The Trials of a Priestess - Bundle 1 (Paranormal Futanari Erotica) (The Trials of a Priestess Bundle)

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The Trials of a Priestess - Bundle 1 (Paranormal Futanari Erotica) (The Trials of a Priestess Bundle) Page 1

by Tiffany Bell



  Title Page

  Chapter 1 - Succubus Seduction

  Chapter 2 - Tentacles Everywhere!

  Chapter 3 - Return of the Succubus

  Chapter 4 - Revenge of the Succubus

  About the Author

  Sample: Enslaving, Humiliating, and Dominating My Roommate

  Sample: Invasion of the Tentacle Breeding Creatures from Space - Bundle 1-3

  Sample: Captured and Bred by Amazons

  Sample: Tomb Violator vs The Slime

  An excerpt from The Trials of a Priestess

  * * * * * * * * * *

  Angelika opened her mouth breathlessly, hesitating for a few moments before she spoke. “Please. I want it inside of me. I need it” the priestess begged. She was already spreading her legs wantonly. Her pussy was dripping with desire all over the table that they laid upon. Esme just smiled and nipped at the priestess’ ear before she whispered once again.

  “If you’re so desperate, then bend over the table.”

  Angelika licked her lips lustfully before pulling away from the succubus. She was quick to bend over the table with her pert, round ass facing toward the orgy of cultists. Esme only continued to lay on the altar, watching her pretty, new toy obey her commands.

  “Good girl.” She looked past Angelika, to the group of wiggling bodies. “One of you, please assist me with her, if you could.”

  Immediately, one of the women broke away from the writhing mass of bodies and crawled on the floor behind Angelika. The priestess was just about to turn around when Esme clasped her hands over the woman’s wrists on the table, keeping her in place.

  The Trials of a Priestess

  by Tiffany Bell

  Text Copyright © 2012 Tiffany Bell

  All Rights Reserved

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, events, and locations are fictitious or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons or events, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.

  This file is licensed for private individual entertainment only. The book contained herein constitutes a copyrighted work and may not be reproduced, stored in or introduced into an information retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means (electrical, mechanical, photographic, audio recording, or otherwise) for any reason (excepting the uses permitted to the licensee by copyright law under terms of fair use) without the specific written permission of the author.

  The sun rose over the towering trees to the east of the capitol city of Ralidor, nicknamed the city that was built with magic. This wasn’t a fancy way of saying the city was enchanting, breathtaking, or anything quite so ornate. It was a literal statement. Ralidor was a city of magi, priests and priestesses blessed with the ability to cure wounds that would otherwise be fatal, and in some of the shadier areas of town, warlocks.

  Angelika was ready for her big day. The young priestess graduated from the training academy only three days ago and was already receiving her first assignment. She wasn’t a normal priestess, though. She was of a special division of the church, trained for magical combat and tasked with the protection of mankind against other worldly threats. Her orders stated that she was to report to the rural village of Rockdale to help with a demon infestation. These demons were reported to abduct women, taking them back to the woods to use them as an offering for their demented rituals. However, the women always returned by their own accord, unscathed, and usually extremely happy. All was well until a few days after the incident, when they just seemed to become hostile toward the other women of the village—as if they were filled with a hateful jealousy.

  None of this sounded terribly awkward to Angelika. Being a fighter and a scholar, the priestess knew that demons often had certain affects on a person’s demeanor. She was sure that their behavior was just a side effect of contact with the demon. A good exorcism would cleanse them of the demonic influence, and then everything would be back to normal.

  Angelika was already geared up and ready to go. Her black robe flowed to her ankles and covered her high heel boots that she wore underneath. Most people would be unable to travel in such attire, much less do battle, but through years of training it created an agile warrior that was capable of nearly anything. They were functional as a very light armor, not to mention they would keep her legs warm in colder climates. Not to mention, the boots made her legs look great—not that many people would even dare to gaze at a battle priestess, much less lust after her.

  Around her trim waist hung a white belt that seemed almost too large for her. Etched onto the buckle were many runes that were meant to grant safety and strength to those of her sect. The last few flourishes of her outfit were slightly tugged upon and moved into place as she looked at herself in the mirror. She winked at herself, giving a slight, knowing nod. She knew she looked good in the white and gold trimmed armor pieces that covered her robes. The last thing she needed before she was ready to leave was the large book full of incantations, prayers, and spells that was worn at her side. A large strap hung over her shoulder, attached to the spine of the book, and was worn like a satchel while the book was clasped shut. There was no mistaking that she was a priestess from The Order while she wore this uniform.

  The Order was known for its many heroic feats. They helped colonize the demon-infested lands to the south, and west. They helped refugees in need of food, clothing, and shelter. All that was spoken of The Order was positive, including their battle priests that were sent to foreign lands to mediate disputes, or more commonly, sent into battle against demons that still lingered. They followed the orders of the Exalted Clergy, which was a gathering of The Order’s top holy men and women, and they followed the will of the Light.

  Dusting off her holy book, she swung it over her shoulder and clutched it tightly against her side for a moment. It was quite an invaluable book full of advanced spells that might come in handy against the legions of the underworld. She didn’t expect to use it since the demons she was poised to fight against were a cowardly lot. The holy woman smirked at the thought of single-handedly stopping these demons.

  Angelika was powerful enough to do so. There were none more powerful in her graduating class. She would have all of the glory and praise for carrying out her mission with flying colors, coming home in a mere day. She needed to calm her mind, though. She remembered that she shouldn’t allow pride to overcome her. She would have to meditate during her long journey across the plains to be pure for the mission and have the blessing of the Light.

  She certainly had more than enough time to meditate. It was a two day ride by horse, ruining any thoughts of being praised for coming back in the same day. As she rode, her mind drifted while she enjoyed the bouncing of the horse a bit too much. It brought another mischievous smirk to the pious priestess’ lips. She felt sensations welling up within her, threatening to burst forth, but she quickly remembered her training and shifted her mind to more proper thoughts.

  She stopped her journey at the end of the first day near the base of a secluded waterfall. It was refreshing to set up camp at a place that was so pure and untouched by the world. There were no paths worn into the ground to suggest that anyone lived even remotely close to this land. Angelika slept soundly that night with just the faint harmony of the sparse wildlife inhabiting the woods.

  Waking up early to carry on with the journey, a sudden thought crossed her mind. A full day of travel through the barren wastelands between Ralidor and Ro
ckdale had left her feeling gross, to say the least. Angelika was used to the cool shade of the monastery classrooms, or the convenience of visiting the communal bathes after combat training. Out here, she was left to deal with the sun raining down upon her while wearing her heavy robes and armor. The sandy-haired woman grinned as she looked at the cool, perfectly clear, rippling waters of the lake that the waterfall emptied into. She knew no one was around to see her. The priestess could enjoy some leisure time cleaning up before taking on her mission. Judging by the map, she was only a few hours from Rockdale anyway, so she would be fresh and clean for meeting the townspeople.

  And with that in mind, she began pulling off her armor. It took much longer than it should have since she was in such a hurry. Tugging the robe off and tossing it to the nearby sand left her in just a bra, her panties, and those thigh-high boots. Any onlooker would have been the happiest voyeur in the world to see Angelika disrobing. She bent over, unclasping her boots before struggling to get them off. With a few hops from loss of balance, and a mighty pull or two, the boots were off. She wiggled her toes as they pressed onto the beach, and she sighed happily.

  It was times like this that the priestess wished that she wasn’t part of The Order. Constantly wearing her thick robes and heavy armor was such a burden— especially on a beautiful day such as this one. But, there was no one to tell her otherwise, so she continued to strip. Reaching behind her, she fiddled with the bra for a moment before she shrugged the straps from her shoulders, exposing her perfectly teardrop shaped breasts to the light of the day. Both were tipped with the pinkest of virgin nipples, having never been touched by anyone else aside from herself.

  She bent over again, pulling her panties down to her ankles before kicking them toward the rest of her belongings. Angelika was now completely nude as she stepped into the water. The feeling of the wet sand between her toes was something she had missed for too long. As she stepped deeper into the water, she realized just how chilly it was. She took a deep breath before dunking herself under in one quick motion to get the shock of the cold water out of her system. She still shivered slightly as she surfaced, but the temperature was manageable.

  She swam out to the middle of the lake, amazed by the fact that she could see the bottom so clearly. Sighing, she rolled onto her back and continued to float along as she enjoyed the warm sensations of the sun upon her body. Her arms and legs spread wide and she felt a sudden rush of cold water against her virgin pussy.

  Angelika reached down, caressing over her taut stomach, stopping just momentarily at her mons before she cupped herself curiously. Her eyes opened just slightly and she gazed around with mischievous intent. No one would know if she touched herself. Teasingly, her own finger pressed forward and threatened entrance to herself. She felt the cool breeze against her hardening nipples, and she blushed with shame as she remembered the vows she took as a priestess. She was to remain pure and chaste.

  With a sigh, she gazed up at the blinding sun for just a moment. It was nearing noon and she had to be on her way. She certainly didn’t have time for sinful experimentation that might addle her mind or cause the good graces of the Light to forsake her. With a huff of regret, Angelika swam toward the shore to get ready to continue her mission. Water cascaded from her flawless body as she laid down in the grass, waiting for the sun to dry her off. She figured the Light would be helping her at least once today.

  As she finished redressing, she was quick to gather her things and head toward Rockdale once more. She spotted the village at a distance and breathed a sigh of relief. She could finally get down to business and at least take some pleasure in ridding the world of a few more cursed demons. She looked at the town, thinking of the information she might garner from the citizens before she went to face the demon. She wanted to end this as soon as possible, though. There was no need for her to have the villagers tell her what was already stated in the mission, so instead of stopping by the village first, she veered off directly toward the forest. After she had completed her mission, she would go to the village and bask in the glory of her victory.

  Entering the defiled woods, she noticed articles of clothing randomly littering the path. She never saw blood, gore, or anything else that hinted at signs of a struggle or sacrifice. It simply looked like hastily removed clothing that had been left behind.

  As she ventured farther into the forest, it became so dark that it was hard to tell what time of day it was anymore. Hardly any light penetrated the thick foliage of the forest. For a place that was corrupt and full of demons, this forest was eerily quiet. The only sound she heard was the crunching of leaves and twigs beneath her own feet. It wasn’t anything like she had imagined.

  The worn and walked path beneath her began to grow more narrow and less defined. She could sense that she was close. There was a certain aura about this part of the woods that called to her. And soon enough, she found what beckoned her in the form of a large opening to an underground cave.

  Looking around the entrance, she noticed green moss and forest debris. The mouth of the cave sloped downward and large rocks were set up like stairs to aide in descending into the darkness. This cave had been here for a long time, and it was obviously more than just a hole in the ground. Just like the forest, no light could ever dream of entering the cave. Angelika clenched a fist and closed her eyes while concentrating briefly. After muttering a quick, memorized spell, she opened her hand with the palm facing upward, and a marvelously bright light emanated from it.

  Stepping into the darkness didn’t seem so daunting now that she had the Light to guide her. She saw more curious examples that suggested this place used to be some sort of pagan chapel. Discarded candles and odd charms were on the packed, dirt floor as she continued deeper into the unknown. She wondered just how far this maze of tunnels went. It was the perfect hideout for a demon since no reasonable human would ever step foot inside.

  Still, there wasn’t the faintest sound of movement. The isolated sensation caused Angelika’s senses to work overtime to compensate. She could hear each of her own breaths with amazing clarity as the air filled her lungs, and was then expelled through her nose. The beating of her heart became like a drum in her own mind. Even with her powerful holy magic she started to wonder if they should have called upon someone else to assist her. After what seemed like forever, the priestess saw a faint light in the distance.

  This is it! This is the demon’s burrow, Angelika thought.

  Closing her illuminated palm to end the spell, she cautiously stepped forward. She wanted the essence of surprise on the demons. Staying close to the wall, she peered forward into the open chamber, seeing candles on sconces upon the wall that lit the entire area with a dim, wavy light that added a sense of mysticism.

  There was a number of worn rock benches set up in a circular pattern facing the middle of the chamber. In the center was a large circular, stone shrine, which Angelika assumed was where the demons performed their rituals. Large vines grew all over the walls and floor. Certain areas around the middle of the room were so overgrown that it looked more like a jungle than a cave. Narrowing her eyes, the priestess saw a figure laying completely still upon the shrine.

  It’s the demon’s latest victim and I’m just in time to save her from such a terrible fate! thought Angelika as she quickly scanned the area before rushing toward the middle of the room. Her heart was racing as she approached the shrine. The closer she got, the more she realized that something was wrong.

  “I’m here to… rescue you,” Angelika hesitated as she noticed the woman’s skin was a crimson red color. Angelika had already announced her arrival to the demon, and now it was too late. The demon groggily pushed herself up while she glanced to the priestess with glowing, red eyes.

  “Hmmmmmm?” The demon would groan questioningly while the wings on her back stretched outward to well over eight feet in width. “Oh, you’re early, my lovely,” the demon purred sensuously. “Wait. I don’t know you.”

  The demo
n seemed confused as she tried to figure out who the priestess was. “You’re… not from this village, are you?” Arching her back and thrusting her ample bust forward, the demon continued to wake from its nap. As the succubus licked her ruby red lips, she seemed to be checking Angelika out as she stretched so sensuously. “Either way, there’s always room for one more,” the demon teased.

  Angelika was horrified to be this close to a demon as it spread its wings so intimidatingly. With a panicked look on her face, the priestess raised her hand, pointing her palm toward the demon’s face to blast her with powerful, cleansing energies. A holy aura emanated from her hand for a moment before she said the proper spell in her mind to blast the demon back to the hell from which she came. The only problem was nothing happened.

  Angelika’s eyes were wide with disbelief as her powers fizzled. The demon arched a brow inquisitively as she realized just what the priestess had in mind for her.

  The priestess had no idea what was happening. She tried again, only to have a slight flicker of light come from her hand, followed by nothing. The demon stood up on the shrine, completely exposing her nude, red body to the priestess while she towered over the woman. The light danced and flickered as it reflected against her skin, adding to the lewd display. Her red eyes gleamed wickedly while she ran her clawed fingers through her wild, black hair. With her back still arched, showing off her erect, dark crimson nipples, she advanced toward Angelika with seductively slow movements. A cute, little spade-tipped tail swayed behind her in a nonchalant manner.

  “Well, well, well… The priestess doesn’t know how the rules work,” the demon chuckled as she mocked Angelika.

  Angelika wasn’t one to take such an insult so easily. Just because she couldn’t use her magic didn’t mean she couldn’t beat the demon the old-fashion way. She aimed a quick, heavy-gauntleted punch toward the demon’s face. With such a powerful demon, Angelika expected the succubus to dodge or counter. Weeks and months of combat training ran through the priestess’ mind. This would be the epic showdown that she had prepared herself for. Except, the punch landed squarely to the demon’s cheek, causing her to stumble backwards while clutching her face. Angelika, already preparing her next attack, was standing on the altar now, looking confused as she watched the demoness fall onto her tight, red ass.


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