emma said, “this new apartment makes your ass look great!”

  Tasha laughed and gave Emma a hug and pulled her ins
ide. After the story of how Tom surprised her with the apartment, and the tour of the place that ended in the kitchen, Tasha told Emma she really needed to talk with her.

  “Everything OK?”

  “Yeah,” Tasha said, “It’s great. I mean—” And then she spilled it to Emma. Everything she’d been thinking and feeling about Tom. How she knew she’d only had a few dates with him, but those dates were looong and she felt like she knew him. Felt like they connected on another non-sexual level. Everything was easy when she was with him.

  “Of course it’s easy,” Tasha said. “The fucker’s rich. Anything you want, he can make it happen.”

  “That’s not the easy I’m talking about. I mean, he and I are easy.”

  Emma giggled.

  “Stop it, E! I’m serious. I mean our time together—it’s, you know, easy. I don’t know how else to say it.”

  Emma’s face turned solemn.

  “Don’t do this to yourself, Tasha.”

  “I know.”

  “This isn’t a relationship. This isn’t love.”

  “I know.”

  “Take a step back. Tell me,” Emma said. She hoisted herself up onto the kitchen counter. “What is it you really want from him right now?”

  “Right now?”

  “Right now.”

  “Honestly? I want that dick. He was here just a while ago, got me all worked up, and then left.”

  “See?” Emma smiled. “That is the easy you’re talking about. Maybe you just need to fuck someone else, reclaim yourself, for yourself.”

  “I thought you’d say that,” Tasha said, moving closer to Emma. “But, you know what’s weird? I feel like I can’t be with another man behind his back. Like, that would be wrong.”

  “Who said it had to be a man?”

  “I thought you’d say that, too,” Tasha replied, situating herself between Emma’s legs. She put her hands down on the bare skin of Emma’s outer thighs, moved them up under her skirt. “I was hoping you’d say that.”

  “Tash, what are you—”

  “I need sex. I need to feel skin against mine. I need to come. You’re always saying how much you want me.” Tasha reached all the way up Emma’s skirt, grabbed on to her ass like Tom had done to her earlier, pulled Emma closer. Up on the counter, Emma’s legs wrapped around Tasha’s back, and she leaned forward. Emma put her hands on Tasha’s cheeks, pulled her face in close and they kissed. Tasha lit up on the inside, her body glowing and expanding with need. She pulled Emma down off the counter, slowly lowered her to floor. They were entangled, arms wrapped around one another, groping, pawing, exploring each other. Tasha peeled off Emma’s shirt, threw it onto the floor. She reached behind her, and unclasped her bra, which fell to their feet. Tasha stepped back a hair and put her hands on Emma’s tits. They were small in her hands, little white mounds cupped by slender, dark fingers, fingers which stroked and rubbed, caressed and squeezed. Tasha hadn’t ever felt tits in her hands, not like this, anyway, and a surge of electricity flowed through her body. She put her left arm around Emma’s back, the other hand still holding and squeezing her breast, and she leaned forward and took Emma’s nipple into her mouth. Her tongue darted and flicked at her best friend, she felt the nipple getting harder in her mouth and she sucked and licked and felt herself dripping down the inside of her legs.

  Tasha stood back up straight, grabbed Emma’s wrist and forced it down under her skirt.

  “Feel me,” Tasha whispered. She felt Emma’s fingers between her legs, and heard Emma breathe sharply in.

  “Damn, girl, you are wet!” Emma said quietly, and easily slid two fingers inside her. Tasha’s knees buckled. They tried to maintain balance together, Emma with her massaging inside Tasha’s pussy, Tasha’s reaching under Emma’s panties and grabbing hold of her ass. Their mouths were wide open and pressed up against each other’s, tongues licking all over. Tasha pulled back.

  “Let’s go lay down somewhere,” she said, and then realized there wasn’t anything to lay on. “It’s going to have to be the floor—the bedroom’s got carpet.”

  They walked sloppily to the bedroom, Tasha pulling her shirt off, Emma peeling away at her own skirt and underwear. They paused for a moment, looking each other up and down, assessing the situation. They’d been friends for a long time, seen each other naked dozens of times, around their apartments, at the gym. Never like this, though.

  “You ever eat pussy before?” Emma asked.

  “Uh-uh,” Tasha moaned back. Just hearing her friend say that, and knowing what was about to happen, drove her wild with excitement.

  “Lay down,” Emma told her. Tasha lay back on the floor, and Emma, completely naked, got down on her knees between Tasha’s legs. She hiked Tasha’s skirt up over her hips, and licked her lips at the site of Tasha’s glistening, waiting mound. Emma lowered herself down, had Tasha in the missionary position, their pussies rubbing against one another, their tits pressed together and their faces mashed passionately up against one another. Emma rhythmically slid back and forth on top of Tasha, and every time their pussies touched waves of pleasure rippled through Tasha’s body. What was happening to her? She’d always been sexual, but never entertained the thought of something like this. This was Tom’s fault, she thought, he unlocked a drive in her she’d never had before. It was ever present, all encompassing, and now she had her best friend naked on top of her, their pussy lips wet and kissing down below.

  Tasha thought of Tom, thought of how she’d come in his mouth that first time in New York as Emma kissed and licked down her body. Then she felt Emma’s mouth on her, and she let out a moan. She ran her fingers through Emma’s hair, pulled her head closer in. Emma resisted.

  “No way, honey. This isn’t the Tasha show.” Tasha looked confused. Emma continued, “You’ve got to give to get...”

  Emma swung her body around so that her legs straddled Tasha’s face. She placed her hands on Tasha’s hips for balance, started moving her own hips back and forth over Tasha’s head, her pussy hovering just inches from her mouth.

  Emma whispered, “Put your hands on my ass.”

  Tasha complied, and then pulled her friend down so that her pussy was right on top of her mouth. Suddenly, Emma felt a tongue slither up inside her and she pushed down on Tasha’s hips and let out a cry of pleasure. She’d wanted this for so long, and to finally feel it was more than she could handle. Maybe if it weren’t Tasha under her it wouldn’t have felt so good, but it was Tasha, and it felt amazing, and the sound that rushed from her mouth at first contact drowned out the simultaneous noise of the front door of the apartment opening and closing. Emma threw her face down between Tasha’s legs, and began licking and sucking furiously. The two of them rolled as one onto their sides, hips gyrating into each other’s mouths, arms wrapped around each others waists, and they rolled some more and now Emma was on the bottom, and the two of them were licking and tasting each other, so lost in the moment they didn’t even hear the bedroom door open.

  “What the—?”

  “Tom!” Tasha shouted, and scrambled to her feet, covering her tits with one arm and pulling her skirt back down to cover up. Emma looked annoyed at the interruption, didn’t even bother to hide any of her body. “I’m so sorry, Tom. What are you—?”

  “My meeting was cancelled,” Tom said, looking at Emma and then at Tasha and back again. “I wanted to come see you.”

  “This is just—it’s not like a regular—”

  Tom held his hand up for her to stop talking. “it’s OK,” he reassured her. “We’re both free to do what we want when we’re not together. And this beats walking in to find you with another man,” he continued through a smile.

  Tom looked at Tasha, and then at Emma, then back to Tasha. Tasha look at Tom, and then back to Emma. And Emma looked Tasha—only Tasha—and gave her a look that said, “I’m game.”

  Tasha threw her arms around Tom’s neck and they kissed. He brought his hands up to her tits, and caressed them softly. Emma craw
led over to where they were standing, and righted herself up on her knees, kissing up Tasha’s thighs. Tom closed the door behind him and leaned back up against it. Tasha unbuttoned Tom’s shirt, and ran her hands down his chest. She leaned into his ear, and whispered, “I’m so glad you came back.” When his shirt was completely open she moved to his belt, unbuckling it before opening his pants and pulling the zipper down. She reached down into his underwear, felt his thick, hard cock and pulled it out. Grabbing Emma by the hair, Tasha pulled Emma’s head away from her pussy, and put her mouth near Tom’s throbbing shaft, and instructed her, “Lick it, baby.”

  Tasha knelt down next to her friend, and the two of them began kissing each other, with Tom’s cock in between them. They took turns taking him in their mouths, their spit acting like a lube so that when Tasha finally pulled Emma off him, forcing her head back down to her pussy, she maintained a slippery grip on Tom, tugging and jerking and kissing his cock. Tom lowered himself down so that he was sitting on the floor; Emma was on her knees with her face between Tasha’s legs, sticking her tongue up inside as Tom lowered his hand to Emma’s head and pushed her hard into Tasha’s pussy. Tasha lay back to enjoy Emma, and as Emma lcked and sucked with more intensity, Tasha loosened her grip on Tom’s cock and just focused on her own pleasure. Tasha put one hand behind her head for support, while the other began stroking her own clit to complement the treatment Emma was giving her. Her eyes closed, Tasha was in another world, a dream state of pleasure and contentedness that had her in her own world.

  “mmmmmph....mmph, mmph” came the rhythmic moan from between her legs. Tasha opened her eyes to find that Tom had climbed back behind Emma, saw him with his hands on her hips, his pelvis thrusting into her. Tasha watched her friend take this man’s—her man’s?—cock inside her as Emma dutifully continued licking and fingering Tasha. Tom kept fucking Emma, harder, faster, the sound of her ass slapping against his skin, but the whole time he looked directly at Tasha. They locked eyes, Tasha and Tom did, and she felt the tension knot up in her abdomen, the sight of all what was before her brought her close to coming, but the look of desire in Tom’s eyes sent her over the edge. She closed her eyes again, and breathed, focusing on the pleasure, the feel of Emma’s tongue and fingertips spreading in waves up her body and then the tension broke. Tasha convulsed and screamed in ecstasy, “Oh. Fucking. God. YES!” and the harder she came, the harder she pulled Emma’s face into her pussy, which just made her come even more. She twitched, and shook, and felt every worry disappear in that moment. As she caught her breath, she watched Tom pull out of Emma and pause for a brief moment, before he his cock start pumping come out all over Emma’s back. Long, milky ropes shot out all over Emma, and Tasha hoisted her up so that their faces were opposite one another. With Emma laying on top of her, Tasha began to kiss her again, running her hand down the small of Emma’s back and feeling the come that Tom had left all over her. Tasha rubbed her hands in it, and when they were good and coated with Tom’s come she brought her hands to her mouth and began tasting it. She licked each and every come soaked finger, one at a time, never taking her eyes off Tom, painfully aware that her friend lay between them, and that he just fucked her. Now that she’d come, and was returning to earth, she started to feel a pang of jealousy that Tom had just had his way with Emma. She licked her fingers clean. It was a moment she wanted to savor, a moment of realization.


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