Cupid's Test

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Cupid's Test Page 5

by Megan Grooms

  “Look at that guy!”

  “What is he doing?”

  “It looks like he’s trying to get someone’s attention.”

  “He’s saying a name that starts with L,”

  “Linda,” A woman asked hopefully Lillian watched her lean over to look. “Nope I don’t know him.”

  “Why doesn’t he just call her?” A man asked shaking his head like the guy was an idiot.

  “Maybe the person he wants doesn’t have a cell phone.” Another guy answered, everyone laughed “yea I know who doesn’t have a cell phone.”

  “What is going on?” Lilly asked of her seat mate while she put her page away. The woman sat with a scowl on her face glancing at the others like she hated them. “Some guy is trying to get someone’s attention on this plane. He’s probably doesn’t even have the right plane. I have Valentine’s Day.” She turned away from everyone else looking out the window.

  Lilly stood up and leaned on someone’s seat to look out the window. “Oh my God!” She whispered, the woman whose seat she was leaning on heard her however.

  “It’s you isn’t it?” She asked looking up at her. “What’s your name?”

  “Lilly.” She answered still shocked at seeing Jay out there waving his arms like a mad man.

  “It is you! Go, go on get your man!” Soon the whole plane heard and was cheering her on.

  Lilly grabbed her bag and everyone moved out of her way as she ran down the aisle and out the door. She got back into the airport just as the attendant was shutting the door. Jay didn’t see her at first and was still waving at the plane like crazy. “Jay?”

  He stopped suddenly and turned to look at her. “Lilly!” She dropped her bag and ran at him plowing into him. He rocked back a bit but held them both up. He kissed her quite thoroughly before pulling away and looking at her. “I thought I had missed you.”

  “I thought you didn’t care.” She answered.

  “I’ve been such a jerk, can you ever forgive me? I’m sorry I wasn’t here sooner, I didn’t listen to your message until today”

  “You’re here now. That’s all that matters.” She answered kissing him again. They didn’t realize that everyone was watching them until all the clapping and cheering started. They pulled away from each other enough to look around. Looking at the plane they saw everyone was clapping and cheering as well as giving them a thumbs up. Both grew a little red at the attention. Jay couldn’t believe how lucky he was that he hadn’t missed her and that she was willing to get off the plane for him.

  “Let’s go home.” He said taking her hand.

  “Sounds good to me.” She answered they picked up her bag that she had dropped and started toward the exit. “I did know it was you.” She said stopping him a moment and searching his face to see if he believed her.

  “I know you didn’t.” He answered smiling at her. It was true in that moment he believe that she had no idea who he was that week. It had just been two people, who found themselves snowed in together and fell in love that quickly. He put a hand to her face. “I love you.” He whispered.

  “I love you too.” She answered smiling standing on tip toes to kiss him.

  * * *

  “How do you know they are going to make it?” Tooth Fairy asked watching getting a little teary eyed.

  “I don’t, I’ll check on them from time to time. Just to remind them how much they love each other but it’s ultimately up to them if they make it work or not.” Cupid said “do you understand how I do this better now?”

  “There is a lot more that goes into it than I thought.” She answered. “I still don’t understand why there are such horrible relationships out there though.” She said sadly.

  “Well I can’t be everywhere and humans do have free will. They can do whatever they like.”

  “Maybe there should be more of you. You know to help out.”

  “It might make it better but who knows.” He put his arm around Tooth Fairy, “so did I win?”

  “You know you did.” She answered sighing.

  “I just like making you admit it.” He answered laughing when she pushed him away from her.

  Megan Grooms was born in Maine and moved to North Carolina in 2005 with her husband. She now works at an animal hospital during the day, than weaves her literary magic at night. She loves to hear from her readers and can be contacted through her webpage, on twitter @groomsbooks or on Facebook at her author page under Grooms Books.

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