Campione 13

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by Princess Goddess of the South Seas

  However, the make-shift raft was not comfortable at all.

  Due to following raging rapids, the feeling was naturally akin to a rodeo. The raft kept jumping up at times while sinking into the water on other occasions. The up and down feeling was quite frightening.

  "By the way, you mentioned some kind of 'rite' just now. What is that?"

  Godou yelled while being shaken violently.

  Although it was a model handcrafted by Ena, this raft give off a feeling as if it were made of antique timber. Why?

  "Uh, it's that thing. Amakasu mentioned it before. Using popular terminology, I guess you could call it a shikigami spirit. Because this [Rite] was passed down in the Seishuuin family and used over the generations, it's quite effective!"

  "Ah yeah, that thing you see in television and movies!"

  Called onmyoudou or onmyouji.[21] Godou recalled the relevant knowledge.

  It seemed to be something quite unexpectedly valuable. But sitting here without seat belts, one could easily fall off at any time. The trio hung on desperately with both hands as they sat on the wooden raft. As they stayed in this state, a short while passed—

  "O Kukuri no Himegami, I beseech you to watch over these skills of thread spinning and tying!"

  Yuri chanted spell words presently.

  She seemed to be concentrating her thoughts into the ball of thread she was clutching tightly in her hand.

  "Everyone, please lie down!"

  Godou and Ena did as she instructed. Yuri also laid herself face down on the raft.

  Then the thread she was clutching began to move on its own. Like spider's silk, it flew out of the Hime-Miko's hand!

  The thread wrapped itself around the raft, layer after layer.

  Godou, Yuri and Ena looked as though they were tied up face down as they lay on the raft. In any case, using the raft as a base, the three of them were bound together by thread.

  The thread wrapped around them repeatedly for ten-odd layers, binding Godou and the girls securely.

  Godou sensed magical power from the thread. This was probably no mere sewing equipment but a real wizardry apparatus.

  "This thread is strong enough to withstand cuts from bladed weapons. Except for special circumstances, it will not break at all!"

  In other words, this thread was as strong as metal wires.

  Nevertheless, this did not change the fact that they were engaged in a life-threatening event.

  The raft continued to rise up and down on the water surface due to the impact of the rapid currents.

  Water splashed into their faces repeatedly and the raft dipped many times underwater. Even when it floated back to the surface, they did not get that feeling of salvation from death. The possibility of drowning crossed everyone's mind.

  With such momentum and speed, the raft kept colliding into certain objects as the water currents pushed forward—

  Ena had said "much sturdier than normal," but how sturdy was it exactly? There would be collisions with rocks as well as driftwood, right?

  Dangerous elements were innumerable if one tried to count them all. This was the current situation.

  During this time of danger, the two Hime-Miko by Godou's side performed spells to their best ability.

  "O Great God of Arms! Hasten forth to welcome our arrival at this land of the rising sun!"

  "O Sai no Kami, please grant us your mercy and bless us along the road ahead!"

  Ena prayed to the guardian deity of warriors while Yuri pleaded to the guardian deity of travelers for protection.

  The Hime-Miko had been praying nonstop all this time. This was probably what Ena had meant when she said to "keep casting all the protective, disaster warding and anti-drowning spells you can think of."

  Since things have come to this, all Kusanagi Godou could do was believe in them.

  That said, faced with dangers he was powerless against, Godou could feel nothing but fright. Compared to a battle against gods, he lamented with even greater feeling—

  "I-I almost thought I was a goner..."

  "S-Same here. To be honest, I was thinking I would never live to step foot on Japanese soil again..."

  "Oh my... How intense... In all sorts of ways..."

  Godou, Yuri and Ena finally relaxed and muttered.

  Counting from the time they started the deadly voyage, an hour had already passed.

  The raft the trio was riding managed to survive. Along the way, the current brought them into collisions with hard rocks many times. Every single time, there was nothing they could do but pray to the heavens. There were also several times when the raft endured impacts with hard objects with a loud "crash."

  In the end, they capsized roughly three times (although miraculously, the raft righted itself every time).

  In spite of all that, this raft that barely counted as a boat still endured, transporting the trio to this place.

  Fortunately, there were no waterfalls along the way. The water current pushing the raft was quite gentle now. This was because they had left the mountains and finally reached flat lowlands.

  Seeing that it was safe, Yuri had released the thread of wizardry a short while ago.

  Although they were completely drenched, the trio could at least relax and rest on the raft after what seemed like eternity.

  "By the way, your anti-drowning spells were really effective, Mariya and Seishuuin."

  Godou thanked them sincerely from the bottom of his heart.

  Although their prayers did not show visible effects, he could not attribute the safe outcome of their reckless rafting to any other reason.

  "Yes. It seems like there were more benefits than expected."

  "To think you would say 'it seems like'... Didn't you guarantee it was going to succeed with full confidence?"

  Godou smiled wryly in response to Ena's exclamation.

  However, he noticed Yuri making an expression as if she wanted to say something.

  "Oh dear, those spells do not have 'visible effects on use' after all. They feel more like invisible protection."

  "Y-Yes. Which is why we were able to arrive here safe and sound. What a relief."

  "It probably wouldn't have worked if Ena was alone. But since Yuri is such a good girl, Ena believed she would surely find a way to overcome all difficulties."

  "Ena-san, please do not rely excessively on these spells in those kinds of situations..."

  I see. So that method of escape was actually beyond Ena's expectations, huh?

  Godou was utterly shocked. This brave attempt at rafting was perhaps an exceptionally risky gamble. That said, the fact of the matter was they were saved as a result. After all, being carried by the water current like this eliminated the need to walk, thus reducing Yuri's burden greatly.

  "So long as we ended up alright, I guess I shouldn't fuss over it..."

  Godou sighed as he spoke. Oh well, they were safe anyway.

  While the leader exhibited his natural easygoing personality, the voyage continued without incident.

  The one rowing was Ena who had somehow brought out an oar and was casually charting their course. Despite lacking prior rafting experience, she seemed quite used to using this type of oar.

  From the raft they could observe tropical rainforest scenery on the riverbank, quite different compared to the mountainous view in the mountains. The temperature was also much higher, prompting Godou and the girls to take off their jackets.

  A tropical zone. The land of constant summer heat again.

  The clothes drenched from raftting should air dry rather quickly.

  Soon after, the salty smell of the sea drifted across the river surface, announcing the ocean's approach.

  The trio looked at one another, recalling a particular warning. So long as the goddess is alive, Kusanagi Godou was absolutely unable to escape the island. So, what exactly was going to happen—?

  Before boarding the raft, the trio had abandoned their burdensome rucksacks.

  Currently, th
ey were only carrying minimal possessions such as water bottles. Also, everyone should be quite tired from the rowdy farce that lasted until now. Godou particularly wanted Yuri to have a rest.

  Calculating thus, Godou decided to make a rest stop nearby and regroup.

  As the sun set, the second night arrived on the island in the demonic realm.

  The trio of Godou, Yuri and Ena was currently on a beach by the seashore. Everyone was gazing towards the ocean beneath the night sky. Soon after, a boat sped across the sea to enter the cove that served as the entrance to the island.

  The engine-powered boat advanced nimbly, arriving at the beach where Godou's group was waiting.

  "Thank you for waiting patiently."

  "The important thing is that everyone is safe and sound!"

  The new arrivals at the beach were Erica Blandelli and Liliana Kranjcar.

  After reaching the beach, Yuri's psychic sensing could be used freely. They had contacted the knights and decided to meet up tonight here. Instead of flight magic, the knights traveled by boat in order to bring provisions such as food and water.

  But after a brief delightful reunion, they sat in a circle to hold a serious conference.

  Due to illumination by the moon and the stars, there was no need to use flashlights.

  "Reaching the seashore is a good thing, but I'm positive making an exit won't be so easy for me."

  Godou spoke with resignation.

  "However, it's different for everyone else—"

  "Are you asking the four of us to depart from the island, leaving behind Kusanagi Godou alone?"

  "How utterly inane. On the contrary, this is the only point that is a little fresh. But you couldn't really be considering that, Godou?"

  Liliana and Erica glared with reprimanding gazes.

  Well, I expected this sort of reaction. Godou shrugged and stopped what he was going to say.

  Hence, Yuri spoke up instead.

  "The labyrinthine magical effects that fills this island... I believe it is indeed Prince Alec's authority. After hearing His Highness' name mentioned by the goddess, I saw the same god's sacred name that I once saw at the floating island."

  "Cretan civilization's divine king, Minos huh? A deity of the earth with connections to Poseidon."

  Liliana nodded.

  "Yes. The authority Prince Alec used before... I believe the goddess is likely sustaining it through some sort of magic."

  "How terrible. So what extent of divine magic does this goddess possess?"

  As Ena grumbled about the enemy's myriad magical powers, Erica interjected:

  "A witch enslaving heroes as well as a sun deity... Although I can think of several names, jumping to conclusions at this juncture seems too dangerous. The issue of the 'Pan-Eurasian hero' also needs to be resolved."

  "A witch related to a hero from some country huh? No idea."

  "Let's either wait for more decisive clues or when Yuri receives a spirit vision. Right now, we're a little short on both."

  Erica and Ena nodded to each other. On the side, Liliana lamented with chagrin:

  "Furthermore, to think Verethragna's incarnations would be stolen... Kusanagi Godou, please be careful. The reduction of available combat potential is a huge problem—"


  "Now that you have lost the [Ram], this means that you cannot revive as usual when suffering from fatal injuries."

  "True, but being excessively cautious isn't good either."

  Although he nodded to acknowledge the blue knight's advice, Godou replied:

  "If one falters in the face of a god, the already miniscule chance of victory shrinks further into nothingness. Oh well, I just have to go all out with what I have. Furthermore—"

  Suddenly remembering, Godou looked at his right arm. His "partner" was still available and ready.

  "I still have Ama no Murakumo. Although as a weapon, it's not that easy to use."

  This was not complaining or grumbling but simply what Godou thought.

  He did not think he could use Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi effectively as a weapon. Perhaps this was just as well, since swords were such dangerous existences.

  Oh well, if the divine sword wanted to go on a rampage, it was probably going to be disappointed.

  "Your Majesty, Ena will work hard too. Because Ama no Murakumo is Ena and Your Majesty's partner."

  Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi's real user stated.

  Perhaps Ena had already secretly heard the grumblings of this "partner."

  Imagining this to himself, Godou went "I'm sorry" to apologize.

  The situation was a bit—no, it was quite pessimistic. But in spite of all that, so long as there is a will, there should be a way... Godou resolved himself in this manner.

  Part 2

  After the reunion and the conference ended, the team set up their tents to camp for the night.

  The tents were part of the equipment Erica and Liliana transported with the boat. Just like last night, they were going to rotate in shifts and have one person keeping watch while the others slept. As before, morning arrived without incident.

  Godou finished breakfast and was feeling tense in anticipation of the upcoming battle against the goddess today—

  But the current situation was not especially tense. In fact, one could say it was the opposite.

  A tropical zone's dazzling sunlight. The weather today was exceptionally sunny.

  A white beach. Completely free from pollution, this demonic realm's beach was truly pure and pristine. Beautiful beyond compare.

  There was the ocean as well. Facing this South Seas region of constant summer was a clear, bottomless, emerald-green ocean.

  Gathered here were girls in swimsuits, displaying their figures with freedom and delight...

  "No. Going swimming in this kind of situation, what on earth are they thinking?"

  Godou reproached calmly.

  The sight before him consisted of attractive maidenly figures that made him embarrassed to stare directly.

  But in this case, the situation was already developed. With common sense, full presence of mind and the spirit of critical appraisal, Godou turned his indifferent gaze towards the girls' gorgeous appearances.

  First was Erica. Godou originally expected her to wear a red swimsuit as usual, but that was not the case.

  Instead, it was a white bikini. Nevertheless, the two colors representing the association she belonged to—red and black—were used to line the edges of her swimsuit as decoration. This style of swimsuit, self-assertively emphasizing her proportions to an excessive degree, was on the other hand—

  Quite usual of her.

  Then there was Liliana, who adhered to her usual color by wearing a blue bikini with a black pareo wrapped around her waist. Untying the pareo, her astoundingly slim figure and slender limbs exhibited charm akin to that of a professional beach volleyball player.

  Yuri was also dressed in a bikini-style outfit.

  Her swimsuit's elegance and pink material were quite suited to her. According to Godou's memory, Yuri only wore one-piece swimsuits in the past. She was actually not very comfortable dressed like this, right? Looking quite embarrassed, Yuri attempted to hide behind the other girls.

  But it was impossible to hide. Despite Yuri's slender physique, her bust and posterior regions were rich with a curvaceous sense of fullness, clearly visible due to wearing a bikini.

  Finally there was Ena.

  Just as expected, she was wearing a bikini.

  However, its two-piece design had an especially adult flavor.

  Although Ena's personality was cheerful and innocent, her figure rivaled Erica in splendor. Furthermore, her waist-length black hair was full of luster. Standing on the beach dressed in a black bikini like this, she gave off an incredible sense of maturity as well as the charm of a mysterious young beauty.

  Equally beautiful. This was a blooming display of attractive young women.

  "We're about to fight a deity. Why
are you girls dressed like that?"

  "Godou, your way of thinking is too shallow."

  The one who rebuffed his common sense commentary was naturally Erica.

  "Indeed, the battle is imminent. However, we still don't know when it'll begin, right?"

  Godou frowned at what she pointed out.

  She was right. The goddess' abilities were powerful and varied. In any case, surely she already knew her quarry was at the beach since yesterday. But yet she had not made any appearance.

  Was she planning on preventing them from going out to sea, to instill a sense of despair?

  Or perhaps, banking on her advantage of being able to strike at any time, she intended to let the hunted prey, Godou, fall into anxiety and unease?

  "It is not a good thing to wait nervously for an enemy whose arrival time is uncertain. You'll just get all worked up for nothing. Rather, wouldn't it be better to relax without compromising alertness excessively? Also, this is preparation."

  "I don't understand that logic... But anyway, why a swim in the ocean?"

  "Because we were going to be walking around the island, sufficient swimwear was prepared beforehand for everyone. Since we brought them here already, it'd be a waste not to use them. Also, isn't this simply more fun?"

  So this was the argument Erica used to convince the girls.

  Turning his gaze, Godou found Yuri going "Seriously, Erica-san, this again..." with a troubled expression, but the honors student did not seem like she was going to voice her objections.

  Liliana also went "well, this is also battle experience" and simply stood back with a sour look. One could ridicule the fact of her preparedness in casually bringing a lifebuoy.

  Speaking of Ena, she was smiling with her usual attitude.

  "Yes yes. Even if we waited with discipline akin to staying awake all night in a besieged situation, nothing good would come out of it."

  Oh well, perhaps they really were right.

  Godou nodded and Erica smiled tenderly as she tossed male swimwear over to him.

  After changing behind a rock, Godou found the four girls frolicking in the seawater, their playful laughter greatly adding to the beach atmosphere.

  To avoid exhaustion, he probably should not swim too strenuously.

  "Your Majesty, please come over here for a while!"


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