Underworld Queen

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Underworld Queen Page 21

by Sharon Hamilton

  Rupert shot to his feet in reflexive action, his mouth open, his eyes wide and wandering, looking between Jonas and Audray and behind them to the dark guards. Audray didn’t want to look, but was certain they had closed ranks and had now blocked the doors.

  I never needed a door before. Let them try. She warmed herself with the vision of one of them with a fiery hole in their abdomen as the others looked on. Jonas squeezed her hand, reading her thoughts. She heard a faint rumble in his chest.

  “Actually, I am the one who has requested this meeting.” Phillip, one of the council members and a former staffer for Peter, stood, holding his hands out to the sides under his red cape as if he was Pope. His unsmiling, pious face softly spat out the words, “I received the request, and since you were absent and I was the only remaining former staff member available, I have convened this meeting. I also represent Mr. and Mrs. Blade.”

  Audray saw a flicker of discontent in Catarina’s face. Her right eye squinted in a flinch, matching a corresponding quiver at the right of the dark woman’s upper lip. One hand twitched as her fingers splayed out and then lithely settled back to her lap. Rupert sat down, adjusted himself and placed his folded hands on the table in front of him. Audray thought he looked totally outmatched in a dangerous game of cat and mouse.

  “Fine.” Audray said, addressing Phillip. “Please,” she gestured back to Phillip’s chair, “have a seat and let’s begin.” Audray then sat down, keeping her back ramrod straight, feeling the power and warmth of Jonas standing behind her.

  “Mr. Starling. I realize you are not a party to this proceeding. Would you care to stand with the other guards at the side…over…” Phillip began.

  “He stays.” Audray interrupted. “Let’s stop this little game and get on with the bigger one.”

  Several of the council members then lifted their gaze to her face, one nodding. It was going to be a good show. Audray figured none of them would want to miss a second of it. Phillip remained standing. He opened his mouth to speak, drawing his arms out of the protection of his quivering red cape thoughtfully.

  “You may continue, Phillip.” Audray smiled.

  Phillip’s eyes flashed with hatred. The edges were tinged with fire. He’s been playing with the vaporization skill. Well, well, well. Look who wants to be leader?

  It took Phillip a minute to compose himself. Everyone else was focused on Audray. She was glad Jonas didn’t extend a hand or do something to show support. It was important for her to exude confidence, strength.

  “I have been interviewing the two angels who made it back to the Underworld during the war with Heaven,” Phillip began.

  “War with Heaven? Just when did that occur?” Audray snapped back at him. “I was present. There was no war. It was a wipeout.” Audray sneered.

  “According to our witnesses, the poor Director was left in an ambush. They were unable to properly defend him because you intervened,” Phillip returned.

  “I most certainly did not,” Audray stood and shouted to the whole auditorium. “I saw those deformed angels come down on defenseless humans, breathing fire. It was a completely unprovoked attack, planned by the Director himself. I attempted to come to his aid, in fact I was the one that warned him there could be a fight but he, of course, wouldn’t listen. He was trying to slip the human girl to the transport. That’s when he appointed me, and I’m sure he expected to survive the little altercation or he never would have done it…” she glared at Rupert and Catarina. “He couldn’t wait to get his hands on that little human. He appointed me to replace him in the event he was unsuccessful, so I could seek revenge. I had recently acquired…” Audray shivered thinking about the training she had to go through with the Director, “…the vaporization skill, but had not used it in a real setting. I was a little slow, tried to come to his defense, but the Director was already fried before my fire could throw.”

  Audray took a deep breath and continued, now fully composed, “And besides, Father himself is the one who terminated the Director. I saw it with my own eyes. They did too. It wasn’t prudent to get myself killed with no succession in place.” She sat.

  One of Jonas’ fingers overhung the chair at her back, touching her without anyone seeing. But he was there. He was proud of her, she could tell.

  Thank you, my love.

  “And Mr. Starling, this is how it happened?” Phillip asked Jonas.

  “Oh, you can’t ask him. He’s been banging her night and day!” Rupert blurted out, earning a scowl from everyone in the room. He looked around at all the angry faces and sat back down.

  “Mr. Starling?” Phillip asked, rolling his eyes at Rupert’s outburst.

  “Yes, sir. I heard Peter give the appointment. Of course, I couldn’t know about the other part.” Audray could feel Jonas’ lie and his blushing behind her. “The Director and myself were not…familiar…at that time.” His voice wavered but Audray was sure no one else could tell.

  “And did you—seek revenge?” Rupert shot at Audray with a sneer.

  “I do not have a death wish, Mr. Blade. I spoke with Father. If he’d wanted to, he could have eliminated me as well,” Audray returned. She worked at a cool outer demeanor, but she was gripping the arms of her chair as her red nails dug into the dark wood.

  “With all due respect, Madam Director,” Catarina began, her tone sugary and sinister, “it is your word against theirs.” All eyes were on Audray again. Catarina sat back and waited for her response.

  “With all due respect, indeed, Mrs. Blade,” Audray strung it out and watched as the label did what a sword could not do, “I’m sure if I removed a body part or two I could get them to change their mind,” Audray said.

  There was a collective gasp from the other end of the table. Audray continued, “Or, if I promised them I’d give them back their wings, which it appears they have received,” Audray pointed to the doors outside, where the winged creatures had gone, “I’m sure I could get them to say anything I desired them to.”

  One of the younger council members commented, “Phillip, I think that she has a point. No one has ever questioned a sitting Director. Mr. Starling here has verified that succession took place. I see no reason to question his word, but we can call for an election in sixty days.” He looked around at everyone seated at the table. “And perhaps that is the only logical solution.”

  “Yes, well, everyone knows the election is always fraudulent. Just a matter of who wants to cheat enough to win,” Rupert added. He looked for approval from his wife and got none.

  “I’m for an orderly transition,” Phillip chimed in. Audray saw he was scheming to get himself elected. He saw this as a way to challenge Catarina, probably his biggest rival. He was a smart fox, not very brave or dangerous, but a smart one, she thought.

  “I, of course, have no objection.” Audray agreed.

  “Well then, I suggest you meet privately with Mr. and Mrs. Blade,” Phillip nodded in their direction but was speaking to Audray, “and see if you can’t settle your differences, which would make an election unnecessary. That, ladies and gentlemen of the Underworld, would be best for all concerned.” Audray knew the councilman realized he stood a better chance negotiating the Directorship with Audray than he did with Catarina or Rupert.

  “May I make a request?” Catarina asked, her dark eyebrows raised, pushing delicate folds into her deep forehead.

  Phillip nodded. “Please.”

  “I think we can resolve this today, and I’d like to request a private meeting with the Director and Mr. Starling, just as soon as we adjourn.”

  Phillip looked at the other members of the council, most of whom were nodding their heads. A trickle of sweat ran down Audray’s spine and into the top of her velvet pants.

  Damn. Something’s up.

  Jonas whispered back, “Careful.”

  “I see no reason to deny this little request, but I also caution you, we need to call for an election immediately if this meeting doesn’t come to a satisfactory resolut
ion.” Phillip said.

  “I’m sure it will!” Catarina replied, looking at Audray, her eyes sparkling with anticipation like a child in a candy shop. Audray’s stomach began to turn over and she choked down a vomit. Catarina had started to look away, but then sliced a glare into Audray’s face, then lowered her eyes, raking down the big white shirt to Audray’s lap.

  She knows, Jonas. I can feel it.

  The council waddled from the room. Audray noticed, in addition to the new red cape Phillip wore, two others sported new capes, one in purple and one in a deep copper color. They each had hand stitching and intricate embroidery similar to the Guardian gowns Audray had seen. She wondered if some of the turned Guardians had started a cottage industry.

  Audray watched them leave. Pompous buffoons. Turning around, she saw the guards remained standing on either side of the doors, nodding greetings to the departing council members.

  Rather like pigs through the turnstile at the auction yard in Bakersfield. Once again, she heard Jonas chuckle under his breath. She sighed and held his hand, motioning him to seat himself beside her.

  “You are ill?” the wicked woman asked her.

  “No. I have some residual effects from our travels through the human world. I spent a good deal of time there, recently,” Audray announced. “My system hasn’t yet adjusted.”

  “Yes. I understand you found your mother. How fortunate for you.” Catarina smiled.

  Jonas let out a loud “humph” and crossed his arms. “Suppose we just get down to what it is you want to say to us,” he boomed.

  The hatred Audray felt for this woman helped her strength, but then her nerves collapsed and Audray threw up on the table, little pieces of soup and chicken traveling across in a yellow finger of vomit, almost dripping in Rupert’s lap.

  Rupert stood immediately, wrinkling up his face like a prune. Catarina beamed.

  “And so I thought,” she said nodding her head. “I got the feeling you were with child. Congratulations.” She looked at Jonas. “Sort of changes things, doesn’t it?”

  Audray squeezed Jonas’ hand. We need help. This isn’t going well.

  Rupert looked to his wife and receiving no direction, sat down.

  “Well, I think we can wrap things up rather quickly, now. This is better than I expected,” Catarina mused, smiling for the first time at Rupert who remained seated, his nose dangerously close to the spreading vomit. His smile was more a reaction to his wife’s, but his eyes focused on making sure the awful smelling liquid didn’t soil his lap. Seeing the forward motion stop, he gave Jonas a vacant stare.

  “I understand Rupert has intentions of running for the Directorship. If you are asking for an appointment…” Audray was interrupted as Catarina stood, leaning into the table with her fingers pressed into the dull black surface.

  “I will be the new Director,” Catarina demanded. She floated down to her seat with grace.

  Jonas was having a hard time keeping a straight face. Rupert looked so green, the vomit appeared to come from his own mouth. Audray noticed his chair was slightly lower than Catarina’s. Some advanced planning here.

  “So, if I pass the Directorship down to you, what will you do for us in return?” Audray asked.

  “Allow you to live up top, of course. I won’t interfere with the rest of your miserable lives. Jonas will have fulfilled his obligation to his family, you’ll be free to go.”

  “I’ve heard that term recently and I didn’t trust it when I heard it then and I don’t now,” Jonas retorted. “What guarantees do we have?”

  “My word.” Catarina smiled sweetly. Rupert, sitting quietly beside her, allowed his eyes to widen and stared back to the mess on the table.

  “Not good enough,” Jonas added.

  Wait, love. Perhaps this is best. Let’s get as far away from this place as possible. Rescue as many of your men as you can and let’s just flee, be safe.

  “Well, I could threaten to tell the council. They could require a physical examination to disprove my findings. How well do you think you’d fare? You’d be declared incompetent to hold the office and would lose by default, on medical grounds.”

  “So now you’re willing to get creative with the rules?” Jonas shouted back.

  “No, Grandfather, if I may call you this,” Catarina smiled as she delivered the verbal blow, “I have read the rules and there is such a provision.”

  After a brief pause, Audray was suddenly overcome with nausea again. She sighed, resigned to try to salvage what she could of the afternoon. “Under the circumstances, we have no choice. I will make the appointment official. I’ll go back to my office and write it up, attach my seal to it. I’ll leave it on my desk, and then we’ll depart. You will let us go, and you will promise not to harm our child or interfere with our lives, is that our arrangement?” Audray looked up into the face of the gloating evil woman.

  “Almost, not quite.” She stood up again. “He,” she said pointing to Jonas, “will go and get your seal and the letterhead. You will remain here with me until after he returns.”

  What do you think? You should go get them. You know where they are.

  “I am not comfortable leaving you alone here, unprotected,” Jonas answered.

  “We wish her no harm. Besides, she is now carrying our bloodline, Jonas. There are rules about that.” Catarina paced behind her chair, arms folded into her chest, just like Jonas liked to do.

  “Go, Jonas. Bring my things,” Audray said as she turned to him. And then we will get the hell out of here and never return, my love. Please do this for us.

  They allowed Jonas leave. As Audray watched his hulking form sprint down the aisle and through the back doors, she ached that he did not turn to say goodbye.

  Perhaps he doesn’t feel it is as permanent as I do. She was tired of showing her false strength. Rest, little one. Your father goes to help us. He won’t let us down. He never does.

  “Come, my cousin,” Catarina said as she drew a slender arm around Audray’s waist, helping her stand. “We will retire to our residence, where you can put those feet up. From what I’m told, this is the difficult part of the pregnancy. Although I cannot figure out how in Heaven this ever happened.” She twaddled on with words Audray didn’t hear.

  Audray stopped, separating herself from the dark angel, staring back at the woman who would forever be her mortal enemy.

  “That’s because this isn’t Heaven.” It was the only thing Audray was sure of at the moment.

  Chapter 30

  “I want you to break into the Director’s office,” Jonas repeated to his senior Captain of the guard. “She has a red box in the top right drawer that holds her official seals. Take the box and don’t tell me where you’ve put it.”

  “Excuse me, Sir. This is an act of treason.”

  “Not if I give the order. Son.” Jonas had sponsored Omar nearly a century ago. The young man had lost his entire family during the Great World War, and with them, lost his will to live. Jonas’ opportunity was something the man didn’t have to think very hard about before he made the decision to end his life and become a dark angel. “I won’t let you take the fall, if it comes to that.”

  “And I won’t allow it. I just want to know why this is so important.”

  “It doesn’t matter except that I say it is. When I get to the Director’s office, I need to find it broken into and the seals taken. You understand?”

  “You are buying some time. Is the Director well?”

  “Very. But Omar, we both are counting on you. A lot is riding on this.”

  “Consider it done.”

  Jonas gave Omar as much time as he dared to set his little ruse. Nearly a half hour later, when he ran up the shallow steps of the Directorate, past the reception area, he was not stopped until he got to the elevator. One glare at the guard who came for him and he was left untouched. He traveled to the top floor, opened the doors and immediately saw the anteroom empty, but the door to Audray’s offices ajar. The surveil
lance video camera was ripped from the wall. Inside her office, papers were thrown in all directions, drawers of the black desk pulled out and emptied. Omar had done a good job making it look like a small time thief had outsmarted them all. Jonas knew the story wouldn’t hold up for long, but it might give him enough time to get Audray away.

  Audray picked up Jonas’ call on the first ring.

  “Jonas, are you all right?” she asked. She was seated on a bright red flowered couch, legs propped up on a pillow. A young Chinese woman was giving her a foot massage. Catarina supervised.

  “Yes, but we have a problem.”

  Audray sighed and sent him a message. Jonas, I don’t want to be here one more second. Things are not what they seem. “Problem? Please explain the problem,” she said as she looked into Catarina’s scowling black eyes.

  “Your office has been broken into. It has been cleared out. Everything is gone.”

  “What? Do you know who did this?” Please, love, tell me you are not responsible.

  “No, but I have some clues. I’ve been followed recently, and I think they were looking for an opportunity when they knew we both would be gone.”

  Audray spoke to Catarina, who stood and held out her hand to receive the phone. “Jonas says someone broke into my office and removed…” she spoke back into the phone, “Jonas, they removed everything. My music box?”

  “Give me the fucking phone.” Catarina grabbed the device from Audray’s hand. She screeched into the phone. “You better not be responsible for this. Whoever did this will be vaporized immediately, even if it’s you, Jonas.”

  Audray could hear Jonas’ response. “I completely understand and agree. But I am not to blame. I’m going to need more time. I’ll come to pick up Audray so she can get some rest in her own bed while I go look for the criminals. One of my men has a good lead.”

  “Audray shall stay here. She can just as well sleep under the protection of my home, my guards. No one can touch her here.”


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