Passion: A Single Dad Small Town Romance

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Passion: A Single Dad Small Town Romance Page 62

by Bella Winters

  His hand found her blazing hot wetness. He stroked her and she winced. Nobody had touched her there before, but somehow this felt natural, like he had always been there, like his fingers had touched her center before. He slipped his forefinger in, slowly at first, his mouth still on her breast. Celia moved in his arms, bending backwards, enjoying the sensation of having a part of him inside her.

  Then his mouth was on her nipple. It had hardened from her arousal and he sucked on it, tugging it with his teeth. She yelped with joy at the feeling of having the wetness of his mouth on her nipple. He was pushing his finger deeper into her, preparing her for what was to come. Then his stroking became more powerful, and her wetness grew.

  “Do you like that?” He asked, raising his head to look at her. Celia nodded her head at him, her face flushed with desire, her breathing constricted. It was too much to bare, he was torturing her, she wanted him inside her not just his finger.

  “I’m ready for you, please, take me now.” She cried, in a breathy whisper. Wilder slid out his finger and in one swift movement unbuckled his belt and undid his jeans. They fell to his ankles, revealing what she had been waiting for. A thick throbbing dick that she couldn’t take her eyes off of. It was strong and erect, calling out to her and never before had Celia wanted something so much.

  He pulled her to himself again and lifted her up. It was amazing how light and small she felt in his arms. He held her facing him, and she wrapped her legs around his waist. His hardness was against her soft wet core; she could feel it throbbing against her skin. Celia bit down on her lip as he adjusted her, gripping her waist, pressing her against him.

  Then he slid in without warning.

  “You wanted this, Celia.” He said as she arched her back again, closing her eyes to feel the full power of him inside her. It was painfully pleasurable, the kind of feeling she had never felt before. He was big and throbbing inside her, she could feel his full length. He had thrust himself in completely, he hadn’t been tender with her this time. And he was right, this was what she had wanted.

  She dug her nails into his arms as she clung on to him. He started pumping. She bounced in his arms as he pushed himself in and out of her. His face was darkened; his eyes were strained. It was like he couldn’t control himself when he knew he shouldn’t have been doing what he was doing. She wanted him to want her, just as much as she wanted him, but he was looking at her with anger, like she had made him do this.

  He pumped inside her repeatedly, grunting with every thrust. She wrapped her arms around his neck and closed her eyes, knowing that she would never be the same again after this night. But this is how she had wanted to feel; this is how good she wanted a man to make her feel. So, wet that she couldn’t wait to have him inside her, so full to the brim with desire that she never wanted him to stop.

  While Celia ran out of breath, Wilder only grunted, he could have gone on all night long. But he was reaching her deep inside, to her core where nobody had ever reached. He pumped and he pumped, while she bounced up and down in his arms, her strawberry blonde curls falling over her bare breasts that he had revealed.

  A new feeling overtook her suddenly, she could feel her belly contracting, knotting up tightly, waiting to be released. He was bringing her to orgasm, using himself to manipulate her so that she would never feel this good again.

  Celia let out a cry when she came. She hadn’t expected an orgasm to feel like this, this explosive. So, uncontrollable that her juices flowed out of her. Wilder didn’t stop thrusting, deep inside her so that her body shook beyond control. She yelped again as her toes curled in her sandals, and then she felt him explode inside her. His grip on her waist tightened, she felt like he might actually crush her to death. He clutched her hard and he growled like a wild beast as he came, releasing himself, shooting deep within her.

  They were both out of breath now, as they began to climb down from their release. Celia was spent, and sweating and lay her head on his bare chest. He held her head to his heart as he breathed hard. He was still inside her.

  They remained like that for several moments, their bodies cooling slowly, till she felt him slipping out of her. He released her gently so that her feet touched the ground, she was unsteady on her feet and tried to balance herself like she had just gotten off a rollercoaster.

  “You should straighten your clothes.” He said, while keeping his eyes on his own clothes. He pulled his jeans up and started buttoning up his shirt.

  Celia licked her lips, suddenly conscious of her exposed breasts and her messed up hair. She hoped against hope that her grandfather would have already gone to bed by now. She didn’t want him to see her like this.

  They tidied themselves up in silence, keeping their eyes averted from each other. They both knew that it had been an unplanned surprise, that they barely knew each other, that this shouldn’t have happened. Wilder had resumed his usual annoyed tone of voice; Celia was meek again.

  “About this…” He began to say, as he buttoned up the last one near his collar. Celia jerked her head up to look at him, some locks of her hair fell over her eyes and she blew them away.

  “We don’t have to discuss it if you don’t want to.” She said, averting her eyes from him again. She could still feel him inside her, she still remembered how good she felt just being in his arms. But he had gone back to being his old self, closed up and unwilling to talk. There was no point dragging this out.

  “Good. I’ll see you in the morning. Hope you sleep well.” He said, suddenly turning around and walking back towards the mansion. He had left Celia standing in the dark, staring after him.

  She could hear the crickets chirping in the grass now, as she watched him walking up to the mansion, opening the door and going in. It was only then that she started to make her way towards the house. She wanted to avoid him, at least for the night. Because clearly he was avoiding her. She didn’t know what to think. She felt so hot and heavy, so confused with mixed emotions, the desire for Wilder still coursing through her veins. If he returned to her, came to her bed at night she would invite him in, she wanted to taste his mouth again.

  Celia walked slowly back to the house, opened the door and found Wilder nowhere in sight. She didn’t even know where his room was, where he slept or what he might be doing.

  “Where did you two run off to?” She heard Conrad’s voice behind her. She whipped around with her hand on her heart.

  “You scared me!” She cried, her nose twitching at the mere sight of him. He had his hands thrust into the pockets of his pants and he took a few steps in her direction.

  “So, did you have a good chat with my respectable brother?” He asked menacingly, it was clear that Conrad had a point to make. Had he seen them? Had he guessed it?

  “I haven’t seen Wilder. He must have lost me when I left the house.” Celia said, brushing past him as she tried to get away; but Conrad had caught her hand and yanked her close to him.

  “Don’t be in a hurry to leave, Celia. We all love Jack and we love having you here. You are very welcome.” He said with the same smiling face, but this time his face was unnervingly close to hers. She could smell the whisky on his breath that she hadn’t detected earlier. She tugged at her hand, trying to get it free. He held on tightly, smiling at her with a shining face. After a few moments, he finally let her go.

  “Jack has gone to bed, so you’re free to do what you want now.” He said as she rubbed her wrist where he had been violently clutching her. “If you’re bored you should come to me, I don’t sleep till the early hours of the morning.” He added.

  “I’m very tired. Good night Conrad.” Celia said, before whipping around and rushing to her room. She closed the door behind her and locked it from the inside, silently thankful that he hadn’t followed her. She detested Conrad now more than ever, especially because she knew that she was falling in love with his brother.

  Chapter 5

  When Celia woke up next morning, she took another shower and changed into a
fresh floral dress before leaving her room. It was nine in the morning, but she wasn’t sure what time anybody else in the household woke up. The house looked empty, she couldn’t hear another soul move anywhere.

  Eventually, walking around the rooms she caught sight of her grandfather sitting on a rocking chair at the back porch. She joined him outside, placing a hand on his weary shoulder.

  “Good morning, sweet child. How did you sleep?” He asked her. She gave him her hand and he held it tightly.

  “Very well thank you.” Celia said, smiling at him.

  “Sorry I didn’t wait up for you, Mr. Moore, the younger one, he put me to bed.” He explained.

  “Good. Sorry I ran out like that. I couldn’t bear to be in the room with them, with both of them there.” She told him, shielding her face against the sun with her hand again.

  “I understand, but Celia child, I hope you didn’t mean it when you said that you want to take me away from here.” He continued, staring up at her like a child would look up at a parent.

  Celia pressed her grandfather’s hand, unwilling to commit to a response this quickly. She wanted to take him away from here for his own good, and he didn’t seem to understand it.

  “I’ve lived here, in this town all my life. This is where I had my family, this ranch is where I worked and what I dedicated my life to. I don’t want to die anywhere else.” He said, looking at her with his watery eyes.

  She breathed in deeply and nodded her head.

  “I understand grandpa, I just can’t stand that they talk to you like this. That Conrad talks to you like this.” She said, patting his frail hand. “And don’t talk about dying, you’ll be fine.” She added a weak smile. They both knew the truth; he wasn’t recovering from this.

  “Tempers were flying last night. Trust me my dear, I’ve been very happy here. Those two boys are like my own grandchildren.” He said, smiling at her the best he could.

  The sound of horse hooves distracted them both at that moment and Celia turned to find Wilder on a beautiful chestnut horse, riding towards them like he didn’t mean to stop. He was in a brown shirt, tough jeans, boots and the same hat. He looked like a pro, strong and brave on his horse; and even from this distance Celia could see that he had an actual smile on his face! She was so surprised to see him smiling that she nearly clapped.

  He came closer, slowing down now that he saw them on the porch.

  “Morning.” He said, tipping his hat at Celia and turning a smiling face at her grandfather.

  “Where is my brother?” He asked, stroking the neck of his horse as he steadied himself in front of them. Celia noticed how he was still avoiding her eyes, while she couldn’t think of anything else other than how he had slid into her the previous night. How she had seen him naked, knew how his chest felt under her fingertips.

  “He must be sleeping.” Her grandfather said, and Celia could see in his eyes how much he admired the younger man. Wilder clenched his jaws and looked up at one of the windows.

  “Celia, pass me that pebble.” He said suddenly, and she nearly stumbled in surprise. She hadn’t expected him to even acknowledge her, leave alone ask her to do something. She saw the pebble he was talking about and she stepped down from the porch and handed it over to him.

  Their hands touched when they exchanged the piece of rock. It reminded her in a flash how rough and course his hands were, how large they felt on her body, how he had used that very same finger to make her feel beautiful the previous night.

  But Wilder didn’t seem to notice their touch, instead he aimed the pebble at the window he was looking at and threw it. It fell to the ground and he tipped his head to it again, Celia picked it up and handed it to him, a smile forming on her face. He threw it at the window again. It clattered against the pane. They did it all over again a third time till the pane was being lifted up; Conrad’s head stuck out. His dark hair was a mess, his face looked thin and sleepy and he rubbed his eyes as he looked down at them.

  “What?” He snapped at his brother.

  “You better put on some clothes, little brother. The cattle aren’t going to herd themselves.” Wilder looked up at Conrad, with a bored look on his face. Celia was biting down on her lip, staring at Wilder. He looked handsome in the sun, unrealistically good looking. She couldn’t believe that he had made love to her the previous night, that he had left a little part of himself inside her.

  “You are such a pain in the…” Conrad was saying and then he waved at Celia. “Morning Celia, you look beautiful in that dress.”

  She forced herself to look up and smile at him.

  “Good morning Conrad.” She said and looked away at her grandfather immediately.

  “I’ll come down if Celia cooks me some scrambled eggs. That is the only way I’ll get out of bed.” Conrad said with that same wide smile on his face. Celia chuckled at the absurdity of it, and then she looked at her grandfather and at Wilder, with her widened brown eyes. She couldn’t believe that they actually expected her to do it.

  “Just give him what he wants. Consider it your chore for the day.” Wilder said and before she could reply to him, he was riding away on his horse again.

  “Two toasts, scrambled eggs and a glass of orange juice. You’ll find a tray in the kitchen for them. Bring them up to my room.” Conrad called out to her, before he disappeared back into his room again.

  Celia huffed, her mouth hanging open a little as she turned to her grandfather in complete surprise.

  “Thank you dear. He’s the baby of the family, quite spoilt. But a good boy you’ll see.” He said, his voice strained, but at least he sounded happy; Celia thought. She sighed deeply, patted his hand and walked back into the house. She couldn’t remember the last time she had made breakfast for anybody but herself.

  The eggs and toast were ready in fifteen minutes. She arranged them on a heavy tray, placed a glass of orange juice next to them and started carrying it to the stairs. At the foot of the steps she breathed in deeply and licked her lips. Maybe this wasn’t a good idea, she thought. She didn’t want to be alone with Conrad, she didn’t want to be anywhere near him. But it was too late now, she should have said something to Wilder before.

  She took the stairs slowly, stretching out time as much as she could till she finally reached the first floor, and to the door of Conrad’s bedroom. How spoilt was he? While his brother worked away at the ranch, without a single air of being wealthy; Conrad on the other hand behaved like he was some sort of prince.

  Celia knocked on the door twice, before she heard his voice asking her to come in. The tray shook a little in her hand when she entered.

  Conrad’s room was good enough to belong to a prince. With Wilder, it was easy for her to forget just how much money the two brothers had inherited, but Conrad clearly didn’t have any qualms about showing it off.

  His bed cover was in a deep red velvet, to match the curtains as well as the upholstery on the chairs that dotted the room. His carpet was thick and Arabian. There were gold fixtures on everything, and an elaborately embroidered dressing gown hung from the back of the door which Celia shut as she entered his room.

  Conrad smiled at her, his face still a mess, as he straightened to sit himself up on his bed.

  “Smells great, you’re a doll.” Conrad said as she brought the tray closer to him.

  “Leave it on my lap.” He said and she placed it gently on his outspread legs. Then he patted the bed next to him, the smile still on his face. Celia remained standing in front of him and tucked a few strands of her curls behind her ears.

  “Have a seat Celia.” He insisted, but she didn’t budge.

  “I’ll go attend to my grandfather now. Enjoy your meal.” She said curtly and just when she was about to turn around, he stopped her.

  “Be careful of my brother.” He had said.

  Celia’s brows crossed and she looked at him, remaining still where she stood.

  “What are you talking about?” She asked him, watching his every
movement closely now. Conrad had begun to scoop spoonsful of scrambled eggs into his mouth, and held a buttered toast in his other hand.

  “I mean exactly what I just said, that you should be careful of Wilder. I’ve seen the way you look at him.” He said, munching on his toast. Celia straightened her neck and raised her chin.

  “You really shouldn’t accuse me of things you don’t know about. I hardly know your brother, or you. I’m here for my grandfather, to look after him.” She said, making sure that she sounded calm and confident. The last thing she wanted Conrad to smell, was fear.

  “Sure, that’s why you came here. But wouldn’t you want to be looked after yourself?” He asked, smirking at her again. Celia kept her mouth pressed close. She couldn’t be sure what he was talking about and she wanted him to explain.

  “You quit your job, a promising career. You can’t be sure how long old Jack will live, what will you do when you go back to New York after a year? Two years? You’ll be too old for the fashion industry, some new twenty-three-year-old would have taken your job.” Conrad continued, enjoying himself on her account.

  “I’m not sure where you’re going with this.” Celia interrupted him before he could say anything else.

  Conrad gave a small laugh.

  “Just that you’ve had a chance to get a look around the house, and I know you like what you see. It could be yours.” He said. Celia’s head jerked up sharply to him, what did he mean? What was he talking about? She didn’t get a good feeling from all this.

  “Don’t look so surprised honey. I’m only offering you a position by my side.” Conrad laughed again.

  “What does that mean?” She cried, losing her temper at him.

  “Be with me, give me company in this lonely deserted place. Maybe someday we could marry, have children…who knows? For now, you could have this whole house at your disposal and my protection from my brother, just by sleeping with me.” Conrad had pushed his tray away from himself and was looking at Celia with glittering blue eyes.


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