Waiting for Willow

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Waiting for Willow Page 3

by Bonnie Rose Leigh

  Opening her eyes, she wasn’t surprised to see Derek. She’d smelled him nearby. The room, now that completely threw her. She had no idea where he’d taken her.

  “Where am I?”

  “You’re in our home. In our bedroom, actually.”

  Willow gasped. “You and Quinn are lovers?” She didn’t know what to think. She had nothing against one man loving another, but she’d hoped to pursue a relationship with the pair. Although if they were already involved—with each other—that wouldn’t be likely now.

  Derek laughed—a full belly chuckle. After at least a full minute passed, he wiped tears from his cheeks, then straightened and made his way toward the bed where she rested. “No, we’re not lovers. Quinn and I are actually cousins. No, the three of us will share this bedroom, Willow. You have to have known by now that the three of us are destined mates. Our scents have practically merged already and we’ve yet to make love to you.”

  Willow blushed and looked away. “I suspected.” Hell, she’d more than suspected. The erotic dreams that were getting progressively naughtier were very indicative of mating dreams. More than likely, Derek and Quinn had shared those same dreams with her.

  She’d hired the pair based on her reaction to their scent. She’d wanted to bite the base of their neck and submit to their every carnal need within five minutes of them walking into her place. She’d have hired them regardless of their size or qualifications just based on her unprecedented reaction to the men. The fact that they could keep her patrons and staff safe was an added bonus.

  Willow cleared her throat, then straightened the down comforter surrounding her, before meeting Derek’s gaze. “Where is Quinn?”

  “He’s downstairs letting the doctor out. He’ll be up in a minute. How are you feeling?”

  Flexing her arms and legs, she grimaced when a shaft of pain ripped through her wrists and ankles. “The cuts aren’t bothering me too much, but the restraint burns hurt like hell,” she admitted.

  Derek nodded. “That’s probably because the ropes were braided with silver jewelry wire. Thin and woven through the rope, you never even knew it was there as you tried to escape the bonds.”

  “Bastards used spiked rope to tie me down. No wonder I couldn’t break free.”

  “You’re lucky you didn’t develop silver poisoning. If you had fought against the ropes much longer, or they had dug deeper into your wrists or ankles, you could have gotten sick before we even had a chance to get to you.”

  “Doc says if she goes ahead and shifts it should not only heal the rest of her cuts, but rid the remaining silver poison from her system. Other than getting rest when she feels she needs it and eating a protein rich meal, he says she shouldn’t have any lasting damage.”

  Willow’s breath caught as it usually did when she saw the pair standing together. One golden blond, one dark as night, the duo were gorgeous—and if Derek was to be believed, they were both all hers. She licked her lips just thinking about the possibilities.

  Perhaps she should be more traumatized than she currently seemed to be, but she’d regretted not making a move on these guys before her abduction. She didn’t want to have the same regret if anything else happened to her. She was an Alpha female. It was time she started acting like it and seized what she wanted. Right now, she wanted these two men to make love to her and to hell with everything and everyone else.

  She wanted to feel their bodies pressed against hers, feel their lips suckle her nipples, their arms enfold her against their muscular chests. She wanted those things and so many more that just thinking about taking Quinn and Derek to her bed had her nipples hard and cream slicking her inner thighs.

  Seeing them standing together, one at the foot of the bed, the other in the doorway, she knew that she wanted to see them like this for the rest of her life. To do that, first she needed to heal. Then she needed to convince them that her kidnapping hadn’t affected her mental and emotional judgment. She didn’t want to spend another night—hell, another moment—apart from them. It was time to take matters into her own hands.

  Chapter Five

  Derek inhaled Willow’s scent, something impossible not to do standing this close to her, wanting to wallow in the fact that she was finally where she was supposed to be. When he smelled her arousal thickening the air around them, his cock went from semi-hard to fully erect in less time than it took to draw a full breath. But when she started nibbling on her full bottom lip while rubbing smaller and smaller circles on her left breast, he thought he might explode within the too-tight confines of his jeans.

  Behind him, Quinn moaned low in his throat. What is she trying to do, kill us?

  I don’t know Quinn, but if I had to guess, I’d say she’s trying to seduce us. She is an Alpha bitch after all. She’s not a weak woman. She’ll forge past last night’s events with courage and strength.

  Apparently she’s decided she’s tired of sharing our dreams and wants to share our bed instead, Quinn quipped.

  Thank the Goddess, is all I have to say to that. “What do you want, Willow?”

  “I want to know why you two haven’t made a move on me in the month you’ve been in town. Then I want you both to come over here and fuck me.”

  Quinn chuckled. Derek moaned. By the Goddess, he loved a woman who wasn’t afraid to tell him exactly what she wanted sexually, but would she submit to his and Quinn’s carnal needs? They were Alpha males, dominant personalities who tended to take control in the bedroom, although they didn’t practice Dominant/submissive relationships per se. Would she─could she─follow directions in the bedroom?

  I guess we’ll soon find out, won’t we, Derek?

  Yeah, I guess we will. I have a feeling, though, that Willow can take anything we can dish out. She’s strong—probably stronger than the both of us, when it comes down to it. The fact that right now she’s doing her best to seduce us is proof enough of that.

  Then let’s not let the seduction go to waste.

  I’m with you one hundred percent. When she pinched her nipple and began tugging the hardened nub, he growled low in his throat, letting her see how close to the surface his beast now lived. It would only turn her on that much more to know how close he was to losing control. How close they both were because he could sense Quinn’s wolf as well, both beasts anxious to claim the wolf beneath Willow’s skin as their own.

  After catching Willow’s gaze, he slowly gripped his cock through his jeans, sliding his hands up and down the length, once, twice, making sure her gaze was locked on his movements. Once positive he had her full attention, he dragged his fingers to his zipper, and slowly unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans, pulling the zipper down tooth by tooth until his rock hard cock sprang free.

  Strip down, Quinn. I think it’s time to stake our claim on the little red-haired Alpha.

  I can get behind that.

  Derek smiled. Let’s see about getting her between us, instead.

  With his cock free, he slowly stroked it from base to tip, rubbing his thumb across the crown, spreading the drop of pre-cum already gathered there across the head. He trembled in reaction.

  Willow’s eyes widened. Her tongue slipped out between plump lips before she bit her bottom lip and moaned low and needy. “That is so sexy,” she whispered.

  “You haven’t seen anything yet, baby,” Quinn murmured before he stepped forward and stood next to Derek, his body completely bare and open to her gaze. Again, she nibbled on her lower lip, this time drawing blood. Obviously, she wasn’t aware that her fangs had lowered once her arousal surged.

  Seeing that little drop of blood pooling on her lower lip had his cock jerking in his hand. Let’s see how aroused we can make our little wolf, Quinn, before she begs us to take her.

  * * * *

  Quinn could so get behind what Derek had planned. He wanted to push Willow to her limits, see exactly what those limits were in and out of the bedroom, though he tended to agree with Derek. Willow had loads of strength and courage. She was str
ong enough to take the full brunt of their passion. He didn’t doubt that for a moment.

  While Derek continued to tempt their mate, Quinn set the mood by readying the room for their love play. He moved about the room with deceptive ease, lighting candles that had been set in various spots around the room, turning on the small radio sitting on the long cherry dresser to a local station known to play moody jazz music. After closing the window to keep the crisp, pre-dawn air outside, he lowered the shades and closed the curtains to keep the sun from shining in once it rose. They would all need their rest after they sealed the mating.

  Tasks completed, Derek and Quinn stood side by side in the flickering candlelight and waited until Willow began to squirm impatiently before moving toward her. With lazy grace, the pair crawled onto the bed with her, one on her left and the other to her right.

  Quinn could hear Willow’s wildly beating heart as he gently touched his lips to hers. This was their first kiss and he wanted—no, needed—for it to be gentle because he didn’t know how long his beast would allow gentleness before taking over control. She tasted of warm cinnamon and apples, as though she’d been drinking warm apple cider. It was her unique flavor and one he’d savor all the rest of his days. Her taste intoxicated him. He wanted to nuzzle her neck, bathe in her natural perfume until their three scents became one.

  He broke the kiss and Derek moved to take his place, kissing her so tenderly he’d be jealous if he didn’t know that the fates had decreed that she’d love them equally. She was theirs—all theirs.

  Quinn tugged the comforter down, baring her almost entirely to his gaze. He could still see shallow cuts across her skin and his gut clenched in worry. We should have her shift now to make sure she heals quickly.

  Derek nodded.

  “Willow, come out from beneath those covers and shift to your wolf form and back. Derek and I would feel better if you were healed before we went further. We want to make sure the silver is completely out of your system so that you don’t grow weak.”

  Willow sighed. Quinn could feel her disappointment that their loving would be delayed, but in this, they wouldn’t be swayed. Her health came before their mutual desire.

  Finally, she nodded and he let out the breath he hadn’t even realized he’d been holding. Across from him, on Willow’s other side, Derek did the same.

  Quinn watched Willow close her eyes, preparing to shift into her wolf form in front of them for the first time. While distracted, he took the opportunity to strip the blanket from her completely. Within seconds, the shift from human to wolf began. Her muscles stretched and quivered, joints popped. Bones changed shape and grew. Fur sprouted, covering skin, flowing into a glossy red coat. Transformation complete, Quinn sucked in a deep breath. As a woman, she was gorgeous, as a wolf she was a sleek and deadly predator. He couldn’t wait to claim her for his own—their own.

  Fully healed, the wolf yipped once then shifted back before moving to lay on her side, facing Derek, her back to Quinn. He about swallowed his tongue when her glorious ass faced him, her lush curves within inches of his tongue and hands. He couldn’t wait to taste her, take her, mate her.

  With a gentleness that surprised him, he ghosted his fingers along the calf of her leg, while in front of her, Derek’s fingers lightly grazed the underside of one breast then the other before trailing down the smooth length of her flat tummy.

  Quinn had to taste her. He scooted down the bed and let his lips work a sensual path from the bottom of her foot, up the back of her leg, over her thighs, making her tremble beneath him. As Derek’s tongue plundered her mouth, he wanted to do the same with her pussy, eating the sweet cream he could see coating her pussy lips.

  She quivered beneath their touch, her entire body vibrating with need. He kept things slow—kept teasing her with his touch. He moved to nip at her ass with his teeth and she started, gasping into Derek’s mouth. Quinn’s lips then brushed over the bite, soothing away the sharp sting with his tongue. He couldn’t wait to give her a mating mark, to bite down upon her flesh until he drew blood, creating a permanent bond between them—but that was for later.

  Derek’s hands moved to cup her breasts. She moaned as his fingers squeezed and massaged the lush mounds, tugging and pulling at her diamond-hard nipples. The more Derek stimulated the rosy peaks, the stronger the scent of her arousal grew.

  Quinn slid two fingers into her pussy from behind, amazed at how tight and wet she was, how she gripped his fingers as though reluctant to let him go. Already, with just the barest amount of foreplay, she was almost ready to take them inside her. She groaned, pushing her hips back to take more of the thick fingers. She shuddered from head to toe as he gently thrust them in and out, stretching her as he went. He was a big man and he didn’t want to hurt her during their mating.

  “She’s so hot,” Quinn murmured, and Derek’s fingers joined his between her thighs.

  Derek slipped his fingers into her channel along with Quinn’s and her legs quaked. She gripped Derek’s shoulders, moaning. Again, her heightened arousal perfumed the room, thickening the pheromone-rich air. With every inhale, his dick grew harder and his wolf grew more difficult to control. Soon, he’d have no choice but to mount her. He just hoped that she’d be ready to take him by then.

  “Does it feel good, baby?” Derek whispered.

  Quinn held his breath. This was the first test. Would she answer Derek with the truth?

  She nodded, apparently completely beyond any kind of coherent speech. Her fingers clenched at the flesh of his arm, digging in and leaving half-moon shaped impressions in his skin.

  Quinn lightly slapped her ass. “Answer him, Willow.” It was an order. Would she follow it? Holding his breath yet again, Quinn waited to see what Willow did next. It was all up to her to say exactly how their relationship proceeded, but he hoped—no, prayed—she had the strength to give over the control they needed.

  Chapter Six

  “Tell me,” Derek ordered. “Talk to me, Willow.” This time his voice gentled just a bit.

  “It feels good. Too good,” she gasped, grinding her hips against their fingers. They each added another digit, stretching her impossibly wider. She cried out, her pussy sucking them farther inside her, filling her completely. “Oh, yes.”

  She bit her bottom lip, once again drawing blood as her passion mounted. Her wolf strained against her skin. It wanted freedom to mate with its males, but not yet. Tonight was for her. The pleasure they were giving her bordered on pain, but it was unlike any pain she’d ever experienced and nothing she’d ever willingly give up after experiencing.

  “I want to taste you, Willow,” Derek murmured against her open mouth. “I want to lick this sweet pussy, eat up all the cream you have dripping down your thigh, baby.”

  Willow swallowed. Never had anyone spoken to her in such a way. Her entire body burned. She ached, literally ached, with need. Her clit pulsed, swollen with desire. She needed to come so damn bad she wanted to scream and they’d barely begun.

  She nodded, wanting that more than anything else. No one had ever gone down on her and she wanted these men—her men—to be the first ones, the last ones, to do so.

  She wanted to feel his mouth against her mound, licking up the juices she could feel dripping from her channel, soaking the sheets beneath her. She wanted to feel his tongue fucking her, feel him suckling on her clit, bringing her to orgasm with his mouth.

  Quinn moved to sit on the bed and pulled her down onto his lap, her back to his chest, his back to the headboard of the cherry sleigh bed. He hooked her legs over his thighs, then spread them wide. Kneeling between her spread thighs, Derek’s fingers separated the damp folds of her pussy before lowering his head to the juncture of her thighs.

  She watched, fascinated, as he licked up her slit, circled her sensitive clit, then back down to her ass hole. Over and over, he followed the same route. Up. Down. Over. Around. She gasped as his tongue gently swiped across her clit, time and again, sending sharp shards of ple
asure-pain directly to her womb.

  Quinn’s cock nestled between the cheeks of her ass, rocking gently against her, causing her pussy to grind against Derek’s mouth. She moaned, biting down on her lip as the tension in her body built higher. Close. She was so close. Just a little more and she’d blow like a rocket. Just…a…little…bit…more.

  Derek licked at her, using his tongue to toy with her clit and make her crazy. Just as she was about to come, he pulled away, leaving her empty and desperate for release. “No,” she gasped, tugging at his head to pull him back.”No, Derek. Don’t stop. Please, I need to come, please,” she begged.

  He removed her hands and quickly lifted her from Quinn’s lap, all the while shaking his head. “Turn over onto your stomach.”

  “My stomach?” she questioned, but did as he asked, knowing in her gut she needed to submit to him in this, though losing that orgasm at the last minute did rankle.

  The down comforter brushed against her aching mound sending another jolt of pleasure zinging through her clit. She moaned, low and throaty, growing more and more desperate for someone to mount her.

  Something cold and wet probed between the cheeks of her ass and she glanced over her shoulder at Quinn. His deep blue eyes flashed with heat. His jaw tensed, his gaze grew fierce as he separated her cheeks and pressed the tip of the toy at her opening. It was long, with balls of varying size that became progressively bigger as they advanced to the tip.

  “Where did you get that?” she asked, more worried about its size than curious as to where it came from.

  “We bought it when we first realized who you were to us. It’s to help prepare you for both of us,” Quinn replied, then gently slid the tip past her opening. “Eventually, you’ll be able to make love to both of us at the same time, but in the mean time, this will begin stretching your ass to accommodate us so we don’t hurt you once we mount you back here.”


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