Wings of Arian

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Wings of Arian Page 12

by Walls, Devri

  “Jarland!” he roared, “GET OUT OF MY HOME.”

  “Tsk-tsk, Morcant, don’t get so upset,” he chided. “It’s been so long my friend. I’ve missed you.” His smile was mocking and it made Kiora’s stomach flip.

  Morcant snapped as he circled the larger dragon. “I was under the impression that I was not welcome with my kind anymore.”

  Jarland clicked his tongue again. “Oh Morcant, I was on my way to welcome you back to the herd. But…” he smiled.

  Morcant rolled his eyes, “But what, Jarland?”

  Jarland pulled in another deep breath through his nose.

  Morcant flinched as he realized what Jarland was doing, he roared shoving Jarland with his chest, pushing him into the wall. Jarland shoved back, his eyes flashing.

  “Morcant, your house stinks. It smells like a human has been here. Can you explain that?”

  “I don’t need to explain that.” Morcant went to charge Jarland again, but Jarland was ready for him this time. He planted his feet and puffed out his chest. They collided with a thunderous noise. The walls and the floor shook knocking Kiora off her feet. She struggled to keep her bubble from popping as she hit the ground. Morcant roared in anger.

  “Where did she go, Morcant?” Jarland yelled. “I know you have the Solus. Dralazar foresaw it.”

  Kiora gasped. Dralazar has the gift of sight! She thought back to that day in the forest when Malena explained that she and Dralazar would have similar abilities. Her heart dropped. Kiora had hoped her gift offered her an advantage, but it appeared that it was just going to keep them on an even field.

  “Don’t you mention his name in my presence!” Morcant roared back.

  Jarland snapped his jaws in front of Morcant’s face. “Where is she?”

  “She’s gone Jarland, you’re too late.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “YES!” Morcant snapped his jaws in front of Jarland’s face. “You missed her.”

  Jarland’s lips peeled back from his teeth in a disgusting grin. “Well then, you won’t mind if I heat this place up a little bit.” He turned away from Morcant putting his body between him and the rest of the cavern. Puffing his chest up, he turned his head to the left side of the cavern. Fire blazed into the room, moving slowly towards Kiora.

  Kiora and Morcant both screamed at the same time, “NO!”

  Kiora dropped her bubble, backed herself against the wall and threw up a shield with everything she had left.

  Morcant watched in horror as the fire moved across the room. And then he saw the fire unable to penetrate one spot in the room, sheeting off of something invisible. It was pouring off and around the sides of a giant shield.

  Jarland stopped. “There you are,” he sung.

  Kiora grabbed the sapphire the Guardians had given her and sent out a frantic cry for help.

  Chapter Eight


  EMANE AND ALERIC ENTERED a chamber at the end of the passageway. In the center of the room stood a large feminine throne. Rounded edges, delicate scrolling; a throne fit for a queen. Sitting in it was a very pleasant looking woman whose face Emane had seen once before, telling Eleana who the Protector was to be. She stood, smiling gently and made her way towards them. She carried herself in a way that spoke of age, and wisdom. And yet, she didn’t look nearly as old as Aleric. Her hair was starting to turn white, and her face held only a few wrinkles around her eyes and the corners of her mouth.

  “Aleric,” she said holding her arms out to him.

  Aleric stepped ahead of Emane. Dropping to one knee he took her hand with both of his, bowing his head.

  “It has been a long time Aleric,” she said, smiling down at him.

  “It has,” Aleric admitted. Standing, he kept her hand in his. “My grandfather would be very disappointed.”

  Emane glanced upwards, amazed by the soaring ceiling, a perfect dome cut from the rock. The walls gently sloped down until they met with the floor; leaving the room a seamless circle. Even the multiple doorways spread around the circle were smooth and rounded in shape. Everything was lit by soft white lights that floated inexplicably through the cavern. He stared at them, they were hypnotic. Each light moved slightly, as if bouncing on the end of an invisible thread and was surrounded by a faint outlining of pink.


  Emane jumped, pulling his eyes back down from the lights. Aleric was gone. He looked behind him quickly and then back to Epona who stood before him, still smiling.

  “Aleric has left us so that I might speak with you alone.” Epona walked towards him, Emane shifted nervously. Placing both hands on his shoulders, Epona smiled gently before leaning in to kiss him on one cheek, and then the other. His chest burned and his throat tightened under a feeling of such warmth and peace as he had never before known. He wanted to bottle it up, keep it with him forever.

  “Come,” Epona motioned to him. “Sit.” Turning she headed back to the only seat in the room, her throne. Wondering where it was she wanted him to sit, Emane awkwardly made his way behind her. Near the center of the room Epona passed her hand over a circular symbol in the floor out of which silently rose a stone chair, simple in its design. Sitting down, he placed his hands on his legs, nervously flexing his fingers.

  Gently lowering herself back into her throne she asked, “I was eavesdropping on your earlier conversation with Aleric, I apologize.”

  Emane’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion, what was he suppose to say?

  “Aleric is correct Emane, your strengths are very much needed in this war. However, I fear that Aleric and my dear Eleana may have forgotten something important.”

  Emane’s eyes shifted nervously around the room, his fingers now tapping at his knees. “What was that?”

  “My dear, sweet Emane. Do you want to be the Protector?”

  Emane stopped, slowly he brought his eyes up to hers. “It is my responsibility,” he answered mechanically, the words feeling like cotton in his mouth.

  “No Emane,” she said shaking her head very gently. “No. We are not speaking of responsibilities, or titles, or what is best for Meros. We are speaking of you, Emane— a young man with tremendous potential,” she leaned forward and whispered, “who needs a choice.”

  Emane’s throat tightened even further. He had not had the desire to cry in so many years he had almost forgotten the feeling when in his eyes began to burn. “I....I...” he stopped, frowning. Did he even know? It had been so very long.

  “If you would like to go back to the castle, resume your former life, I will call another Protector for Kiora.”

  He looked up sharply, “You can do that? Call another one?”

  “I can. There have been times where we have lost Protectors and another was called to take their place.”

  Emane frowned, “If another can be called, then why the prophesy, why the importance of having me here?”

  “I did not say the new protector would be equal to you, just that I could find another.”

  Emane couldn’t sit there anymore, he practically leapt out of the chair pacing around the back. Could he leave this, go back to the castle, to his life? He shuddered a little. Placing his hands on the back of the chair, he looked up to Epona who was patiently watching him. “I want to,” his head dropped as he hesitated. Squeezing his eyes shut he started again, “I want to be the Protector but…”

  “Emane, you do not have to be like Kiora to succeed.”

  Emane released a breath he hadn’t realized he had been holding.

  “Each person is called to a different calling in this life, and they are always given the tools they need.”

  A peace flowed through him at her words.

  She stood, making her way back to him, “This is your choice then Prince Emane?” she questioned. “You are choosing to be the Protector of our Solus?”

  Breathing deeply he stood tall, looking her in the eye before answering. “It is.”

  Reaching out, Epona placed her hand ag
ainst his cheek. Closing his eyes, Emane leaned into her. Epona’s touch was almost like a flash of a memory. A memory he had constructed as a boy of what his mothers touch would have been like. She had died when he was born. His father had taught of duty and responsibility. But Emane had craved love and a mother’s touch, and maybe a choice. His eyes continued to burn under the great love he felt here.

  “Emane, this journey will take you to places you never dreamed you would be. It will change you forever. There will be times when you will not want to go on.” Her hand slid to his shoulder, “But you must, Emane, you must go on.”

  He nodded, reluctantly opening his eyes.

  She squeezed his shoulder and sighed, “We are almost out of time, but I want you to remember something. If there ever comes a time when Kiora asks you to trust her,” she paused searching his eyes, “You must trust her, Emane, however bleak the situation may look. She is blessed with an understanding she does not yet even know she has.”

  A clattering of hoofs shattered the moment as Epona’s hand dropped back to her side. Emane’s heart objected with a thud as Arturo entered the room. Emane was not ready to leave behind these feelings.

  “Yes Arturo, I know,” Epona said as Aleric came running in behind Arturo, breathing heavily.

  “Now what?” Aleric wheezed. “What is going on?”

  “Kiora has called him, she is in trouble. You must go now.” Epona’s tone was calm, even. “The Hollow is also under attack, but you must save Kiora first. I have notified Eleana that she is needed at the Hollow. Go.”

  Emane and Aleric climbed onto Arturo’s back and the pegasus shot through the cavern at a speed Emane had never experienced before.


  The Guardians flew to the trees each taking up positions to battle the incoming enemy. Malena grabbed Leo and two others.

  “Kiora is in trouble, I need you to go.”

  Leo looked at her, aghast. “What about our brothers and sisters? I cannot just leave them here alone! Dralazar will destroy them.”

  Malena grabbed him by the shoulder. “Leo, if Kiora is lost, all is lost. There will be no saving the Hollow or anything else. I need you to focus on protecting Kiora.”

  “Where is Emane?” Leo asked.

  “I don’t know where Emane is. He may be with Kiora for all we know. All I know is you must go. NOW!”

  “Where is she?”

  Malena focused on the call, tracking its thread back to the source. “She’s with Morcant, at his home,” she added. “GO!”

  Leo and the others disappeared just as Malena was hit with a blast from a Fallen One. She tumbled end over end in the air and collided with a tree.


  Kiora sat huddling against the wall, shaking with fear and worry. She could hear the dragons doing battle above her, each fighting for control over the entrance to Morcant’s lair. The roars of both pain and exploding fire echoed around within the cavern for what felt like forever. She covered her hands with her ears as a dragon roared in agony. The volume of it shook the room, dust spraying down around her as it shook loose from the walls. The Guardians’ threads had appeared a little while ago, she could feel them darting and weaving and had to assume they were trying to help Morcant. Three more threads appeared as a bubble dropped and Emane and Aleric came swooping in on Arturo.

  Jumping off, Emane ran to her. “Kiora!” He knelt done in front of her grabbing her shoulders. “Kiora, are you ok?”

  “You must help Morcant!” she pleaded gripping Emane’s forearms. “Please, you have to help him!”

  “The Guardians are helping him. We had to make sure...”

  He was interrupted by a loud roar and the sound of a dragon crashing to the ground again. Only this time it was not followed by the sound of giant feet getting back up.

  “Oh no,” Kiora whispered. “Which one was it?”

  There were only a few giant footfalls as the champion leapt into the hole. The thread of the victor barreled ahead of the approaching dragon, ramming through Kiora like a dagger of ice. The hole was deep, but a dragon was fast, especially in a dive. Jarland flew into the chamber before she could do anything.

  “Hello again, Kiora.” Jarland looked around at the three newcomers standing there, appearing very pleased. He clicked his tongue and smiled. “I am afraid these three will not be nearly as helpful as Morcant was.” Jarland’s scales were blackened in spots and blood flowed from several wounds around his neck and chest.

  Aleric tried to gain the element of surprise and shot a blast of magic at Jarland before the dragon could make a move.

  Jarland twitched a little, cocked his head and smiled. “Haven’t been taught where to hit a dragon with magic have we? There is a down side when you attempt to exterminate an entire race. It seems you really know nothing about them.” He laughed, his lips pulled back over his still bloody teeth in a wicked sneer.

  As Jarland was mocking Aleric, Arturo shoved a thought into Kiora’s mind.

  Summon Emane’s sword.

  She closed her eyes to concentrate, but before she could focus on the chest they had placed the weapons in, Arturo shoved another thought into her head. This one sounded panicked, Kiora, Dralazar is looking for the book, You must summon it, send it anywhere but here. NOW!

  Her heart was pounding, forcing all her fear and questions aside Kiora concentrated with all her might, summoning the book and sending it to the only place she could think of.

  Did you get it? Arturo asked.

  I think so. I have never done it before.

  Good, thought Arturo. Now get the sword for Emane, it needs to go right into his hand.

  Kiora closed her eyes, but was interrupted by Jarland’s jeering voice. “So Kiora, who should I kill first?” Her eyes snapped open. She looked around searching for the Guardians, but Jarland had purposely left his enormous body in the doorway, sealing it off.

  “Me,” she blurted. “Kill me first.”

  Emane yelled, “NO!”

  Aleric started to run towards her, but Jarland sent a pillar of fire his direction and Aleric was forced to throw up a shield.

  “You?” Jarland sneered. “The Solus?”

  “Yes, but I have a request,” she stammered, frantically searching for the time she needed.

  “I don’t usually honor requests, Kiora, although I am flattered you would think to ask.”

  “I would like to say a.... a prayer.” It was the first thing that flew into her mind.

  “A what?!” Jarland’s laugh bellowed off of the walls.

  Aleric tried to move toward Kiora again but Jarland shot another pillar of fire in his direction. Turning toward Aleric, he hissed with fire licking his lips. “I am warning you old man.”

  Kiora saw her chance and closed her eyes, concentrating on the trunk with Emane’s sword in it. She could feel it moving but was not finished yet when Jarland turned his attention back to her.

  “What are you doing Kiora?” Jarland asked suspiciously.

  She did not respond. She needed a few more seconds.

  “I believe she is praying,” Aleric dryly answered.

  Kiora’s eyes flew open, she had done it. Quickly she glanced to Emane. He was looking down clearly shocked to find a sword suddenly in his hand.

  Arturo shoved another thought into her head. Tell Emane that sword must go into Jarland’s heart. It is the only thing that will bring him down.

  She glanced furiously at Arturo, HOW?

  Arturo took off, flying straight to the top of the room before turning to a dive at Jarland. Jarland snarled as he saw the pegasus mount his attack. He shot pillars of fire into the air, searing the ceiling as Arturo dove and dipped, avoiding the deadly attacks.

  Seizing the opportunity provided, Kiora ran over to Emane and grabbed him by the neck, pulling him close. Whispering in his ear she told him, “You must put the sword into Jarland’s heart. It’s the only thing that will bring him down.”

  Emane glanced down at his sword and then to th
e dragon who was still spraying fire through the air. Swallowing hard, he grabbed Kiora’s arm and squeezed it before taking off at a dead run to the underside of the dragon. She watched him as he ran underneath, narrowly missing one of Jarland’s feet that came slamming back down just inches behind him. Jarland was spinning his giant body the best he could in the limited space, trying to get a good shot on Arturo. It was making it difficult for Emane to line up the sword. Kiora covered her mouth trying not to yell out as Emane squatted down under the lumbering giant. Emane shook his head in frustration. Peering around Jarland’s legs he looked for Arturo.

  Kiora, Arturo thought. Emane needs your help, You provide the bubble, and I will provide the distraction. Kiora looked to Emane who was staring right at her, giving her a quick nod.

  Arturo shot off in the opposite direction of the cave, forcing Jarland to turn his head away from Kiora. Emane ran over to her, grabbing her neck just as she had grabbed his, his lips brushing against her ear. “I need to get right in front of him. Do you have enough energy to get me there?”

  Kiora nodded and leaned into his ear, “We need to hurry. If he notices we’re gone he will set the whole room on fire.”

  Kiora pulled the bubble around them both.

  Emane whispered again. “Can he hear us in here?”

  “No,” Kiora said without bothering to keep her voice down, “We’re good.”

  “Let’s go. I need to be right in front of his neck. I think if I go in right under there it should go into his heart.”

  “You think?” she squeaked.

  “Kiora,” Emane was exasperated, “I’ve never killed a dragon before. Let’s go!”

  They ran across the dirt floor, positioning themselves right in front of Jarland.

  “Kiora, I want you to run after you let me out of the bubble. I don’t know where he will fall. Ready?” Emane breathed rapidly, his knuckles white around the hilt of his sword. With one last glance up at the dragon towering over them he said, “Alright One… Two… THREE!”


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