Julian (The Stone Society Book 9)

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Julian (The Stone Society Book 9) Page 27

by Faith Gibson

  As Rafael spoke his words of gratitude, he addressed every male standing in front of him. Some Banyan knew well from sparring together, and some he had only met upon arriving in New Atlanta. If things were different, if Urijah would accept the mate bond, Banyan would move to New Atlanta to be with his mate, and he would get to know these males. Since that wasn’t the case and never would be, Banyan was prepared to move on once this war was over. He had already signed papers to put the bar back in Rocky’s name. If she didn’t want to keep it, she could find another owner.

  His father had been calling for Banyan to take his rightful place for many years, and since Urijah had denied him again, Banyan was left with no other choice. Moving his hand from Mjölnir to his pocket, Banyan fingered the letter he had written to Urijah. The last words he would ever write to his mate. It would be added to the stack of letters he had penned for his mate ever since he was a small boy and didn’t know how to talk to his then best friend. Hundreds of sheets of paper. Thousands of words yet unread by anyone but him.

  Rafael made his way before each male, fisting his heart. Banyan returned the gesture and said, “It is my honor.” Once the King had made his way through the fifty Gargoyles headed to Greece, Frey and Urijah stepped up to go over the plans. Banyan kept his eyes on Frey and his mind off Urijah. He had been in battle before, but never as a Gargoyle against other Goyles. It was imperative they all be on the same page, lest they fall. Banyan had never fought on a losing side, and he didn’t plan on it this time. He also wasn’t ready to give up his head just yet. He would get through the next few weeks, fighting for his King and keeping all the males safe. Even Finley. Then he would say goodbye to life as he knew it.

  “Have you seen the news?” Nik asked Julian as they unloaded the small trailer.

  “Not today, why?”

  “Landon’s plan to have Joseph Long arrested worked. It’s all over the news that the Deputy Director was behind framing Katherine for the weapons as well as selling secrets to foreign governments. There are so many charges being brought up against the man he’ll never see the outside of FSM once he’s there. The spokesperson for the FBI issued an on-air apology to Katherine until they could find her to personally speak to her.”

  “That was fast work. I don’t know if I trust them enough to leave her alone, though.”

  “I understand, Brother. Maybe give it some time to die down before you allow anyone near her.”

  When Julian carried a box inside, Katherine and Sophia were sitting side-by-side on the sofa watching the news report. Sophia was holding Kat’s hand as if they’d been friends for years instead of days. He was not only blessed to have the perfect mate, but he had the perfect family as well. Placing the box on the dining room table, Julian returned to the living room and stood behind Kat with his hands on her shoulders as they watched a repeat of Joseph Long’s arrest play out over the large screen. When the reporter began talking about a different topic, Kat looked up at Julian and smiled. “It’s over now, and I can be me all the time.”

  “You sure can, Sweetheart.”

  “Anybody home?” Trevor’s voice called from the front door. Where he normally would have walked right in, Jasper’s mate hesitated. Julian hadn’t told him Katherine was ready to talk to him, so he wasn’t sure why the man was there.

  “I’m sorry to barge in like this, but I saw the news, and I wanted to check on Katherine. I can leave…”

  Kat stood from the sofa. “Come on in, Trevor. We were just watching it ourselves. Are you okay? You seem sad.”

  “Jasper’s at the training field with the other Gargoyles who are going off to Greece. Dante’s covering the morgue today, Matthew’s at school, and I…”

  “You don’t have to have an excuse to visit. Besides, you and I have a lot to talk about.”

  Julian didn’t have to reach out to gauge Kat’s mood. The smile she gave Trevor was genuine. His mate was as strong as they came. While Kat and Trevor retreated to the area out back, Julian and Nikolas finished unpacking the trailer, and Sophia helped with the small things Nik would allow her to carry..

  “How’s she really doing?” Nik asked.

  “She is strong. I think meeting her mother helped heal a small part of her that had been hurting for a long time. Nora may never be able to speak to Kat, but having her in her life will be good for both women.” Julian told Nik and Sophia about meeting Stefano Costello, how he admitted to killing Tobias and Emma Fox, as well as Joseph Long being Tobias’s brother.

  “That’s great, Brother. The charges are being dropped, and now you know why she was framed in the first place.”

  “I would give anything if Katherine hadn’t endured the torture. I still want to go after Long as well as the female guard who tortured her.”

  “I understand. If it had happened to Sophia–”

  The rumble of two motorcycles cut Nikolas off. Gregor and Tessa rolled up beside the Vette and parked their Harleys. “We heard the good news and thought we’d come congratulate Katherine ourselves,” Tessa said as she removed her helmet.

  “I thought there was a meeting at the training field for those going to Greece,” Nik said.

  “There was. Once Urijah finally showed up, it was short. Rafe wanted to thank everyone for their loyalty to the Clan and to offer his best wishes,” Gregor replied.

  “Where is Tamian?” Julian asked Tessa. “I would like to thank him again for his part in rescuing Katherine.”

  “He took off for Greece. He wants to do a little recon of his own before we head that way. He thinks he can get close to Alistair without the dickhead realizing it.”

  “I didn’t think any half-bloods were going to fight,” Julian admitted.

  “Tamian’s special. Somehow, with Jonas’s blood added to the mix, my brother is as strong as a full-blooded Gargoyle. His skin isn’t quite as thick, but other than that, he might as well be one of you.”

  “That’s amazing,” Nik said.

  “He’s amazing,” Tessa gushed. The two of them must have gotten over their squabble in Texas. “Now, where’s that beautiful mate of yours? I want to make sure you’ve been treating her right since I last saw you.” Tessa winked, letting Julian know she was joking.

  “She is out back with Trevor and Sophia.”

  “Oh, goodie. The boy wonder is here,” she said, smacking her hands together as she headed toward the house.

  Gregor grinned at his mate and kept his eyes locked on her until she was out of sight. Julian used to wonder how that would feel, but now he knew. He couldn’t take his eyes off Katherine when she was around, either.

  “Are you really taking Tessa with you to Greece?” Julian asked.

  “Sure am. I won’t let her anywhere near the battlefield, but she and Tamian can communicate via their minds better than she and I can. He’ll be able to relay messages to her, and she can pass them on to me.”

  “When are you leaving?” Nik asked their cousin.

  “We are traveling in shifts, taking both company jets. Two groups leave out tomorrow, and the other two as soon as the jets return and refuel on Thursday evening. Kaya has offered to let the mates whose Gargoyles are going to stay at the manor until the war is over so they won’t be alone.”

  “That’s not a bad idea. I know I would want Katherine to be protected should I have to leave for any reason.”

  “Rocky is already at the manor, and Abbi and Amelia are staying there as well, but Matthew wanted to stay wherever Trevor was to keep him company, so they will be staying at Dante’s.”

  “Sophia and I will be happy to help out as well. Do you have any idea how long you’ll be gone?” Nik asked.

  “We’re hoping it will be over in less than a week, but that’s best case scenario. Rafael wants us in and out as quickly as possible as do the rest of us, but we also want to make sure we go in with the best plan of action to ensure we all come home alive.”

  “I’ll be behind the computers helping any way I can.”

afe told us about Landon. Do you still think it’s possible he is really Achilles?”

  “Anything is possible. I only pray if he is Achilles, he no longer works for Alistair. The Goyle could ruin everything for us. In his letter, he said he was going after his mate, so let’s hope that is the case and his mate keeps him busy and out of our computers, at least for a while.”

  “Truth, Brother. Truth. Now, let’s get this trailer unloaded so we can celebrate,” Gregor said.

  Julian thought that was a wonderful idea. But there was something he wanted to do, so he asked Nik and Gregor to finish unloading and to keep an eye on his mate while he ran an errand.

  Katherine and Trevor made their way to the same bench they had shared a couple of days before. This time she had no plan to chat with the statue. “I want to apologize for the other night,” Trevor said when they were seated.

  “I’m sorry too. I handled things badly. Can I ask you something?”

  “You can ask me anything, except maybe anything to do with Jasper’s manhood, because let me tell you, I don’t share.” Katherine choked out a laugh, and Trevor said, “Sorry. I sometimes say inappropriate things when I’m nervous.” His cheeks were flush with embarrassment, but his easygoing demeanor warmed her to him even more.

  “Don’t be nervous. It’s just me, Katherine. Before I was arrested, I was proud of who I was. Katherine Fox, investigative reporter. I had the world by the balls, or so I thought. Now…” Kat was Julian’s mate, but other than that, she didn’t know who she was. “How does it make you feel?”

  “Being a clone?” he asked. Kat nodded, and he shrugged. “Honestly? I still find it hard to fathom I was created only because my brother had a bad heart, not because my parents wanted me. My mother still doesn’t. She’s made that clear on so many occasions. Having Travis for a brother made it easier, though. He loved me for me, not for what I could potentially give him. And now with Jasper, he makes me feel special every day. What about you? I know it’s only been two days, but are you okay with finding out you’re a clone?”

  “It’s not just that I’m a clone. My past is quite a bit more convoluted than yours. I was created for the same reason, because my sister was sick, only I was given up for adoption. My sister, the real Katarina, became ill when she was a year and a half old, but there was nothing the doctors could do for her, even having me alive, so my father swapped us. How crazy is that?” Kat twisted her hands in her lap without looking at Trevor. The knowledge of her past was still new. Freshly gifted words that weren’t a gift at all, but a reminder of how her life was one big lie. And it hurt.

  “He just gave a dying baby to the people who adopted you?”

  Kat nodded, keeping her head down so he wouldn’t see her blinking back the tears. She had been strong with Julian, but now that she was sharing her story with a kindred spirit, it was harder to keep her true feelings at bay. “Yes. But it gets worse. When I was four, my father was murdered, and I was raised by the killer as his own kid. Then the murderer was murdered by my godfather, and I was sent into the foster system.” When Trevor gasped, Kat looked over at him.

  His mouth opened and closed several times before he found his voice. “Holy shit on a shingle, Batgirl. You weren’t kidding.” Trevor turned on the bench to fully face her, his expression serious. “I don’t know what to say. That’s just crazy. But at least you have Julian. You and he have done the deed, and you can now see colors, right?”

  “I am so not talking about my sex life with you.”

  “Not the deed, but the deed. You completed the mate bond.”

  “Oh, that. Yes, we did. But what are you talking about seeing colors?”

  “Most clones are color blind.”

  Kat shook her head. “I guess I’m the exception to the rule. I’ve always been able to see colors.”

  “Huh. You were one of the lucky ones. And now you’re mated to a badass who happens to be a genius. That has to make you feel better.”

  “Does it? If Julian was a human and had chosen me because he thought I was pretty or interesting, maybe it would help. He said he trusts the fates and the gods have made the right choice. I guess I have to trust him.”

  “I understand what it’s like to feel less than. When I found out I was Jasper’s mate, I wanted nothing to do with it. I mean, who was I – Trevor the clone, Trevor the fuck-up, Trevor the nerd with tattoos and purple hair – to be mated to a god? I wasn’t worthy of someone like him. He didn’t deserve to be stuck with someone like me, you know? I didn’t deserve diddly squat, while he deserved so much more. I couldn’t understand why he would want to be with me, especially after seeing his exes. They were who I would expect a male like Jasper to have in his life, not a scrawny kid. But a couple of really smart females made me see that even though the mate doesn’t always feel worthy, the fates do know best.”

  “You met his ex-lovers?” Kat had no desire to meet anyone Julian would have chosen to take to bed. She wouldn’t want that comparison.

  “You could say that. I think it’s time you heard my story.” Trevor spent the next hour telling Katherine how he found out about the Gargoyles, killing Abbi’s husband, Jasper being poisoned, and Tessa’s cousin, who was a witch, saving Jasper.

  “Oh, my god, Trevor! You killed a man?” she whisper yelled when he stopped talking. “Are you okay with that?”

  “He was threatening Jasper and Matthew. It wasn’t premeditated; I just reacted. And yes, I’m okay with it. Before I met Jasper, I didn’t understand how people could kill so easily. Now, I do. When your family is threatened, your instincts take over and you protect them, fuck the consequences.”

  Katherine thought back to what Stefan said. Maybe she had judged him too harshly for taking out the Foxes. “So do you feel worthy now?” Kat had to know, because she wasn’t sure she felt that way or ever would.

  “I’m getting there. Jasper tells me every day how lucky he is to have me in his life, and then he shows me.” The smile on Trevor’s face as he looked off into the trees let Katherine know where his mind had gone. To his mate. She couldn’t blame him. Jasper was hot. But not as hot as Julian.

  As if her thoughts conjured him, Julian appeared at the back door. He didn’t move to come her way, but he did stand there until she smiled. When he smiled back, her heart beat a little harder in her chest. Without knowing it, Julian was helping Kat to feel a little worthy.

  Sophia had given them alone time, but she finally padded barefoot to where they were, carrying a tray with drinks. A few minutes later, the roar of motorcycles sounded at the front of the house, and Trevor grinned. “I’ll bet that’s my second favorite redhead. Well, third now that you’re here, but don’t tell her she’s been bumped down.”

  Katherine had no idea what Trevor was going on about until Tessa bounded out the back door looking every bit the badass biker she was. “Yo, Nerd Boy, quit hogging our girl.”

  “Okay, maybe you can tell her.”

  “Tell me what?” Tessa asked as she stopped in front of them.

  “That your hair looks nice,” he deadpanned.

  Tessa flipped her long hair over her shoulder. “Nice try, Boy Wonder.”

  Once Tessa arrived, she and Trevor traded barbs and had Kat and Sophia rolling. If Kat didn’t know better, she would swear Trevor was Tessa’s younger brother. Their good-natured banter was fun and lightened an otherwise somber mood. Trevor’s mate was going off to war. Even though he had seen Jasper fight with a sword when he defeated Theron, Trevor was still nervous. Tessa was excited at the prospect of going after ‘the dickhead’ as she called Alistair. “I’m tired of him messing with my family,” she said.

  Katherine didn’t have to wonder why Tessa felt so strongly, either. As she sat in her backyard with three other mates, she felt the same connection to them as they did each other. In such a short amount of time, she had become part of a large family. A family that had each other’s backs, no matter how long they had known one another.

  “Hey, Kaya,
” Trevor said, instantly sobering Katherine. She swung her head around, and sure enough, Kaya Kane was walking toward them.

  “Trevor, how are you?” the pretty blonde asked.

  “If I was any better, I’d be triplets,” he sassed.

  “You know we can barely handle one of you, much less three,” Kaya quipped back.

  “And you know you love me, Queeniepoo.”

  Katherine sucked in a breath at the way he joked about her title, but Kaya laughed and shook her head. Katherine stood from the bench she was sharing with Sophia and held out her hand. “Kaya, it’s good to see you again.” She held her breath as she waited for the scowl Kaya usually gave her to come, but in its place was a glowing smile.

  “We’re family now. I think we’re past a handshake.” Kaya stepped up to Kat and gave her a warm embrace. Kat was stunned, but she hugged the woman back as well as she could around Kaya’s protruding belly. “Things will be getting hectic in the next few days, so while we were out, we thought we’d stop by. Rafael and I both wanted to come see how you are doing. I hope that’s okay.”

  And there it was again, that acceptance that let Katherine know she’d made the right decision in choosing to be with Julian. Julian alone was enough for her, but the family was an added bonus. “It’s more than okay, Kaya. I’m glad you’re here. Please, have a seat with Sophia and tell me about your baby.”

  Kaya sat next to Nik’s mate, and Kat thought the two of them with their bellies sticking out was a beautiful sight. Julian?

  Yes, Sweetheart?

  When you’re finished inside, will you bring me your camera?

  On my way.

  Within a minute, Julian was walking out the backdoor with his camera like she asked. “If Kaya and Sophia don’t mind, I’d like to get a photo of the two of them together.”

  Julian took the time to show her which settings would work best with the lighting, and Kat took a few pictures. When the other males came outside, she was formally introduced to the King of the Stone Society, but once he had fisted his heart and vowed his loyalty to her, he became Rafe, Julian’s cousin. Julian and Nik brought drinks and snacks outside, and they all spent the rest of the afternoon talking and getting to know Katherine. She continued snapping picture after picture. She wanted to preserve that day and be able to look back on it, and not only in her mind.


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