Passion: A Single Dad Small Town Romance

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Passion: A Single Dad Small Town Romance Page 77

by Bella Winters

  “I’ll be there shortly.” Leon said behind her.

  “What about breakfast? I have toast and eggs for you.” Ivy called after him, but Archer had turned away from them and disappeared out of sight.

  When she whipped around to look at Leon, he was finishing up his food, taking a quick gulp of his lukewarm coffee. She wanted to ask him if everything was fine between the two brothers. If something had happened since they last spoke, but Leon had shut himself off again.

  “Have a good day, Ivy.” He said, standing up suddenly. He pressed his lips to her cheeks quickly before he walked past her. And he was gone before she even had a chance to wish him the same.

  Chapter 4

  Ivy was taking her online classes, when she heard a knock on the door.

  “Come on in.” She called out, not quite sure which of the two brothers it was. When the door opened, she found Archer on the other side, with a polite smile on his face.

  “Leon wants you to know that he won’t be home for dinner tonight. He’s going to town for some work and will be eating there.” Archer said, with his hand still on the doorknob.

  Ivy was a little taken aback by this information, considering that Leon had never done this before. In the weeks that she had been at the ranch, he had not once left the place or gone anywhere, other than to shop for their pantry. And even then, he was always back in a few hours. But she tried to hide her surprise now.

  “I see. So, will I only cook for you and me then?” She asked, smiling. It was her way of finding out if Archer was going with his brother as well.

  “Yeah, only me and you.” He said, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning against the door frame. He was looking at her now, studying the dress that she had previously used to seduce Leon. She could see that Archer liked it too. The brothers definitely had the same tastes.

  “Good.” She said, meeting his eyes.

  “Good.” He repeated after her, a knowing smile creeping up his face.

  She could feel her nerves twitching. She was getting the sense that Archer was implying something, that perhaps it was going to be their night. But was Leon leaving to give them privacy? Why would he do something like that? The house was big enough, the ranch was big enough for privacy. But she said nothing, only held Archer’s gaze.

  He looked handsome in his rugged clothes, the stubble he had not yet shaved had grown to a full-fledged beard now and she was curious how it would feel against her face. His blue eyes were piercing, trying to communicate with her, slowly undressing her as she sat in front of her computer.

  Even though Ivy was sexually satisfied now, after Leon that morning, she found herself beginning to crave Archer again. Just the way he was looking at her was enough to tell her what he planned on doing.

  “So, I’ll see you tonight then.” He said abruptly and she nodded her head. He was gone again and Ivy was left alone with her thoughts.

  The way it looked now was that Leon was leaving for the evening to give his brother his promised share of Ivy, and she couldn’t be more excited. Her one encounter with Archer had left her craving for more, and this was going to be her first opportunity in days.

  She blushed as she thought about Archer, his body, about how he was still unexplored and new to her.

  She tried to concentrate on the classes again, but it was too late, he had successfully managed to distract her by now and she couldn’t get back to it.

  So eventually she left her study and proceeded to the kitchen. It was time to start preparing dinner, it was already late afternoon and if she didn’t start now, she wouldn’t have time to clean up and dust the house before they sat down for their meal.

  While she was distracted with thoughts of Archer, she only realized much later in the evening, that she hadn’t seen Leon at all. Not since that morning.

  It was when his truck started with a roar outside the kitchen window that she looked up and was surprised to see his face at the truck’s window, looking intently ahead. Ivy waved, hoping that he might look in her direction. But he didn’t. Then Archer appeared in her view, he was walking towards his brother’s side of the truck. They were talking about something, something serious but unfortunately they were too far away for her to be able to overhear.

  All she could see was that Leon was saying something, and Archer nodded his head repeatedly. Then he was clenching his jaws and placed a hand on the truck’s roof. Ivy bit down on her lip as she tried to study the brothers’ body language. It didn’t seem like they were having a normal conversation, but it didn’t seem like they were arguing either. As far as Ivy could tell, Leon seemed to be giving Archer strict instructions and he was simply agreeing with them.

  She decided they were discussing work. They couldn’t be talking about her! So, she turned away from the window and started tidying up the kitchen counter. When she looked up again, Leon was driving away. He hadn’t once looked in her direction, not that she had noticed, and now Archer remained where he was, watching the back of his brother’s jeep driving away. He had his hands stuck in the pockets of his jeans and was slowly shaking his head. Like he was disappointed with something that Leon had said.

  Then he suddenly looked up, it was too late for Ivy to look away and their gazes locked. For a moment, she thought that Archer was going to say something, something harsh. But instead his face broke out in a smile. The dimples appeared and deepened on his cheeks and then he shrugged. She had no idea why. What was he trying to tell her?

  And then Archer had walked away from her vision, back to the fields to finish the work for the evening.

  Not that Ivy had any reason to, but the exchange she had witnessed had left her with a nagging feeling. She remembered how casually Archer had appeared at the kitchen door that morning, just moments after Leon and she had orgasmed, like he was waiting for them to finish. How he hadn’t remained for breakfast. How Leon had ignored her all day, and sent her his messages through Archer. Something didn’t quite feel right, but she decided that it was only them. The two brothers were strange and stand-offish and there was no point dwelling on it.

  Chapter 5

  Archer was on time for dinner that night, he appeared in the kitchen right at eight and took a seat silently at the head of the table. Ivy felt her brows furrow a little when she saw that. It was strange seeing someone else sitting where Leon usually sat, but she said nothing. They were brothers, twins, and like Leon had insisted so many times, they shared everything.

  “This looks lovely. You’ve outdone yourself, Ivy.” He said, picking up his fork and knife.

  She had cooked them each a medium rare sirloin steak, with mash, peas and carrots. A garlic peppercorn sauce was served in a gravy boat on the side and some rosemary potato wedges as well. He was right, she had outdone herself. She wanted to impress Archer, she wanted to demonstrate to him that this night was special. Without being too forward. She didn’t know Archer well enough, unlike Leon, to simply out rightly seduce him. And they had gotten off to a rocky start in their relationship.

  “Thank you.” Ivy said, shifting in her chair. She was still in the same green revealing dress which made her cleavage float invitingly under her neck. Archer wasn’t pretending to not notice it. His gaze kept dropping to the rise and fall of her breasts, and every time he looked back up at her eyes, she could see that he wanted her more and more.

  “Where has Leon gone?” Ivy asked, after they had been quietly eating for a few minutes. Archer seemed to take a sharp intake of breath and continued chewing silently.

  “He had some work in town.” Was all he offered. Ivy was beginning to get the feeling now that he didn’t want to talk about his brother.

  “I hope the food is good.” She said quickly, trying to change the topic and not dampen the mood. She didn’t want Archer to think that she wasn’t going along with the arrangement, like she didn’t want them to share her.

  “You definitely know the way to a man’s heart.” He said, his eyes dropping to her neck, her cleavage again
. Ivy blushed and looked down at her plate. He was beating around the bush. Unlike Leon, who got straight to the point, Archer seemed to not want to talk about it openly.

  “Yeah, I have a feeling that was what attracted Leon to me.” Ivy said, and then wanted to bite her tongue. There was Leon again! Why couldn’t she stop talking about him? When Archer so clearly didn’t want to. He only gave a small smirk and nodded his head.

  “For me, it was definitely your breasts and your ass.” He said suddenly, and clanked his cutlery down on the table. She thought he was about to stand up and lunge towards her, but he didn’t. Something seemed to be holding him back. He had been so forward and authoritative when he had taken her in the stable the last time. Now, he was holding himself back. What was he waiting for? Ivy wanted him to quickly make the first move. She wanted a taste of him again, but she was too shy to say anything directly.

  “Look, Ivy, I know Leon told you that we want to share you. That we always share.” He began to say, and Ivy nodded her head. Finally! They were going somewhere with this. She wanted him to admit that Leon had left for town that evening so that they could be together.

  “And that is true. We have always shared everything.” He continued.

  “Even Vivienne?” She blurted out, even though she hadn’t meant to ask him that. Archer seemed surprised, he fell silent suddenly and then looked like he was searching for the right words with which to frame the next sentence.

  “No, not her. He was in love with her.” He said, looking deep into her eyes. Ivy knew he wanted her to flinch when she heard the words. She almost did. They were somehow harsh words. They were proof that Leon was willing to share Ivy with Archer, only because he wasn’t in love with her. That it was just about the sex. And she had known that, deep in her heart she had known that was why, but till now she hadn’t admitted it. And now Archer had said it directly to her, so there was no denying it.

  “I see.” Was all she could say. Archer sank back in his chair, looking at her solemnly.

  “We’ve shared girls before, my girls, his. Women seem to get a kick out of it, maybe because we’re twins.” He continued.

  “And maybe because you’re both so hot.” Ivy blurted out, and giggled nervously. She didn’t want Archer to see how his previous revelation had affected her. She didn’t want to appear weak.

  Archer’s eyes narrowed on her, and he smiled.

  “Maybe.” He said, quietly and now a smile was forming on his face again. Ivy gulped, aware of the twitch in her fingers, the feelings of disappointment and the lingering sadness that she was trying to suffocate inside her. Leon didn’t love her. He didn’t care for her enough. That was why he wanted to share her.

  “I just wanted you to know that.” He said.

  “Know what?” Ivy found herself snapping at him, but he hadn’t noticed the change in her tone.

  “That we’ve done this before. That we’ve shared other girls before. So, that you have no doubts about it.” He said, and Ivy could do nothing other than nod her head.

  Chapter 6

  “No, I don’t have doubts.” Ivy said proudly. She didn’t want Archer to see that her pride had been wounded. She didn’t want him to think that she hoped that maybe Leon could love her. He wanted to share her with his brother after all, and she wanted to be shared too. So, what else could she expect?

  “That’s what I wanted to hear. I didn’t want to cause complications.” Archer said, wiping the sides of his mouth with the back of his hand.

  “Why would there be any complications? We all get what we want this way.” She said, raising her eyebrows and jutting her chin out. That was the truth, wasn’t it? They were all getting what they wanted. She wanted Leon, and she also wanted Archer and they both wanted her.

  “That’s right.” Archer said and she noticed how he was beginning to look at her again, like she was already naked in front of him. She hoped she could forget about Leon’s feelings quickly, so that she could fully enjoy the experience of being with Archer now.

  “So is that why Leon went to town tonight?” She couldn’t stop herself from asking.

  Archer cleared his throat and then shrugged his shoulders.

  “Something like that.” He said, smiling again and when those dimples appeared, Ivy knew that she was floored. She wanted him to come closer. She wanted him to touch her right then.

  “I’ve had a good meal, Ivy.” He said, rubbing his stomach in quick rotating motions. “And now, I believe it is time for me to collect what is due me.” He said and slowly she watched as he pushed his chair back and started to stand up.

  Just the implication of what was going to happen, was enough. She had forgotten about Leon. Archer was the only man who existed in that room and he was walking towards her.

  She turned on her chair towards him, her body shaking a little now from the rush of excitement she could feel.

  “Are you ready for me this time, Ivy?” He asked her hoarsely, approaching her in a slow pace. While Ivy remained on the chair, she turned her face up to look at him. Archer towered over her, looking down at her with his dark blue eyes narrowed, down her cleavage and she could see the hunger in those eyes. Just like her, he too had been waiting to be with her again.

  “Stand up, Ivy.” He said and she did as she was told. Even though she knew they were brothers, the thought didn’t enter her mind. Leon and Archer were two separate people to her, and right now, all she wanted was Archer.

  When she stood up, Archer stepped towards her, and he seemed to be studying her body slowly, from the golden curls around her face to her ankles. He seemed to be assessing her, like he was planning on what to do.

  “Good.” He mumbled as she stood before him, confused now about what exactly he wanted her to do.

  Then Archer had placed his large hands on both her shoulders, he was dragging the thin sleeves of her dress down, along her arm, so that her breasts covered in her bra were revealed to him.

  But Archer didn’t stop there, he kept pulling the dress down, past her navel, down her hips till they were lying in a heap around her ankles.

  She could feel the goosebumps appear on her flesh by now. She felt conscious of her body, of her naked bare body. And Archer was only the second man who had seen her like this. His brother was the first.

  “Now I can look at you properly.” She heard him say, although he wasn’t really looking at her eyes. His focus was entirely on the rest of her body. She pressed her thighs together, to experience the tingling feeling between her legs. As she had predicted, she was wet already. That was the answer to his question of whether she was ready for him or not.

  “I wonder what you taste like.” Archer had leaned towards her to say, so that now his breath shook a curl that had fallen on her face. He blew it away, and she felt a shiver run down her spine. He wanted to taste her? What did he mean by that?

  “Lie down on the table, Ivy.” He said, like he was answering the thought she had just had.

  Her mouth hung open slightly as she looked up at him. He only nodded his head as an encouragement.

  She took a few steps back till her butt pressed against the dining table. She wasn’t even thinking about the food or the plates on the table, she simply leaned herself back and did a little jump. She felt the top of her head knock against a bowl or plate, but she didn’t care. She was lying, in her underwear on top of the dining table and feeling suddenly very shy.

  She quickly wrapped her arms around herself, over her breasts and pressed her legs together again.

  “How am I going to get my dessert if you don’t show me what you’re offering.” He said, looming over her. Archer had that smile on his face, those dimples were there on his cheeks, his blue eyes looked intense. Like he was on a mission.

  He didn’t have to touch her for her to slowly start parting her legs. She moved her arms as well so that her breasts were revealed to him. Her nipples were erect and standing up through the fabric of her bra. She knew that he could see the wetness thro
ugh her panties too.

  Archer seemed to take a step back to admire the view.

  “Delicious.” He said, looking back at her.

  Chapter 7

  Archer was down on his knees, still fully clothed. Which somehow was turning Ivy on even more. It was like the anticipation of seeing him naked again, was making her more wet. He was teasing her. He could see that she wanted him to strip.

  When Ivy lifted her head up slightly she saw that Archer had positioned himself between her legs. His head was at level with her wetness, her sex, her dripping waiting core. He was watching it, then looked up at her face.

  “You’re very ready. This is going to be good.” He said and she gulped. With furrowed brows, Ivy let her head hit the table again and she closed her eyes. The coldness of the granite table top was cooling her back, while the rest of her body was burning up. She wanted to hold something, to clutch anything, but there was nothing, so her arms remained on her side. She was clenching and unclenching her hands in anticipation.

  Then she felt Archer’s breath on her, there, he had brought his face closer to her.

  “You smell fresh, young, very tight.” He said, more to himself than to her. “I’m going to enjoy this.” He was repeating himself, like an internal monologue, and Ivy gulped again. She was afraid of how she was going to feel. Of how her body was going to react.

  Then she felt his fingers, slide up the inside of her thigh till it rested on the seam of her panties. She wanted desperately for him to tear them off. She wanted him to do something, anything, but Archer Cooper was taking his time.

  He lifted her it slowly, it was sticking to her. And then he started sliding it down, forcefully, till it reached her mid-thigh.

  Without a word, Archer shifted her legs closer together so that he could further slide it down past her knees. And she didn’t hear the sound of it landing on the floor, but she knew that she was now almost entirely naked, except for her bra. Archer Cooper had laid her out on the table and was going to have his fill. But again, he was watching her now.


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